Newspapers and books use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper / book reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message.
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities on the geography surface of EARTH.
code words
The swashbuckling archhaeologist --> subset
...he sw.....bu............arch --> IBM
hex psw buffers (systems) architecture
code words
The swashbuckling archhaeologist --> subset
...he sw.....bu............arch --> IBM
hex psw buffers (systems) architecture
... This item:Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom by James Kahn Mass Market Paperback $7.99. ... most people hate the temple of doom but its my favorite movie of the indiana jones series.
the 1984 movie features Amrish Puri
the 1984 movie features Amrish Puri
the 1984 movie features Am ish Puri
the 1984 movie features Am ish Puri
the 1984 movie features Amish Purification
Amish School ..... the Purification Processs .....
room Amish schoolhouse they found 10 Amish girls ages 6-13 had been shot by Charles ...
the 1984 movie features Amrish Puri
the 1984 movie features Amrish Puri
the 1984 movie features Am ish Purification
the 1984 mo vie features Ami sh
the 1984 molecular VIEW features Amino school
Gunman Charles (Darwin) Carl Roberts IV
took hostages and shot eight out of ten girls (aged 6–13), killing five
(aged 6–13)
(aged 6–13)
(aged 6–13) litmus test WAR ZONE
a solution is acidic or basic. ... Blue litmus paper turns red under acidic conditions and red litmus paper turns blue under basic or alkaline conditions, with the color change occurring over the pH range 4.5–8.3 at 25 °C (77 °F). Neutral litmus paper is purple.
test whether a solution is acidic or basic.
test whether a solution is acidic or basic.
test whether a solution (Sol =Soldier READ Center)
is acidic or basic ... at FORT (LAB) HOOD Texas
Rating: 4.1 - 1,660 reviews
Sold as Two Packs of 100 pH Strips, 200 Strips Total; pH 1.0-14.0 Full Range Test Strips; pH Color Chart Intervals: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14; Size of One pH Test Strip: 45mm x 7mm (L x W) or 1.8" x 0.3" (L x W); For bulk discounts search "LRS-4812x5" for 5 packs of 100 [$9.95], "LRS-4812x10" for 10 packs of ...
Rating: 3.9 - 101 reviews
Each test strip can indicate the pH of a liquid or gel, even solutions with light color . Each box contains 100 test strips and each strip may be used one time. Each of four colored pads on the business end of the strip will reliably change color depending upon the pH of the liquid. Comparing to the color chart is fun and easy .
Rating: 4 - 20 reviews
pHydrion Paper Strips. Range: 1 to 12 . 100 strips per Vial. Model 165 . 1 vial. Economical test strips for general use. Note these strips are for use not requiring close accuracy. They also are not meant to test any type of water. Micro Essential has specific test paper to test water. Item number LI5900 or LI5000 are for water
above name
--> George Lucas --> lu + cas --> Lubitz crash
Germanwings crash:
Germanwings pilot's family
Germanwings crash ...
... This item:Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom by James Kahn Mass Market Paperback $7.99. ... most people hate the temple of doom but its my favorite movie of the indiana jones series.
code--> SiKH
--> si + KH --> Sin wave KHZ bio-radio
code --> Shanghai 1935
--> DNA number 35
--> DNA nucleotide molecular direction 3--> 5
code --> Shanghai 1935
--> DNA number 35
--> DNA nucleotide molecular direction 3--> 5
--> DNA nucleotide
--> DNA ......leo agents in year 1935

Leo Burnett Company, Inc., otherwise known as Leo Burnett Worldwide, Inc., is an American globally active advertising company,
founded in 1935 in Chicago by Leo Burnett.
Part of Publicis Groupe, the world's oldest and third largest advertising agency holding group, Leo Burnett is one of the largest agency networks with ...
Jul 9, 2017 - Gavin Long: Who is Baton Rouge cop killer? ... Long killed three officers that morning: Baton Rouge police officers Montrell Jackson and Matthew Gerald, and East Baton Rouge sheriff's deputy Brad Garafola. He also shot and injured officers Chad Montgomery and Bruce Simmons, and East ...
Authorities Arrest Max Planck Suspect in I-43
Oct 2, 2017 - MILWAUKEE (AP) — The Milwaukee County Sheriff's Office is looking for a suspect in a freeway shooting last Friday.
Sep 26, 2017 - Two vehicles struck by bullets during freeway shooting on Milwaukee's I-43 A northbound vehicle and a southbound vehicle were struck when gunfire erupted shortly after 1:30 p.m. Monday. Check out this story on https: / / jsonl .in / 2xzXneT Bullets ... #navbug.
... in other words
Two vehicles struck by message bullets GENERATED
Sep 26, 2017 - Two vehicles struck by bullets during freeway shooting on Milwaukee's I-43 A northbound vehicle and a southbound vehicle were struck when gunfire erupted shortly after 1:30 p.m. Monday. Check out this story on https: / / jsonl .in / 2xzXneT Bullets ... #navbug.
code words--> Chang Dynasty -->
Boston Kitchen restaurant wars .....
Rating: 3.5 - 39 reviews - Price range: Under $10
39 reviews of Boston Kitchen "Just tried them for the first time. Good pizza, delivery time was good. Wish I tried them sooner."
View the menu, hours, and coupons for Boston Kitchen at 217 Quincy Ave in Braintree, MA 02184. Order delivery online or by phone from
code words
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his rigged information TRIAL
Tamir Rice: police

,” a term that more appropriately refers to the organic, human, aspect of Universal ...
code ---> Robin Hood the hero in .............
--> Rob Gates approval of Hood cover-up explanations
code ---> Robin Hood the hero in
code ---> Robin Hood the hero in
code ---> Robin Hood the heroin .......
language schemes ...words as drugs ...
input drug commands to the brain computer
... knowingly approved by Washington DC
and the Pentagon
Northern Illinois University in
Daniel Parmenter was pronounced dead
shortly after arrival to Kishwaukee Hospital at 4 :00 p.m.
Gayle Dubowski was flown to the nearest trauma center, St. Anthony Hospital in Rockford, ...
Parameters welcomes unsolicited article submissions. Manuscripts should reflect mature thought on topics of current interest to senior Army officers and the defense community. Our focus is on the art and science of land warfare, national and international security affairs, military strategy, senior leadership, ethics, and ...
code words of the military analysis
--> Gung Ho Bar
--> Gun Ho Chi Minh trail WARS
--> Gung Ho Bar
--> Gung Ho Bar
--> ung Ho Bar
--> Jung Ho Bar --> blood/brain BARRIER software languages
code words--> roofs sloping
--> Proof ..... calculus 1st derivative .... slope
code words
--> rooftops were SHORT ROUND's (bullet) speciality
Dylann Roof ..... rigged information TRIAL ......
Jan 11, 2017 - An admitted white supremacist was sentenced to death Wednesday for killing nine black worshipers who'd invited him to study the Bible with them at a South Carolina church in 2015, ending a two-phase federal trial that exposed the killer's hate-fueled motives and plumbed the chasms of grief left by the ...
Nov 9, 2013 - On April 13, 1904, Bethesda opened its doors in a rented building on Margaret Street and was called The Faith House. There were five clients and eight staff members. The Faith Home was unable to renew its lease and moved to Milwaukee for three years. In 1909, the facility moved back to Watertown and ...
Jun 12, 2017 - Bethesda Lutheran Communities Inc.
is preparing for a massive overhaul of its Watertown campus, with plans to raze 11 buildings, some more than 100 ... homes) nearly three years ago, and the existing buildings have become obsolete , said Mike Thirtle, president and chief executive officer of Bethesda.
overhaul of its Watertown campus
overhaul of its Watertown campus
overhaul of its Watertown cam us
overhaul of its Watertown camus
overhaul of its Watertown camus
overhaul of its Watertown camus
overhaul of its Watertown camus --> Plague
message from Oak Creek Wisconsin
Charles Darwin selected agent Dylann Roof says he chose Charles..ton, diseased language/ thought city ....
Dec 9, 2016 - Dylann Roof's gun. Investigators say they found this pistol in the backseat of Dylann Roof's car when he was stopped the day after the Emanuel AME Church shooting in June 2015. So far, legislators have not closed the "Charleston loophole" that allowed him to acquire the gun. Provided. Roof began the ...
implies 1st derivatives of the
mathematical-physics curvature
of space/time
energy (expressed in the stress energy tensor),
producing the apparent phenomenon of ...
