Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
List of topics covered in this blog post
* Coach K explains basketball manipulation attacks on the integrity of the BRAIN
potassium K-channel neurotransmitter SOFTWARE languages
* acetylcholine and the manipulation of Julius Burton;s brain VIA neuroscience approved MUSIC brain programming schemes in Milwaukee
* the AceH molecule government
* the O.J. .. BART SIMPSON trial with Coach house ...
Coach Kato ( Potassium K atom agent)
* Franz Kafka ... the TRIAL
* K channel spikes VIA basketball spikes
* Basketball game commands to gametes / genetics manipulation tricks
* genes conflict at TOWN of Genesee ..... Kathryn Stalbaum
* Iowa Farmers explain I/O and the EM field
* Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) agent Hollenbeck
* BEC -->Samuel Beckett ..... Waiting for Godot
* Beckett --> Kettle Moraine High School failure
* Waukesha Wisconsin community .... nity technology
* song ..another Brick in the Wall
* the Brick and Plasters union .... set theory union of CONCEPT sets
* Thought Control
* Brick Cheese of Wisconsin ..sin wave LINK to Dirac coffin ... data brick
* Milwaukee ..... Golda Meir LINKS Wisconsin sin waves to Sinai Peninsula
* bio-math 4-legged sin wave camels
* Nike explains Nitrogen key
* corn cobs and corn kernels
* Martin Luther 95 theses expressed by 95 day corn
* the Wittenburg problems of Princeton University and Ed Witten
* morals and M orbital morals
* Oxygen molecule 32 and its October address space at the
Octagon House in Watertown Wisconsin
* COMPUTER EARTH and corn kernel data processing systems
..... LINUX kernel
* Linux storage using farm corn bins
* Quantum tunnels
* Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen message
* Podiatry / walking data entry of Computer Earth
* Wisconsin brain STEM ..STEM programs for bio-radio ...
Radio Head humanoids
* nucleotides
* Semitism ..... language problems ...semantics
* Jewish religion, MOSES, and the burning Bush ..Bedroom hot bush hairs
* Alfred Korzybski explains BS languages
* velocity of light 180,000 + 6,000
* radicals
* Wisconsin HIGHWAY 16 and the world wide MILK/protein wars
* Milk dump ..... September 15, 2009
* Max Planck TIME .... computer dump ... 43 million gallons
* Milwaukee battle at I-43
* murder of Junior Seau age 43 in the milk PROTEIN MACHINE wars
* Police Chief F explains
* Junior Rosseau Seau
* Oxygen molecule 32
* codes ... AUG start codes, Lafayette,
* copper 29 electrons and the Mexico 120 foot quantum tunnel
* Sam Hengel murder ..code 23
* Jeremy Wand rigged trail
* Manafort explains
* Wall Street Journal cover-ups
* Donald Duck Trumpet .... expression system methods
* X-file TV show and Fox Mulder
* Robert Mueller explains ROB code ....... mic.ROB.iology social laws
* sub-conscious mind
* Mueller investigates Russia ... code Russ ... Bertrand Russell
* John T Scopes trial in year 1925
* amino acid telescopes
* the MONKEY TRIAL over neo-cortex software
* the rigged Ringling Circus trial over the Animal House movie
* I-35 W Bridge collapse
* Chess rook wars in Brookfield
* Jerry March organic chemistry ... military actions
* sugar molecule agent Albert Chow
* wisconsin sin wave.. EARTH surface
* Paul dir.AC ....... alternating cycles
* Paul Dirac coffin database in the earth wormhole / grave
* array
* Freedom marchs for sanity napkins / menstruation BRAINS
* Carl Jung GROUP MIND words/ language
* National Assembly words
* Salvador Dali ..... First Days of Spring
* Hooke's Law and Sandy Hook shooting
* Springfield Massachusetts murders
* Alfred Gaynor
* Infra-red bedroom SKIN languages
* code words.... by Eric Felton
* sino-Japanese WAR replay in Las Vegas casino ... 58 dead
* Harmonics and sound waves
* Monica Lewinsky
* EAR people and their audio nerve ..... information VOID
* Pulse nightclub Or = Orfice wars in Or = Orlando
* John von Neumann battle in Orlando
* World's fair in Flushing Queens in year 1964
* Sates of Mind
* Um --> rect.UM battle at UM --> UMpqua college
* Rose Kennedy and Roseburg Oregon
* Watertown Wisconsin ignores message codes
* Hayakawa and Bessie the Cow at
TETZ farms / Bethesda Lutheran Homes protein ERRORS
... the Sept 16,2009 milk dump
* 14th Dalia Lama problems with TSO atr UW Madison
* Alice cryptology
* math neighborhood of Diane Borchardt
* FourFold Roots of Reason
* Paul Dirac
* Archie Loeb codes of Watertown .....
.iron 26 alphabet and cellulose / paper with Miller Auto parts
..... calculus integration by parts done by Karl Henry Z. with
Henry Miller books and Arthur Miller plays
* Rosy Crucifixion by Henry Miller and the grain/brain
* Nixon square matrices
* Square root of minus 1
* Gina Lollobrigida explains
* Paul Dirac ... Schrodinger Dead / Alive
* 221B Baker Street music of BB king
* Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King
* Evans .. atomic nucleus
* Copper metal and David Copperfield
* PBS em-field instructions CREATE James Holmes
* atomic mass unit
* Hertz waves and Hertz automobile rental
* 18 mile buffer
* Tyre and Tyrosine
* Sinai sin waves
* ancient word codes
* MOS circuits of electron orbitals with General MOS
* ancient proton-hellenic languages
* Tami Rice explain mirrors
Carl Jung - The Archetypes and the atomic / molecular Collective Unconscious of a community or society (GROUP MIND) that elects a President or Congressman
Carl Jung summary - Sonoma State University
Jung believed that an atomic, bio-physics human being is inwardly whole, but that most of us have lost ... atomic Collective unconscious: That aspect of the atomic unconscious which manifests .
We review Nature’s EARTH geography regions and the people DEMO messages at those locations. For example, Nature's EARTH LAB in year 1957 ....
blood Heme group IRON-57 isotope and the year 1957 .... math integration by parts became a major project of Nature’s brain engineering projects for the advancement of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.
This INTERNAL brain ROCKET SCIENCE project was announced to the world VIA the EXTERNAL display events in LITTLE ROCK(ET) , Arkansas at Central High School
… a geography location with Central Nervous System education facilities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
K ions.
Inside. Neurons, like all cells, maintain different concentrations of certain ions (charged atoms) across their cell membranes. Imagine the case of a boat with a small leak below the water line. In order to keep the boat afloat, the small amount of water entering through the leak has to be pumped out, which ...
K Channel.
K ions.
Inside. Neurons, like all cells, maintain different concentrations

generated during a basketball game ....
cause an opening of ligand-gated sodium ion channels.
As a result, sodium ions flow in and the cell becomes less negative on the inside.
When we talk about acetylcholine,
it activates ACh receptor sites and ligand gated sodium ion channels open.
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about ace ..expression systems
bio-computer CHIP on HIS SHOULDER .....
fired over his shoulder at them
while riding his bicycle
Tuesday along S. 2nd St., according to a
acetylcholine molecule..... criminal complaint.
fired over his shoulder at them
while riding his bicycle
Tuesday along S. 2nd St., according to
the music instructions implanted into his
.. ROTE programming / repeated playing
the music commands and instructions
on the radio to program
the human bio-computer molecules ... and their thoughts and behavior
I want to ride it where I like
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle
(I want a) bicycle race
You say coke I say caine
You say John I say Wayne
Hot dog I say cool it man
I don't wanna be the President of America
You say smile I say cheese
Cartier I say please
Income tax I say Jesus
I don't wanna be a candidate
For Vietnam or Watergate
'Cause all I want to do is
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle (c'mon), bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like (to in Milwaukee)
it activates ACh receptor sites
it activates ACh receptor sites
it activates ACh / AceH .... receptor sites .....
Jun 10, 2017 - On June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson, famous football player O.J. Simpson's ex-wife, and her friend Ron Goldman are brutally stabbed to death outside Nicole's home in Brentwood, California, in what quickly becomes one of the most highly publicized trials of the century. With overwhelming evidence
Jun 11, 2014 - Kato Kaelin was staying at OJ Simpson's property on June 12, 1994, the night Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman were murdered; Kaelin said testifying at Simpson's trial changed his life: 'I was Kato the character. Still to this day I can't believe some of the hate'; The bit-part actor said that ...
Jul 18, 2017 - O.J. Simpson was sent to prison nearly nine years ago, and though much in the world has changed one thing hasn't: Kato Kaelin is still getting laughs. The current Twitter bio for Kaelin, who lived in Simpson's
UPDATE: Police release new details in the whole journey .....
If anyone sees Stalbaum or has any information to her whereabouts they are asked to contact the Waukesha County Communication Center at 262-446-5090. At Kettle Moraine High ...
Get the best info on local bricklaying services.
Get the best info on local bricklaying services.
Get the best info on local ........ laying ... vices. › Pro Ratings & Reviews › Wisconsin › Waukesha
Hire the Best Brick and Stone Masonry Contractors in Waukesha, WI on HomeAdvisor. We Have 261 Homeowner Reviews of Top Waukesha Brick and Stone Masonry Contractors. Get Quotes and Book Instantly.
Bricklayers, Masons & Plasterers International Union of America, Local ...
Local 14 of the Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union of America was organized on March 1, 1902, in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Local 8 was headquartered in Milwaukee. The records consist of account ledgers, receipt books, constitutions, clearance certificates, and 50th anniversary program/minutes for Local ...
Meaning: "coated with plaster," late 14c., past-participle adjective from plaster (v.). Slang meaning "very drunk" attested by 1912,… See more definitions.
Jan 10, 2012 - “Plastered,” in addition to simply meaning “covered with plaster,” is a popular synonym for “very drunk.” According to slang etymologist Paul Dickson, “drunk” bears the distinction of having more synonyms than any other word in English.
Pink Floyd
We don't need no education
cheese from Wisconsin, U
S, made in brick-shaped form. The color ranges from pale yellow to white, and the cheese has a sweet and mild flavor when young, and matures into a strong ripe cheese with age. It is a medium-soft cheese.
Production process · Regulations & FDA Codes
cheese from Wisconsin, USA is made
in brick-shaped
... quantum Paul Dirac COFFIN form ......
Wisconsin ...
............ sin wave LINK
... quantum
Nikola Tesla's Earth quake (quantum key) signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil.
code --> Ni + ke --> Nitrogen key .... DNA nitrogenous bases
Ninety-five Theses problems of
The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences are a list of propositions for an academic disputation written in 1517 by Martin Luther,
professor of moral theology evolution
- Oct 31, 1517 - HISTORY of
On this day in 1517, the priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. In his theses, Luther condemned the excesses and corruption of the Roman ...
Overview[edit]. The two main areas of the Linux storage subsystem are the filesystems layer —including the virtual file system— and the storage devices support layer. Together, they implement how the kernel retrieves data from and stores data to secondary memory devices such as hard disks, magnetic tapes, optical discs ...
Overview · File systems · Page cache · Block device layer
The Linux Kernel/Storage -
The Linux Kernel/Storage -
The Linux Kernel/Storage ... COMPUTER EARTH systems -
Three general architectures cover the vast majority of models:
green with a large yellow diamond in the center bearing a blue celestial globe with 27 white five-pointed stars; the globe has a white equatorial band with the motto ORDEM E PROGRESSO (Order and Progress); the current flag was inspired by the banner of the former Empire of Brazil (1822-1889); on the imperial flag, the ...
Quantum tunnelling .... battle reports - Wikipedia
Jump to Tunnel junction - Quantum tunnelling or tunneling (see spelling differences) is the quantum mechanical phenomenon where a particle tunnels through a barrier that it classically could not surmount.
Quantum tunneling of water · Tunnel diode · Rectangular potential barrier
Code word--> Pod
Semitism | Define Semen ..... penis thoughts
Exodus 3 - Moses and the
Moses and the Burning Bush - Now Moses was tending
Q & A: why is speed of light 186,000 mph ....
“Young Earth” creationists interpret the Genesis account to mean that the universe was created 6,000 years ago. ... In fact, evidence is found throughout “all Scripture.” .... Scientific Proof. Christians should not run from science. While scientists do not always interpret the data correctly, certain concepts and fundamental laws ...
, evidence is found throughout “all Scripture.” .
, evidence is found throughout “all Scripture.” .
, evidence is found throughout “all Sc --> Sub-conscious MIND scripture .” .
Q & A: why is speed of light 6,000 mph? |
May 22, 2012 - Einstein's theory of special relativity sets of the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second (300 million meters per second).

May 2, 2012 - OCEANSIDE, Calif. -- Junior Seau, a homegrown superstar who was the fist- pumping, emotional leader of the San Diego Chargers for 13 years, was found shot to death at his home Wednesday morning in what police said appeared to be a suicide.
September 16 .... WORLD WAR 3
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's ...
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's ...
Police Chief Frank McC --> said
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's ...
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's ...
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's .....
.......................................... .. RousSeau LINK

How did Junior Seau pass away?
How did Junior Seau pass away?
