List of topics ... covered later with the numbered, handwritten pages
* Grand Unified Theory battle reports
* Casa Grande, Arizona shooting
* uranium ... apartment duplex codes
* EARTH atmosphere
* Thomas Anderson explains
* Grand 16 theater shooting
* FSU Darlene Horton killed in the Bertrand Russell battles
* Chicago killed generating events
* 4 iron atoms in blood HEMOGLOBIN battle at 4:55 PM
* CO2 molecule mass 44 message from the 4400 block
* Pier Oddone and his Galapagos codes from March 26, 1944 in Peru
* Illinois route 56 iron isotope LINK to atomic number 26 of March 26
* Chicago at 2:55 am ... man shot in BACK generates a feedback signal
* 5 killed in Kenya over Odinga supporters in Nairobi .......
Nitrogen air regions
* Indiannapolis shootings over guanine and adenine ...code NINE = 9
* shootings at Kenmore and Kenyan
..... parallel Kennedy and Kennedy assassination
* Chicago shooting of 33 year old man at 2900 block
* Math logic book
* variables and Bavaria
* Jamie Kirk Hahn executed by government ERRORS
* song lyric " my face in the mirror"
* Vincent Van Gogh explains centrifugal force of Dec 23, 1888
* Hydrogen
* Nitrogen and oxygen .. gen ..... generator instruction codes
* bio-computer blood with number 100
* IBM 8100 DPCX blood software
* Logan and the X-men of math functions
* poetry and its data entry equation
* Ayn Rand and Fountainhead ... information flow / Springfield
* Duralast batteries explains
* Atomic table
* Battery park Manhattan
* Alice cryptology
* Samuel duBose
* Bose-Einstein
* the NET of Benjamin Netanyanhu
* Net of DEATH visits Marinette High School
* Sam Hengel Boy Scout --> Out --> Output data field
* the Clayton family explains earth clay layers and coffins
* the coffin BOX language and the Boxer rebellion
* the Boxer protocol treaty of nitrogen 7 in September 1901
* Boer war ...back order-entry codes
* Kaaba Black Cube
* the Quran ...uran .... uranium code and number 43 and 143
* Hawking explains the Black Cube atoms
marble mass gravity PULLS information from the CROWD of people ...
the human bio-computers with data field
...... that gravity pull to the BLACK HOLE/CUBE
* electron transport of sports teams
* water transport
* Tiger Woods at the Tigrus River
* Ixonia Wisconsin and President Nixon
* Lake Mills
* James Clerk Maxwell
* Maxwell Demons and DePaul university basketball
* Maxwell Street
* Spinoza
* Tom Sawyer
* radio frequency
* Hans Solo and Star Wars
* Solomon organic chemistry
* Sun Prairie Wisconsin and the nitrogen cycle
* the Sunni religious equation and the EM field language
* Fermat' last theorem
* astrology LEO --> nucleotides
* chronic illness
* language and concept engines
* advanced hand cuffs of Nature's systems
* time code number 43 and 143
* blood vessels and arteries and their
OUTPUT message paintings at ART institutes
* Tom Petty music
* heart attack music
* medical bio-calculus
* sub-conscious MIND financial systems
* communicable disease
* Schrodinger's cat
* nylons
* Sandy hook shooting
* double helix
* p and q chromosome arms battle at pq college in Oregon
* Boston bombing
* the world coma
* Chicago magnificent mile and centrifugal force
* DOT ....Lewis DOT structures and Dot Com
* Waiting for Godot .. dot com
* data record update ..... lock record
* SOC --> Soccer and System on Chip
* Vang retirement funds at Rice Lake
* the TAX system .. Taxadermists evolution
* skin care secret languages
* Jerry March
* acetylcholine
* Runway 26 crash
The evolution of the living language with math and physics equations, computer science flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams. etc has resulted in a new version of LANGUAGE ...... known by various terms as
the Universal Mind Language,
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language,
Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND expression systems of behavior and feeling that sometimes rises up to a surface level of information display ( crimes, protests, demonstrations, etc) and other language / behavior mechanics.
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" .....
about two or more worlds on the EARTH surface ....... such as
music worlds, restaurant world, clothing world, etc
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......
that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and daily activities.
Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings ... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
Information string ....... BLOG POST
4 killed in Casa Grande shooting | Area News |
Oct 5, 2017 - CASA GRANDE — Four people were killed in a shooting Thursday morning in Casa Grande and two people are in custody in what police are calling a ... responder agencies, the Casa Grande Fire Department, the Pinal County Sheriff's Office, the Arizona Department of Public Safety and the U.S. Border ...
Casa Grande shooting leaves 4 people dead; suspects in custody
Oct 5, 2017 - CASA GRANDE — Four people were shot and killed Thursday morning at a duplex in what police are investigating as a case of domestic violence. ... "We have a couple of people in custody that we believe are involved," Anderson told The Arizona Republic on Thursday evening, referring to them as ...
PD: 4 killed, 2 in custody in Casa Grande homicide - ABC15 Arizona
Four people were killed in a shooting Thursday morning
Four people were killed in a shooting Thursday morning
Four people were killed Thursday morning
Four people were killed Thursday mo
.... ur people were killed ... ur ..... mourning
Casa Grande shooting leaves 4 people dead; suspects in custody
Thomas Anderson, PIO
Thomas Anderson, PIO
Thomas Anderson, PIO sends a message to agent
PIO --> Pi + O --> Pier Oddone
Casa Grande shooting leaves 4 people dead
Thomas Anderson, PIO for Casa Grande Police Department, says the shooting Oct. 5, 2017, might be some sort of "domestic situation" and an isolated incident. Jason Pohl/
CASA GRANDE — Four people were shot and killed Thursday morning at a duplex in what police are investigating as a case of domestic violence.
Police said two people are in custody.
at a duplex
at a duplex
at a duplex
at a duplex
at a duplex ..... the EARTH atmosphere
and its duplex molecules .......
nitrogen and oxygen
and its duplex molecules .......
nitrogen and oxygen
Casa Grande police responded shortly after 8 a.m.
to reports from neighbors of shots fired between Farmers Avenue and Ash Avenue on West 13th Street in a duplex-type residence.
to reports from neighbors
to reports from neighbors of shots fired between Farmers Avenue and Ash Avenue on West 13th Street in a duplex-type residence.
to reports from neighbors
to reports from neighbors
to reports from n eigh bors
to reports from ne eight --> neutrons 8 of oxygen
and their Margaret Mead atomic social science WAR news
and their Margaret Mead atomic social science WAR news
Farmers Avenue and Ash Avenue
Farmers Avenue and Ash Avenue
Farmers Avenue ... FA --> FFA DEATH subroutines
and the murder/cover-up of farmer Matt Anderson
and the murder/cover-up of farmer Matt Anderson
Officers found four bodies in the residence, and each appeared to have died of gunshot wounds, said Thomas Anderson, spokesman for the Casa Grande Police Department.
Officers found four bodies in the residence,
Officers found four bodies in the residence,
Officers found four bodies in the residence --> message to 4-H club analysis team
The names of the victims were not immediately released, but all appear to be adults, Anderson said.
Officers driving by the area saw someone running as the reports of gunshots came in. Those officers followed the person, while others responded to the residence about three blocks to the south, Anderson said.
* Casa Grande< Arizona shooting leaves 4 people dead;
suspects in custody
Grand 16 shooting - Gunman opens fire at a showing of "Trainwreck ...
Surgut stabbing: Attacker 'used knife, axe and explosive device ... › News › World
Eight people stabbed in Siberian city of Surgut | World news | The ... › World › Russia › World › Russia
Surgut stabbing: Attacker 'used knife,
Woman killed in London knife attack was wife of FSU professor
while he taught a summer session at the school's London ...