code word --> 6 blocks -->
code word --> 6 blocks -->
code word --> 6 blocks -->
code word --> 6 blocks -->
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Let's look at some books /news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
List of topics covered
* IBM code words ...PSW buffers hexadecimal SNA
* Temple of DOOM --> SiKH temple
* the Amish Purification project with
Burt Lancaster movie code in Pennsylvannia
Burt Lancaster movie code in Pennsylvannia
* Amish .... amino acid molecule education ..... one-room school house
* Charles Darwin agent
* litmus test ..... number 7 neutral chemistry
* litmus test ..... number 7 neutral chemistry
* acids and bases ..... social chemistry
* base ..... FORT (LAB) Hood
* base ..... FORT (LAB) Hood
* percentage Hydrogen
* George Lucas explains aerodynamics, STAR WARS , and the Lubitz crash
* SiKH temple shooting
* SiKH temple shooting
* Radio Head
* code ....Shanghai 1935 and DNA direction 3 ---> 5
* year 1935 Leo Burnett and the Chicago advertising INTER.NETT
* Gavin Long fired at least 43 rounds ..... for SHORT ROUND
* Planck Time code 43
* I-43 shooting in Milwaukee
* the Chang Dynasty .... chemistry textbook
* Boston Kitchen restaurant wars ..... Boston bombing
* Darwin ... Descent of Man
* Hubble wars and Hubbleton. Wisconsin
* Tamir Rice age 12 ...carbon 12 mirrors
* Robert gates
* Daniel Parmeter and the US.ARMY WAR college cover-up
* words--> Gung Ho Bar
* words--> Gung Ho Bar
* Carl Jung
* calculus derivatives at Emanuel Church ROOF in south carolina
* calculus derivatives at Emanuel Church ROOF in south carolina
* Jekyll ans Hyde transformation in DATCP and Watertown
* the Albert Camus PLAGUE at Bethesda Campus and Cudahy
* the Albert Camus PLAGUE at Bethesda Campus and Cudahy
* Wade Michael Page ..... Plague code
* code...blocks
* Dow Jones Industrial and the Indus river
* sub-continent of India
* Dictionary
* U S air-head THINKERS sues Hooker Chemical and the Jackie Gleason TV show.... honeymoons over the Niagara Falls ..fall
... fallopian tubes and love canal biology codes
... fallopian tubes and love canal biology codes
* address space
* Jim Chee books by Tony Hillerman
* Featherless bipeds
* dancer codes and impedance
* streams of conscious
* year 1954 Sam Sheppard trial
* iron-54 isotope murder
* iron-54 isotope murder
* Philadelphia train derailment
* oxygen
* Steven Chu and the CHU CHU train derailment
* IBM 3380 disk storage tracks and railroad tracks
* Laplace transform
* Pulse nightclub
* Plato and his military soldiers in Plato Platoon
* Sam Hengel and 23 hostages
* the Clayton family explains coffin communication layers
* I/O Port of Porterfield Wisconsin
* Life Scout of Troop 1054 ...... iron-54 isotope
* Iron Mountain .... atoMIC .. MIC ...... Michigan
* DH Lawrence
* Chattanooga shooting
* Double Helix
* Double Helix
* Turban signaling system ....... di.TURBAN.ance
* Afghanistan turban turbulance signal
* Lone Ranger
* Who is John Galt?
* the Galtaji Monkey temple software
* ROCK ... Region of Covergence
* Ray Kroc
* Mullin's ice cream cones and optical cones
* Sterling Hall bombing
* Robert Kennedy
* Chicago County Chicago
* People's gas
* Umpqua college shooting
* brain BURN-OUT in Chicago
* Babe Ruth
* Samuel DuBose and Satyendra Nath Bose
* Liege attack
* Lake EAR / Lake Erie neuroscience at bay Village/Cleveland
* Dianah Shore music
* Skin Walker bio-computer sub-routines
* Mayor Barrett at Orchard Street in West Allis
* Bart Simpson
* the Bartlett pear .... pair letter
* tree stand murders
* Diane Borchardt
* Herbert Spencer sequences
* infra-red language WARS and Syed Farook
* Spanish language inverse questions
* Germanwings at 38,000 feet
* iron cage and Jordan pilot
* Batavia physics
* LBJ explains
* UT .... Uterus university in Austin Texas
* murder dockets
* Pier Oddone from Peru ....... the INVERSE to the Northern Hemisphere
* Cavendish labs HISTORY
* system 370
* Route 29 murders
* Landau level formation
* Mexico prison escape
* Margaret Mead atomic social sciences
* the Kissinger sin wave DATA Files
* the murder of Junior Seau
* Vincent van Gogh severe EAR in year 1888
* Frontier orbitals
* Matt Anderson
* Ruth Graves Wakefield and death bio-computer chips
* Paul Dirac
* algebra
* Congressman sense codes agent ... Sensenbrenner
* System on Chip
* Waco cycle battle
* Kyoto protocol on Ky jelly
* oxygen gas molecule 32 at Floor 32 in Las Vegas
* acetylcholine
* Hamas ...... Harvard univeristy codes
* atom
* Jung
* EARTH atmosphere nitrogen codes
* Signal recognition particle
* Ismail Haniye
* Hippocampus
* Budapes
* Dalai Lama, Tibet, and Bethesda Lutheran Home
* Pavlov's experiment ..... bells
* Control Area
* Botany code name .... Nicholas
* TSAR and Tsarnaev ..ev ..electron volts ......
Solar System energy WAR zone in Boston
Solar System energy WAR zone in Boston
* photon mapping
* coupling number 137
* Solar System
* sugar ... Zucker amd Mark Zuckerberg codes
code words
The swashbuckling archhaeologist --> subset
...he sw.....bu............arch --> IBM
hex psw buffers (systems) architecture
code words
The swashbuckling archhaeologist --> subset
...he sw.....bu............arch --> IBM
hex psw buffers (systems) architecture Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ...
'Temple of Doom' is the Indiana Jones movie that Indians won't forget ... › Film And Tv › Talking Films
Mar 31, 2016 - Set in colonial India, the 1984 movie features Amrish Puri as a murderous priest of a Kali-worshipping cult and snakes, spiders and monkey brains on the menu.
Amrish Puri | Indiana Jones Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
the 1984 movie features Amrish Puri
the 1984 movie features Amrish Puri
the 1984 movie features Am ish Puri
the 1984 movie features Am ish Puri
the 1984 movie features Amish Purification
Amish School ..... the Purification Processs .....
Shooting in Lancaster PA › The Amish
West Nickel Mines ..... Amish School shooting - Wikipedia
Amish School Shooting in Lancaster PA
the 1984 movie features Amrish Puri
the 1984 movie features Amrish Puri
the 1984 movie features Am ish Purification
the 1984 mo vie features Ami sh
the 1984 molecular VIEW features Amino school
Gunman Charles (Darwin) Carl Roberts IV
took hostages and shot eight out of ten girls (aged 6–13), killing five
(aged 6–13)
(aged 6–13)
(aged 6–13) litmus test WAR ZONE
Litmus - Wikipedia
a solution is acidic or basic. ... Blue litmus paper turns red under acidic conditions and red litmus paper turns blue under basic or alkaline conditions, with the color change occurring over the pH range 4.5–8.3 at 25 °C (77 °F). Neutral litmus paper is purple.
test whether a solution is acidic or basic.
test whether a solution is acidic or basic.
test whether a solution (Sol =Soldier READ Center)
is acidic or basic ... at FORT (LAB) HOOD Texas
2009 Fort Hood shooting - Wikipedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. It was the deadliest mass shooting on an American military base. Hasan was shot and as a result paralyzed from the waist down.
Army bio-chemistry major kills 13 people in Fort (LAB) Hood shooting spree - Nov 05, 2009 ...
Army bio-chemistry major kills 13 people in Fort (LAB) Hood
Army bio-chemistry major kills 13 p ---> 13 PH code range
pH - Wikipedia
In chemistry, pH (potential of hydrogen) is a numeric scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of an aqueous solution. It is approximately the negative of the base 10 logarithm of the molar concentration, measured in units of moles per liter , of hydrogen ions. More precisely it is the negative of the base 10 logarithm of the ...
[PDF]pH (percentage of Hydrogen) - Ecofarm
pH (percentage of Hydrogen). We have to understand that the pH is a result of many factors. It is not the starting point to understanding your soil sample. The pH can be influenced by so many things, such as mineral content in the soil and which minerals have the effect on pH. Cations. Positively charged elements which lift ...
PH - Percentage Hydrogen BRAIN awareness TEST at Fort Hood - › Academic & Science › Physics
Litmus pH Test Strips, Universal Application (pH 1-14), 2 Packs of 100 ...
Ph Test Strips Are Universal Litmus Testing Strips Range 0-14 100 ...
Hydrion pH Strips ph range 1-12 100 strips per vial: ...
above name
--> George Lucas --> lu + cas --> Lubitz crash
Germanwings crash:
Who was programmed co-pilot Andreas Lubitz? - BBC News
Mar 23, 2017 - Andreas Lubitz, the young co-pilot who deliberately crashed a Germanwings airliner into the French Alps on 24 March 2015, killing himself and 149 other people, started flying as a teenager. He first took to the skies as a member of a gliding club in his hometown of Montabaur in west Germany before ...
Germanwings pilot's family
has fresh STAR WARS BRAIN programming bio-computer evidence that ... › News
Mar 21, 2017 - The father of Andreas Lubitz, the Germanwings pilot who deliberately crashed his aircraft into the Alps in 2015 killing all 150 people on board, is to claim his son was not responsible for the disaster. ... We are convinced this is false,” Mr Lubitz said in a statement to the German press.
Germanwings crash ...
George Lucas sub-conscious mind commands IMPLANTED into
Co-pilot Andreas Lubitz's programmable brain .......
final email reveals his ... › News › World › Europe Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ...
Temple of Doom
Temple of Doom -->
code--> SiKH
--> si + KH --> Sin wave KHZ bio-radio
--> DNA number 35
--> DNA nucleotide molecular direction 3--> 5
code --> Shanghai 1935
--> DNA number 35
--> DNA nucleotide molecular direction 3--> 5
--> DNA nucleotide
--> DNA ......leo agents in year 1935
Leo Burnett Worldwide - Wikipedia
founded in 1935 in Chicago by Leo Burnett.
Part of Publicis Groupe, the world's oldest and third largest advertising agency holding group, Leo Burnett is one of the largest agency networks with ...
Number of locations: 85 offices worldwide
Headquarters: Leo Burnett Building; Chicago, I...
Number of employees: 9,000+
Parent: Publicis Groupe
Gavin Long:
Who is Baton Rouge cop killer? - CNN -
Aug 4, 2016 - Gavin Long shot six cops, killing three of them, on his 29th birthday.
Baton Rouge cop killer left note, fired at least 43 rounds - CNN
fired at least 43 rounds and negative, minus sign ... tragic event
fired at least 43 rounds ...... message 43
Louisiana prosecutor's Max Planck report details 2016 ambush of police
- ABC News
Jun 30, 2017 - Investigators didn't find any indication that Gavin Long ever acted on the information, and his research wasn't the only evidence of his anger over the police treatment of African-Americans. Details about his ...
In less than 14 minutes ,
he unloaded 43 rounds as the former Marine methodically fired on officers.
he unloaded 43 rounds as the former Marine methodically fired on officers.
Authorities Arrest Max Planck Suspect in I-43
TIME WAR Shooting in Milwaukee | Wisconsin ...