How did Junior RouSeau pass his free time ... reading?
codes --> AUG 29 six six-teen 56,000 23,000 Lafayette
codes --> AUG
codes --> 29
codes --> AUG 29 --> start the copper 29 wars
Route 29 Stalker | Unsolved Mysteries of
Mar 2, 2017 - But they've never found her killer. Investigators say they are still looking for the Rt. 29 Stalker, who tried to stop twenty or more women along the highway and ultimately kidnapped and murdered Alicia Showalter Reynolds. "Talented, kind, gentle soul," said her mother, Sadie Showalter, her voice breaking.
codes --> AUG 29 --> start the
copper 29 quantum escape tunnel
Atomic Mass escape: 29 suspected atomic number
...... cartel members break out of
Mar 24, 2017 - El Chapo may be gone from Mexico, but tunnel-aided escapes by inmates are alive and well. ADVERTISEMENT. On Wednesday, 29 suspected drug cartel
members used a 120-foot tunnel to escape from a state prison in the northern Mexico border state of Tamaulipas, authorities said. One of the inmates, ...
codes --> AUG 29 six six-teen
codes --> 56,000 23,000
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student killed
Nov 30, 2010 - A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School died on Tuesday morning as authorities try to piece together what made the teen snap. Fifteen-year-old Samuel Hengel burst into the school at around 2:30 p.m. EST Monday and held the hostages for about five hours.
codes --> Lafayette
Jeremy Wand convicted in the
XSD enables world-class research using x-rays by developing cutting edge x-ray instrumentation and techniques; pursues research in the physical, chemical, environmental, and materials sciences
codes --> Lafayette
Nature's military Forces and the
The Wall ... and the audio nerve of the
What is the Collective Unconscious of the
, he later ...
betweener and a ...
TXF: "Pilot", et al.) He was dismissed from the FBI in 2001 and, in 2002, he went on the run from the law with his former partner, Dana Scully. (TXF: "Vienen", "The ...
Mueller, 73, took over the federal government’s probe into alleged collusion between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials in ...
The Scopes Trial, also known as a the Scopes Monkey Trial, was the 1925 prosecution of science teacher John Scopes for teaching evolution in a Tennessee public school, which a recent bill ... Scopes wasn't clear on whether he had precisely taught the subject, but was sure he'd used materials that included evolution.
, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which had made it unlawful to ...
Nature's organic molecule SOFTWARE language used by
,,, a new humanoid .... BORN neo-tex ..... text/code
' use of bullhooks and leg tethers on its endangered Asian elephants constituted ...
Ringling Brothers Circus rigged trial

... thus the Sartre existential wars on the EARTH geography/ land surface
--> organic social chemistry
Brookfield Salon CHESS revenge site
Squad car video involving spa shooter released. The Brown Deer Police Department is under an independent review, after reports show a long history of police calls to Radcliffe Haughton's home, including a stand-off that ended without an arrest. More>> ...
C6H12O sugar molecule thoughts
CH agent Albert CH .... CHOW
Sandy Hook Elementary School ....
the Isaac Newton gravity field/ mass relationship area of
the EARTH geography surface at
Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members. Prior to driving to the school, he shot and killed his mother at their Newtown ...
family THOUGHT engineering
.... command languages
male (biology post office ... Mr. mail carrier)
in a marital relationship. The rights and obligations of a husband regarding his spouse and others, and his status in the community and in law, vary between cultures and have varied over time. In monogamous cultures, there are only two parties to a marriage.
#pussy crack. Top Definition. the pussy aftershock. a most severe camel toe... the indentation that extends upwards from the vaginal area that can be seen through a females trousers. in general, the "aftershock's" measure via a thick trouser material (I.E. JEANS) that creates a more visible and deeper indentation denotes a ...
Convicted serial murderer ......
Mar 17, 2009 - The Republican file photo/DON TREEGERAlfred L. Gaynor is sworn in in Worcester Superior court during a hearing. SPRINGFIELD - Convicted serial murderer Alfred J. Gaynor told law enforcement officials in December he was sorry for what he did and his actions in raping and killing five women were ...

code words-->
American Revolution ....contested legacy
American Revolution ....contested legacy
Toilet Synonyms ..
American Revolution ....contested legacy
American Revolution .... .... test leg
--> the music industry wave ATTACK
The Clinton–Lewinsky scandal was an American political sex scandal that involved 49-year-old President Bill Clinton and
......monica lewinsky ....... messenger ..... the audio / sound wave wars
What is meant by harmonic distortion?
The total harmonic distortion (THD) is a measurement of the harmonic distortion present in a signal and is defined as the ratio of the sum of the powers of all harmonic components to the power of the fundamental frequency. Distortion factor, a closely related term, is sometimes used as a synonym.
..... bragging citizens and reporter
that is a positive integer multiple of the frequency of the original wave, known as the fundamental frequency. The original wave is also called the 1st harmonic, the following harmonics are known as higher harmonics.
Orlando nightclub shooting:
between Hollywood scientific realists and Emily POST postmodernist critics,
about the nature of scientific theory and intellectual inquiry
into newspaper BS explanations of EVENTS.
They took place principally in the United States in the 1990s in the academic and mainstream press. Scientific realists (such as Norman Levitt, Paul R.
Orlando workplace ,,,,,,
Jun 6, 2017 - A former Fiamma ,,, intellectual IDIOT co-worker
wrote in a pair of 2014 court filings that John Robert Neumann Jr.
was a “danger to our community” and showed a “pattern of abuse” that was known among other employees. The co-worker's fears became a reality Monday morning when Neumann went to the business on ...
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a 26- year-old enrolled at the school
---> message codes
--> ROUTE to the
communications HUB of Hubbleton, Wisconsin ... sin wave signals
of Nikola Tesla .... the Milwaukee to Madison region.
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a 26- year-old enrolled at the school
October --> route OCT to --> Octagon House
O = Octagon House .....
Expand your Bull-shit and bragging mind.
triangular rooms in the corners, a total of 32 rooms
triangular rooms in the corners, a total of 32 rooms
triangular rooms in the coronors, a total of FLOOR 32 rooms
October 1, 2015 ......
October 1 2 --> route to Octagon House and 12th Street plane geometry message VIA the data pipeline of the Piper Air Plane
landing upon the carbon 12 platform / existential plane
Code words .....
UCC campus --> UCC --> United Cooperative Corn farmers
in Watertown area
26- year-old enrolled at the school --> 26 -->
EARTH ferrous oxide iron core 26 protons and the
EARTH surface geography ....
Highway 26 and its
Fe = Ferrous iron .... 26 English alphabet with
Fe = Feeble minded farm/ agriculture workers
at Bethesda Lutheran Homes ......
TETZ farms and the
human PROTEIN molecule education site
using S.I. Haykawa's
4-legged Bessie the Cow MODEL
productive dairy and hog farm work ...
physical ROTE exercises to program the
.......... molecules with basic SOFTWARE
Europe's farmers dump milk to protest over
Sep 16, 2009 - Belgian milk producers pour about 3 million litres of milk on a field near the Belgian city of Ciney, in protest over a growing industrial dispute
over the human PROTEIN MACHINE war
base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16
Wayertown Wisconsin (sin function region )
September 16, 2009 ....S = System 16 with system Z test
---> Test Z at TETZ fa -->farms ..hex 'fa' =250 code
. European dairy farmers, fed up with low prices, gave out milk for free, blocked deliveries and prepared to throw away millions of ...
Belgian farmers dump milk in massive protest over
World Dairy Expo -
Oct 3, 2017 - World Dairy Expo (WDE) is the international dairy meeting place: a five day event showcasing the finest in dairy genetics and the newest technologies available to the dairy industry. This world class trade show features vendors from all over the world. Approximately 2200 head of dairy cattle will call the .
How to do dump analysis ....
... state of Wisconsin .. state of MIND
will oversee the transition plan
will oversee the transition plan
will oversee the ...... sit plan
Hum human feces in toilet ... are considered to be
toilet BOWL mathematical-physics SYMBOL and CONCEPT machine mapping to the super BOWL and
TSO/Earth commands and subcommands
During 10th visit to Madison, Dalai Lama
using Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco (LS MFT ) ....
Tenzin Gyatso, is expected to fill that role as he returns to Madison for the 10th time this week to participate Wednesday in a panel discussion on global well-being. The event in Capitol Theater at Overture Center is being convened
by the Center for Healthy (lazy BS) Minds,
the UW-Madison entity ...
Wisconsin Department of
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland (June 2014 - June, 2015),
recently was interviewed about her experience as "Alice."
, 29-year-old Diane settled in Jefferson, Wisconsin, a picturesque little town. Fister took a job as an office clerk and in a lumber mill. It was here that Fister met carpenter Ruben Borchardt. Soon Fister wed husband.
Rating: 66% - 212 votes
A quadratic equation is any equation in the form ax2 + bx + c = 0 where a ≠ 0. Though "finding the roots of a quadratic equation" may sound intimidating, it's not — "finding the roots" is just the same thing as solving the equation for x! Any quadratic equation can be solved with the formula x = (-b +/-√(b2 - 4ac))/2a.
Archie Loeb Watertown Wisconsin .... explains IRON
Architecture ......
hardware and software of ferrous oxide /iron 26 alphabet letters
..code words ... Paper and Mill shippers
--> information pointers to
--> cellulose paper books and the MILL author code
Henry Miller sought to reestablish the freedom to live without the conventional restraints of civilization. His books are potpourris of sexual descriptio...
.... secrets of BEDROOM language disease caused by
Dec 19, 2015 - Synopsis. American writer Henry Miller, born in Brooklyn, New York, is known for several 20th century works that reflect his own personal experiences, including Tropic of Cancer (1934), Black Spring (1936) and The Rosy Crucifixion Trilogy ( 1965). Miller's explicit and often obscene content led the way for a ...
Black Spring
Black Spring
Black Spring --> shooting in Blacksburg Virginia
spring of year 2007
... 32 dead students who failed
Virginia TECH English department awareness TEST
The Rosy Crucifixion Trilogy
The Rosy Crucifixion Trilogy
The Rosy --> Ro sy
--> Roselawn Cemetery system and
the Crucifixion Trilogy ..of
................. ixion .....
............... NixoN ....
and matrices President NiXoN ....
...............rice war zone
in Vietnam over
n by n square matrices....
N X N square matrices
--> pointer to the Dirac matrices
The Dirac matrices term -i -->
The Dirac matrices term -i -->
The Dirac matrices
term -i --> imagination ..... access to
............................ nation(s) ... of
dermi.nation .... effort .... will power ..thinking
expla.nation .... accurate outline of some EVENTS
The Dirac matrices
term -i --> imagination ..... access to
........................... gina
.... orbital of
........... ital --> italy ...... italian

* Wall Street Journal cover-ups
* Donald Duck Trumpet .... expression system methods
* X-file TV show and Fox Mulder
* Robert Mueller explains ROB code ....... mic.ROB.iology social laws
* sub-conscious mind
* Mueller investigates Russia ... code Russ ... Bertrand Russell
* John T Scopes trial in year 1925
* amino acid telescopes
* the MONKEY TRIAL over neo-cortex software
* the rigged Ringling Circus trial over the Animal House movie
* I-35 W Bridge collapse
* Chess rook wars in Brookfield
* Jerry March organic chemistry ... military actions
* sugar molecule agent Albert Chow
* wisconsin sin wave.. EARTH surface
* Paul dir.AC ....... alternating cycles
* Paul Dirac coffin database in the earth wormhole / grave
* array
* Freedom marchs for sanity napkins / menstruation BRAINS
* Carl Jung GROUP MIND words/ language
* National Assembly words
* Salvador Dali ..... First Days of Spring
* Hooke's Law and Sandy Hook shooting
* Springfield Massachusetts murders
* Alfred Gaynor
* Infra-red bedroom SKIN languages
* code words.... by Eric Felton
* sino-Japanese WAR replay in Las Vegas casino ... 58 dead
* Harmonics and sound waves
* Monica Lewinsky
* EAR people and their audio nerve ..... information VOID
* Pulse nightclub Or = Orfice wars in Or = Orlando
* John von Neumann battle in Orlando
* World's fair in Flushing Queens in year 1964
* Sates of Mind
* Um --> rect.UM battle at UM --> UMpqua college
* Rose Kennedy and Roseburg Oregon
* Watertown Wisconsin ignores message codes
* Hayakawa and Bessie the Cow at
TETZ farms / Bethesda Lutheran Homes protein ERRORS
... the Sept 16,2009 milk dump
* 14th Dalia Lama problems with TSO atr UW Madison
* Alice cryptology
* math neighborhood of Diane Borchardt
* FourFold Roots of Reason
* Paul Dirac
* Archie Loeb codes of Watertown .....
.iron 26 alphabet and cellulose / paper with Miller Auto parts
..... calculus integration by parts done by Karl Henry Z. with
Henry Miller books and Arthur Miller plays
* Rosy Crucifixion by Henry Miller and the grain/brain
* Nixon square matrices
* Square root of minus 1
* Gina Lollobrigida explains
* Paul Dirac ... Schrodinger Dead / Alive
* 221B Baker Street music of BB king
* Bobby Riggs and Billie Jean King
* Evans .. atomic nucleus
* Copper metal and David Copperfield
* PBS em-field instructions CREATE James Holmes
* atomic mass unit
* Hertz waves and Hertz automobile rental
* 18 mile buffer
* Tyre and Tyrosine
* Sinai sin waves
* ancient word codes
* MOS circuits of electron orbitals with General MOS
* ancient proton-hellenic languages
* Tami Rice explain mirrors
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
about atomic chemistry --> atom and molecule social chemistry expressions and the Carl Jung subconsciousness GROUP MIND secrets of the farmer/agriculture collective or university collective of students, professors, administrators, and electromagnetic(em ...employee) life forms
with EARTH LAB identifier em ( employees), gravity field life, and molecule human life forms.