Stabbing of local woman in London shocks Tallahassee
Woman killed in London knife attack was wife of FSU professor
a man with a knife began
attacking pedestrians in Russell Square.
Paul Dirac in his office at Florida State University |
In Collections. Paul A.M. Dirac Collection. This service is a partnership between Florida Virtual Campus and The Florida State University Libraries. All Rights Reserved. Contact us with Questions or Comments | Research Repository Legal Agreements.
The Father of Modern Physics taught in Tallahassee at FSU. Paul ... › Blogs › Fred Griffin › Tallahassee Florida Real Estate
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia
5 killed, 13 wounded in Chicago shootings, including 4 dead in rifle ...
About 4:55 p.m.,
a 24-year-old man was shot in the 4400 block
of West Washington Boulevard, police said. He was outside near a residence when an assailant on foot approached and fired shots, hitting him in the abdomen. His family took him to Stroger Hospital, where his condition had stabilized.
About 4:55 p.m.,
About 4:55 p.m.,
About 4 ...... 55
About 4 iron atoms ...... 55 atomic mass average
hemoglobin | Definition, Structure, & Function |
There are four iron atoms
in each molecule of hemoglobin, which accordingly can bind four atoms of oxygen. Globin consists of two linked pairs of polypeptide chains.
About 4:55 p.m.,
a 24-year-old man was shot in
the 4400 block of West Washington Boulevard,
the 4400 block of West Washington Boulevard,
the 44 .... data block of
carbon dioxide molecule CO2 output data carrier molecule of mass 44
Pier Oddone - Wikipedia
Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970. From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy's Lawrence ...
Pier Oddone
26 March 1944
Arequipa, Peru
26 March 1944
26 March 1944
26 atomic number military March begins
to Illinois Route 56 ..
Ferrous oxide iron Isotope-56
Shortly before 2:55 a.m., a 19-year-old man was shot in the back while walking in the 2200 block of West 19th Street in the Heart of Chicago neighborhood. He was taken in serious condition to Mount Sinai Hospital, police said.
man was shot in the back
man was shot in the back
man was shot in the back
Shortly before 2:55 a.m., a 19-year-old man was shot in the back while walking in the 2200 block of West 19th Street
a 19-year-old man
a 19-year-old man
a 19-year-old man ........ block of West 19th Street
a 19-year-old man
a 19-year-old man
a 19-year-old manuscript ........ block of West 19th Street
5 killed as Kenyan police and Odinga supporters clash in Nairobi - CNN
Nov 17, 2017 - Supporters of Kenya's opposition party National Super Alliance (NASA) clash with police during a demonstration on November 17, 2017 in Nairobi. ... (CNN)At least five people are dead after demonstrations in Nairobi for Kenyan opposition leader Raila Odinga erupted into clashes with ...
5 killed as Kenya police clash with Odinga supporters | The Kansas ...
Nov 17, 2017 - Supporters of Kenyan opposition National Super Alliance NASA) coalition carry a supporter who was fatally shot by police in Nairobi, Kenya, Friday, Nov. 17, 2017. Kenya police used tear gas and water cannon Friday on a large crowd of supporters of opposition leader Raila Odinga who gathered to ...Odinga supporters
Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director | symmetry magazine
Odinga supporters
Od ....... su pp port ers
---> FSU parallel processing I/O port errors
Paul Dirac in his atomic DATABASE office at the
quantum Floor at Florida State University |
fsu.dig --->
Enrico Fermi explains - Wikipedia
Enrico Fermi was an Italian-American physicist and the creator of the world's first nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1. He has been called the "architect of the nuclear age" and the "architect of the atomic bomb". He was one of the very few physicists in history to excel both theoretically and experimentally. Fermi held several ...
Enrico Fermi explains
Enrico Fermi explains code Fer
.......coFFer --> coffin ....
Database container site of
Dirac ....... LINK to the Galapagos / Peru VIA
Dir ...... Dirac Blog directory used by the
Director of FermiLAB
Fermilab Director to Step Down | Science | AAAS
United States specializing in high-
United States specializing
United States specializing
United States special i zin g
United States special interface zin group .....
godzin : Polish » English | PONS for godzin in the PONS Online Polish » English Dictionary: osiem godzin dziennie, od dwóch do trzech godzin, pracować w pełnym/niepełnym wymiarze godzin, it takes five hours, time sheet, it takes a few hours for a meal to digest, part-time employment.72 Hours: 9 shot, 3 stabbed, 6 killed in Indianapolis - TheIndyChannel ...
9 shot,
The incidents ranged from the very first at 1:35 a.m. Friday – a 30-year-old man found with a serious gunshot wound in the 500 block of Pershing Avenue – to a 19-year-old girl who walked into Methodist Hospital ER with a gunshot wound to her foot Saturday night.
1:35 AM – Officers respond to 30-year-old man with serious gunshot wound in 500 block of Pershing Avenue. Victim transported to hospital with “major injury.”
1:35 AM – Officers
1:35 AM – Officers
... 35 AM – O
... 35 AM – O
... 35 AMinO acid molecular police reported
from the very first at 1:35 a.m. Friday
from the very first at 1:35 a.m. Friday
from the very first at ...35 amino acid signal ....... DNA 3 ---> 5
The final incident happened near Kenmore Road and Kenyon Avenue Sunday afternoon, when a 27-year-old woman was shot while driving. She was transported to the hospital for treatment. Police said young children in the car at the time of the shooting weren’t harmed.
The final incident happened near Kenmore Road and Kenyon Avenue Sunday a
The final incident happened near Kenmore Road and Kenyon Avenue Sunday a
happened near Ken...... and Ken Avenue
happened near Ken...... and Ken Avenue
happened near Kennedy...... and Kennedy ... K-channel DEATH Avenue
Assassination of President Kennedy - Wikipedia
Robert Kennedy is assassinated - Jun 05, 1968 -
Assassination of President Kennedy
Neurotransmitters and receptors - University of Bristol
K ions. Inside. Neurons, like all cells, maintain different concentrations of certain ions (charged atoms) across their cell membranes. Imagine the case of a boat with a small leak below the water line. In order to keep the boat afloat, the small amount of water entering through the leak has to be pumped out, which ...
5 killed, 13 wounded in Chicago shootings, including 4 dead in rifle ...
2900 block of West Roosevelt Road
2900 block of West Roosevelt Road
2900 block of West Roosevelt Road
29 block
29 block
29 block
serious condition to Mount Sinai Hospital
serious condition to Mount Sinai Hospital
serious condition to .......... Sin... Hospital
a 33-year-old man was sitting
a 33-year-old man was sitting
a 33 ....
IBM Archives: IBM 3330 data storage
BM Archives: IBM 3350 direct access storage
Missing: 3330 3380
IBM Archives: IBM 3380 direct access storage device
Missing: 3330
Next data generating ..message event --->
About 11:45 p.m., a 28-year-old man was walking on the EARTH geography surface of land/concrete ..... in the 8800 block of South Throop Street in the Gresham neighborhood when he heard shots and was hit in the lower right leg. He was taken to MetroSouth Medical Center, where his condition was stabilized, police said.
a 28-year-old man
a 28-year-old man
a 28-year-old man
a 28-year-old man ---> nitrogen molecule mass 28
in the 8800 block of South Throop Street
in the 8800 block of South Throop Street
in the 88 .... oxygen block
code name
--> Joel W --> Order entry law
code word
--> variable
Jamie's Cryin' by Van Halen Songfacts
Jamie's Cryin' by Van Halen song meaning, lyric interpretation, video and chart position.