Two vehicles struck by bullets during freeway shooting on Milwaukee's ...
... in other words
Two vehicles struck by message bullets GENERATED
by the atomic bulletin ....... during freeway shooting
..... a data generating EVENT on Milwaukee's ...
code words--> Chang Dynasty -->
Raymond Chang (chemist) - Wikipedia
Raymond Chang (1939-April 10, 2017) was an emeritus professor at Williams College in the Department of Chemistry and a textbook author. His most popular textbook was titled Chemistry, which was published up to the twelfth edition. He also published a few children's books. He received his B.Sc. from the University of ...
Chemistry, 11th Edition: Raymond Chang, Kenneth A. Goldsby ...
Student Solutions Manual for Chemistry 11th (eleventh) Edition by Chang, Raymond,…. ... Kenneth Goldsby is a professor at the University of Florida, accompanies by Raymond from seventy edition USE of Fundamentals of General Chemistry. ... Raymond Chang received his B.Sc. degree in ...
Student Solutions Manual for Chemistry 11th (eleventh) Edition by Chang, Raymond,…. ... Kenneth Goldsby is a professor at the University of Florida, accompanies by Raymond from seventy edition USE of Fundamentals of General Chemistry. ... Raymond Chang received his B.Sc. degree in ...
Chemistry: Raymond Chang: 9780073221038: Books
Chemistry [Raymond Chang] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Designed for the two-semester general chemistry course, Chang's best- selling textbook continues to take a traditional approach and is often considered a student and teacher favorite. The book features a straightforward.
code words--> Chang Dynasty -->
Chemistry [Raymond Chang] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Designed for the two-semester general chemistry course, Chang's best- selling textbook continues to take a traditional approach and is often considered a student and teacher favorite. The book features a straightforward.
code words--> Chang Dynasty -->
Chemistry (10th Edition) Raymond Chang : Free Download ...
Dec 16, 2015 - Donor challenge: A generous supporter will match your donation 3 to 1 right now. $5 becomes $20! Dear Internet Archive Supporter,. I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We're an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on. Our work is powered by donations ...
Chemistry (10th Edition) Raymond Chang - Internet Archive
Internet Archive BookReader. Chemistry (10th Edition) Raymond Chang. The BookReader requires JavaScript to be enabled. Please check that your browser supports JavaScript and that it is enabled in the browser settings. You can also try one of the other formats of the book.
Dec 16, 2015 - Donor challenge: A generous supporter will match your donation 3 to 1 right now. $5 becomes $20! Dear Internet Archive Supporter,. I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We're an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on. Our work is powered by donations ...
Dec 16, 2015 - Donor challenge: A generous supporter will match your donation 3 to 1 right now. $5 becomes $20! Dear Internet Archive Supporter,. I ask only once a year: please help the Internet Archive today. We're an independent, non-profit website that the entire world depends on. Our work is powered by donations ...
Chemistry (10th Edition) Raymond Chang - Internet Archive
Internet Archive BookReader. Chemistry (10th Edition) Raymond Chang. The BookReader requires JavaScript to be enabled. Please check that your browser supports JavaScript and that it is enabled in the browser settings. You can also try one of the other formats of the book.
Boston Kitchen restaurant wars .....
Boston Marathon pressure bombs
...... representing Kitchen pressure cookers- Wikipedia
Jump to Chechen reactions - Dzhokhar identified Tamerlan as the "driving force" behind the bombing, and said that his brother had only recently recruited him to help. Some journalists and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's defense attorney have suggested that the FBI may have recruited or attempted to recruit Tamerlan Tsarnaev as an informant.
Jump to Chechen reactions - Dzhokhar identified Tamerlan as the "driving force" behind the bombing, and said that his brother had only recently recruited him to help. Some journalists and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's defense attorney have suggested that the FBI may have recruited or attempted to recruit Tamerlan Tsarnaev as an informant.
Boston Kitchen - Order Food Online - 11 Photos & 39 Reviews - Pizza ... › Restaurants › PizzaRating: 3.5 - 39 reviews - Price range: Under $10
39 reviews of Boston Kitchen "Just tried them for the first time. Good pizza, delivery time was good. Wish I tried them sooner."
Boston Kitchen | Braintree, MA 02184 | Order Pizza Online | Pizza ...
man of ... Che chen descent was selected by
DARWIN message systems ...
DARWIN message systems ...
code words
-- > man descent --> information pointer to
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev and his rigged information TRIAL
- Wikipedia
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. ... Dzhokhar Anzorovich "Jahar" Tsarnaev (Cyrillic: Джохáр Анзóрович Царнáев /ˌdʒoʊˈxɑːr ˌtsɑːrˈnaɪ.ɛf/; born July 22, 1993) is a
man of Chechen descent who was convicted in the rigged information TRIAL
of planting bombs at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013,
along with his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. ... Dzhokhar Anzorovich "Jahar" Tsarnaev (Cyrillic: Джохáр Анзóрович Царнáев /ˌdʒoʊˈxɑːr ˌtsɑːrˈnaɪ.ɛf/; born July 22, 1993) is a
man of Chechen descent who was convicted in the rigged information TRIAL
of planting bombs at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013,
along with his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. ... Dzhokhar Anzorovich "Jahar" Tsarnaev (Cyrillic: Джохáр Анзóрович Царнáев /ˌdʒoʊˈxɑːr ˌtsɑːrˈnaɪ.ɛf/; born July 22, 1993) is a
man of Chechen descent who was convicted in the rigged information TRIAL
of planting bombs at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013,
along with his brother Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
What is network hub? - Definition from - SearchNetworking › Ethernet › Network hardware
Hubs cannot provide routing capabilities or other advanced network services. Because they operate by forwarding packets across all ports indiscriminately, network hubs are sometimes referred to as "dumb switches." ... But network hubs have some niche uses and continue to offer a simple means of networking. › Ethernet › Network hardware
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
The shooting of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy (June 25, 2002 – November 23, 2014), occurred on November 22, 2014, in Cleveland, Ohio. Two police officers, 26-year-old Timothy Loehmann and 46-year-old Frank Garmback, responded after receiving a police dispatch call of a black male that "keeps pulling a gun out of ...
Tamir Rice: police
release carbon black .... carbon 12 video
of 12-year-old's fatal shooting – video ...
Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy
Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old boy
Tamir Rice
Tamir Rice
....mir R --> mirror
Opium - Wikipedia
Opium is the dried latex obtained from the opium poppy (scientific name: Papaver somniferum). Opium latex contains approximately 12 percent of the analgesic alkaloid morphine, which is processed chemically to produce heroin and other synthetic opioids for medicinal use and for illegal drug trade. The latex also contains ...
opium | Drug, Physiological Actions, & History |
opium | Drug, Physiological Actions,
opi um --> universal mind ... access CODE
Universal mind - Wikipedia
The Universal Mind - There is But One Consciousness
code ---> Robin Hood the hero in .............
--> Rob Gates approval of Hood cover-up explanations
code ---> Robin Hood the hero in
code ---> Robin Hood the hero in
code ---> Robin Hood the heroin .......
language schemes ...words as drugs ...
input drug commands to the brain computer
... knowingly approved by Washington DC
and the Pentagon
Northern Illinois University in
Parameters magazine WARS ..... shooting - Wikipedia
Daniel Parmenter was pronounced dead
shortly after arrival to Kishwaukee Hospital at 4
Gayle Dubowski was flown to the nearest trauma center, St. Anthony Hospital in Rockford, ...
Parameters - Strategic Studies Institute - Army War College
This is the 'home' for the latest research and analysis.
Submission Guidelines - Strategic Studies Institute - Army War College
Submission Guidelines - Strategic Studies Institute -
Submission Guidelines - Strategic Stud uterus POWERS
- MIlitary Law”, (Autumn, 1997) 37(3):
Parameters: U.S. Army War College Quarterly 135-152; available at ...
Para ...... Parallel existences
Submission Guidelines
code words of the military analysis
--> Gung Ho Bar
--> Gun Ho Chi Minh trail WARS
--> Gung Ho Bar
--> Gung Ho Bar
--> ung Ho Bar
--> Jung Ho Bar --> blood/brain BARRIER software languages
code words--> roofs sloping
--> Proof ..... calculus 1st derivative .... slope
code words
--> rooftops were SHORT ROUND's (bullet) speciality
Dylann Roof ..... rigged information TRIAL ......
Sentenced to Death for Charleston Church Massacre ...
Bethesda Lutheran Home - Watertown Historical Society
02 23 After considerable discussion the assembly (Madison) today ordered two engrossments of the Racek bill exempting forty acres of land belonging to the Evangelical Lutheran home for Feeble Minded at Watertown from taxation. The authorities of the home, which has been conducted in rented premises for several ...
Lutheran Home for Feeble Minded and Epileptics - Asylum Projects
On Wisconsin .. .the Bethesda system deliberately destroyed ... : No residents but a campus remains | Local News | host ...
Bethesda Lutheran Communities plans to transform its campus ...
is preparing for a massive overhaul of its Watertown campus, with plans to raze 11 buildings, some more than 100 ... homes) nearly three years ago, and the existing buildings have become obsolete
overhaul of its Watertown campus
overhaul of its Watertown campus
overhaul of its Watertown cam us
overhaul of its Watertown camus
overhaul of its Watertown camus
overhaul of its Watertown camus
overhaul of its Watertown camus --> Plague
message from Oak Creek Wisconsin
Sikh Temple Killer Wade Michael Page Radicalized in Army ...
Wade Michael Page explains
Wade Michael Page
Wade Michael Page
Wade Michael Page
Wade Michael Plague
Wade Michael
Wade Michael
Wade Mic
Wade Mic
.... atoMic ... Plague
Atomic Molecular
Atomic Molecular Plague
Atomic Molecular
Atomic Molecular
Atomic Molecular Epidemic (AME)
Charles Darwin selected agent Dylann Roof says he chose Charles..ton, diseased language/ thought city ....
Emanuel AME f or massacre ...