Carl Jung - The Archetypes and the atomic / molecular Collective Unconscious of a community or society (GROUP MIND) that elects a President or Congressman
- .
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1968) Carl Jung
Why did primitive man go to such lengths to describe and interpret the happenings in the ...
Why did primitive man go to such lengths to describe and interpret the happenings in the ...
Carl Jung summary - Sonoma State University
Sonoma State University
We review Nature’s EARTH geography regions and the people DEMO messages at those locations. For example, Nature's EARTH LAB in year 1957 ....
blood Heme group IRON-57 isotope and the year 1957 .... math integration by parts became a major project of Nature’s brain engineering projects for the advancement of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.
This INTERNAL brain ROCKET SCIENCE project was announced to the world VIA the EXTERNAL display events in LITTLE ROCK(ET) , Arkansas at Central High School
… a geography location with Central Nervous System education facilities.
Nature is interested in the existence of integrated human beings ( that are using the calculus integration by parts … philosophical extension –> integration parts of concepts, ideas and facts to understand and explain Sartre existentialism and its applications).
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines - Collins Dictionaries › English DictionaryExample Sentences Including 'read between the lines'.Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford ...
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" ..... about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
A language world?
A certain view or perception of events?
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology
with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface
using 3-dimensional, vertical, standing humans and their behavior and daily activities.

Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings
... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Let’s look at an example of the SECRET codes embedded within a newspaper article about society and the atomic collective group mind.
Neurotransmitters and K-channel receptors
- University of Bristol explains the secrets of Coach K
K ions.
Inside. Neurons, like all cells, maintain different concentrations of certain ions (charged atoms) across their cell membranes. Imagine the case of a boat with a small leak below the water line. In order to keep the boat afloat, the small amount of water entering through the leak has to be pumped out, which ...
K Channel.
K ions.
Inside. Neurons, like all cells, maintain different concentrations

Actions of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurotransmitters - › Science › Physiology
ALL excitatory neurotransmitters cause an opening of ligand-gated sodium ion channels. As a result, sodium ions flow in and the cell becomes less negative on the inside. When we talk about acetylcholine, it activates ACh receptor sites and ligand gated sodium ion channels open › Science › Physiology
in other words .......
Basketball Actions of Coach K
..... Actions of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurotransmitters
in the basketball audience
- › Science › Physiology
generated during a basketball game ....
cause an opening of ligand-gated sodium ion channels.
As a result, sodium ions flow in and the cell becomes less negative on the inside.
When we talk about acetylcholine,
it activates ACh receptor sites and ligand gated sodium ion channels open.
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about acetylcholine,
When we talk about ace ..expression systems
Evaluation ordered for man with a
bio-computer CHIP on HIS SHOULDER .....
charged with shooting police
fired over his shoulder at them
while riding his bicycle
Tuesday along S. 2nd St., according to a
acetylcholine molecule..... criminal complaint.
fired over his shoulder at them
while riding his bicycle
Tuesday along S. 2nd St., according to
the music instructions implanted into his
.. ROTE programming / repeated playing
the music commands and instructions
on the radio to program
the human bio-computer molecules ... and their thoughts and behavior
Bicycle Race
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle (on 2nd Street)
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle (in Milwaukee)
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle (on 2nd Street)
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle (in Milwaukee)
I want to ride it where I like
You say black I say white
You say bark I say bite
You say shark I say hey man
Jaws was never my scene
And I don't like Star Wars
You say bark I say bite
You say shark I say hey man
Jaws was never my scene
And I don't like Star Wars
You say Rolls I say Royce
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord I say Christ
I don't believe in Peter Pan
Frankenstein or Superman
All I wanna do is
You say God give me a choice
You say Lord I say Christ
I don't believe in Peter Pan
Frankenstein or Superman
All I wanna do is
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle (motor bicycle in Waco Texas)
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle (motor bicycle with Wojciech Braszczok)
I want to ride my bicycle races are coming your way
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle (motor bicycle in Waco Texas)
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle (motor bicycle with Wojciech Braszczok)
I want to ride my bicycle races are coming your way
So forget all your duties oh yeah
Fat bottomed girls they'll be riding today
So look out for those beauties oh yeah
Fat bottomed girls they'll be riding today
So look out for those beauties oh yeah
On your marks get set go
Bicycle race bicycle race bicycle raceBicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle bicycle bicycle bicycle
(I want a) bicycle race
You say coke I say caine
You say John I say Wayne
Hot dog I say cool it man
I don't wanna be the President of America
You say smile I say cheese
Cartier I say please
Income tax I say Jesus
I don't wanna be a candidate
For Vietnam or Watergate
'Cause all I want to do is
Bicycle bicycle bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle, bicycle (c'mon), bicycle
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride my bike
I want to ride my bicycle
I want to ride it where I like (to in Milwaukee)
it activates ACh receptor sites
it activates ACh receptor sites
it activates ACh / AceH .... receptor sites .....
O.J. Simpson's ex-wife, Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman are murdered ...
Jun 10, 2017 - On June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson, famous football player O.J. Simpson's ex-wife, and her friend Ron Goldman are brutally stabbed to death outside Nicole's home in Brentwood, California, in what quickly becomes one of the most highly publicized trials of the century. With overwhelming evidence
OJ Simpson house guest Kato Kaelin speaks out on 20th anniversary ...
Jun 11, 2014 - Kato Kaelin was staying at OJ Simpson's property on June 12, 1994, the night Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman were murdered; Kaelin said testifying at Simpson's trial changed his life: 'I was Kato the character. Still to this day I can't believe some of the hate'; The bit-part actor said that ...
O.J. Simpson:
Whatever happened to key figures in language saga
...Coach House ..Kato ? - USA Today
Jul 18, 2017 - O.J. Simpson was sent to prison nearly nine years ago, and though much in the world has changed one thing hasn't: Kato Kaelin is still getting laughs. The current Twitter bio for Kaelin, who lived in Simpson's
guest coach house at the time of the 1994 murders of Simpson's former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and ...
...Coach House ..Kato
...Coach House ..Kato
...Coach House ..K atomic agent
The Role of Potassium Channels in the Regulation of Neurotransmitter ...
by LO Trussell - 2008 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
Beginning with work on neuromuscular junction and squid giant synapse (1–4), studies over nearly 50 years have shown that neurotransmitter release is acutely sensitive to K+ channel antagonists and to the duration of the presynaptic spike;
thus, K+ channels are essential determinants of synaptic strength.
... in other words
The Role of human Potassium K- Channel agent Kato
..... being broadcast on television channels during
the K = Kafka TRIAL of O.J. Simpson
in the Regulation of Neurotransmitter trivia, nonsense, and BS
by LO Trussell - 2008 - Cited by 4 - Related articles
Beginning with work on neuromuscular junction and squid giant synapse (1–4), studies over nearly 50 years have shown that neurotransmitter release is acutely sensitive to K+ channel antagonists and to the duration of the presynaptic spike; thus, K+ channels are essential determinants of synaptic
spike; thus, K+ channels
spike; thus, K+ channels
spike; thus, K+ channels
On a night when none of the Cats’ other big men could or would rebound – the Aggies scored 22 second-chance points, including the decisive bucket, on 20 offensive boards –
Humphries came off
the bench to help Kentucky erase
Humphries came off
the bench to help Kentucky erase
an eight-point deficit over the final dozen minutes of regulation. He gave his team the lead on an offensive rebound and two free throws with 1:50 left in overtime.
"He put his heart and soul into that game," guard Jamal Murray said.
spike; thus, K+ channels
spike; thus, K+ channels
spike; thus, K+ channels are essential determinants of synaptic
But then he spiked the ball
and fouled out of the game and chaos ensued. A&M hit a pair of free throws for the lead, then selected 6-11 freshman Skal Labissiere to shoot Humphries’ free throws on the other end – he made just one for a tie – and Aggies freshman Tyler Davis tipped in the game-winner at the horn.
"It's heartbreaking, that late in the game and we thought we had it," said UK point guard Tyler Ulis, whose 22 points and 11 assists led the comeback charge. "But things went wrong."
Coach K - Official Website of Coach Mike Krzyzewski
USA Basketball. Since 1979 Coach K has been involved as a Coach with 14 USA teams and has helped lead the U.S. to 10 gold medals, two silver medals and two bronze medals. Read More. Mike "Coach K" Krzyzewski is the Head Men's Basketball Coach at Duke University and the Head Coach of the USA Basketball ...
"Coach K" Krzyzewski is the Head Men's Basketball Coach
"Coach K" Krzyzewski is the Head Men's Basketball Coach
"Coach K" Krzyzewski is the Head Men's ask...........Coach .... questions?
What Coach K needs from his one-and-dones if Duke is to truly ...
Jan 26, 2018 - At some point between winning his fourth national title in 2010 and his fifth national title in 2015, Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski made a decision. His school was Duke, one of the most prestigious programs in college basketball history. And one of the most prestigious programs in college basketball history ...
His school was Duke
His school was Duke
His school was Duke .... (systems) Architecture
K atomic number 19 ..... RD into year 19 14
Arch Duke Ferdinand assassinated - Jun 28, 1914 -
On this day in 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife Sophie are shot to death by a Bosnian Serb nationalist during an official visit to the Bosnian capital of Sarajevo. ... On June 28, 1919, five years to the day after Franz Ferdinand’s death, Germany and the Allied ...
UPDATE: Police release new details in the whole journey .....
disappearance of Kathryn
and the game / gametes /genetics of Town of Genesee ....
representing Coach K ... basketball game ...
programming instructions to human gametes ....
Nov 7, 2013 - TOWN OF GENESEE (WITI) — The Waukesha County Sheriff's Department released more details Thursday, November 14th regarding Kathryn Stalbaum, the Waukesha County girl who was found safe in Chicago on Friday night, November 8th after being reported missing on November 5th. Prior to being ...
Kathryn Stalbaum Update: Missing Wis. girl, 15, found safe in Chicago ...
Nov 11, 2013 - Kathryn Stalbaum, who disappeared Nov. 5 while riding her bike to school, approached a Chicago police officer for help Friday.
secret agent code
--> Hollenbeck ...
--> Hollenbeck ...
..................bec --> beck --> Samuel BECKETT .
secret agent code
--> Hollenbeck ...
--> Hollenbeck ...
..................beck --> Samuel BECKETT
secret agent code
--> Hollenbeck ...
..................beck -->
Samuel BECKETT ..
.................. ....KETTLE Moraine High School
Waiting for Kathryn Stall/ delay/ hinder Stalbaum
Missing Kettle Moraine Student – The Arrowhead
Nov 25, 2013 - Fifteen- year- old Kathryn Stalbaum, a Kettle Moraine student disappeared Tuesday, November 5, on her way to school. Kathryn's whereabouts were unknown to her family and friends for three days. A thorough investigation was done, and it is confirmed that she left of her own free will. On the morning of ...
Search widens for missing Waukesha County teen - Wisn TV
Nov 7, 2013 - Severson also said
that possible sightings of the book/ play performance ..Waiting for Godot were reported elsewhere in the county,
are following all ..... approved permitted leads.
are following all ..... approved permitted leads.
Waukesha County Communication Center
Waukesha County Communication Center
Waukesha County ................ cat Center .....
the community ....
....................nity ... cover-up
the community ....
....................nity ... cover-up
Communication HUB
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)
The 10 Best Bricklaying Services in Waukesha, WI 2018 - Porch › WI › Waukesha
The most trusted bricklaying services in Waukesha are on Porch. See costs, licenses and reviews from friends and neighbors.
Get the best info on local bricklaying services.
Get the best info on local bricklaying services.
Get the best info on local bricklaying services.
Get the best info on local ........ laying ... vices.
12 Best Brick and Stone Masonry Contractors - Waukesha WI › Pro Ratings & Reviews › Wisconsin › Waukesha
Hire the Best Brick and Stone Masonry Contractors in Waukesha, WI on HomeAdvisor. We Have 261 Homeowner Reviews of Top Waukesha Brick and Stone Masonry Contractors. Get Quotes and Book Instantly.
Bricklayers, Masons & Plasterers International Union of America, Local ...
Local 14 of the Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers International Union of America was organized on March 1, 1902, in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Local 8 was headquartered in Milwaukee. The records consist of account ledgers, receipt books, constitutions, clearance certificates, and 50th anniversary program/minutes for Local ...
Plasterers International Union
Plasterers International Union ... union with drunken idiots
plastered | Origin and meaning of plastered by Online Etymology ...
Meaning: "coated with plaster," late 14c., past-participle adjective from plaster (v.). Slang meaning "very drunk" attested by 1912,… See more definitions.