Van Halen - Jamie's Cryin' Lyrics | MetroLyrics
Jamie Kirk Hahn murder case in Raleigh, North Carolina ::
Timothy McVeigh(t) - Wikipedia
Oxygen atomic WAR
...... rigged information Trial: Timothy McVeigh executed -
who killed 168 people
in the nation's worst act of domestic terrorism, was put to death by lethal injection at 8:14 a.m. ET Monda
who killed 168 people
who killed 168 people
who killed 16 oxygen mass and 8 electron atomic number
In Las Vegas shooting, could police or Mandalay Bay have acted to ...
Nov 1, 2017 - An investigator works in the 32nd floor .......
oxygen molecule mass 32 message suite of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino where a gunman opened fire on a concert crowd, killing 58 and wounding hundreds. (Gregory Bull/AP). Note: This story has been updated. One month after the Las Vegas mass shooting from the Mandalay Bay hotel, ...
Hotel: Paddock opened fire on crowd within 40 seconds after guard ...
Bargain - Song Meanings
To catch you I'm gonna run and never stop. I'd pay any price just to win you. Surrender my good life for bad. To find you I'm gonna drown an unsung man. I'd call that a bargain. The best I ever had. The best I ever had. I sit looking 'round. I look at my face in the mirror. I know I'm worth nothing without you. And like one and ...
The Who – Bargain Lyrics | Genius Lyrics › W › The Who
[Verse 2: Pete Townshend]
I sit looking around
I look at my face in the mirror
I know I'm worth nothing without you
And like one and one don't make two
One and one make one
And I'm looking for that free ride to me
I'm looking for you
I look at my face in the mirror
I look at my face in the mirror
I look at my face in the mirror
Two Police Officers Sue a Milwaukee Gun Store for Negligence After a ...
Two Officers Were Shot; Wisconsin Store Liable for Gun Sale - The ...
One month after the purchase, the 18-year-old, Julius Burton, shot Officer Bryan Norberg in the face and Officer Graham Kunisch in the face, ...
I look at my face in the mirror
I look at my face in the mirror
I look at my face in the mirror
Shooting of Tamir Rice - Wikipedia
Vincent van Gogh - Wikipedia
Nationality: Dutch
Known for: Painting, drawing
Education: Anton Mauve
Movement: Post-Impressionism
Vincent van Gogh chops off ear - Dec 23, 1888 -
Why did Vincent van Gogh cut his ear on December 23, 1888? - PBS
Vincent van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh chops off earth communications LINK
Dec 23, --> latitude 23 message to human air heads of France
Social contract - Wikipedia
Jump to John Locke's Second Treatise of Government (1689) - Hugo Grotius (1625), Thomas Hobbes (1651), Samuel Pufendorf (1673), John Locke (1689), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762), and Immanuel Kant (1797) are among the most prominent of 17th- and 18th-century theorists of social contract and natural rights. ... Grotius posited that individual human beings had natural rights.
Jump to John Locke's Second Treatise of Government (1689) - Hugo Grotius (1625), Thomas Hobbes (1651), Samuel Pufendorf (1673), John Locke (1689), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1762), and Immanuel Kant (1797) are among the most prominent of 17th- and 18th-century theorists of social contract and natural rights. ... Grotius posited that individual human beings had natural rights.
Locke's Political Philosophy (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Jump to State of Nature - Locke writes “want [lack] of a common judge, with authority, puts all persons in a state of nature” and again, “Men living according to reason, without ... According to Simmons, since the state of nature is a moral account, it is compatible with a wide variety of social accounts without contradiction.
Jump to State of Nature - Locke writes “want [lack] of a common judge, with authority, puts all persons in a state of nature” and again, “Men living according to reason, without ... According to Simmons, since the state of nature is a moral account, it is compatible with a wide variety of social accounts without contradiction.
John Locke | Natural Law, Natural Rights, and American ...
Locke speaks of a state of nature where men are free, equal, and independent. He champions the social contract and government by consent. He goes even farther than Hobbes in arguing . that government must respect the rights of individuals. It was Locke's formula for limited government, more than Hobbes's, that inspired ..
The Social Contract
All of these philosophers used "the state of nature" as a thought experiment for thinking about political legitimacy and shared the conclusion that governments have their origin in an implied social contract. Citizens agree to surrender absolute freedom and obey laws in exchange for the greater security and prosperity that ...
Social Contract Theory and the State of Nature - Fact / Myth
Aug 9, 2016 - Social Contract Theory is the theory of why people form governments based on how people lived in a State of Nature before government.
Nature of man, state of nature and social contract -- john locke vs. …
Herbert Spencer - Cardiff University has been said that Herbert Spencer (1820-1903) exerted an influence upon the intellectual history of his time far in excess of the intrinsic merit of his work. ..... But now before trying to explain these most involved phenomena,
we must learn by inspecting them the actual relations of coexistence and sequence in which they ...
BM 8100 DPCX - Wikipedia
BM 8100 DPCX - Wikipedia
John Keats | Poetry Foundation
The 2-legged humans walking on COMPUTER EARTH geography land surface .....
their weight/pressure data entry into the earth atoms.
Duralast Car Battery | AutoZone - Home of Duralast Batteries
Battery | AutoZone
Assault & Battery Attorneys in Manhattan New York | Defense Lawyers ...
Assault & Battery Attorneys
Assault & Battery Attorneys for the EARTH systems ....
Battery park ordered assault on Sept 11, 2001
The Battery (Manhattan) and
Manhattan Project ordered Assault
- Wikipedia
Duralast Car Battery | AutoZone - Home of Duralast Batteries
Duralast and Durable goods WAR .... VS BS society
Battery | AutoZone
Assault & Battery Attorneys in Manhattan New York | Defense Lawyers ...
Assault & Battery Attorneys
Assault & Battery Attorneys for the EARTH systems ....
Battery park ordered assault on Sept 11, 2001
The Battery (Manhattan) and
Manhattan Project ordered Assault
- Wikipedia
Below ground,
the Base 16 HEX coffin languages and the Netherworld codes
the Base 16 HEX coffin languages and the Netherworld codes
Netherworld - Wikipedia
Netherworld may refer to: Underworld, a region thought to be beneath the surface of the world in many religions and mythologies. In film and television: Netherworld (film), a 1992 American horror film; Nether World, a 1997 film starring Mark Sheppard · "Netherworld" (The Dead Zone), an episode of The Dead Zone ...
netherworld - Wiktionary
netherworld (plural netherworlds). The place to which one's spirit descends upon death, conceived as below the surface of the earth. In some religions, one's soul departs to a netherworld, hell, instead of the heavens. The locale of the spirit world or afterlife, whether deemed to be situated below the world of the living or not.
netherworld -
Down the Rabbit Hole | Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, by Lewis ...
Down the Rabbit Hole
Down the ........bit Hole ...... data bits
Shooting of Samuel DuBose - Wikipedia
Location: Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S
Date: July 19, 2015
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cincinnati, Ohio
Cin cin --> the LINKAGE communications hub
Underground Railroad - Black soil / black ground History
black people as information display agents
Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Born a slave, Harriett Tubman became a famous "conductor" on the Underground Railroad, leading hundreds of slaves to freedom. The Underground Railroad was a network of people, many African American, offering shelter and aid to escaped ...
Underground Railroad - Wikipedia
Levi Coffin (October 28, 1798 – September 16, 1877) was an American Quaker, abolitionist, businessman, and humanitarian. He was an active leader in the Underground Railroad in Indiana and Ohio and was given the unofficial title of "President of the Underground Railroad." An estimated three thousand fugitive slaves are believed to have reported to have passed through his care.
The Coffin home in Fountain City, Indiana, is often called the "Grand Central Station" of the Underground Railroad.