--> Lexington
--> Lexington
--> lexicon/dictionary wars
--> Columbia --> Colum ---> Columns of the periodic atomic table
--> Calhoun Street --> Cal ---> Calculus and the slope of the church roof ......
implies 1st derivatives of the
mathematical-physics curvature
of space/time
EARTH existence and Spacetime curvature - Wikipedia
producing the apparent phenomenon of ...
Space-Time Curvature
and bio-math curves of FUN / FUNCTIONS
Space-Time Curvature and Relativity - Quantum Field Theory
code word --> 6 blocks -->
code word --> 6 blocks -->
code word --> 6 blocks -->
code word
--> Dr. Jones--> D Jones -->
Dow Jones Industrial Average - Wikipedia
An Introduction To The Dow Jones Industrial Average - Investopedia
The Dow Jones Industrial Average (Dow or DJIA) is one of the most closely followed stock market indexes in the world. Although the Dow is watched by millions of people on a daily basis, many of its viewers neither understand what the Dow really measures or represents, nor do they understand how to capitalize on the ...Dow Jones Industrial Average
.........Jones Indus
.........Jones Indus
Indus River - Wikipedia
The Indus River is one of the longest rivers in Asia. It flows through China ( western Tibet), India (Jammu and Kashmir) and Pakistan. Originating in the Tibetan Plateau in the vicinity of Lake Mansarovar, the river runs a course through the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir, towards Gilgit and Baltistan and then flows in a ...
Primary source: Sênggê Zangbo
Basin: 1,165,000 km2 (449,809 sq mi)
Secondary source: Gar Tsangpo
Length: 3,610 km (2,243 mi)
Indus River, Indus River Map - Maps of India
Indus River ...streams of sub-consciouness .......
Industrials ......sub-conscious MIND business section
Brain map .....sub-continent of India & North America (India NA)
- Wikipedia
Hooker Chemical Company - Wikipedia
U.S. Sues Hooker Chemical at Niagara Falls, New York | About EPA ...
Love Canal - Wikipedia
The Love Canal ...... vagina Tragedy | About EPA | US EPA
NIAGARA FALLS --> fallopian tubes WAR ZONE
NIAGARA FALLS --> fallopian tubes WAR ZONE continues
Fallopian tube
... American pussy wars played out in IRAQ
| anatomy |
Fallopian tube, also called oviduct or uterine tube, either of a pair of long narrow ducts located in the human female abdominal cavity that transport the male sperm cells to the egg, provide a suitable environment for fertilization, and transport the egg from the ovary, where it is produced, to the central channel ( ...
Fallopian Tubes Function, Pictures & Definition | Body Maps - Healthline
The uterine tube (fallopian tube ) carries an egg from the ovary to the uterus. Unless a biological abnormality, surgery, or ectopic pregnancy caused the loss of one tube, women should have two uterine tubes in their bodies. A section of the fallopian tubes, called the ampulla, is generally where.
Fallopian Tubes Function
Fallopian Tubes Fun ...... pleasure of citizens and their lies /schemes
Second Battle of Fallujah - Wikipedia
Fallopian Tube Disorders played out in code word
Fall --> Fallujah
: Overview, Salpingitis, Salpingitis Isthmica ...
The human oviduct,
The human oviduct,
The human oviduct,
The human id duct
--> idea deduction /induction
Jim Chee | The Tony Hillerman Portal
Jim Chee - Wikipedia
Jump to Police work - [edit]. Jim Chee is a member of the Navajo Tribal Police (now Navajo Nation Police). In People of Darkness, Chee solves a case involving a man made wealthy in buying land with uranium in it, at the dawn of the atomic age. He does his best to kill those who knew him in his first occupation, ...
Profile · Personal life
Tony Hillerman - Wikipedia
Navajo Tribal Police mystery novels. Several of his works have been adapted as theatrical and television movies.
Jim Chee | The Tony Hillerman Portal --> I/O Port
Jim Chee - Navajo Tribal Police mystery
Jim Chee - Food for Forehead thoughts
Jim's Cheese Pantry 410 Portland Rd Waterloo, WI Cheese - MapQuest
Page:Russell, Whitehead - Principia Mathematica, vol. I, 1910.djvu ...,_Whitehead_-_Principia...I.../102
so that e.g. the class "featherless bipeds" is identical with the ...
Principia Mathematica to *56 - Page 73 - Google Books Result
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell - 1997 - Mathematics
Alfred North Whitehead, Bertrand Russell ... Thus even if “.1: is a featherless biped ” is formally equivalent to
“.1: is a man,” it by no means follows that a person who believes that all men are mortal must believe that all featherless bipeds are mortal, since he may have never thought about feather-less bipeds, or have ...
CODE WORD --> dancer
Paul Dirac in his office at Florida State University |
Stream of Consciousness - Examples and Definition - Literary Devices
In literature, stream of consciousness is a method of narration that describes in words the flow of thoughts in the minds of the characters. ... The Stream of Consciousness style of writing is marked by the sudden rise of thoughts and lack of punctuations. ... It is comic novel that ...
Stream of consciousness | literature |
Stream of consciousness, narrative technique in nondramatic fiction intended to render the flow of myriad impressions—visual, auditory, physical, associative, and subliminal—that impinge on the consciousness of an individual and form part of his awareness along with the trend of his rational thoughts. The term was first ...
Stream of consciousness
Data fields of data Streams of consciousness ....... magazine
Sam Sheppard and Lake Erie - Wikipedia
Jump to Civil trial for wrongful imprisonment - Samuel Holmes "Sam" Sheppard (December 29, 1923 –April 6, 1970)
was an American neurosurgeon initially convicted for the 1954 murder of his wife, Marilyn Reese Sheppard. The case was controversial from the beginning, with extensive and prolonged nationwide media coverage.
Criminal penalty: Life imprisonment (overturned)
Conviction(s): Murder (overturned)
Sam Sheppard - Famous rigged neuroscience Trials
Murder of Marilyn Reese Sheppard
On the night of July 3, 1954, Sheppard and Marilyn were entertaining neighbors at their lakefront home (demolished in 1993)[1] on Lake Erieat 28944 Lake Road[2] in Bay Village, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, just west of the city. The property itself abutted the shore of Lake Erie, near the west end of Huntington Reservation. While they were watching the movie Strange Holiday, Sheppard fell asleep on the daybed in the living room. Marilyn walked the neighbors out.
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
Marilyn Sheppard was bludgeoned to death in her bed with an unknown instrument. The bedroom was covered with blood spatter and drops of blood were found on floors throughout the house. Some items from the house, including Sam Sheppard's wristwatch, keychain and key, and fraternity ring, appeared to have been stolen.[3] They were later found in a canvas bag in shrubbery behind the house.[3] According to Sheppard, he was sleeping soundly on a daybed when he heard the cries from his wife. He ran upstairs where he saw a form in the bedroom and then he was knocked unconscious. When he awoke, he saw the person downstairs, chased the intruder out of the house down to the beach where they tussled and Sheppard was knocked unconscious again. He awoke with half his body in the lake.
At 5:40 am, a neighbor received an urgent phone call from Sheppard who pleaded for him to come to his home. When the neighbor and his wife arrived, Sheppard was found shirtless and his pants were wet with a bloodstain on the knee. Authorities arrived shortly thereafter. Sheppard seemed disoriented and in shock.[4] The family dog was not heard barking to indicate an intruder, and their seven-year-old son, Sam Reese "Chip" Sheppard, was asleep in the adjacent bedroom during the whole ordeal.[5]
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954,
In the early morning hours of July 4, 1954, --> code 54
At 5:40 am, a neighbor received
At 5:40 am, a neighbor received
At 54 am (atomic mass time),
a ne ..neighbor received ......
message of 28 ne = neutrons
The bedroom was covered with
blood spatter and drops of blood were found
The menstrual 28 day neutron cycle |
Oct 16, 2017 - The menstrual cycle. Diagram of the female reproductive system. The blood and tissues lining the uterus (womb. Day 1 starts with the first day of your period. ...
Around Day 14 (in a 28-day cycle), hormones cause the mature follicle to burst and release an egg from the ovary, a process called ovulation.
A 28-Day Guide To Your iron-54 Neutron bio-physics Cycle
- mindbodygreen
Around Day 14 (in a 28-day cycle) -->
thus the calendar year for
Fe = Ferrous oxide iron life forms named
Fe = Females ...... the 1st month of the year is
Fe = February ...with cycle codes and signs
Day 14 ..... 28-day
--> therefore the month signals
2015 Philadelphia train derailment - Wikipedia
On May 12, 2015, an Amtrak Northeast Regional train from Washington, D.C. bound for New York City derailed and wrecked on the Northeast Corridor in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Of 238 passengers and 5 crew on board, 8 were killed and over 200 injured, 11 critically. The train was ...
Amtrak Train Derailment Philadelphia - NBC 10 Philadelphia
Judge to Hear Appeal in Amtrak 188 Crash Criminal Case. ... Amtrak Engineer Surrenders on Charges in Deadly Derailment. ... An Amtrak Northeast Regional train bound for New York from Washington, D.C. derailed in the Port Richmond section of Philadelphia Tuesday night, according to ...
Engineer in Philadelphia Amtrak Crash Is Charged With Involuntary ...
May 12, 2017 - Northeast Regional Train 188 was traveling to New York from Washington on May 12, 2015, when it derailed in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia. Investigators said Mr. Bostian was not on his phone and was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and his lawyer has said he has no ..--> 2 An O
--> 2 atomic number 16 Oxygen
= one molecule
Steven Chu - Wikipedia
Steven Chu is an American physicist. He is known for his research at Bell Labs and Stanford University regarding the cooling and trapping of atoms with laser light, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1997, along with his scientific colleagues Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and William Daniel Phillips. Chu served as ...
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy
Trains for children - Chu Chu Train - Police Cartoon - train - toy factory ...