Plastered « The Word Detective
Jan 10, 2012 - “Plastered,” in addition to simply meaning “covered with plaster,” is a popular synonym for “very drunk.” According to slang etymologist Paul Dickson, “drunk” bears the distinction of having more synonyms than any other word in English.
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)
Pink Floyd
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone
All in all it's just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
No dark sarcasm in the classroom
Teachers leave them kids alone
Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone
All in all it's just another brick in the wall
All in all you're just another brick in the wall
We don't need no education
We don't need no thought control
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)
Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)
Another Brick cheese in the Wall ....
Wisconsin STATE of MIND ...
Wisconsin cheese state .....
schemes and tricks (Part 2)
Wisconsin cheese state .....
schemes and tricks (Part 2)
cheese from Wisconsin, U
S, made in brick-shaped form. The color ranges from pale yellow to white, and the cheese has a sweet and mild flavor when young, and matures into a strong ripe cheese with age. It is a medium-soft cheese.
Production process · Regulations & FDA Codes
Brick cheese is a
cheese from Wisconsin, USA is made
in brick-shaped
... quantum Paul Dirac COFFIN form ......
Brick cheese .. configuration/ shape ... LINK to
Brick coffin
Brick coffin
Wisconsin ...
............ sin wave LINK
... quantum
Paul Dirac (alternating cycle electron)
.............. ac site ... COFFIN database
Wisconsin ...
............ sin wave LINK to
............ sin wave LINK to
Tallahasee master console ...Paul Dirac
.. allah ..... Quran leader .. Paul Dirac
.. allah ..... Quran leader .. Paul Dirac
and the Nikola Tesla EARTH vibration .. underground atomic energy ..... signaling system .....
Nikola Tesla's Earth quake (quantum key) signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil.
A vibration sent through the earth returns
an "echo signature" using t
he same principle as sonar.
This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
he same principle as sonar.
This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
sine wave of
Wisconsin connected to Sinai Peninsula region
.............sin ........................sin
Wisconsin connected to Sinai Peninsula region
.............sin ........................sin
connected per Golda Meir of Milwaukee
Above, bio-math, bio-math signaling device
a 4-legged bio-electronic device that walks
a 4-legged bio-electronic device that walks
on the EARTH sand (like a silicon dioxide electron PLATFORM .... printed circuit surface) ......
the above ground ... camel information display
helps Underwriter Labs .....explain the
......... Underground atomic soil circuits
Ninety-five Theses problems of
Princeton University and Ed Witten - Wikipedia
The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences are a list of propositions for an academic disputation written in 1517 by Martin Luther,
professor of moral theology
at the University of Wittenberg, Germany, that started the Reformation, a schism in the Catholic Church which profoundly changed Europe.
at the University of Wittenberg .... modern version
at the Universityof Witten --.> pointer to Oscar Witt farm that becane the Tenzin farm in Wisconsin southeast
(code --> the 4th WI.SE man manuscript
of Nature's thought systems)
(code --> the 4th WI.SE man manuscript
of Nature's thought systems)
professor of mouth oral / talking BS theology
professor of m orbital theory and theology
Martin Lu (Logical Unit) Luther posts 95 theses
- Oct 31, 1517 - HISTORY of
O = Oxygen molecule mass 32 in
O = October with
computer addressability 0 to 31
is equivalent to 1 to 32
is equivalent to 1 to 32
On this day in 1517, the priest and scholar Martin Luther approaches the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, and nails a piece of paper to it containing the 95 revolutionary opinions that would begin the Protestant Reformation. In his theses, Luther condemned the excesses and corruption of the Roman ...
Kernel (operating system) - Wikipedia
Modern monolithic kernels, such as those of Linux and FreeBSD, both of which fall into the category of Unix-like operating systems, feature the ability to load modules at runtime, thereby allowing easy extension of the kernel's capabilities as required, while helping to minimize the amount of code running in kernel space.
User space · Booting · Comparison of operating ... ·
Linux - Wikipedia

The Linux Kernel/Storage - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
Overview[edit]. The two main areas of the Linux storage subsystem are the filesystems layer —including the virtual file system— and the storage devices support layer. Together, they implement how the kernel retrieves data from and stores data to secondary memory devices such as hard disks, magnetic tapes, optical discs ...
Overview · File systems · Page cache · Block device layer
The Linux Kernel/Storage -
The Linux Kernel/Storage -
The Linux Kernel/Storage ... COMPUTER EARTH systems -
How the storage attaches to the COMPUTER EARTH geography platform
is key to the overall storage architecture.
Three general architectures cover the vast majority of models:
- Direct-attached storage (DAS)
- Storage area networks (SAN)
- Network-attached storage (NAS)
Brazil - Wikipedia
Brazil officially the Federative Republic of Brazil is the largest country in both South America and Latin America. At 8.5 million square kilometers (3.2 million square miles) and with over 208 million people, Brazil is the world's fifth-largest country by area and the sixth-most populous. The capital is Brasília, and the ...
Economy of Brazil · History of Brazil · Demographics of Brazil · Languages of Brazil
The World Factbook —
Central Intelligence Agency BRAIN geography map .....
county of BRA.zil .....
green with a large yellow diamond in the center bearing a blue celestial globe with 27 white five-pointed stars; the globe has a white equatorial band with the motto ORDEM E PROGRESSO (Order and Progress); the current flag was inspired by the banner of the former Empire of Brazil (1822-1889); on the imperial flag, the ...
Quantum tunnelling .... battle reports - Wikipedia
Jump to Tunnel junction - Quantum tunnelling or tunneling (see spelling differences) is the quantum mechanical phenomenon where a particle tunnels through a barrier that it classically could not surmount.
Quantum tunneling of water · Tunnel diode · Rectangular potential barrier
Quantum Tunnelling and the Uncertainty Principle - Quantum Theory ...
By virtue of quantum tunnelling and Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, the protons can “tunnel” through the barrier even given the apparently insufficient temperature and energy. The uncertainty principle also explains why a typical atom is over 100,000 times bigger than the nucleus at its centre. Strictly speaking, the ...
The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Argument in Quantum Theory (Stanford ...
May 10, 2004 - In the May 15, 1935 issue of Physical Review Albert Einstein co-authored a paper with his two postdoctoral research associates at the Institute for Advanced Study, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen. The article was entitled “Can Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered ...
Can Quantum ... · Setting and prehistory · Einstein's versions of ...
The Einstein-Podolsky-
The Einstein-Podolsky-
The Eins -Pod
proteins (containers) ...... podiatary /walking on 2-legs ...
thus data entry into the COMPUTER EARTH geography land surface ....
that acts like an atomic keyboard .....
All across the state of Wisconsin innovative programs are happening in STEM education, with partnership among educators, government, and businesses supporting these efforts. But, no statewide group currently works to connect these pockets of innovation and maximize what we can accomplish together. Further ...
Effective STEM Education Programs
Duda Blog | Learn to Build a
Duda & Yext Team Up to Integrate Websites with Digital Knowledge. ... — The industry-leading website builder, Duda, has announced a new integration with Yext, Inc. ... — Duda, the leading web design platform for building websites at scale, has announced a partnership with ...
A Guide to Website Migration With Duda | Duda Blog
Mar 24, 2017 - For example, one successful Duda partner, a hosting company based in Europe that wished to completely shut down its legacy website builder, chose to send out two notifications before updating and locking their customers' websites via “Fast Migration” (covered under Migration Options). Their strategy:.
Semitic characteristics, especially the ways, ideas, influence, etc., of the Jewish people. 2. a word or idiom peculiar to, derived from, or characteristic of a Semitic language, especially of Hebrew. Origin of Semitism.
May 10, 2004 - In the May 15, 1935 issue of Physical Review Albert Einstein co-authored a paper with his two postdoctoral research associates at the Institute for Advanced Study, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen. The article was entitled “Can Quantum Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be Considered ...
Can Quantum ... · Setting and prehistory · Einstein's versions of ...
The Einstein-Podolsky-
The Einstein-Podolsky-
The Eins -Pod
proteins (containers) ...... podiatary /walking on 2-legs ...
thus data entry into the COMPUTER EARTH geography land surface ....
that acts like an atomic keyboard .....
STEM Wisconsin - Home
All across the state of Wisconsin innovative programs are happening in STEM education, with partnership among educators, government, and businesses supporting these efforts. But, no statewide group currently works to connect these pockets of innovation and maximize what we can accomplish together. Further ...
Effective STEM Education Programs
... BS and bragging programs|
Wisconsin Department of Public schemes and tricks ...
Wisconsin Department
............ sin Department
Wisconsin Department
Duda Blog | Learn to Build a
human BIOLOGY ... subset bio-computer
.............B LOG ..... Website
(Webs code --> we bs --> we bull-story)
Duda & Yext Team Up to Integrate Websites with Digital Knowledge. ... — The industry-leading website builder, Duda, has announced a new integration with Yext, Inc. ... — Duda, the leading web design platform for building websites at scale, has announced a partnership with ...
A Guide to Website Migration With Duda | Duda Blog
Mar 24, 2017 - For example, one successful Duda partner, a hosting company based in Europe that wished to completely shut down its legacy website builder, chose to send out two notifications before updating and locking their customers' websites via “Fast Migration” (covered under Migration Options). Their strategy:.
Semitism | Define Semitism at
Semitic characteristics, especially the ways, ideas, influence, etc., of the Jewish people. 2. a word or idiom peculiar to, derived from, or characteristic of a Semitic language, especially of Hebrew. Origin of Semitism.
Semitism | Define Sem
Semitism | Define Seman
Semitism | Define Semen ..... penis thoughts
... JeWiSH wish for pussy withe
the MOSES ... MOS brain ..female thought circuit ....
.the burning bush
Exodus 3 - Moses and the
Burning Bush (hot woman with a hairy, hushy pussy)
- Now Moses - Bible Gateway
- Now Moses - Bible Gateway to bedroom secret languages
Moses and the Burning Bush - Now Moses was tending
the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian,
Q & A: why is speed of light 186,000 mph ....
the traveling optical
..... living language ... photon THOUGHT life
.... CITY within velo.CITY ?
news article ......
................... 60,000 people implies
.......................6,000 photon people
................... 60,000 people implies
.......................6,000 photon people
thus C = 180,000 + traveling
....................6,000 photon people
God's Theme Park - Kentucky Creation Museum - Google Groups
Apr 2, 2012 - evolution and are evenly split on
whether the earth is 6,000 years ... billion years old. > > > > Young Earth Creationism, sometimes abbreviated YEC,[1] is a form of ... Young Earth creationism (YEC) is the religious belief[1] that the
Is the Earth 6,000 Years Old? - The Restored Church of God
“Young Earth” creationists interpret the Genesis account to mean that the universe was created 6,000 years ago. ... In fact, evidence is found throughout “all Scripture.” .... Scientific Proof. Christians should not run from science. While scientists do not always interpret the data correctly, certain concepts and fundamental laws ...
, evidence is found throughout “all Scripture.” .
, evidence is found throughout “all Scripture.” .
, evidence is found throughout “all Sc --> Sub-conscious MIND scripture .” .
Q & A: why is speed of light 6,000 mph? |
Department of Ph --> Photons inside the Physics professor BRAINS ...
Jun 2, 2011 - These include ratios of masses of different particles, the ratio e2/hc, where e is the unit charge, h is Planck's constant, and c is the speed of light, etc. Many of these, like e2/hc (called the fine-structure constant), have c in them. So I'll translate your question to being about those ratios. So with that warm-up, ...
How Fast Does Light Travel? | The Speed of Light - › Science & Astronomy
Europe's farmers dump milk to protest low prices - Reuters
Sep 16, 2009 - Belgian milk producers pour about 3 million litres of milk on a field near the Belgian city of Ciney, in protest over a growing industrial dispute over low prices,
September 16, 2009. European dairy farmers, fed up with low prices, gave out milk for free, blocked deliveries and prepared to throw away millions of ...
September 16,
September 16,
September 16,
Europe's farmers dump milk to protest low prices |
Sep 16, 2009 - Belgian milk producers pour about 3 million litres of milk on a field near the Belgian city of Ciney, in protest over a growing industrial dispute over low prices, September 16, 2009. European dair.milk
milk September 16 DUMP
milk September 16 DUMP
milk S = System Base 16 DUMP
milky Way Galaxy ..... COMPUTER EARTH
dump/ abend September 16
Dairy Farmers Dump 43 Million Gallons of Milk Due to Surplus | Time › U.S. › food and drink
Oct 13, 2016 - The massive amount of milk—enough to fill 66 Olympic swimming pools—is the most wasted in at least the last 16 years, according to the newspaper. Read More : Why Millions of Gallons of Milk Are Being Thrown Out. The U.S. has been dealing with an enormous milk and cheese glut. It prompted the USDA ... › U.S. › food and drink
Dump 43
Dump 43 ....................
Dump 43 Million Gallons of Milk Due to Surplus | Time
Junior Seau, former NFL linebacker, dead at age 43
apparent murder
..... the milk PROTEIN MACHINE wars
Dump 43 woes are being felt around the world. Sep 16, 2009
He was 43.
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's ...
Police Chief Frank
Police Chief Frank
Police Chief F .... rank 15 in base 16
Police Chief Frank
Police Chief Frank
Police Chief F .... rank 15 explains
September 16 .... WORLD WAR 3
...... system wars
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's ...
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's ...