At the urging of friends in the anti-slavery
movement, Coffin moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1847 to operate a warehouse
movement, Coffin
movement, Coffin
movement, Coffin database .... dataflow movement
Levi Coffin was an American Quaker and businessman,
Levi Coffin
Levi Coffin
Levi Coffin
Levitate Synonyms, Levitate Antonyms |
erect · fetch up · heighten · hike up · hoist · jack up · levitate · poise · pump · put up · pyramid · raise · ramp · rear · shoot up · stilt · take up · tilt · uphold · uplift · upraise · lighten. verb. reduce weight, load. allay · alleviate · ameliorate · assuage · attenuate · buoy · change · comfort · cut down · decrease · dilute · disburden ...
Levitate | Define Levitate at
Levi Coffin
Levi Coffin
Levitate Coffin information flow
Levi Coffin was an American Quaker
Levi Coffin was an American Quaker
Levi Coffin was an American Quaker / vibrations agent
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine for
human bio-electron ....
hum ..American Quakers - The Excluded Middle
A vibration sent through the earth returns
an "echo signature" using the
Levi Coffin data flow process or the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
Battle of Inch at Inchon with Scotland Yard measure units- Wikipedia
The Battle of Inchon was an amphibious invasion and battle of the Korean War that resulted in a decisive victory and strategic reversal in favor of the United Nations. The operation involved some 75,000 troops and 261 naval vessels, and led to the recapture of the South Korean capital of Seoul two weeks later. The code ...
Battle of Inchon - New World Encyclopedia
Date: September 15 – September 19 1950
Result: Decisive United Nations victory
Location: Incheon, South Korea
Wisconsin Teen Samuel Hengel killed in the
Net WORLD attack at Mari NET High School...
Nov 30, 2010 - The 15-year-old Wisconsin boy who took his teacher and 24 classmates hostage at gunpoint in a five-hour ordeal before shooting himself has died of his wounds, police announced today. The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam Hengel, was prounced dead by the county coroner ...
Missing: san
Nov 30, 2010 - The 15-year-old Wisconsin boy who took his teacher and 24 classmates hostage at gunpoint in a five-hour ordeal before shooting himself has died of his wounds, police announced today. The gunman, identified as Marinette High School sophomore Sam Hengel, was prounced dead by the county coroner ...
Missing: san
Understanding the murder/cover-up of Sam Hengel
at Marinette High School
............. net .......... School
Dec 2, 2010 - Did a hostage standoff actually take place in Wisconsin Monday night, when Marinette High School sophomore Sam Hengel held 24 students and a teacher for six hours ? FBI doctrine suggests no, and understanding how Hengel was actually thinking was key to keeping the people he held alive. Gunmen ...
Missing: san
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
Dec 3, 2010 - Sam was 15 years old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel. He has been raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School as a Sophomore. Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 ...
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Port er field,
He has been raised in Port error field,
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
Dec 3, 2010 - Sam was 15 years old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel. He has been raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School as a Sophomore. Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 ...
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Port er field,
He has been raised in Port error field,

Ann (Clayton) Hengel. He has been raised in Porterfield,
Ann (Clayton) Hengel. He has been raised in Porterfield,
Clayton ...... in Porterfield,
Clayton ...... in Porterfield,
Clayton ...... in Port ,
Clay ...... in Port
Clayton ...... in Porterfield,
Clayton ...... in Porterfield,
Clay.......... input Port
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
Dec 3, 2010 - Sam was 15 years old and born in Green Bay, Wis., on June 27th, 1995, to Jonathan and Ann (Clayton) Hengel. He has been raised in Porterfield, Wis. and attended Marinette High School as a Sophomore. Sam was a proud member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 ...
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Porterfield,
He has been raised in Port er field,
He has been raised in Port error field,

Ann (Clayton) Hengel. He has been raised in Porterfield,
Ann (Clayton) Hengel. He has been raised in Porterfield,
Clayton ...... in Porterfield,
Clayton ...... in Porterfield,
Clayton ...... in Port ,
Clay ...... in Port
Clayton ...... in Porterfield,
Clayton ...... in Porterfield,
Clay.......... input Port
member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 ...
member of the Boy Scouts of America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 ...
America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 ...
America as a Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 ...
Am (atomic mass)
Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 ...
Life Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 ...
fe Scout and belonged to Troop 1054 --> Iron-isotope 54
Boxer Rebellion - Wikipedia
The Boxer Rebellion (拳亂), Boxer Uprising or Yihetuan Movement (義和團運動) was a violent anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian
uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 1901, toward the end of the Qing dynasty.
uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 1901, toward the end of the Qing dynasty.
Boxer Rebellion - coffin BOX secret languages ......
Facts & Summary -
The Boxer Rebellion (拳亂), Boxer Uprising or Yihetuan Movement (義和團運動) was a violent anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 1901, toward the end of the Qing dynasty. It was initiated by the Militia United in Righteousness (Yihetuan), known in English as the "Boxers", for many of their members had been practitioners of the martial arts, such as boxing. They were motivated by proto-nationalist sentiments and opposition to Western colonialism and associated Christian missionary activity.
The uprising took place against a background of severe drought and the disruption caused by the growth of foreign spheres of influence. After several months of growing violence against both the foreign and Christian presence in Shandong and the North China plain in June 1900, Boxer fighters, convinced they were invulnerable to foreign weapons, converged on Beijing with the slogan "Support the Qing government and exterminate the foreigners." Foreigners and Chinese Christians sought refuge in the Legation Quarter. In response to reports of an armed invasion to lift the siege, the initially hesitant Empress Dowager Cixi supported the Boxers and on June 21 issued an Imperial Decree declaring war on the foreign powers. Diplomats, foreign civilians and soldiers as well as Chinese Christians in the Legation Quarter were placed under siege
by the Imperial Army of China and
the Boxers for 55 days.
Chinese officialdom was split between those supporting the Boxers and those favoring conciliation, led by Prince Qing. The supreme commander of the Chinese forces, the Manchu General Ronglu (Junglu), later claimed that he acted to protect the besieged foreigners. The Eight-Nation Alliance, after being initially turned back, brought 20,000 armed troops to China, defeated the Imperial Army, and arrived at Peking on August 14, relieving the siege of the Legations. Uncontrolled plunder of the capital and the surrounding countryside ensued, along with the summary execution of those suspected of being Boxers.
The Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901
uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 1901,
toward the end of the Qing dynasty.
uprising that took place
uprising that took place
up ri sin --> up rises sin wave ANGER ... that uses
humans as human action figures and human information display devices
The uprising took place against a background of severe drought and the disruption caused by the growth of foreign spheres of influence. After several months of growing violence against both the foreign and Christian presence in Shandong and the North China plain in June 1900, Boxer fighters, convinced they were invulnerable to foreign weapons, converged on Beijing with the slogan "Support the Qing government and exterminate the foreigners." Foreigners and Chinese Christians sought refuge in the Legation Quarter. In response to reports of an armed invasion to lift the siege, the initially hesitant Empress Dowager Cixi supported the Boxers and on June 21 issued an Imperial Decree declaring war on the foreign powers. Diplomats, foreign civilians and soldiers as well as Chinese Christians in the Legation Quarter were placed under siege
by the Imperial Army of China and
the Boxers for 55 days.
Chinese officialdom was split between those supporting the Boxers and those favoring conciliation, led by Prince Qing. The supreme commander of the Chinese forces, the Manchu General Ronglu (Junglu), later claimed that he acted to protect the besieged foreigners. The Eight-Nation Alliance, after being initially turned back, brought 20,000 armed troops to China, defeated the Imperial Army, and arrived at Peking on August 14, relieving the siege of the Legations. Uncontrolled plunder of the capital and the surrounding countryside ensued, along with the summary execution of those suspected of being Boxers.
The Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901
uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 1901,
toward the end of the Qing dynasty.
uprising that took place
uprising that took place
up ri sin --> up rises sin wave ANGER ... that uses
humans as human action figures and human information display devices
The Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901
The Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901
The Boxer Protocol of 7 September 1901 explained by
Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac
The Boxer Uprising was a violent anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 1901, toward the end of the
Q --> Qing dynasty --> evolution
into the Q --> Quantum
dynasty and Q variables of Dirac.
If the geiger counter detected radiation, the hammer would smash the poison, killing the cat. Until someone opened the container and observed the system, it was impossible to predict if the cat's outcome.
Thus, until the system collapsed
into one configuration,
the cat (SYS1.Catalog) would exist in some superposition zombie state of being ...
Erwin Schrodinger and Paul Dirac
The Boxer Uprising was a violent anti-foreign, anti-colonial, and anti-Christian uprising that took place in China between 1899 and 1901, toward the end of the
Q --> Qing dynasty --> evolution
into the Q --> Quantum
dynasty and Q variables of Dirac.
Schrödinger's Cat and coffin box
: Explained | IFLScienceödinger’s-cat-explained/
Thus, until the system collapsed
into one configuration,
the cat (SYS1.Catalog) would exist in some superposition zombie state of being ...
Second Boer War - Wikipedia
The Second Boer War (11 October 1899 – 31 May 1902) was fought between the British Empire and two Boer states, the South African Republic (Republic of Transvaal) and the Orange Free State, over the Empire's influence in South Africa.
First Boer War - Wikipedia
What Is The Kaaba? Black Cube Marking Islam's Most Sacred Site ...
The structure is 50 feet high (15.24 meters), 35 feet (10.67 meters) wide and 40 feet long (12.19 meters) long. Inside the Kaaba, the floor is made of marble and limestone.
The interior walls,
measuring 43 feet (13 meters) by 30 feet (9 meters), are clad ...
measuring 43 feet --> 100K + 43 --> 143
Isotopic transformation of uranium: increasing the uranium-235 ... - Areva
They each contain 92 protons,
but uranium-235 has 143 neutrons and uranium-238 has 146 neutrons.
Allah's Quran - Quran - A Guidance Without Doubt
Allah's Quran with Paul Dirac
Allah's Quran
TAllahassee Quran --> Q variables and uranium
The Dirac Equation for the Electron - Ferment Magazine
Q(x.y.z) = 5x2 + xz.
Q(x.y.z) = 5x2 + xz.
Quran (x.y.z) = 5x2 + xz.
The Electron Theory of MOS circuits displayed at Mosque .....
Paul Dirac
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac was a physicist of genius but with certain personality eccentricities. ... types of variables would satifiy the equation and this was not easy, but ultimately Dirac found the equations and the types of variables required to satisfy them. ...
Thus a point in space-time is identified
by the vector Q=(t, x, y, z ).
Thus a point in space-time
Thus a point in space-time
Thus a point in space-time in Saudi Arabia
the vector Q=(t, x, y, z ).
the vector Q=(t, x, y, z ).
the brain SOFTWARE engineering and
social engineering vector Quran (t, x, y, z ).
From c-Numbers to q-Numbers
Carlo Rovelli, Francesca Vidotto - 2014 - Science
“I feel that there will always be something missing from other methods which we can only get by working from a hamiltonian (or maybe from some generalization of the concept of hamiltonian).” Paul Dirac (2001) Let us have a system described by a configuration variable q ∈ C where C is the configuration space (of arbitraryLet us have a system described
by a configuration variable q ∈ C where C is the configuration space
Let us have a system described
by a configuration variable q ∈ C where (Islamic) Cube is the configuration space
What Is The Kaaba?
Black Cube .......
Marking Islam .... am --> atomic mass ... Most Sacred Site ...
What is the cube-shaped structure
What is the cube-shaped structure
What is the cube-shaped structure C
Quantum Gravity - Proceedings Of The Fifth Seminar
Markov M A, Berezin V A - 1991
In the quantum system, the dynamic variables are quantum operators,
while the lapse and shift functions are C-number fields.
... the metrics are operators, one cannot in general find any coordinate transformation which will give the required operator relations between the various equivalent phase space configurations.
Principles of Discrete Time Mechanics
George Jaroszkiewicz - 2014 - Science
In Dirac's reparametrization-of-time programme, the time parameter is encoded into an extended configuration space, so that the r configuration-space ... leads us to work with extended system functions ̃Fn ≡ ̃Fn(tn,qn,tn+1,qn+1), defined over ̃C(n)× ̃C(n+1), where ̃C(i) is a copy of the extended configuration space C × R, ...The other theoretical MODEL of the
Black Cube
..... made of atomic mass of marble, granite, etc .....
is that the geology BLACK CUBE .....
of atomic mass with gravity field PULL
....... is Nature's systems ... THOUGHT center ....
for gravity THOUGHT fields
THUS we see the process ....
1) the human body/brain atoms have thoughts of society, people, musics, clothing, food, algebra.
bio-chemistry, physics, etc
2) the human body atomic mass (weight) is a data storage container for grammar (words and equations)
3) upon visiting the BLACK CUBE ....... we have gravity information flow FROM
the human atomic mass (thoughts ) ...that are pulled to the BLACK CUBE stronger gravity PULL forces
...thus the
human input information ... to the BLACK CUBE marble/limestone .....
as Nature's atomic gravity THOUGHT computer.
Stephen Hawking's finally published a solution to the black hole ...
Jun 7, 2016 - But then in the 1970s, Hawking proposed that radiation actually can escape from a black hole, because of the laws of quantum mechanics. Put very simply, he suggested that when a black hole swallows one half of a particle-antiparticle pair, the other particle radiates away into space, stealing a little energy ...
Into a Black Hole
- Stephen Hawking
explains 1-way information flow into the BLACK CUBE
(a gravity data collection site) via
the gravity field ... horizontal data transfer mechanism
It was about a spaceship, that was sent to investigate a black hole that had been discovered. It wasn't a very good film, but it had an interesting ending. After orbiting the black hole, one of the scientists decides, the only way to find out what is going on, is to go inside.So he gets into a space probe, and dives into the black ...
No Escape From Black Holes? Stephen Hawking Points to a Possible ...
No Escape From Black Holes?
Thus .. the crowds of human people .....
ten thousand people or more ......
gather the Mecca .... BLACK HOLE /CUBE REGION .....
and the information flow to the singularity SITE ...
the Kaaba atoms ......
that collect THOUGHTs from the
Carl Jung Islamic collective group of people .......
and human BODY/BRAIN data carriers
that visit
the MECCA to deliver their community data packages to
Nature's gravity CPU (Central Processing Unit)
in addition ....
Great Mosque of Mecca - Wikipedia
Capacity: 900,000 worshippers (Increased to 4...
Minaret(s): 9
2009 Fort (LAB) Hood molecular battle site - Wikipedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. It was the deadliest mass shooting on an American military base. Hasan was shot and as a result paralyzed from the waist down.
Army bio-chemistry major kills 13 people in Fort Hood shooting spree -
Nov 05, 2009 ...
Soldier Readiness Processing Center shootings
Soldier Readiness Processing Center shootings
Soldier Read (college textbook) Processing Center
Nov 05, 2009 ...
Novel/book/ textbook S shape curve ..... 2 009
--> S shape double -helix (2) and molecules nine (009)
At approximately 1:34 p.m. local time,
November 5, 2009, Hasan entered the Sol --> Solar System military site
in the LONE STAR State (human agents for the SUN)
..... the Sol ... Soldier Readiness Processing Center,
where personnel receive
routine medical treatment immediately prior to
and on return from deployment.