▶ 1:01:26
Jul 8, 2017 - Uploaded by Toy FactorySubscribe Toy Fact
2015 Philadelphia CHU CHI train derailment - Wikipedia
in the Port Richmond neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Of 238 passengers and 5 crew on board, 8 were killed and over 200 injured, 11 critically.
Amtrak Train Derailment Philadelphia - NBC 10 Philadelphia
Amtrak Train
Track (disk drive ... data storage ) - Wikipedia
A disk drive track is a circular path on the surface of a disk or diskette on which information is magnetically recorded and from which recorded information is read . A track is a physical division of data in a disk drive, as used in the Cylinder- Head-Record (CCHHRR) addressing mode of a CKD disk. The concept is concentric, ...
Disk storage - Wikipedia
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
A vibration sent through the earth
returns an "echo signature" using the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
Pulse Club Shooting
- Laplace im.PULSE function WAR zone nightclub
..... shooting at Orlando nightclub - Pictures ... people were killed when a man with an assault rifle fired inside a popular gay nightclub, in what officials say was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.
Philosophy department explains Military organization - Wikipedia
In Commonwealth practice, formation is not used for smaller organizations like battalions which are instead called "units",
and their constituent Plato military troops
named ...Platoon
or companies are referred to as sub-units. In the Commonwealth, formations are divisions, brigades, etc. Different armed forces, and even different branches of service of ...
and their constituent Plato military troops
named ...Platoon
or companies are referred to as sub-units. In the Commonwealth, formations are divisions, brigades, etc. Different armed forces, and even different branches of service of ...
Company (military unit) - Wikipedia
As a result, in 1776, a Continental Army Infantry company was authorized one captain, one first lieutenant, one second lieutenant (both lieutenants serving as platoon commanders - not designated as platoon leaders until 1943 under the " Triangular Division" reorganization begun in 1939), an ensign (an obsolete subaltern ...
serving as platoon commanders
serving as platoon commanders
serving as plato ....commanders
as platoon leaders until 1943 under
as platoon leaders until 1943 under
as plato leaders until 1943 under
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who ... - NY Daily News
into the school at around 2:
UPDATE: Student Took Class Hostage 1 Year Ago in Marinette
No clues found in Marinette school standoff that ended in suicide ...
Samuel O. Hengel found peace on Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2010, after tragically taking his own life. Sam was 15 years old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel.
(Clayton) ....
(Clay soil/ geology tons and geology layers) ....
C lay
C layer
C --> Coffin Communication layers
He has been raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School as a Sophomore.
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Port er field,
He has been raised input PORT error field,
Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America.
Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts
Sample space ...........................................output
as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054
as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054
as a fe = ferrous oxide IRON agent / Scout
and belonged to
Troop 10(tensor space) ..... iron-54
Troop 10(tensor space) ..... iron-54
He was in Tae Kwon Do at Five Star Martial Arts
and was a red belt where he had the goal of becoming a black belt. Sam also loved hunting,
fishing and anything that included his family and the outdoors.
Chattanooga shooting: Five dead in attacks at Tennessee military ...
Jul 16, 2015 - 4 Marines killed in attacks on Chattanooga military facilities. ... -- A gunman unleashed a barrage of gunfire at two military facilities Thursday in Tennessee, killing four Marines and wounding two other service members and a police officer, officials told CBS News.
4 Marines killed in attacks
4 Marines killed in attacks
4 Marines killed in attacks
4 Marines killed in attacks by 4 DNA nucleotides per
DH Lawrence molecular software LIMIT laws of talking / chatting
DH Lawrence
DH Lawrence
D H Law
Double Helix social science Law
Chat/ talk battle,,,,, Chattanooga shooting: New details emerge about gunman - CNN
Jul 20, 2015 - Abdulazeez killed four Marines and a sailor last week in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Chattanooga, Tennessee (CNN)Chattanooga shooter Mohammad Abdulazeez told a friend that ISIS was "doing wrong" and "it was a stupid group and it was completely against Islam," the friend told CNN on ...
Marine from Wisconsin was killed in Chattanooga attack - StarTribune ...
Turban - Wikipedia
All Sikh Gurus since Guru Nanak have worn turbans. However, covering one's hair with a turban was made an official policy by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru of the Sikhs. The main reasons to wear turban are to take care of the hair, promote equality, and preserve the Sikh identity.
11 Things You Wanted to Know About My Turban But Were Too Afraid ...
Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or sensuous representations:
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or sensuous representations:
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or sensuous representations:
1 Things You Wanted to Know About My Turban
Turbulence - Wikipedia
Turbulence or turbulent flow is a flow regime in fluid dynamics characterized by chaotic changes in pressure and flow velocity. It is in contrast to a laminar flow regime, which occurs when a fluid flows in parallel layers, with no disruption between those layers.
Turbulence: Everything You Need to Know
- Ask the social science Pilot
Disturbance | Definition of Disturbance by Merriam-Webster
disturbance - Dictionary Definition :
In hotels, people put up "Do not disturb" signs when they want to be left alone. That's a good clue to what a disturbance is: something, usually noisy or rowdy, that bothers people. An audience member yelling during a piano concert would be a disturbance. Disturbances can also be interruptions, like a disturbance in cable ...
Silver | Lone Ranger Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Lone Ranger - Wikipedia
First appearance: WXYZ (January 30 or 31, 1933)
Alter ego: Ranger Reid
Created by: Fran Striker or George W. Trendle
Team affiliations: Texas Rangers
---> Indy ..... monkey ..... whispered secrets --
--> India
.....Galtaji monkey ( its molecular social software)
.. secrets -->
Who Is John Galt? - Forbes
Feb 15, 2012 - John Galt is the fictional hero of “Atlas Shrugged,” Ayn Rand's epic novel published in 1957. I first read Atlas Shrugged in high school, and have reread it four or five times since then. For me, no other novel even comes close. A few months back, while clearing out a closet, I found a long-forgotten “Who is ...
Who is John Galt?
Galtaji - Wikipedia
Galtaji (Khole Ke Hanuman JI) is an ancient Hindu pilgrimage site in the town of Khania-Balaji, about 10 km away from Jaipur, in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The site consists of a series of temples built into a narrow crevice in the ring of hills that surrounds Jaipur. A natural spring emerges high on the hill and flows ...
Missing: galt
Monkey Temple, Galta | Beautiful, but somewhat derelict Galt… | Flickr
Feb 8, 2012 - Beautiful, but somewhat derelict Galta Temple, also known as 'the Monkey Temple', is devoted to the Sun deity. The star attractions of the temple are three water bodies that draw their water from the hill. The water bodies reflect the social norms of the times when separate bathing ghats were designated for ...code word
--> Rock ---> ROC k --> pointer to agent K ROC
Ray Kroc - Wikipedia
Jump to Purchasing McDonald's - Having been in approximately one thousand kitchens, Kroc believed the McDonald brothers had the best-run operation he had ever seen. The restaurant was clean, modern, mechanized, and the staff professional and well-groomed. Roadside hamburger restaurants were more ...
What's really in a McDonald's ROC signaling system device .....
hamburger? - Thank Your Body
Macro Processing : How the Macro Processor Compiles a Macro ...
How the Macro Processor Compiles a Macro Definition. When you submit a SAS program, the contents of the program goes to an area of memory called the input stack. The example program in Macro APP in the Input Stack contains a macro definition, a macro call and a PROC PRINT step. This section illustrates how the ...
What is a macro processor?
On Wisconsin: Feud closes Mullen's Dairy Bar in Watertown; new ...
Oct 2, 2016 - Troy Milbrath, owner of Mullen's Dairy Bar and Eatery in Watertown, looks over remnants of the business that was founded in 1932. A feud with his landlord has closed the business and forced Milbrath to look for a new location. The counter has been removed and the remainder of the furnishings and ...
Mullen's Dairy Bar in Watertown, WI - Yelp › Food › Ice Cream & Frozen Yogurt
Cone cell WARS played out at Mullin's ice cream cone store
- Wikipedia
Cone cells, or cones, are one of three types of photoreceptor cells in the retina of mammalian eyes (e.g. the human eye). They are responsible for color vision and function best in relatively bright light, as opposed to rod cells, which work better in dim light. Cone cells are densely packed in the fovea centralis, a 0.3 mm ...
Rods and Cones - Ask a Biologist - Arizona State University
Sterling Silverware ,,,,
..........................war earth
Sterling Hall bombing - Wikipedia
The Sterling Hall Bombing that occurred on the University of Wisconsin–Madison campus on August 24, 1970 was committed by four youths as a protest against the university's research connections with the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. It resulted in the death of a university physics researcher and injuries to three ...
Sterling Hall bombing: Seven men linked by a moment in history ...
Aug 17, 2010 - The bombing of Sterling Hall on the UW-Madison campus in the early morning hours of Aug. 24, 1970 has a peculiar hold on Madison even 40 years later, in part.
Sterling Hall Bombing of 1970 | UW BS Archives and
the cover-up and lies Record Management
Sterling Silver Flatware |
View every sterling flatware pattern that's currently in production, all in one place and only at the best discount prices - 1-800-426-3057.
Antique sterling silverware and flatware, silver ... - Antique Cupboard
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia
Kennedy was fatally shot while exiting
through the hotel kitchen immediately after leaving the podium in the Ambassador Hotel and died in the Good Samaritan Hospital twenty-six hours later.
Victim: Robert F. Kennedy
Location: Ambassador Hotel; Los Angeles, Cal...
Date: June 6, 1968; 49 years ago; 12:15 a.m. ...
Non-fatal injuries: 5 (Paul Schrade, William W...
Cook County Government, Illinois |
President Preckwinkle, Leading Health Advocates Urge Cook County Residents To Sign Up For Health Insurance Before Friday's ACA Deadline. Today ... Chicago, IL 60602. May 10. 8:30am to 10:00am. JAC Council MeetingLocation: 69 W Washington. 22nd Floor Conference Room 2200C. Chicago, IL 60602. Jul 13.