Police Chief Frank McC --> said
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's ...
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's ...
Police Chief Frank McCoy said Seau's .....
.......................................... .. RousSeau LINK
How did Junior Seau pass away?
How did Junior Seau pass away?
How did Junior RouSeau pass his free time ... reading?
codes --> AUG 29 six six-teen 56,000 23,000 Lafayette
codes --> AUG
codes --> 29
codes --> AUG 29 --> start the copper 29 wars
Route 29 Stalker | Unsolved Mysteries of
electrical utility companies, electricity corporations,
and Underwriter Labs
Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Alicia showalter reynolds2 killer. A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name : Unrevealed Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March 1996 ...
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia
She was seen on security footage at a gas station in Lovingston, Virginia and her car was later found outside a theater off US 29 in Charlottesville. While her body has never been found, a suspect was taken into custody and charged with her abduction. Randy Taylor was later found guilty of first-degree murder in the ... | Police still hunting Rt. 29 Stalker after 21 years
codes --> AUG 29 --> start the
copper 29 quantum escape tunnel
Atomic Mass escape: 29 suspected atomic number
..... the periodic atomic table cartel
...... cartel members break out of
Mexico prison VIA SYMBOL MACHINE ....
......... cop --> copper ... message generating site
members used a 120-foot tunnel to escape from a state prison in the northern Mexico border state of Tamaulipas, authorities said. One of the inmates, ...
codes --> AUG 29 six six-teen
codes --> 56,000 23,000
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student killed
in the sodium chloride SALT molecule TREATY wars
... - NY Daily News 30, 2010 - A Wisconsin teen who held 23 students and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School died on Tuesday morning as authorities try to piece together what made the teen snap. Fifteen-year-old Samuel Hengel burst into the school at around 2:30 p.m. EST Monday and held the hostages for about five hours.
codes --> Lafayette
Jeremy Wand convicted in the
Argonne National Labs atomic social science experiment in
Argyle fire that killed 3 boys
| Local News ...
Jun 12, 2013 - Jeremy Wand pleaded guilty in a Lafayette County courtroom to three counts of first-degree intentional homicide and one count each of felony murder, attempted ... It was similar to the deal made in March by his brother, 33-year-old Armin Wand III, just days before his trial was scheduled to begin. The elder ...
Sentence gives Jeremy Wand chance for parole after Argyle triple ...
X-ray Science Division - Advanced Photon Source - Argonne National ...
X-ray Science Division
codes --> Lafayette
Nature's military Forces and the
Grand Unified Theory battle in Lafayette
- The Particle Adventure
The Wall Street Journal - Wikipedia
The Wall Street Journal
The Wall ... and the audio nerve of the
Wall Street Journal EAR people - Wikipedia
The Wall Street Journal's Trump problem | Media | The Guardian
On Monday 13 February, just over three weeks after Donald Trump's inauguration, the Wall Street Journal's editor-in-chief Gerry Baker held a town-hall style meeting in the paper's midtown Manhattan newsroom amid mounting concern about the WSJ's coverage of the new president, which many staffers felt ...The Wall Street Journal's
The Wall Street Journal's awareness problems
many staffers felt ...
many staffers felt ...
many staffers felt their penis staff .... penis HEAD of knowledge
What is the Collective Unconscious of the
in-bred newspaper industry at the Wall Street Journal?
– a Jungian definition - Frith Luton › Articles
A structural layer of the
hum (song and dance explanations)
human psyche
hum (song and dance explanations)
human psyche
containing inherited elements, distinct from the personal unconscious.
Carl Jung - Collective Unconscious - Walt Disney's Donald Duck: Lost in the Andes ...
Walt Disney's Donald Duck Trumpet ... living language WORD codes
The X-Files (TV Series 1993– ) - IMDb
Drama · Two FBI agents, Fox Mulder the believer and Dana Scully the skeptic, investigate the strange and unexplained, while hidden forces work to impede their efforts.
Fox Mulder | X-Files Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
The X-Files
The X-Files -->
Special Counsel Robert Mueller files new charges against Manafort, Gates ...
4 hours ago - The additional charges had been expected in special counsel Robert S. Mueller III's prosecution of Manafort and Gates. Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March 2016 and was campaign chairman from June to August of that year. Gates also served as a top official on Trump's campaign. Mueller ...Special Counsel Robert Mueller
Mueller's Russia investigation: What to know | Fox News
5 hours ago - The investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 presidential election continues – with Special Counsel Robert Mueller at its helm.Mueller's Russia investigation:
The Rush Limbaugh neuroscience message Show - Wikipedia
Recording studio: Palm Beach County, Florida ...
Syndicates: Premiere Networks
TV adaptations: Rush Limbaugh (1992–96)
Other names: The Rush Limbaugh Program; R...
Missing: 1985
Mueller's Russia investigation: What to know
Bertrand Russell - Wikipedia
Scopes Trial - Facts & Summary -
John T. Scopes Trial - Wikipedia
Court: Criminal Court of Tennessee
Judge(s) sitting: John T. Raulston
Decided: July 21, 1925
Subsequent action(s): Scopes v. State (1926)
John T. Scopes Trial
John T. Scopes Trial
......... T. Scopes Trial
......... TeleScopes Trial
Monkey Trial begins - Jul 10, 1925 -
John T. Scopes Trial
John T. Scopes Trial
hn T. Scopes Trial
.... hn TeleScopes Trial ... amino acid .. molecular telecope
Monkey Trial begins - Jul 10, 1925 -
Monkey Trial begins
Monkey Trial begins ..... the orangutan ....
Nature's organic molecule SOFTWARE language used by
the human neo-cortex ... TRIAL ......
,,, a new humanoid .... BORN neo-tex ..... text/code
....................................... BORNEO .. down-to-earth with decision trees .
Ringling Bros. Circus
On Sunday, May 21, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey® said its final farewell to a sold-out crowd of incredibly enthusiastic fans. The response they gave to everyone who made the show possible – performers, staff and crew – was heartwarming. Though it was difficult to say goodbye, my family and I were heartened to ...Ringling Brothers On Trial: Circus Elephants And The Endangered ...
The plaintiffs, four animal rights organizations and one former elephant handler for Ringling Brothersand Barnum & Bailey Circus, brought a citizen suit against Feld Entertainment, Inc. (FEI), owner ofRingling Brothers, alleging that the Circus
Ringling Brothers Circus rigged trial
..the Animal House movie trial |
Animals Free After 146 Years
Photos: Looking back at the I-35W bridge collapse | Minnesota Public ...
Minneapolis Bridge Collapse: 10 Years Later, Infrastructure Still In ...
Aug 1, 2017 - Ten years ago, the Interstate 35W bridge over the Mississippi River in downtown Minneapolis collapsed, sending cars, trucks and even a school bus that were crawling over it in bumper-to-bumper rush hour traffic plummeting into the river below and onto ... The I-35W bridge was rebuilt within 14 months.Remembering The I-35W Bridge Collapse 10 Years Later : NPR
Aug 1, 2017 - The I-35W bridge was one of Minnesota's busiest, carrying 140,000 cars a day over the Mississippi River. It collapsed during rush hour on Aug. 1, 2007. Ten years later, the disaster still looms large. AILSA CHANG, HOST: Ten years ago today, the unthinkable happened in Minneapolis when an interstate ..
Mis ... Management information Systems ...
Mississippi River bridge
The I-35W Mississippi River bridge (officially known as Bridge 9340) was an eight-lane, steel truss arch bridge that carried Interstate 35W across the Saint Anthony Falls of the Mississippi River in Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States. During the evening rush hour on August 1, 2007, it suddenly collapsed, killing 13 people and injuring 145. The bridge was Minnesota's third busiest,[4][5] carrying 140,000 vehicles daily.[3] The NTSB cited a design flaw as the likely cause of the collapse, noting that a too-thin gusset plate ripped along a line of rivets, and asserted that additional weight on the bridge at the time of the collapse contributed to the catastrophic failure.[6]
(officially known as Bridge 9340
(officially known as Bridge 9340
(officially known as Bridge 9340
--> next in Herbert Spencer sequence 1 --> 9341 -->
pointer to 1943 -->
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 by ...
Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, first shown at Dali's solo exhibition at M. Knoedler & Co., New York, in 1943, records Dali's shifting perception of the war then in progress in Europe. The war's devastation and its psychological impact on Dali can already be felt in some of his more somber canvases ...
Salvador Dali's “Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man ...
Nov 1, 2013 - Painterly Comments 0n Radical Dehumanization Of Humanity. Dali3 S. Dali, “ Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man”, 1943. In the very middle of WWII which was a kind of existential resume of European history, Dali's wild and brave intuition produced the image of United States as the place ...
Geopolitical Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, 1943 - Salvador ...
code words--> Chess and the chess wars
Caryl Chessman - Wikipedia
Caryl Whittier Chessman (May 27, 1921 – May 2, 1960) was a convicted robber, kidnapper and rapist who was sentenced to death for a series of crimes committed in January 1948 in the Los Angeles area. The "first modern American executed for a non-lethal kidnapping", Chessman was convicted under a loosely ...
Caryl Chessman - Criminal - Biography
Apr 2, 2014 - Synopsis. Caryl Chessman was executed in 1960 for sex crimes committed as the "Red Light bandit"; the controversial conviction made Chessman's case a cause celebre in his day. Crimes. Chessman was just 27 years old when he was arrested in Los Angeles on suspicion of being the notorious thief and .
8 Dead Following Brookfield Hotel Shooting -
Mar 12, 2005 - According to police, just before 1 o'clock, a man showed up for a church meeting at Brookfield's Sheraton Hotel where the suspect reportedly shot 11 people. Church members who witnessed the ordeal say they had to react quickly. Sondra Frasier was one of the witnesses. " I dove under a chair… the man ...
Brookfield hotel was scene of
atomic mass shooting in March 12 2005 ...
Oct 21, 2012 - BROOKFIELD -- The Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield was the scene of a mass shooting in March 12 2005. The hotel is just down the road from the Azana Salon & Spa -- where three were killed and four were injured in a shooting incident late Sunday morning, October 21st.
atomic mass shooting in March 12 2005 ...
atomic mass shooting in March
atomic mass shooting in March 12 2005 ...
atomic mass shooting in March 12 --> carbon 12 atoms and molecules
begin Nature's molecular military march against
community bragging ... BEDROOM ERRORS
community bragging ... BEDROOM ERRORS
atomic mass shooting in March 12 2005 ...
atomic mass shooting in Mar.. ch --> Ch --> Carbon / Hydrogen
--> CH (molecule Churchs of Solar System /Nature
VS human Church talking errors)
... thus the Sartre existential wars on the EARTH geography/ land surface
...... hydrocarbon ... organic chemistry expressions
--> organic social chemistry
..... social sciences, family planning, political science
Terry Ratzmann - Wikipedia
Terry Michael Ratzmann (1960 – March 12, 2005) was an American mass murderer who killed seven members of his Church congregation, the Living Church of God (LCG), before committing suicide at a Sheraton Hotel in Brookfield , Wisconsin in 2005.
Background · Shooting
Full report from Azana Salon & Spa mass shooting released ...
Mar 1, 2013 -
B rook Field
Black Rook (battle) FIELD
WITI) -- Brookfield police released on Friday, March 1st, a final report on the mass shooting at the Azana Salon & Spa in October 2012. On Sunday, October 21st, Radcliffe Haughton entered the salon and opened fire, killing his wife, Zina Daniel, Maelyn Lind and Cary ...
2012 Azana Spa shootings - Wikipedia
On October 21, 2012, a mass shooting occurred at the Azana Spa in Brookfield, Wisconsin, a suburb of Milwaukee. Four people, including the shooter by suicide, died in the incident; four others were injured. The shooter was identified as 45- year-old Radcliffe Franklin Haughton, the estranged husband of a spa worker killed ...
Brookfield Salon CHESS revenge site
- WKOW 27 istation with incomplete explantions :
Madison, WI Breaking News ...
code words .... secret agent
--> Albert Chow is a Chicago --> Al Bert CHO Wis aC
code words .... secret agent
--> Albert Chow is a Chicago --> Al Bert CHO Wis aC
Alphabets/algebra ...... Bertrand Russell ......
C6H12O sugar molecule thoughts
CH agent Albert CH .... CHOW
Wisconsin (geography STATE and a STATE of MIND)
sin wave function PLATFORM of existence for humans and
Nikola Tesla energy communication sin waves
that interact with coffins embedded within EARTH vibrations of soil/clay .....
sin wave function PLATFORM of existence for humans and
Nikola Tesla energy communication sin waves
that interact with coffins embedded within EARTH vibrations of soil/clay .....
The EARTH surface and
underground levels of soil / clay --> C layer -->
underground levels of soil / clay --> C layer -->
(Paul DirAC atomic ) Coffin communications layer
thus ........
ac (alternating Cycles ) LINK of Wisconsin farm ac (acres) to the
master AC console of
Paul DirAC at Tallahassee with quantum language code
Paul DirAC at Tallahassee with quantum language code
....ul.......AC --> information pointer to
Underwrite Labs and their undertakings ....for the underground
atomic communication continuum
Below words .... Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND
the National assembly of revolution
the National ass................. evolution ..... of SHIT brains
as explained by the
blood arteries OUTPUT art of Salvador Dali
The First Days of Spring, 1929 by Salvador Dali
The First Days of Spring, 1929 by Salvador Dali.