He was preparing to deploy to Iraq with his unit
November 5, 2009, Hasan entered the Sol --> Solar System military site
in the LONE STAR State (human agents for the SUN)
..... the Sol ... Soldier Readiness Processing Center,
where personnel receive
routine medical treatment immediately prior to
and on return from deployment.
He was preparing to deploy to Iraq with his unit
He was preparing to deploy to Iraq
He was preparing to deploy to Iraq
He was preparing to deploy to Ira q
He was preparing to deploy to Ira q
He was preparing to deploy to DIrac q variables
D. H. Lawrence - Wikipedia
David Herbert Lawrence (11 September 1885 – 2 March 1930) was an English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter. His collected works represent, among other things, an extended reflection upon the dehumanising effects of modernity and industrialisation. Some of the issues Lawrence explores are ...
D.H. Lawrence - Playwright, Author, Poet, Journalist -
Education: Nottingham High School, University ...
Birth Date: September 11, 1885
D.H. Lawrence - Playwright, Author, Poet, Journalist
Double Helix Law ....... social engineering LAW school
for your sub-conscious MIND
Water Transport Across Cell Membranes - Encyclopedia of Life Sciences
Team Sports Transportation
- International Motorcoach Group
offers human electron ..... elctron transport
VIA iron atoms of motor coaches with rubber wheels
..... and internal combustion engines
Team Sports Transportation? ... Our members offer safe and reliable team sports transportation services. With top quality vehicles and customer service that is second to none, an IMG member is the right choice for your sports transportation needs.
Sports Team data bus ... Bus Rental,
Transportation for Sports Teams
Delta Charter bus has provided sport team transportation for nearly 40 years, and we have been involved with every kind of sports team under the sun. From the Stockton Thunder and Lightening, to UOP men’s basketball, to sports teams from Ohio State, Texas A&M, and the University ...
Professional Sports Team Bus Charter | Aries Charter Transportation
Contact Aries Charter Transportation, the official transportation provider for the Chicago Fire, for the perfect vehicle to take your team to their destinations. We travel over the road within a 500 mile radius of Chicago and provide game day transportation, airport transportation, and practice transportation.
Team Travel Options: Transportation | Sports Destination Management
Team Travel Options: Transportation
Team Travel Options: Transportation for Pentagon sports
Tiger Tracker: Tiger Woods returns to competitive golf
Tiger Tracker: Tigrus River, Woods returns to
competitive golf in Persian Gulf wars
Nov 30, 2017 - Tiger Woods knows how to create excitement, and he did just that with an opening 3-under 69 at the Hero World Challenge. Woods made his competitive return to golf Thursday at Albany Golf Course in New Providence, and he did so with flair in finishing the round just three back when he posted in the ...Now we look at some news articles
... translate CLUES
Maxwell's demon DEMO at DePaul university - Wikipedia
Scientists peek inside the mind of Maxwell's demon | Science News
by E Conover - Related articles
Jul 17, 2017 - ORDER FROM DISORDER Maxwell's Demon (illustrated above) is a hypothetical creature that could illegally decrease entropy, or disorder, by separating faster molecules (blue) from slower ones (green) within a box of gas. Scientist have probed this demon's memory for the first time. J. Hirshfeld.
by E Conover - Related articles
Jul 17, 2017 - ORDER FROM DISORDER Maxwell's Demon (illustrated above) is a hypothetical creature that could illegally decrease entropy, or disorder, by separating faster molecules (blue) from slower ones (green) within a box of gas. Scientist have probed this demon's memory for the first time. J. Hirshfeld.
City of Chicago :: Maxwell Street Market - History
(click on image to enlarge) For about 100 years, Maxwell Street was one of Chicago's most unconventional business—and residential—districts. About a mile long and located in the shadow of downtown skyscrapers, it was a place where businesses grew selling anything from shoestrings to expensive clothes.
Remembering Maxwell Street -- Chicago Tribune
Aug 29, 2014 - Over the years, Maxwell Street, shown here in about 1905, grew into a vast Sunday-morning flea market. The market moved east to Canal Street in 1994, when the Maxwell Street area was bought by the University of Illinois at Chicago. — Barnes-Crosby, Chicago History Museum. ◁ Previous Next ▷.
bottom lines --> spin move -->
top line --> Sawyer
line --> Tom Sawyer
--------> Atom Saw/ sees /awareness of 2-legged citizens and their human society ..... BS errors and nonsense
Radio frequency - Wikipedia
Radio frequency (RF) is any of the electromagnetic wave frequencies that lie in the range extending from around20 kHz to300 GHz, roughly the frequencies used in radio communication. ... RF usually refers to electrical rather than mechanical oscillations. - Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency ...
The world's largest scanner frequency and radio communications reference source. - Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency ...
Scanner Frequency and Radio Communications Reference Database.
What is radio frequency (RF, rf)? - Definition from › Wireless LAN Implementation › Wireless LANs
What is radio frequency (RF, rf)? - Definition from › Wireless LAN Implementation › Wireless LANs
What is radio frequency (RF,
What is radio frequency (RFK) ... human bio-radio in Boston
Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Wikipedia
Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968) was an American politician and lawyer from Massachusetts. He served as a United States senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968. He was previously the 64th U.S. attorney general from January 1961 to ...
Robert Francis "Bobby" Kennedy (November 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968) was an American politician and lawyer from Massachusetts. He served as a United States senator from New York from January 1965 until his assassination in June 1968. He was previously the 64th U.S. attorney general from January 1961 to ...
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) - Wikipedia
On June 5, 1968, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was fatally shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, shortly after winning the California presidential primaries in the 1968 election, and died the next day while hospitalized. After winning the California and South Dakota primary elections for the Democratic ...
......... sin nation of Robert F. Kennedy (RFK)
......... sin nation of bio-sin brains Robert F. Kennedy (RFK)
Chronic Illness ..,,,,,
software language illiness, BS, and bragging disease ......
as explained by the ancient Chronicles medical report
for modern society THINKERS
| The Mighty
a BIG MOUTH health condition
disease that is persistent in its effects or a disease that comes with time. The term chronic is often used if the condition lasts longer than 3 months.
Alleged sex harassment by Ald. Solomon couldn't be proven, newly ...
Dec 21, 2011 - Madison's civil rights office couldn't find proof that Ald. Brian Solomon sexually harassed an assistant city clerk at work, according to a report released ...
Elena Berg claimed she was pressured to start a romantic relationship and later assaulted by Solomon at her apartment
in the early morning of April 14, ...
Madison Alder Solomon asked to resign by colleagues - WKOW 27 ...
Jan 5, 2012 - You can read a copy of the letter here. ********. MADISON (WKOW) -- Six members of the Madison City Council and a member of the Dane County Board have sent a letter to Alder Brian Solomon asking him to resign. The group cites allegations of sexual abuse by Asst. City Clerk Elena Berg and the Dane ...April 14, ...
April 14, ...
Ap ril 14, ...
mAp riddle 14 of Sun Prairie Wisconsin
April 14, ...
April 14, ...
Ap ril 14, ...
mAp riddle 14 -->
Group calls for Solomon to resign | Politics and Elections | host ...
to her Sun Prairie apartment on nitrogen message day .... April 14, investigations say. Berg invited him to spend the ..
to her Sun Prairie apartment on nitrogen message day .... April 14,
to her Sun (Solar System EARTH) apartment on nitrogen 14,
to her Sun nitrogen -->
to her Sunni --> secret religious group
Sunni Islam - ReligionFacts
Major Branches: none, but four major schools of ...