Shop Sears Outlet for a great selection of gas ranges and gas stoves at cheap prices. We know how important it is find a gas range or stove that fits comfortably in your kitchen and delivers the features you need to prepare your daily meals. At Sears Outlet we offer slide-in & drop in gas ranges and stoves in a variety of sizes ...
Gas Stoves & Gas Ranges for Sale at Cheap Prices | Sears Outlet
Cook County, Illinois - Wikipedia,_Illinois
Gas Stoves & Gas Ranges for Sale at Cheap Prices | Sears Outlet
Shop Sears Outlet for a great selection of gas ranges and gas stoves at cheap prices. We know how important it is find a gas range or stove that fits comfortably in your kitchen and delivers the features you need to prepare your daily meals. At Sears Outlet we offer slide-in & drop in gas ranges and stoves in a variety of sizes ...
Gas Range: Gas Stoves & Ovens - Best Buy
Peoples Gas: Welcome
Peoples Gas. Emera company; TECO Energy · Tampa Electric · Privacy | Legal | Accessibility Copyright © 2017 Emera Inc. All rights reserved. Find us. Gas Driver Slider ...
Peoples Gas | LinkedIn
Peoples Gas is a regulated natural gas delivery company that serves 828,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in the City of Chicago. The company is a subsidiary of WEC Energy Group (NYSE: WEC). We're committed to delivering world-class reliability and the very best customer care – anywhere.
Contact Peoples Gas | Customer Service Peoples Gas | Peoples ...
gas-chamber-at-auschwitz - Holocaust Concentration Camps Pictures ...
The Gas Chambers | -
The Gas Chambers. At the fulcrum of the extermination system in Poland were the camps at Auschwitz, Maidanek, Treblinka, Chelmno, Belzec, and Sobibor…. Auschwitz was the most notorious of the extermination centers. At the height of its activity Auschwitz could house more the 100,000 men and women and could ...
Auschwitz Concentration Camp The Gas Chambers http://www ...
words ---> Umm I thimk ---> UM college schemes
cook .....
Cook country secrets of Chicago
Cook country secrets of Chicago
When Jane Byrne was elected mayor - Chicago Tribune
When Jane Byrne was elected mayor
When Jane Byrne was elected mayor of poetry sound rimes
When Jane Burn was elected mayor to destroy
the human brain BOOK section ..Dick and Jane
Fun with Dick (Richard J. Daley) and Mayor Jane
- Wikipedia
Babe Ruth Baseball
Babe Ruth Baseball - Ages 13-15 Baseball Division Player. Founded in 1951, Babe Ruth Baseball League was created for ballplayers ages 13-15 who wished to continue their baseball playing experience beyond the age of 12. This is where players get their baseball cleats muddy for the first time on standard 90' diamonds ...
About Babe Ruth League
Babe Ruth League
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
2011 Liè attack in Liege - Wikipediaège_attack
On 13 December 2011, a murder–suicide attack took place in the city of Liège in the Wallonia region of Belgium. The attacker, 33-year-old Nordine Amrani, threw grenades and fired an FN FAL rifle at civilians on Saint-Lambert Square. The attack killed six and left 125 others injured; seven of whom suffered serious injuries.
Belgium mourns the math WAR victims of the attack in Liege - Telegraph › News › Picture Galleries › World news
Laplace Transform | Advance Engineering Mathematics Review › Advance Engineering Mathematics
Laplace Transform -- from Wolfram MathWorld › ... › Interactive Entries › Interactive Demonstrations
by EW Weisstein - 2002 - Cited by 13 - Related articles
is implemented in the Wolfram Language as LaplaceTransform[f[t], t, s] and the inverse Laplace transform as InverseRadonTransform. The inverse Laplace transform is .... Jaeger, J. C. and Newstead, G. H. An Introduction to the Laplace Transformation with Engineering Applications. London: Methuen, 1949. Henrici, P.The Laplace Transform - Interactive Mathematics
Aug 26, 2017 - Laplace Transform theory and applications. The Laplace Transform is used in engineering applications. Made with the help of Scientific Notebook.
The Laplace Transform Tutor -- 6 Hour Course - Math Tutor DVD
Sam Sheppard - Famous EAR people ... rigged Trials
on the shore of Lake Erie. Sam Sheppard denied any involvement in the murder and described his own battle with the killer he described as ...
on the shore of Lake Erie.
on the shore of Lake Erie.
on the shore of Lake Ear ...... music world
on the shore of Lake Ear
on the shore of Lake Ear
on the shore
Dinah Shore ...... remote control and time delayed murder systems
by music instructions and commands to the millions of people
- Wikipedia
Jump to Music career - Dinah Shore was an American singer, actress, and television personality, and the top-charting female vocalist of the 1940s. She rose to prominence as a recording artist during the Big Band era, but achieved even greater success a decade later, in television, mainly as hostess of a series of ...
The original Dinah Shore Weekend in Palm Springs
code --> Tunnel --> the murder of Princess Diana
code word-->skins
Skin-walker bio-computer subroutines - Wikipedia
Navajo Skinwalker Walker Leg Legend | The Wichery Way - Navajo Legends
The Navajo skinwalker legend is one of the most well known, but is seldom talked about among tribe members out of fear of retribution.
14 Facts About Wisconsin Skinwalkers That Will 100% Scare
Dermatology/skin specimen in humanoid format ...
Skinwalker Walker Leg Legend with
the Wisconsin Leg Legislature
Scott Walker (politician) - Wikipedia
The Republican Party ..... skin walker people
...with Leader ... Governor Skin Walker
with B F Skin Skinner
Skinner's theory on Operant Conditioning experiments in Wisconsin - Psychestudy › ... › Learning Memory › Operant Conditioning
Missing: roperamnt
Man arrested in blood/brain BARRIER attack on the
software bugs in Mayor Barrett - Home 16, 2009 - The 55-year-old mayor, his sister, niece and two of his daughters were walking to his car
around 10:45 p.m. Saturday in the
8800 block of W. Orchard St. in West Allis when they heard a woman yelling. Authorities said Anthony J. Peters, 20, was arguing with his ex-girlfriend's mother, whose cries for help ...
around 10:45 p.m. Saturday in the
8800 block of W. Orchard St. in West Allis when they heard a woman yelling. Authorities said Anthony J. Peters, 20, was arguing with his ex-girlfriend's mother, whose cries for help ...
Peters to plead not guilty in Barrett beating
Orchard St.
Orchard St.
Orchard Street ......... Nature's systems detect
COMPUTER EARTH software bugs
in Carl Jung collective group MIND ....
humanoid format agent in the
West Allis brain Police Chief
.... Chief JUNG region --->
Symbol and Concept Machine word CLUES
* Orchard Street implies fruit orchards and
* Bartlett pear ...... paired with Mayor Barrett letter-/message system
USA Pears / Pairs / Para ...Parallel existences and expressions
Bartlett | Organic Bartlett Pears symbol life evolution
Bart Simpson - Wikipedia
Bart Simpson
Bart Simpson's actualization into an EARTH LAB
humanoid format /proper noun ...
humanoid information display device .....
Mayor Bart Barrett
....... in the Bartlett pear ... pair (2)
....... Orchard Street message site
....... in the Bartlett pear ... pair (2)
....... Orchard Street message site
Stink Bug on Pears
- California COMPUTER SCIENCE software bugs / Agriculture
Stink Bug on Pears habits of pest studied to find a control program which may include sprays, clean culture, host plant eradication. Arthur D. The consperse stink bug-Euschistus conspersus Uhler-caused considerable loss of pears at harvest during the past two fruit seasons. It attacked mainly Bartlett pears in orchards in El ...
[PDF]Pears - Oregon State University
Orchard Street
Orchard Street
Orchard Street
Orchard tree ---> Mayor Barlett pair and
the community of Milwaukee decision tree insects
the community of Milwaukee decision tree insects
tree Fruit Insect Pest - Pear Psylla - Penn State Extension
Oct 25, 2017 - Tree Fruit Insect Pest - Pear Psylla - Articles ... Growers should monitor for the presence of pear psylla using their most sensitive pear variety (e.g., Bartlett). ... In orchards with a history of psylla infestations, insecticidal control begins with a strong prebloom spray program designed to eliminate as many ...
Pest & Disease Control for Pear Trees - Stark Bro's › The Growing Guide › How to Grow Pear Trees
Pest & Disease Control for Pear Trees
Pest & Disease Control for Pair Trees --> married pair
and their decision tree ERRORS
'Tree Stand Murders': Chai Vang's WI deer hunter killings
Mar 21, 2015 - In “Tree Stand Murders” ($17.95, Outskirts Press), first-time author David Whitehurst recounts the incident in which Vang shot and killed Bob and Joey Crotteau, Denny Drew, Al Laski, Mark Roidt and Jessica Willers on the Crotteaus' hunting land after Vang was scolded, perhaps with racially charged words, ...
Chai Vang and Mayor Barrett
....... common denominators / Nature's message patterns
- Wikipedia
Personal life · Shootings · Investigation · Tri
'Tree Stand Murders'
'Tree Stand Murders' and Mayor Barrett / Orchard Street -->
with additional CLUE -->
Diane Borchardt | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Date of murder: April 3, 1994
Date of birth: 1949
Date of arrest: September 29, 1994
Location: Jefferson County, Wisconsin, USA
The Principles of Biology - Herbert Spencer - Google Books
both simultaneous and successive, in correspondence
with external coexistences and sequences
.......... Barrett orchard street
Diane Borchardt was a former teacher's aide/
Diane Borchardt was a former teacher's aide/
.............orchard was a former teacher's aide
Why Do Students Give Teachers Apples and More from the Fruit's ...
Sep 5, 2012 - What are you really saying to your teacher when you hand over a polished apple on the first day of school? Photo by Flickr user ollesvensson. The apple, that innocent bud of an Americana autumn, has pulled off one of the greatest cons of all time. As students across the country prepare to greet a new ...
Why Teachers are Associated with and Traditionally Given Apples
Jul 22, 2014 - Some even worked out a barter arrangement with teachers where they paid with surplus produce from the family farm. For instance, poor students from farming families in Denmark and Sweden often brought baskets of potatoes or apples to school as payment, among other staples (the potato being used for ...