The First Days of Spring, 1929 - Salvador Dali -
The First Days of Spring,
Sandy Hook Elementary School ....
Elementary physics BATTLE over violations of Hooke's LAW
... the EARTH existential physics ordered shooting
over the violations of the
John Locke .... Social Contract with Nature
- Wikipedia
the Isaac Newton gravity field/ mass relationship area of
the EARTH geography surface at
Newtown, Connecticut, United States, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children between six and seven years old, as well as six adult staff members. Prior to driving to the school, he shot and killed his mother at their Newtown ...
The First Days of Spring ..... Springfield, Massachusetts TRIAL
The First Days of Spring, 1929 by Salvador Dali.
The First Days of Spring, 1929 - Salvador Dali -
The First Days of Spring ..... Springfield, Massachusetts TRIAL
Springfield serial killer Alfred Gaynor admits killing total of 9 women ...
Oct 18, 2010 - 2009_alfred_gaynor.jpg The Republican file photoAlfred Gaynor, shown in a Worcester court appearance, has admitted to killing a total of nine Springfield women from April 1995 to February 1998. SPRINGFIELD - Serial killer Alfred J. Gaynor now admits that his first murder was the killing of Vera E.
Serial killer Alfred Gaynor pleads guilty to three new murder charges ...
Springfield serial killer Alfred ...... code word
... human body SKIN ..... output heat
social engineering and
social engineering and
family THOUGHT engineering
.... command languages
Husband - Wikipedia
male (biology post office ... Mr. mail carrier)
in a marital relationship. The rights and obligations of a husband regarding his spouse and others, and his status in the community and in law, vary between cultures and have varied over time. In monogamous cultures, there are only two parties to a marriage.
Related terms · Western culture · Religion
his status in the community
his status in the community
his status in the nity
Urban Dictionary: Pussy crack
The crack between your ass crack and your bush or bald eagle.
Urban Dictionary: Crack Pussy
... Swedish · Thai · Turkish · Ukrainian · Vietnamese. Top definition. Crack Pussy sex · Pussy so good it will have you addicted. Tina's had that crack pussy that made me spend my whole check on that bitch. #crack pussy. by Milton poon October 27, 2016. 6 1. Get the mug. Get a Crack Pussy mug for your girlfriend Sarah.
Urban Dictionary: #pussy crack
Convicted serial murderer ......
the programmed bio-computer BRAIN of Alfred Gaynor
blames addiction to crack ...
code words-->
American Revolution ....contested legacy
American Revolution ....contested legacy
Toilet Synonyms ..
. toilet, can , John, washroom, men's room
| Collins English Thesaurus - Collins Dictionary
Synonyms of toilet: lavatory, bathroom, loo, bog, gents or ladies | Collins English Thesaurus.
Slang words for toilets (related to) | Urban Thesaurus | The Online ...
American Revolution ....contested legacy
American Revolution .... .... test leg
........can Revolution .......... testicles leg/hip
code --> by eric --> data byte numeric
code --> Felten --> Ferrous
element (iron 26 protons with its 26 English energy letters of the alphabet)
code word --> Cuban --> Cu + band --> Copper communications bandwidth (failure) of telesivion
Desi aRNAz and I Love Lucy
messenger RNA Lu (Logical Unit) Cy (Cybernetics)
code --> by eric --> data byte numeric
code --> Felten --> Ferrous
element (iron 26 protons with its 26 English energy letters of the alphabet)
Desi aRNAz and I Love Lucy
messenger RNA Lu (Logical Unit) Cy (Cybernetics)
code word--> Manhattan --> Manhattan PROJECT battle in Manhattan on September 11,2001
code word --> casino --> ca + sino
--> Sino-Japanese ... sin wave node .....
--> Sino-Japanese ... sin wave node .....
string theory WAR replay
in Las VeGas casino shooting
The Casino ... the sino-Las Vegas WAR zone .....
Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics - The Physics Classroom › Physics Tutorial › Sound Waves and Music
Fundamental Frequency and Harmonics
Fundamental Frequency and Harm
--> the music industry wave ATTACK
on the Nikola Tesla
..... EARTH sin wave vibrations LANGUAGE ...
of the EARTH soil/ underground geological PLATFORM and its
atomic continuum ........ Nature's atomic communications ability
Monica Lewinsky MUSIC/ sound wave .... scandal - Wikipedia–Lewinsky_scandal
22-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky. The sexual relationship took place between 1995 and 1997 and came to light in 1998. Clinton ended a televised speech with the statement that he "did ...
Harmonics and Patterns - The Physics Classroom › Physics Tutorial › Waves
......monica lewinsky ....... messenger ..... the audio / sound wave wars
of the EAR people and their audio nerve INTELLECTUAL VOID
/ big mouth nonsense conversations
that lack DATA, FACTS, and explanations about the deeper levels
of REALITY that may cause a tragic signaling EVENT
The total harmonic distortion (THD) is a measurement of the harmonic distortion present in a signal and is defined as the ratio of the sum of the powers of all harmonic components to the power of the fundamental frequency. Distortion factor, a closely related term, is sometimes used as a synonym.
Total harmonic distortion .... that is
..... bragging citizens and reporter
....... and their bull-shit excplanations
- Wikipedia
Harmonic - Wikipedia
that is a positive integer multiple of the frequency of the original wave, known as the fundamental frequency. The original wave is also called the 1st harmonic, the following harmonics are known as higher harmonics.
positive integer
positive integer in .............
blood vein SOFTWARE wars in Florida
Orlando nightclub shooting:
How Nature's biology bio-hardware and bio-software Systems .....
the blood PULSE ordered military attack at a
HARM .....
HARMONIC sound wave site on
Orange Avenue ........
Or --> Orfice people of Orlando with
mouth holes, ear holes, and rectum OUTPUT data record holes
- BBC --> British Bio-Chemistry News
A gunman opened fire at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, killing at least 49 people and injuring dozens before being shot dead by police. What do we know about what happened? How the incident unfolded. The attack began at about 02: 00 local time (06:00 GMT) on Sunday. Pulse, which is one of the biggest nightclubs ..
On September 14, 2016, the City of Orlando announced
On September 14, 2016, the City of Orlando announced
On September 14, 2016, the City of Or --> Orfices
announced ....... that it was member of the
EARTH government ..... living language
Hole Municipality and the human Or - Orfice HOLES of Orlando
- Wikipedia,_Norway
Science war ..... reality BATTLE in Orlando
- Wikipedia
between Hollywood scientific realists and Emily POST postmodernist critics,
about the nature of scientific theory and intellectual inquiry
into newspaper BS explanations of EVENTS.
They took place principally in the United States in the 1990s in the academic and mainstream press. Scientific realists (such as Norman Levitt, Paul R.
Orlando workplace ,,,,,,
mathematics BIO_MATH BIO_PHYSICS war:
Who is SCIENCE WAR military action figure .....
John Neumann Jr ...
Jun 5, 2017 - John Robert Neumann Jr. kept to himself most of the time. He liked sports, going to Orlando City Soccer games and out to Daytona Beach for NASCAR races, his neighbor said. ... As employees were arriving to work Monday morning, Neumann, 45, walked into Fiamma through a rear door.
Orlando workplace shooter John Neumann Jr. showed 'pattern of ...
wrote in a pair of 2014 court filings that John Robert Neumann Jr.
was a “danger to our community” and showed a “pattern of abuse” that was known among other employees. The co-worker's fears became a reality Monday morning when Neumann went to the business on ...
was a “danger to our community”
was a “danger to our community”
was a “danger to our ........... nity”
... bedroom lingerie ....
....................ling .... linguistics of the court paper
was a “danger to our community”
was a “danger to our ........... nity”
... bedroom lingerie ....
....................ling .... linguistics of the court paper
Nity Sexy - Fine Lingerie, Underwear and Sexy - HerRoom,sexy-lingerie,573,016,10.html
was a “danger to our community”
was a “danger to our community”
was a “danger to our ........... nity” in Orlando
was a “danger to our ........... nity” in Orlando
was a “danger to our ........... nity” in Or = Orfice land
-hair theorem is that the material properties of any object (referred to as "hair" because a physicist named John Wheeler once coined the phrase "a black hole has no hair") become unmeasurable (hence unknowable) as the ..
A former Fiamma co-worker wrote in a pair of 2014 court filings that John
A former Fiamma co-worker wrote in a pair of 2014 court filings that John
A former Fiamma co-worker wrote in a pair of 2014 court filings
that John .... was a piece of shit / Toilet brains ...... Toil at Fiamma factory
devised Britain's first flushing toilet,
devised Britain's first flushing toilet,
devised Britain's NEXT flushing toilet --->
over 45 corporations to build
exhibits at Flushing
Meadows Park in Queens, NY. The immense fair covered 646 acres (261 ha) on half the park, with numerous pools or fountains, and ...
exhibits at Flushing
exhibits at Flushing
exhibits at Flushing .......
Although toil means "work" (in both its noun and verb forms), it usually has the added meaning of hard work, especially physical labor.
the Rectum --> Rec --> output data records
Toil definition: When people toil , they work very hard doing unpleasant or tiring tasks . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.
hard work, especially physical labor.
hard work, especially physical labor.
hard work, especially physical labor. of the myoglobin PROTEIN rectum muscles of
some shit head or his girlfriend ...with
rect.UM .... Universal Mind of the
Carl Jung collective unconscious of
superior FETUS brain people
Um ........ the
year-old enrolled at the school, fatally shot an assistant professor and eight students in a classroom. Eight others were injured. Roseburg police detectives ...
The BILL GATES code word .... flowchart ... start
(mouth Gates of Seattle) .....
(mouth Gates of Seat in a restaurant OR home kitchen table)
(mouth Gates of eat ..... eat eat consume ) .....
(mouth ate ... past verb tense of eat while sitting at a SEAT in Seattle) .....
Below, TOP ... mouth of eat at a seat in Seattle
..then FOOD for THOUGHT flows downhill ..
thru the espoh fables of the espohagus
the HCL stomach with
respresentative Hillary CL ..
secretary of the STATE department
.................................ATE memory in the
STATE of MIND to create Alzheimer's bio-computer
memory loss ....
then the FLOW thru Oregen reach
the UM ..
rect.UM school of advanced education at
....... UMpqua college of
Roseburg OR = Orfice of Roseburg Oregon
that states to MOTHER EARTH language systems
..the human rect.UM at
.............................UMpqua college ......
the round anus ..
ROSE-color is a gorgous rose
... a flower .... with information
.......flow ......
for the Rose Kennedy anus people at the
rigged Boston Marathon trial
and the rigged explanation of the
Robert Kennedy ......
food war assassination in the
Hotel Ambassador kitchen in California
was a “danger to our community”
was a “danger to our ........... nity” in Orlando
was a “danger to our ........... nity” in Orlando
was a “danger to our ........... nity” in Or = Orfice land
Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem in Orlando - › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
A former Fiamma co-worker wrote in a pair of 2014 court filings that John
A former Fiamma co-worker wrote in a pair of 2014 court filings that John
A former Fiamma co-worker wrote in a pair of 2014 court filings
that John .... was a piece of shit / Toilet brains ...... Toil at Fiamma factory
John - The Online Slang Dictionary
Why the Toilet is Sometimes Called a “John” - Today I Found Out
devised Britain's first flushing toilet,
devised Britain's first flushing toilet,
devised Britain's NEXT flushing toilet --->
1964 New York World's Fair - Wikipedia
over 45 corporations to build
exhibits at Flushing
Meadows Park in Queens, NY. The immense fair covered 646 acres (261 ha) on half the park, with numerous pools or fountains, and ...
City: New York
Building: Unisphere
Opening: April 22, 1964; April 21, 1965
Countries: 80 (hosted by 37 nations)
exhibits at Flushing
exhibits at Flushing .......
Toil | Define Toil at
toil - Dictionary Definition :
Although toil means "work" (in both its noun and verb forms), it usually has the added meaning of hard work, especially physical labor.
Toil definition and meaning -->
Toil Letters that are sent in the bathroom toilet (toil + let0......
the Rectum --> Rec --> output data records
in the MASTER communications ROOM of a house or office building
| Collins English Dictionary
hard work, especially physical labor.
hard work, especially physical labor.
hard work, especially physical labor. of the myoglobin PROTEIN rectum muscles of
some shit head or his girlfriend ...with
rect.UM .... Universal Mind of the
Carl Jung collective unconscious of
superior FETUS brain people
Um ........ the
Umpqua Community College ....... rect.UM war in the
Or= Orfice STATE of
Or = Orgeon
geography STATE of Oregon AND
the State of MIND ... Oregon ..Orfices and SHIT BRAINS
- Wikipedia
(mouth Gates of Seattle) .....
(mouth Gates of Seat in a restaurant OR home kitchen table)
(mouth Gates of eat ..... eat eat consume ) .....
(mouth ate ... past verb tense of eat while sitting at a SEAT in Seattle) .....