Adherents: 940 million
Sunni Islam Origins, Sunni Islam History, Sunni Islam Beliefs - Patheos
Is Your Last Will and Testament Legally Binding? - The Balance › ... › Estate Planning › Essential Documents
Last Will and Testament Form - Free Simple Online Template
Last Will and Testament Form - Free Simple Online Template
Last Will and Testament Form
Fermat's Last Theorem AND The World as Will and Idea
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Types: Cancer Basics, Cancer Prevention, Cancer Detection, Signs & Symptoms, Treatments & Side
American Cancer Society | Information and astrology Resources about for ...
Nucleotide - Wikipedia
Coping With Chronic Illnesses and Depression ,,,,,,,
educational institution sickness report VIA campus newspaper
- WebMD › Depression › Guide
Medical Definition of Chronic disease - MedicineNet
Medical Definition of Chronic disease -
Handcuffs and the evolution of
Mother EARTH human male control systems - Wikipedia
Handcuffs are restraint devices designed to secure an individual's wrists close together. They comprise two parts, linked together by a chain, a hinge, or rigid bar. Each half has a rotating arm which engages with a ratchet that prevents it from being opened once closed around a person's wrist. Without the key, the handcuffs ...
Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Drivers, NASCAR Drivers, Auto Racing ...
Cremation Urns for Ashes | Ash Urn | Funeral Urns -
Looking for Cremation Urns for Ashes? Your search is over. We have over 10000 funeral urn choices and a 5 Star Customer Support Team.
Funeral Urns for People - Perfect Memorials$4.95 to $699.90
Try finding an urn with our easy cremation urn finder. Choosing the right size urn is easy. For every one pound before cremation you will need 1 cubic inch of volume. For example, a loved one weighing 200 pounds will need an urn that is at least 200 cubic inches or larger. Choosing an urn larger then you need is OK.
code number 243
--> binary 10 = decimal 2 and 43
--> binary 10 = decimal 2 and 43
giving the binary
Max Planck Time code 43
to IBM time code 43
Growth of Cancer invetsment funds
- National Breast Cancer Foundation
Ask an financial growth Expert:
Breast cancer growth rate - Related Forms ...
Below, the externalization DRAWING / art picture
of INTERNAL arteries & Blood Vessels SOFTWARE language
: Blood Flow
Cleveland Clinic explains
Marilyn Reese Sheppard blood information flow
in Bay Village / Cleveland
in year 1954 with blood heme iron isotope-54
and the murder of Boy Scout troop 1054
isotope-54 Sam Hengel
isotope-54 Sam Hengel
Heart & Blood Vessels: How Does Blood Travel Through Your Body. As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels, called the circulatory system. ... Capillaries are small, thin blood vessels that connect the arteries and the veins.
The Arteries (Human Anatomy) OUTPUT message systems ...:
Art Pictures at the Art museums › Heart Health › Reference
Jun 13, 2017 - The largest artery is the aorta, the main high-pressure pipeline connected to the heart's left ventricle. The aorta branches into a network of smaller arteries that extend throughout the body. The arteries' smaller branches are called arterioles and capillaries. The pulmonary arteries carry oxygen-poor blood ...
Heart & Blood Vessels: Blood Flow | Cleveland Clinic
Heart & Blood Vessels: How Does Blood Travel Through Your Body. As the heart beats, it pumps blood through a system of blood vessels, called the circulatory system. ... Capillaries are small, thin blood vessels that connect the arteries and the veins.
Arteries - National Library of Medicine - PubMed Health - NCBI - NIH
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Petty cash accounting — AccountingTools
May 14, 2017 - The initial petty cash journal entry is a debit to the petty cash account and a credit to the cash account. The petty cash custodian then disburses petty cash from the fund in exchange for receipts related to whatever the expense may be. ... The cashier creates a journal entry to record the petty cash receipts.
What is petty cash? | AccountingCoach
The Official Website of Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
Tom Petty - Music on Google Play
Thomas Earl Petty was an American singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, and actor. Petty served as the lead singer of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers. He was also a member and co-founder of the late 1980s supergroup the Traveling Wilburys, and his early band Mudcrutch.Petty recorded a number of ...
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers - Home | Facebook
Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers -
- Check out now these 10 early warning signs that can help you save a life.Signs & Symptoms · Heart & Circulation
Heart Attack - American Heart Association
Nikola Tesla's Earth quake .. signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
A vibration sent through the earth returns
an "echo signature" using the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
Pathology | Diseases & Conditions | UofL Physicians › About Us › Our Practices & Services
Infectious Disease Identification. Based on laboratory evaluations, UofL Physicians-Pathology helps diagnose patients with infectious diseases and identifies and confirms outbreaks of infectious diseases.
Medical Definition of Pathology - MedicineNet
Medical Definition of Pathology
dic ...Dictioary Definition of words/ symbol life Pathology
of the English living language
Subconscious and sub-conscious MIND consumer loans - Wikipedia
What is the Subconscious Mind financial system? -
A Scientific Explanation - iMotions
The White House 'beer summit' secret languages
White House beer summit -- photos of the meeting between President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., and Cambridge police Sergeant James Crowley.
Barack Obama 2009 Beer Summit - Henry Louis Gates Jr ...
List of Communicable Diseases - ACPHD
Communicable Disease · Immunization & Disease ... · CRE · Ebola ACPHD
Pigs, Hogs & Boars: Facts About Swine - Live Science › Animals
Schrödinger's Cat:
Explained | IFLScienceödinger’s-cat-explained/
Erwin Schrödinger was born in Vienna on August 12, 1887 and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933. He is best known for his work regarding quantum theory, particularly about his thought experiment involving a cat in order to explain the flawed interpretation of quantum superposition. The Copenhagen ...
What is Schrodinger's cat? - Definition from › Topics › Computer Science › Computing fundamentals
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molecule code name --> DHabi --> Double Helix ability
code--> 7 oil revenue --> 7 orbitals
Why is the long arm (q) and the short one (p) in the chromosomes؟
p q arms battle at
Umpqua Community College
and its defective people - Wikipedia
Um pq ua ..... Community College shooting:
chromosome manifesto reveals BS school ...
Boston Marathon - Wikipedia
course was lengthened to 26 miles ----> atomic number 26
Boston Marathon bombing over the
BOSTON citizens and their atomic bio-physics Fe ... feins
- Wikipedia
Alzheimer's Disease and the World Coma |
Alzheimer's Association
of world coma approved administrators
Alzheimer's is a type of dementia that causes problems with memory, thinking and behavior.
code 77.000 people --> nitrogen people of Nairobi
codes ---> between 10 and 15 percent
Connecticut Shootings Fast Facts - CNN
3 days ago - (CNN)Here's a look at the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. December 14, 2012 - Twenty children and six adults are killed at the school by 20-year-old Adam Lanza, who had earlier killed his mother, Nancy Lanza, in their Sandy Hook home.
codes words--> Lucent Michael Arm
codes words--> Lu = Logical Unit centrifugal force
Logical units - IBM
A logical unit is a device or application program by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a SNA network. Any device or application program that implements LU 6.2 protocols appears as an LU 6.2 in the network. All application programs using SNA ...
Summary of logical unit (LU) types - IBM
This chapter describes the logical unit (LU) types that WSim currently supports. It also gives an example of the hardware or software products that typically use each type of logical unit. For more information about these LU types, refer to Systems Network Architecture: Reference Summary. LU Type 0: LU Type 0 uses ...
codes words--> Lucent Michael Arm
codes words--> ...............Mich ..... Chicago Michigan avenue
The Magnificent Mile - North Michigan Avenue, Chicago
If you are planning a trip to Chicago and want to know what things to do, things to see and places to visit this website is your guide to Chicago's Magnificent Mile.