Why do we give an apple to the teacher? - The Takeout
code word--> chains
Debating the delay entering Norris Hall - US news - Crime & courts ...
to enter Norris Hall proved costly. ...
Then they began the agonizing process of breaking
into the chained-shut building, which took another five minutes. ... She said officers needed to assemble the proper team, clear the area and then break through the doors.
--> red bubbles far
--> red far
--> infra-red BODY heat languages wars
Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik - Wikipedia
Syed Rizwan Farook (June 14, 1987 – December 2, 2015) and Tashfeen Malik ( July 13, 1986 – December 2, 2015) were the two perpetrators of a terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, on December 2, 2015. In the attack, they killed 14 people and injured 22 others. Both died in a ...
Killed: 14 (together with Malik)
Date: December 2, 2015; 10:59 am – c. 3:00 pm
Cause of death: Multiple gunshots by police
Education: California State University, San Ber...
San Bernardino killers: What we know, and don't, about their ...
Dec 8, 2015 - Investigators say Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook were radicalized, but how, why and by whom is a mystery. What do we know about the killers?
San Bernardino infra-red LANGUAGE war zone:
What we know ....... and what we deliberately cover-up
in our lies, schemes, and incomplete explanations ....... about their ...
Investigators say Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook were radicalized
Investigators say Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook were radicalized
Investigators say Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook
were radicalized
Radical, also called Free Radical, in chemistry, molecule that contains at least one unpaired electron. Most molecules contain even numbers of electrons, and the covalent chemical bonds holding the atoms together within a molecule normally consist of pairs of electrons jointly shared by the atoms linked by the bond.
Radical | chemistry |
Dr. Steven Chu | Department of Energy ......
bombing energy TRIAL
Dr. Steven Chu
...................chu setts --> algebra set theory / pairs / 2 / two bombs
Massachusetts - Wikipedia
Germanwings crash: 38,000 feet? - CNN -
What Happened on the Germanwings Flight -
The New York Times newspaper bio-RADIO-HEAD
em-field em --> employee idiots
DENY the existence of Charles Darwin
code --> iron cage-->
code --> iron cage-->
Jordanian pilot burned alive by ISIS in cage 'had no idea' | Daily Mail ...
Feb 11, 2017 - The Jordanian air force pilot filmed being burned to death by Islamic State extremists was unaware that he was about to be brutally set on fire until militant thugs poured petrol over him, a former militant involved in his death has confirmed. Moaz al-Kasasbeh was slaughtered on camera by Islamic State ...
Jordanian pilot had no idea ISIS was about to burn him alive | New ...
Feb 11, 2017 - The Jordanian pilot who was captured by ISIS — and then burned alive in a cage — had no idea he was going to be slaughtered on camera, a former militant...
Congress Parkway in Chicago
--> go WEST to Batavia BAT region
- Wikipedia
as a surface street past State Street and Michigan Avenueas a surface street past State Street and Michigan Avenueas a surface street past State Street and Michigan Avenueas a ......face ..................State ............ atoMic
Budapest - Wikipedia
Plato and Diogenes debate featherless bipeds. | Lapham's Quarterly
According to Diogenes Laërtius' third-century Lives and Opinions of the Eminent Philosophers, Plato was applauded for his definition of man as a featherless biped, so Diogenes the Cynic “plucked the feathers from a cock, brought it to Plato's school, and said, 'Here is Plato's man.'” When asked about the origin of his ...
Missing: russell
The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell for
Texas chicken brains
, Volume 5: Toward Principia ...
Bertrand Russell, Gregory H. Moore - 2015 - Philosophy
Toward Principia Mathematica, 1905–08 Bertrand Russell Gregory H. Moore. be equivalent to “I believe
that all featherless bipeds are mortal”, even if men are coextensive with featherless bipeds; for I may not know that they are coextensive. But “all men are mortal” must be equivalent to “all featherless bipeds are mortal” if ...
code --> 1989 UT Austin
code --> ......9 UTerus people of Austin
code --> 1989 UT Austin ......
uterus molecule education and the
uterus molecule education and the
UT battle site
Uterus battle played out in Utoya, Norway
code names---> Iris Murdoch -->
iris ..murd doc ch -->
Iris/eye optical software
...murder dockets Chicago IRISH optical and music schemes
Murder trial on the docket - The Edwardsville Intelligencer
Murder trial on the docket
Bugs Bunny Murder trial
will lead off court docket | The Lawton Constitution
Sep 17, 2017 - A murder trial and a case of shooting with intent to kill will be on the October-The Lawton Constitution
The Law ..............tit ut --> Tits & Uterus BRAIN languages
Murder trial will lead off court docket | The Lawton Constitution
Sep 17, 2017 - A murder trial and a case of shooting with intent to kill will be on the October- November jury docket in Comanche County District Court that begins Monday.
Sep 17, 2017 - A murder trial and a case of shooting with intent to kill will be on the October-Murder trial
........dermatology/skin language trial
docket in Comanche County
docket in Comanche County
docket in Coma ....... County
Batavia, Illinois - Wikipedia,_Illinois
Batavia is a city in DuPage and Kane counties in the U.S. state of Illinois. A suburb of Chicago, it was founded in 1833 and is the oldest city in Kane County. During the latter part of the 19th century, Batavia, home to six American-style windmill manufacturing companies, became known as "The Windmill City." Fermi National ...
Batavia, IL - Official BAT RD Website | Official Website
Information on City of Batavia Street De-Icing. Liquid Brine De-Icing is a pre- emptive strategy for keeping and clearing Batavia's streets free of ice buildup. Read on.
Pier Oddone imported from the Southern Hemisphere
(Inverse to the Northern Hemisphere)- Wikipedia
Piermaria J Oddone is a Charles Darwin
EARTH LAB human specimen .... Peruvian-American particle physicist.
EARTH LAB human specimen .... Peruvian-American particle physicist.
Born in Galpagos Islands / Peru region in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970. From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy's Lawrence ...
Aug 2, 2012 - The Fermi Research Alliance Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced on Aug. 2 that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America's leading particle physics laboratory. Oddone will continue to serve ...
decided to retire after eight years
decided to retire after eight years
decided to retire after eight yearsdecided to retire after eight years, Oddone will continue to serve ...
after eight years, Oddone will continue to serve ...
after eight years, Oddone will continue to serve ...
after 8 years, O ..... will continue to serve ...
code--> caverns -->
Cavendish Laboratory - Wikipedia
The Cavendish Laboratory is the Department of Physics at the University of Cambridge, and is part of the School of Physical Sciences. The laboratory was opened in 1874 on the New Museums Site as a laboratory for experimental physics. The laboratory moved to its present site in West Cambridge in 1974. As of 2011, 29 ...
Cavendish Laboratory - University of Cambridge
Welcome to the Cavendish Laboratory. Please explore the links for information about our history, our current major research projects and activities, and opportunities to invest in the future of the Cavendish.
The History of the Cavendish - Cavendish Laboratory - University of ...
The Cavendish Laboratory has an extraordinary history of discovery and innovation in Physics since its opening in 1874 under the direction of James Clerk Maxwell, the University's first Cavendish Professor of Experimental Physics. Up till that time, physics meant theoretical physics and was regarded as the province of the ...
The History of the Cavendish
code --> 3700 acre --> system 370 ac ( using alternating cycles)
IBM System/370 - Wikipedia
Route 29 Stalker | Unsolved Mysteries Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Alicia showalter reynolds2 killer. A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name : Unrevealed Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March 1996 ...
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia
The main suspect in Reynolds's disappearance is a man from Maryland named Darrel Rice who people believe is the "Route 29 Stalker". The stalker was reported to have flagged down women in an attempt to get them to pull over onto the side of the road by citing mechanical problems with their cars.
Police still hunting Rt. 29 Stalker after 21 years |
Mar 2, 2017 - But they've never found her killer. Investigators say they are still looking for the Rt. 29 Stalker, who tried to stop twenty or more women along the highway and ultimately kidnapped and murdered Alicia Showalter Reynolds. "Talented, kind, gentle soul," said her mother, Sadie Showalter, her voice breaking.
12 Investigates: Women disappearing from
copper atomic number ...... Route 29 - NBC12 - WWBT ...
12 Investigates looked at some of the high profile abductions and murders of women that have haunted our area. There have been a string of women to go missing in the Route 29 corridor over the last 20.
12 Investigates:
Mass escape: 29 suspected copper metal communication agents .....
cartel members break out of Mexico ... 24, 2017 - El Chapo may be gone from Mexico, but tunnel-aided escapes by inmates are alive and well. ADVERTISEMENT. On Wednesday, 29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120-foot tunnel to escape from a state prison in the northern Mexico border state of Tamaulipas, authorities said. One of the inmates, .
120-foot-long escape tunnel found under prison in northern Mexico ... 24, 2017 - March 24 (UPI) -- Mexican authorities said Friday they found a long escape tunnel beneath a prison in Tamaulipas that likely took many months to dig. Prison officials in the northern Mexican state said more than two dozen inmates escaped through the underground passageway.. Twelve of the 29 escaped
120-foot-long escape tunnel
120-foot-long escape tunnel Mexico prison
.... atomic language .......................cop --> copper signals .................
[PDF]Landau levels
–ħω. 3. 2. –ħω. 5. 2. –ħω. 7. 2 ħω. 2ħω. 3ħω. 4ħω. Figure 2: The Landau levels. Excited states are of course obtained by acting a† on each ground-state wave function. Again there are infinite number of states at each harmonic oscillator level N = a†a. The “center of the cyclotron motion” in Eqs. (1.16),. X = x + vy ω. = x + c. eB.