Below, TOP ... mouth of eat at a seat in Seattle
..then FOOD for THOUGHT flows downhill ..
thru the espoh fables of the espohagus
the HCL stomach with
respresentative Hillary CL ..
secretary of the STATE department
.................................ATE memory in the
STATE of MIND to create Alzheimer's bio-computer
memory loss ....
then the FLOW thru Oregen reach
the UM ..
rect.UM school of advanced education at
....... UMpqua college of
Roseburg OR = Orfice of Roseburg Oregon
that states to MOTHER EARTH language systems
..the human rect.UM at
.............................UMpqua college ......
the round anus ..
ROSE-color is a gorgous rose
... a flower .... with information
.......flow ......
for the Rose Kennedy anus people at the
rigged Boston Marathon trial
and the rigged explanation of the
Robert Kennedy ......
food war assassination in the
Hotel Ambassador kitchen in California
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a 26-
---> message codes
--> ROUTE to the
communications HUB of Hubbleton, Wisconsin ... sin wave signals
of Nikola Tesla .... the Milwaukee to Madison region.
Add caption |
The Umpqua Community College shooting occurred on October 1, 2015, at the UCC campus near Roseburg, Oregon, United States. Chris Harper-Mercer, a 26-
October --> route OCT to --> Octagon House
O = Oxygen atomic display site ....
O = Octagon House - Watertown Historical Society
The Octagon House, five floors of solid brick construction completed in 1854, was designed and built by John Richards, a pioneer Watertown settler. The House is one of the .... While most housing designs are based on rectangular shapes, there are some
O = Octagon House .....
EARTH atmosphere .... Oxygen molecule mass 32
EARTH geography surface ...
molecule information display site ... 32 ROOMS
... (Watertown, Wisconsin) - Revolvy
The house is built of brick , and is 50 feet (15 m) across excluding the balconies. It has eight square rooms on each floor and
triangular rooms in the corners, a total of 32 rooms including the cupola . The porches or verandas running all round the house are con
Express yourself VIA trivia nonsense and LACK of study..
Organ.ize your knowledge of penis
Organ wisdom.
Expand your Bull-shit and bragging mind.
triangular rooms in the corners, a total of 32 rooms
triangular rooms in the corners, a total of 32 rooms
triangular rooms in the coronors, a total of FLOOR 32 rooms
October 1, 2015 ......
October 1 2 --> route to Octagon House and 12th Street plane geometry message VIA the data pipeline of the Piper Air Plane
landing upon the carbon 12 platform / existential plane
Code words .....
UCC campus --> UCC --> United Cooperative Corn farmers
in Watertown area
United Cooperative - LOCATIONS
Missing: watertown
EARTH ferrous oxide iron core 26 protons and the
EARTH surface geography ....
Highway 26 and its
Fe = Ferrous iron .... 26 English alphabet with
Fe = Feeble minded farm/ agriculture workers
at Bethesda Lutheran Homes ......
TETZ farms and the
human PROTEIN molecule education site
using S.I. Haykawa's
4-legged Bessie the Cow MODEL
productive dairy and hog farm work ...
physical ROTE exercises to program the
.......... molecules with basic SOFTWARE
Europe's farmers dump milk to protest over
Bethesdah FARM closing
- Reuters
over the human PROTEIN MACHINE war
base 16 hexadecimal Highway 16
Wayertown Wisconsin (sin function region )
September 16, 2009 ....S = System 16 with system Z test
---> Test Z at TETZ fa -->farms ..hex 'fa' =250 code
. European dairy farmers, fed up with low prices, gave out milk for free, blocked deliveries and prepared to throw away millions of ...
Belgian farmers dump milk in massive protest over
the MILK STATE policy error to destroy
TETZ farms, Pabst farms, etc .... by
Wisconsin DATCP agriculture .....
........................................ cult
... in-bred THOUGHT ERRORS ..................
- Business - CBC News
September 16, 2009. 0 shares. European milk farmers have dumped three million litres of fresh milk onto pastures and roads in a massive, organized protest against lowered dairy prices. In Belgium, farmers spread milk across roads near the southern town of Ciney. Elsewhere, about 300 tractors dragged milk containers ...
World Dairy Expo -
Alliant bull-shit Energy Center
Oct 3, 2017 - World Dairy Expo (WDE) is the international dairy meeting place: a five day event showcasing the finest in dairy genetics and the newest technologies available to the dairy industry. This world class trade show features vendors from all over the world. Approximately 2200 head of dairy cattle will call the .
Belgian farmers dump. on September 16, 20 Pictures | Getty Images
Sep 16, 2009 - Belgian farmers dump on September 16, 2009Belgian farmers dump. on September 16,
IBM MAINFRAME: Reading the abend Dumps › CICS
May 15, 2013 - 5 posts - 3 authors
The Program Interruption Code for this abend is 10 (Segment-Translation Excpetion) and hence I understand that the abend could be because of the memory overlay. I am trying to find the command in the program in which this error has occured. I checked the dump in IFA (IBM Fault Analyzer) and ...How to do dump analysis for S0C7 abend? - COBOL General discussion ...
Jan 4, 2003 - 7 posts - 4 authors
Hi, How to find out the record contains invalid data causes an soc7 abend from Registers ( saved registers in dump)? For example input file contains 9 records,How to do dump analysis
How to do dump analysis ....
shit on
LU = Logical Unit .. Lutheran Homes ...
Hex'Fa' = 250 .... Fa --> farm/ agriculture Feeble minded workers
da --> data VIA da = dairy systems
of 4-legged Holstein and New Jersey cows, etc
Dumps to DevOps: Mainframe Transformation Lessons from Abend-AID
Nov 21, 2017 - From Dumps to DevOps: Mainframe-transformation Lessons from Compuware Abend-AID. [Average: 5]. Since the dawn of distributed computing, there has been what Compuware Software Developer Bob Markle calls “mainframe elitism. ” “We do it this way, we refuse to change because it's so different,” he ...
Dumps to DevOps: Mainframe-transformation Lessons
Dumps to DevOps: Mainframe-transformation Lessons
Dumps to DevOps: Mainframe-transformation Lessons
Dumps to DevOps: Mainframe-transformation Lessons
Dumps to DevOps: Mainframe-transformation Lessons
Dumps to DevOps: Mainframe-transformation Lessons
Bethesda Lutheran Communities to Close Watertown Intermediate ...
The state of Wisconsin will oversee the transition plan
that will include representatives of Bethesda. This transition team will support people and their families and guardians to find homes that meet their needs and preferences in the community. If people supported at the facility desire to have Bethesda ...
... state of Wisconsin .. state of MIND
... state of Wisconsin
... ..ate of ............sin function
of arm, elbow
of arm, elbow
will oversee the transition plan
will oversee the transition plan
will oversee the ...... sit plan
Supersymmetry — What Is It? | Of Particular Significance
Human feces in toilet.jpg - Wikipedia
Hum human feces in toilet ... are considered to be
LARGE message molecules .......
in super-sysmetry physics ..tus the
toilet BOWL mathematical-physics SYMBOL and CONCEPT machine mapping to the super BOWL and
the brown FOOTBALL (feces message symbol ...
thus the football pass ... the flying football language ....
pass the bull-shit around to another receiver)
TSO/E commands and subcommands - IBM
TSO/Earth commands and subcommands
with huamn bio-computer of Tenzin Gya.TSO
During 10th visit to Madison, Dalai Lama
will offer brain neuroscience ..
bio-computer .... Time Sharing Options (TSO)
using Lucky Strike Means Fine Tobacco (LS MFT ) ....
LU strike/attack key ... --> Multiple Fixed tasks) ..
Tenzin Gyatso, is expected to fill that role as he returns to Madison for the 10th time this week to participate Wednesday in a panel discussion on global well-being. The event in Capitol Theater at Overture Center is being convened
by the Center for Healthy (lazy BS) Minds,
the UW-Madison entity ...
Alice in Dairyland, Zoey Brooks, Stops by NewsChannel 7 at Noon for ...
May 18, 2015 - Although we often see her in a tiara, Alice in Dairyland is not a dairy princess, queen or pageant winner. The tiara actually represents a unique industry here in Wisconsin.
Zoey Brooks, 67th Alice in Dairyland... -
Wisconsin Department of
secrets and hidden realities...
recently was interviewed about her experience as "Alice."
real analysis - What is the relation between Neighborhood of a point ...
- What is the relation between Neighborhood
- What is the relation between Neighborhood & human agents
Diane Borchardt |
mathematics murder .... Murderpedia cover-up
Date of arrest: September 29, 1994
Date of murder: April 3, 1994
Date of birth: 1949
Location: Jefferson County, Wisconsin, USA
Mother Manipulated Sophomore Boys into Murder | Killers Without ...
With no roots to offer her stability,
With no roots to offer her stability,
With no roots to offer her stability,
With no roots to offer her stability,
With no roots to offer her stability,
With no roots to offer her stability,
How to Find the Roots of a Quadratic Equation (with Pictures)
Diane Borchardt and Diane von Furstenberg |
mathematics murder .... Murderpedia cover-up
Date of arrest: September 29, 1994
Date of murder: April 3, 1994
American fashion designer best known for her wrap dress. She initially rose to prominence when she married into the German princely House of Fürstenberg, as the wife of Prince Egon von Fürstenberg. Following their separation in 1973 and ...
Einstein-Rosen ... PAUL DIREC coffin ...
quantum language communications bridge at
ROSELAWN Cemetery ...
Diane von Fürstenberg - Wikipediaürstenberg
designer best known for her wrap dress
designer best known for her wrap dress
designer best known for her wrap address space TRICKS
She initially rose to prominence
She initially rose to prominence
She initially rose to prominence in the
Einstein-Rosen coffin communications bridge at
ROSELAWN Cemetery ...
the Paul Dirac quantum war zone in Tallahassee ..
Florida State University communications failure regarding the
Einstein-Rosen coffin communications bridge at
ROSELAWN Cemetery ...
the Paul Dirac quantum war zone in Tallahassee ..
Florida State University communications failure regarding the
Paul Dirac ..... atomic COFFIN DATABASE
She initially rose to prominence
She initially rose to prominence
Shell data (electron orbit bits of data)
initially rose (rise up) to
pro mine nce (proton prose ..... data mines .... numerical control e = 2.71819)
initially rose (rise up) to
pro mine nce (proton prose ..... data mines .... numerical control e = 2.71819)
Einstein-Rosen ... PAUL DIREC coffin ...
quantum language communications bridge at
ROSELAWN Cemetery ...
Archie Loeb Watertown Wisconsin .... explains IRON
Architecture ......
hardware and software of ferrous oxide /iron 26 alphabet letters
..code words ... Paper and Mill shippers
--> information pointers to
--> cellulose paper books and the MILL author code
Henry Miller - Wikipedia
Henry Valentine Miller (December 26, 1891 – June 7, 1980) was an American writer, expatriated in Paris at his flourishing. He was known for breaking with existing literary forms, developing a new type of semi-autobiographical novel that blended character study, social criticism, philosophical reflection, explicit language, ...
Henry Miller (Author of Tropic of Cancer) - Goodreads Miller sought to reestablish the freedom to live without the conventional restraints of civilization. His books are potpourris of sexual descriptio...
(Author of Tropic of Cancer)
(Author of Tropic of Cancer disease ....
.... secrets of BEDROOM language disease caused by
pregnant female ... volume ERRORS)
Henry Miller - Author - Biography
Black Spring
Black Spring
Black Spring --> shooting in Blacksburg Virginia
spring of year 2007
... 32 dead students who failed
Virginia TECH English department awareness TEST
The Rosy Crucifixion Trilogy
The Rosy Crucifixion Trilogy
The Rosy --> Ro sy
--> Roselawn Cemetery system and
the Crucifixion Trilogy ..of
................. ixion .....
............... NixoN ....
and matrices President NiXoN ....
...............rice war zone
in Vietnam over
n by n square matrices....
N X N square matrices
--> pointer to the Dirac matrices
The Dirac matrices term -i -->
................coma ..
the human comatose / nonsense people
...... which includes YOU
.... i = idiot regarding the square root of minus 1
...... which includes YOU
.... i = idiot regarding the square root of minus 1
The Dirac matrices
term -i --> imagination ..... access to
............................ nation(s) ... of
dermi.nation .... effort .... will power ..thinking
expla.nation .... accurate outline of some EVENTS
The Dirac matrices
term -i --> imagination ..... access to
........................... gina
.... orbital of
........... ital --> italy ...... italian
Gina Lollobrigida - Wikipedia
Luigina "Gina" Lollobrigida
Luigina "Gina" Lollobrigida
Lu -->
Summary of logical unit (LU) types - Lust, Lunch, Lucid .....
IBM language school for HEAD ..... information systems
Born Luigina Lollobrigida in
Subiaco, Italy, she is one of four daughters of a furniture manufacturer and his wife. Her sisters are Giuliana (b. 1924), Maria (b. 1929) and Fernanda (1930–2011). In her youth, Lollobrigida did some modelling and participated successfully in several beauty contests. At around this time, she began appearing in Italian films in minor roles.
Sub i ac o, Italy
Sub i ac orbItal (continuum .... atomic to astronomy orbitals)
Sub-terrean earth
(netherworld underground)
.... interface expression agent
.... ac = alternating cycle code (Nikola Tesla Earth vibration signal system)
LINK with Art Link.letter of Canada
.... ac = alternating cycle code LINK
Dirac = alternating cycle co de --> Coffin
database of de (dead physical biology)
with alive atoms with
alive electron bits of data
per Schrodinger
What is Schrodinger's cat / box--->
The flat is upstairs from Mrs Hudson's, and below 221C Baker Street, which is not rented out throughout the show.