Shopping in Chicago | Chicago Shopping - The Magnificent Mile
Check out your guide to the best shopping in the city, all within walking distance in downtown Chicago. The Magnificent Mile boasts more than 460 retailers,
The Magnificent Mile
The Magnificent Mile
The ...............centrifugal force ...... miles of EARTH rotation
codes words--> Lucent Michael Arm
codes words--> Lucent Mich .......Armitage street
Armitage Avenue (Chicago) - Wikipedia
Jump to Grand Avenue to Clark Street - Next, Armitage Avenue crosses Elston Avenue. This segment finally ends east of the Kennedy Expressway at Mendell Street, just west of the North Branch of the Chicago River. Armitage Avenue's ninth segment is a 0.06 miles (0.10 km) long road, beginning at Southport Avenue ...
Shopping at Halsted Street and Armitage Avenue - Time Out
Aug 16, 2011 - Autrepart Nature Looking for hard-to-find French beauty products? Chances are you'll find them at Autrepart Nature. The store is the first to carry many French lines in Chicago, including Caudalie and Florame. Look for a variety of products such as organic herbal teas, pillow sprays, makeup and even ...
code words --> Edward LU CE --> Logical Unit centrifugal
code words--> advertising twist -->
......................................sin twist -->
A Brief Tutorial on Drawing Lewis Dot Structures
A Brief Tutorial on Drawing Lewis Dot Structures. We will use three molecules ( CO2, CO32- and NH4+) as our examples on this guided tour of a simple method for drawing Lewis dot structures. While this algorithm may not work in all cases, it should be adequate the vast majority of the time. Procedure for Neutral Molecules ...
Drawing Lewis Dot Structures for Chemistry - dummies that Lewis dot structures are drawn for covalent (molecular) compounds that share electrons. Follow these simple steps to correctly draw a Lewis dot structure: Add up the total number of valence electrons found in the entire compound.
Drawing Lewis Dot compound structures
Drawing Lewis Dot compound structures
Drawing .......... Dotcom ..... financial secrets and tricks
Dot.coms lose $1.755 trillion in market value - Nov. 9, 2000
Welcome To Dotcom Team of electron and molecule expression system
.... molecule language manipulators 9, 2016 - For over 17 years, we have been helping top science & technology talent around the globe realize their dreams and nonsense fantasy INTELLECTUAL goals.
We are a Technology Consulting & Staffing company with equal focus on client relationship and employee well being. You will find in us a group of uniquely experienced, talented and proactive ...
Dec 9, 2016 - For over 17 years, we have been helping top science & technology talent around the globe realize their dreams. We are a Technology Consulting & Staffing company with equal focus on client relationship and employee well being. You will find in us a group of uniquely experienced, talented and proactive ...
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Waiting for Godot - Wikipedia
Waiting for Godot is a play by Samuel Beckett, in which two characters, Vladimir and Estragon, wait for the arrival of someone named Godot who never arrives, and while waiting they engage in a variety of discussions and encounter three other characters. Waiting for Godot is Beckett's translation of his own original French ...
The dot-com bubble was a historic economic bubble and period of excessive speculation that occurred roughly from 1997 to 2001, a period of extreme growth in the usage and adaptation of the Internet by businesses and consumers. During this period, many Internet-based companies, commonly referred to as dot-coms, ...
Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia
SparkNotes: Waiting for Godot-com
: Summary › SparkNotes › Literature Study Guides › Waiting for Godot
A short summary of Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot. This free synopsis covers all the crucial plot points of Waiting for Godot.
Waiting for Godot -- Act 1 -
ESTRAGON: (despairingly). Ah! (Pause.) You're sure it was here?
ESTRAGON: That we were to wait.
VLADIMIR: He said by the tree. (They look at the tree.) Do you see any others?
ESTRAGON: What is it?
VLADIMIR: I don't know. A willow.
ESTRAGON: Where are the ...
Waiting for Godot in Wisconsin prison
Diane Borchardt | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
to murder her estranged husband, Ruben Borchardt, on Easter morning in 1994.
ESTRAGON: (despairingly). Ah! (Pause.) You're sure it was here?
ESTRAGON: (despairingly). Ah! (Pause.) You're sure it was here?
ESTRA GON: (despairingly). Ah! (Pause.) You're sure it was here?
to murder her estranged husband, Ruben
to murder her estranged husband, Ruben
to murder her estra gone
Record Locking - IBM
Locking (enqueuing on) resources in application programs - IBM
For BDAM files that are nonrecoverable (that is, LOG=NO is specified in the FCT entry), CICS does not lock records that are being updated. By default, you get BDAM exclusive control, which operates on a physical block, is system wide, but lasts only until the update is complete. If a transaction reads a record for update ...
Transaction deadlocks - IBM
EXEC CICS READ for update .. lock record - IBM
Oct 15, 2017 - For a VSAM file accessed in non-RLS mode, and log(UNDO), CICS holds a record lock until the task syncpoints. For a BDAM file, the record to be updated is held in exclusive control by BDAM. For a user-maintained data table, the record to be updated is locked by CICS.
Using CICS commands to update records - IBM
Attempts to perform multiple concurrent update requests within a unit of work, upon the same data set without the use of TOKENS, are prevented by CICS. If you want to release the string held by a READ UPDATE without rewriting or deleting the record, use the UNLOCK command. The UNLOCK command releases any ...
SOC --> South Carolina human computer war zone
Vang Target funds -->
the Rice Lake retirement cycle
the Rice Lake retirement cycle
Chai Vang and the Vanguard Target retirement funds
Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a naturalized Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while on a hunting trip in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang, who lived in ...
Chai Soua Vang (born September 24, 1968) is a naturalized Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while on a hunting trip in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded.
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
Mar 21, 2015 - A decade ago on the opening day of Wisconsin's gun deer hunting season, St. Paul resident Chai Soua Vang killed six deer hunters and wounded two others after being confronted for trespassing near Rice Lake. The legacy still lives with us today, spoken and unspoken, in the perceptions of and among ...
Vang, who lived in Saint Paul, Minnesota at the time of the shootings, is imprisoned at the Anamosa State Penitentiary.[1]
'Decision Tree Stand Murders': Chai Vang's WI deer hunter killings
Taxidermist - definition of taxidermist by The Free Dictionary
Define taxidermist. taxidermist synonyms, taxidermist pronunciation, taxidermist translation, English dictionary definition of taxidermist. n. The art or operation of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of dead animals for exhibition in a lifelike state. tax′i·der′mal , tax′i·der′mic...
taxidermist - Dictionary Definition :
Those creepy stuffed and mounted raccoons in your grandparents' house were crafted by a taxidermist, a person who is skilled at making lifelike displays from the bodies of dead animals.
Wisconsin Tax Association
GL (General Ledger) Gloria Totzke
Man Gets Life in Ax Murder -
Free Republic Taxidermist accounting news
Skin care | American Academy of
Dermatology and murDER systems
Skin, hair, and nail care | American Academy of Dermatology
B.F. Skin Skinner | Operant Conditioning | Simply Psychology
by I Pavlov - Cited by 1 - Related articles
Skinner believed that the best way to understand behavior is to look at the causes of an action and its consequences. He called this approach operant conditioning.
March's Advanced Organic social Chemistry ... - Wiley Online Library › Organic Chemistry › Organic Chemistry
by MB Smith - Cited by 5175 - Related articles
May 18, 2006 - March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure, Sixth Edition ... Author(s): Michael B. Smith,
Jerry March ... The Sixth Edition of a classic in organic chemistry continues its tradition of excellence Now in its sixth edition, March's Advanced Organic Chemistry remains the gold ...
Comair Flight 5191 ... runway WAR ZONE
- Wikipedia
causing the aircraft to overrun the end of the runway before it could become airborne. It crashed just past the end of the runway, killing all 47 passengers and two of the three crew.
Flight origin: Blue Grass Airport
Passengers: 47
Survivors: 1 (First Officer)
Crew: 3
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]
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