Landau level formation and magnetic breakdown in coupled double ...
by NE Harff - 1997 - Cited by 1 - Related articles
We investigate Landau level formation in closely coupled double quantum wells by measuring the longitudinal resistance (Rxx) as a function of both perpendicular (B⊥) and in-plane (B‖) magnetic fields. B‖ distorts the dispersion curve resulting in a continuously tunable, non-parabolic, two-Landau level formation
Land level formation .... EARTH atomic geological layers
.... EARTH atomic geological layers
.... EARTH atomic geological layers
.... EARTH atomic ..... logic layers
and its secret bat languages
its secret bat
its secret bat
its secret b at
its secret b atom
..... Bull-shit atomic social science stories
Ross Truett Ashley:
Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ...
Dec 10, 2011 - Police have identified Ross Truett Ashley as the gunman who brought terror to Virginia Tech. The man who authorities say killed a Virginia Tech police officer was described as a typical college student in many ways, making it difficult to understand why he would commit an armed robbery and then, ...
code word --> Derek
university officer Deriek W. Crouse,
39, was shot. Police were looking for surveillance video around campus to see if it would lend any clues to the gunman’s whereabouts before the shooting.
Centerpiece park 18 --->
Centerpiece par 18 --->
particles of the 18 vertical columns / atomic families of the periodic table
Kissinger Files Series Descriptions - Nixon Library
Kissinger Files
...... sin wave ... data files
Howard Dean explains plane geometry class
and its political science axioms
- Wikipedia
Junior Seau ..
murder of iron atomic mass 55
.... grid iron agent code 55
Junior Seau, former San Diego Charger found dead;
cops probe MAX PLANCK time ...... time war casualty
at linebacker for the San Diego Chargers, has died. He was 43. ... Seau, who played in the NFL for parts of 20 seasons, is the eighth member of San Diego's lone Super Bowl team who has died, all before the age of 45. Lew Bush, Shawn Lee, ...
at linebacker
at linebacker
atomic linebacker ..... He was 43.
Vincent van Gogh chops off ear - Dec 23, 1888 -
On this day in 1888, Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh, suffering from severe depression, cuts off the lower part of his left ear with a razor while staying in Arles , France.He later documented the event in a painting titled Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear. Today, Van Gogh is regarded as an artistic genius and his masterpieces ...
Ruth Graves Wakefield - Wikipedia
the first chocolate chip cookie, which she created c. 1938. She was also a graduate and educator, a business owner, a chef, and an author. Wakefield grew up in Easton, Massachusetts, ...
inventor of the Toll House Cookie,
the first chocolate chip cookie,
inventor of the Death Toll ..... World Trade House Cookie,
the first COMPUTER EARTH .....
bio-computer chip ...... in FORMAT cookie,
The Father of Modern Physics taught in Tallahassee at FSU. Paul ... › Blogs › Fred Griffin › Tallahassee Florida Real Estate
bio-computer ... SOCIETY sensing device
.... Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner
bio-computer ... SOCIETY sensing device
bio-computer ... SOC ..... with spokes-person
.... Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner ....
...............................imS interceptor agent
What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL)? - Definition from › Mainframes › Database
2015 Waco cycle war VIA motorcyle shootout - Wikipedia
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant
where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC),
including the Bandidos, Cossacks, and allies, had gathered for a regularly scheduled meeting about political rights for motorcyclists. Waco police, including a SWAT team, had gathered to ...
where members of several motorcycle clubs (MC),
including the Bandidos, Cossacks, and allies, had gathered for a regularly scheduled meeting about political rights for motorcyclists. Waco police, including a SWAT team, had gathered to ...
Death(s): 9
Location: Waco, Texas
Arrested: About 177
Date: May 17, 2015; c. 12:27 p.m. CDT
Biker Shootout in Waco - Waco biker gangs shootout - Pictures - CBS ...
Nine people were killed and 18 wounded after a lunchtime biker gang shootout between rival motorcycle gangs at the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco, Texas.
The Twin Peaks Shoot-out, Two Years Later - Texas Monthly
The Kyoto Protocol is an international treaty which extends the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) that commits State Parties to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, based on the scientific consensus that (a) global warming is occurring and (b) it is extremely likely that human-made CO2 ...
Kyoto Protocol - Wikipedia
Kyoto Protocol - unfccc
The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets.
A Summary of the Kyoto Protocol - unfccc
The Convention took effect in 1994, and by 1995 governments had begun negotiations on a protocol -- an international agreement linked to the existing treaty, but standing on its own. The text of the Kyoto Protocol was adopted unanimously in 1997; it entered into force on 16 February 2005. * The Protocol's major feature is ...
Kyoto Protocol - Wikipedia
Signed: 11 December 1997
Expiration: in force; (first commitment period ex...
Effective: 16 February 2005
Signatories: 84
Hamas - Wikipedia
Hamas (Arabic: حماس Ḥamās, an acronym of حركة المقاومة الاسلامية Ḥarakat al-Muqāwamah al-ʾIslāmiyyah Islamic Resistance Movement) is a Palestinian Sunni-Islamic fundamentalist organization. It has a social service wing, Dawah, and a military wing, the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades.
What is Hamas? - Everything you need to know about Israel-Palestine ...
---> Walid Safiz sundries 28 80
28 80
28 80
28 nitrogen molecule mass
80% atmosphere
---> Walid Safiz sundries 28 80
---> ............Sa f sun
---> ............Sarasota florida sunshine state
code --> 160,000 -->
160,000 + alphabet 26,000 = 186,000 .......
the traveling SYMBOL LIFE
... photon city of the velocity
--> power March 29 -->
electricity power ...... M-theory architecture ....
electricity power ...... M-theory architecture ....
copper 29 electrons
code--> 1967 borders --> gravity 67 borders
code--> Nicolas --> Ni c co --> Nitrogen cycle code
Ismail Haniyeh secrets of Washington DC thinkers and schemes / stories - Wikipedia
Ismail Abdel Salam Ahmed Haniyeh is a senior political leader of Hamas and formerly one of two disputed Prime Ministers of the Palestinian National Authority. Haniyeh became prime minister after Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections of 2006. President Mahmoud Abbas dismissed Haniyeh from office on 14 ...
Hippocampus - The Brain Made Simple
Location: Part of the Limbic system, in each temporal lobe. Function: Responsible for processing of long term memory and emotional responses. The hippocampus has a unique shape, similar to that of a horseshoe.
...........campus ....... advanced university ..... molecule education
refugee camp
Hippocampus - Wikipedia
The hippocampus belongs to the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation. The hippocampus is located under the cerebral cortex (allocortical) and in primates in the medial temporal lobe.
Learning, and
Emotion: the Hippocampus | PsychEducation
Memories of names live in this left temporal lobe:
Memories of names live in this left temporal lobe:
Memories of names vein ............................. lobe:
Bethesda Lutheran Communities | Supporting People with Disabilities
Bethesda is a Christian organization that provides homes and other services for people with developmental disabilities to help them live the lives they want. Christmas Match. We are blessed to have a long-time donor of Bethesda offer to match all end-of-year gifts up to $50,000 - Now thru December 31! Donate Now arrow ...
TiBet and University of Wisconsin schemrs
.......Bet --> Bethesda Lutheran Communities to Close Watertown Intermediate ...
Wilmot Union High School - Daily Bell Schedule
About Wilmot · Our Mission & Vision · Administration · Board of Education · Bell Schedules · Daily Bell Schedule · ACT Schedule · Early Dismissal (10:56am) · 1st Day of Semester · Late Start/Two-Hour Delay · Panther Pause · Semester Exams · Spirit Assembly · Veterans Day Assembly · Calendars · District Boundaries ...
Bell Schedules - Whitewater High School
Botany systems agent
--> Nicholas --> nitrogen + CHO
Tsar - Wikipedia
Tsar (/zɑːr/ or /tsɑːr/) (Old Church Slavonic: ц︢рь [usually written thus with a title] or цар, цaрь), also spelled csar, or czar, is a title used to designate East and South Slavic monarchs or supreme rulers of Eastern Europe.
Tsar | Define Tsar at
Boston Marathon ....... Tsar gets death - CNN
May 17, 2015 - Boston (CNN) A federal jury Friday sentenced Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death, the final chapterto a brutal, emotionally exhausting .......
rigged information trial that brought forth indelible images of an unspeakable crime. There was no visible reaction from Tsarnaev, 21. Several survivors and relatives of ...
Missing: tyrael
Boston bombing
rigged information trial:
Death sentence for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - BBC ...
May 16, 2015 - A US jury has sentenced Boston bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to death by lethal injection. Three people were killed and 260 were injured when Tsarnaev, now 21 , and his brother placed bombs at the finishing line of the Boston Marathon in 2013. Tsarnaev is likely to be moved to a federal prison in Terre ...
Missing: tyrael
code words .. equation
--> Triumph of Russia ....... o ......ssi a -->
--> Triumph of Russia ....... o ......ssi a -->
photons solar system instructions/interface atoms
photons .... solar system instructions/interface
.... atoms giving ONE (1) human metabolism
at 37 Celsius
Caterpillar Inc. - Wikipedia
Number of employees: 95,400 (2016)
Headquarters: Deerfield, Illinois, U.S
Industry: Heavy equipment; Engines; Financial ...
Net income: US$-67 million (2016)
Cat | Heavy Equipment / Heavy Machinery | Caterpillar
The Cat heavy equipment line includes over 300 machines such as excavators and dozers. Check out our full line of heavy machinery!
Cat | Products | Caterpillar
Mark Zuckerberg - Wikipedia
Jump to Facebook - Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer and Internet entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of Facebook, and currently operates as its chairman and chief executive officer. His net worth is estimated to be US $74.2 billion as of November 2017, and in 2016 was ranked by Forbes as ...
Mark sugar ... mark my words says THOUGHT molecule
Mark sugar .....Zucker translation English | German dictionary | Reverso
Mark Zuckerberg
...... secret agent for the sugar ... THOUGHT molecule continuum
Mark Sugar/Zucker
and his secret wife
... sweet code name ...
intials P CH --->
and his secret wife
... sweet code name ...
intials P CH --->
a female .. parallel
Package of sugar CH
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