Sherlock also practices shooting his pistol in this room. Painted on the wall is a face, decorated with bullet shots.
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street. Our series on Design and Sherlock Holmes begins with an investigation into the location of the famous detective's London flat . By Jimmy Stamp. July 18, 2012. Paget's Holmes and Watson. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson drawn by Sidney Paget in The Adventure of .
B.B. King .. secret agent for
King, became a disc jockey in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was dubbed "the Beale Street Blues Boy." That nickname was shortened to "B.B." and the guitarist cut his first record in 1949. ... A singer and guitarist born into a sharecropping family on September 16, 1925, in Itta Bena ..
year-old Riggs, a former Wimbledon champion, believed he could still beat any woman player, and, after much prodding, King eventually took him up ..
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street
Jim Bakker's Son Tells His Story -
Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were America's reigning king and queen of televised religion, and their son Jay was their publicly adored prince. But privately, Jay's needs often took a back seat to his parents' ambitions, and when Jay was in his adolescence, the burdens of his parents' fall from grace plunged him into .
parents' am bit i o ns -->
orbit data.... I/O n-space
parents' am bit i o ns -->
orbit data.... I/O n-space
TSO provides a single-user logon capability and a basic command prompt interface to z/OS. ... During TSO logon, the system displays the TSO logon screen on the user's 3270 ..
What is TSO of TenZin GyaTSO at the
with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29.
It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish- orange color. Copper is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, as a building ...
Copper is a reddish metal with a face-centered cubic crystalline structure. It reflects red and orange light and absorbs other frequencies in the visible spectrum, due to its band structure, so it as a nice reddish color. It is malleable, ductile, and an extremely good conductor of both heat and electricity. It is softer than zinc and ...
Copper is a reddish metal with a face-centered cubic crystalline structure. It reflects red and orange light and absorbs other frequencies in the visible spectrum, due to its band structure, so it as a nice reddish color. It is malleable, ductile, and an extremely good conductor of both heat and electricity. It is softer than zinc and ...
Hertz Rent a SOLID iron motor vehicle ....... and
If you're looking for the
best Darwin selection and price on rental cars,
look no further than Hertz! Click to save on your next rental today.
Tyre was in its golden age around the 10th century BCE and, in the 8th, was colonizing other sites in the area and enjoying great wealth and prosperity owing primarily to an alliance with Israel. The Tyrian alliance and trade agreement with David, King of Israel, was initiated by the King of Tyre, Abibaal who sent the new king ...
modern Ṣaydā). It was a major Phoenician seaport from about 2000 bce through the ..
--> general MOshe --> Molecule Shells
--> general MOshe --> Molecule Shells
with MOS circuits .. Hellenic languages
Proton shell --> output messages using Hellenic
code --> 250 Region of convergence
--> Fa Region --> faculty region of convergence
for students and RD communications
a carbon atomic mass 12 ....
carbon black agent ... 12-year-old boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police officers, 26-year-old Timothy Loehmann and 46-year-old Frank Garmback, responded after receiving a police dispatch call of a black male that "keeps pulling a gun out of ...
Logical units (Lu) - IBM
A logical unit is a device or application program by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a SNA network. Any device or application program that implements LU 6.2 protocols appears as an LU 6.2 in the network. All application programs using SNA ...
Summary of logical unit (LU) types - Lust, Lunch, Lucid .....
IBM language school for penis HEAD
IBM language school for HEAD ..... information systems
of male bio-computer SUPERIOR thinkers about
preg n ant (processing region n anthropology) ... pregnant
Luigina "Gina" Lollobrigida
Luigina "Gina" Lollo brig ida
Lu ................................ bridge idea/ concepts/ etc
Subiaco, Italy, she is one of four daughters of a furniture manufacturer and his wife. Her sisters are Giuliana (b. 1924), Maria (b. 1929) and Fernanda (1930–2011). In her youth, Lollobrigida did some modelling and participated successfully in several beauty contests. At around this time, she began appearing in Italian films in minor roles.
Luigina "Gina" Lollobrigida
Luigina "Gina" Lollo brig ida
Lu (Logical Unit) ...... bridge idea/ concepts
Sub i ac o, Italy
Sub i ac orbItal (continuum .... atomic to astronomy orbitals)
Sub-terrean earth
(netherworld underground)
.... interface expression agent
.... ac = alternating cycle code (Nikola Tesla Earth vibration signal system)
LINK with Art Link.letter of Canada
.... ac = alternating cycle code LINK
Dirac = alternating cycle co de --> Coffin
database of de (dead physical biology)
with alive atoms with
alive electron bits of data
per Schrodinger
What is Schrodinger's cat / box--->
SYS1.catalog and base 16 coffin
.... atomic data processing box?
- Definition from › Topics › Computer Science › Computing fundamentals
221B Baker Street (Sherlock)
- "The name's Sherlock Holmes, and the address is 221B Baker Street. *wink*"
- ―Sherlock Holmes to John Watson.[1]
The flat is upstairs from Mrs Hudson's, and below 221C Baker Street, which is not rented out throughout the show.
The first room is a large sitting room, complete with fireplace and mantelpiece with several objects on it, including a Persian slipper, in which Sherlock puts his tobacco, and a skull. In the room is also a table where Sherlock keeps his famous deerstalker, and two chairs. There is a desk where Holmes writes, and beside it is a doorway that leads to his bedroom. This room doubles as the reception for their clients.Sherlock also practices shooting his pistol in this room. Painted on the wall is a face, decorated with bullet shots.
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street
The My ...................BB ... myoglobin protein agents
B.B. King .. secret agent for
221B Baker Street
- Wikipedia
Riley B. King (September 16, 1925 – May 14, 2015), known professionally as B.B. King, was an American blues singer, electric guitarist, songwriter, and record producer. King introduced a sophisticated style of soloing based on fluid string bending and shimmering vibrato that influenced many later electric blues guitarists.
B.B. King - Singer, Guitarist, Songwriter - Biography
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street
When Billie Beat Bobby - History in the Headlines
Battle of the Sexes: Billy Jean King beats Bobby Riggs in tennis |
B............................B ..............King
| B.B. King | The Official cover-up secret Website of the B.B. King
His reign as King of the Blues has been as long as that of any monarch on earth. For more than half a century, Riley B. King – better known as B.B. King – has defined the blues for a worldwide audience. Since he started recording in the 1940s, he has released over fifty albums, many of them classics. He was born ...
His reign as King of the Blues
His reign as King of the Blues
His reign as King of the Blues
His reign as King of the Blues ......
Why is IBM called 'Big Blue'? - Quora
One theory, substantiated by people who worked for IBM at the time, is that IBM field representatives coined the term in the 1960s, referring to the color of the mainframes IBM installed in the 1960s and early 1970s. "True Blue" was a term used to describe a loyal IBM customer, and business writers later picked up the term.
IBM100 - The Making of International Business Machines -
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street
The Mystery of 221B Baker Street ,,,,,,
Disgraced TV evangelist Jim Bakker persists, preaching the ...
4 days ago - But the main mission of “The Jim Bakker Show”—— broadcast from a Christian compound deep in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri ——
Jim Bakker's Son Tells His Story -
ABC --> Atomic Biology Chemistry News
Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker were America's reigning king and queen of televised religion, and their son Jay was their publicly adored prince. But privately, Jay's needs often took a back seat to his parents' ambitions, and when Jay was in his adolescence, the burdens of his parents' fall from grace plunged him into .
parents' ambitions
parents' ambitions
parents' ambitions
parents' ambitions,
parents' am bit i o ns -->
parents' am (atomic mass) ....
orbit data.... I/O n-space
parents' ambitions,
parents' am bit i o ns -->
parents' am (atomic mass) ....
orbit data.... I/O n-space
Disgraced TV evangelist
Disgraced TV evan -->
Disgraced TV evangelist
What is TSO? - IBM
What is TSO? - IBM
What is TSO of TenZin GyaTSO at the
human bio-computer communications failure
known as the University of Wisconsin...
Madison ?
Copper and the CITY of electr.CITY
- Wikipedia
with symbol Cu (from Latin: cuprum) and atomic number 29.
It is a soft, malleable, and ductile metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity. A freshly exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-
Copper (Cu) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Copper (Cu) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Copper is a reddish metal with a face-centered
cubic crystalline structure.
. It reflects red and orange light and absorbs other frequencies in the visible spectrum, due to its band structure, so it as a nice reddish color.
James Holmes (atomic mass ... mass murderer) - Wikipedia
Criminal status: Incarcerated
C --> Criminal penalty: C = Carbon 12 ..... 12 life sentences in prison wi...
James Holmes (born December 13, 1987) is an American prisoner
James Holmes (born December 13, 1987) is an American prisoner
James Holmes (born December 13, 1987) is an Am (atomic mass) prisoner
Copper (Cu) - Chemical properties, Health and Environmental effects
Hertz - Wikipedia
The hertz (symbol: Hz) is the derived unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI) and is defined as one cycle per second. It is named for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the first person to provide conclusive proof of the existence of electromagnetic waves.
In SI base units: s−1
Unit of: Frequency
Unit system: SI derived unit
Named after: Heinrich Hertz
Heinrich Hertz - Wikipedia
Fields: Physics; Electronic Engineering
Doctoral students: Vilhelm Bjerknes
Awards: Matteucci Medal (1888); Rumford Me...
Nationality: German of the EARTH/Nature germi.nation group
Hertz Rent a SOLID iron motor vehicle ....... and
Hertz EM-waves alliance - Save More on your Next Rental
best Darwin selection and price on rental cars,
look no further than Hertz! Click to save on your next rental today.
code --> 18 mile buffer zone --> information pointer to atomic military buffers .....
of the 18 atomic families of 18 vertical columns
of the 18 atomic families of 18 vertical columns
Tyre, Lebanon - Wikipedia,_Lebanon
After numerous attacks and reprisals involving the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), including an assassination attempt on Israeli ambassador Argov, Israel invaded, as part of the so-called 1978 South Lebanon conflict, and Tyre was badly damaged. It was damaged again in the 1982 Lebanon War between Israel ...
Country: Lebanon
State Party: Lebanon
Region: Arab States
Governorate: South
Tyre, Lebanon and sine waves of the nearby
Sinai earth ... sine wave region --> Tyre + sine
codes --> Tyr + earth + sin earth -->
Tyr + oscillations of sin waves earth
--> equation --> Tyr OS sin e --> Tyrosine
--> equation --> Tyr OS sin e --> Tyrosine
The Biblical Cities Of Tyre And Sidon - Associates for Biblical Research
Both are now located in Lebanon, with Tyre 20 mi south of Sidon and only 12 mi north of the Israel- Lebanon border. Today each is just a shadow of their former selves...
with Tyre 20 mi south of Sidon and only 12 mi north of the Israel-
with Tyre 20 mi south of Sidon and only 12 mi north of the Israel-
with Tyre 20 mi south
with Tyre 20 mi south
with Tyre 20 amino acid ....... EARTH language ..... molecule message map
with Tyre 20 amino acid
with Tyre 20 amino acid
with Tyrosine 20 amino acid MAP
with Tyre 20 mi south of Sidon and only 12 mi north of the Israel-
with Tyre 20 mi south of Sidon and only 12 mi north of the Is
with Tyre 20 mi south of Sidon and carbon 12 mi north IS
with Tyre 20 mi south of Sidon and carbon 12 mi no
with Tyre 20 mi south of Sidon .......carbon 12 amino north Info Systems
Tyre | town and historical site, Lebanon |
Tyre, modern Arabic Ṣūr
Tyre, modern Arabic Ṣūrrealism with Salvador dali
Hebrew Zor
Hebrew Zor --> Z atomic number of electron orbitals
the Mediterranean coast
the Mediterranean coast
he Me edit errors
It was a major Phoenician seaport
It was a major Phoenician seaport
It was a major ............cia ......port
--> general MOshe --> Molecule Shells
--> general MOshe --> Molecule Shells
with MOS circuits .. Hellenic languages
Hellenic languages - Wikipedia
Jump to Greek and ancient Macedonian - In most classifications, Hellenic consists of Greek alone, but some linguists use the term Hellenic to refer to a group consisting of Greek proper and other varieties thought to be related but different enough to be separate languages, either among ancient neighbouring languages or among modern spoken dialects.
Greek language - Wikipedia
Modern Greek (Neo-Hellenic): Stemming from Medieval Greek, Modern Greek usages can be traced in the Byzantine period, as early as the 11th century. It is the language used by the modern Greeks, and, apart from Standard Modern Greek, there are several dialects of it.
Proto-Greek language - Wikipedia
Proton shell --> output messages using Hellenic
code --> 250 Region of convergence
--> Fa Region --> faculty region of convergence
for students and RD communications
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
a carbon atomic mass 12 ....
carbon black agent ... 12-year-old boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police officers, 26-year-old Timothy Loehmann and 46-year-old Frank Garmback, responded after receiving a police dispatch call of a black male that "keeps pulling a gun out of ...
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
C .....
the Linus Pauling carbon molecular blanket that covers soil/ land explained by Charles Schultz code ....
Linus with blanket

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