Newspapers use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message .
List of topics covered in this blog post ........
* math war over multiply ...... and population multiply problems
* code name ..Chavez and the earth z-axis
* entire math functions
* alpha-numeric
* carbon atom
* copper wire cross-section ...... 360 degree circle
* copper energy 120 volts
* atom 43 = TC ..Thought CONTROL military atomic code
* the murder of age 43 Junior Seau in Oceanside
* the Oceania wars
* advanced atomic bio-physics GAUGE theory and applications
* OPEN statement ... computer science
* green pigment Chlorophyll
* Green Bay Packers football
* Margaret Mead
* FermiLAB atomic social science ... carnivorious policy
* U2 and uranium music
* Wisconsin sin waves
* Nikola Tesla echo signature
* Evans textbook ..Atomic Nucleus
* Lord Byron poetry explains stem cell research by the FCC EM fields
* Boston Marathon bombing rigged trial
* Evans --> Evangelical atomic religion
* Earth's magnetic field
* blood iron
* Mortal ... M shell orbitals
* Nikola Tesla echo
* Lech Walesa explains the existence of atomic solids and message systems
* Paul Dirac and his atomic DATABASE coffin
* Paul Dirac grave hole... an earth wormhole
* Dirac codes--> Dir --> earth soil DIRT and its computer DIRectory with
the Schrodinger cat ....SYS1.Catalog
* Scdrodinger explains Dirac ... Dead and Alive MODEL
*Cassius Clay explains geological levels and clay underground ,,,
Coffin BOX layer ...and quantum BOXING ... message system war ..
the coffin BOX .... Boxer rebellion
* fe = ferrous oxide iron
* 23 chromosome pair ... atomic chromosomes 235 and 238 ..
FermiLAB denies the existence of uranium
BUT acknowledges elaborate BULL-STORIES
* 143 neutron battle at I-43 Milwaukee
* Max Planck
* mystery of Ulluchu
* source code
* Blood software
* Pier Oddone
* Radio Frequency K (RFK) ... Robert F. Kennedy
* Pier Oddone BORN in year 1944
.. explains his BORNEO brain software
* Oran,GUT,an Grand Unified Theory ... includes society bull-stories
* Alan Sokal and the NeuroScience wars
* Paul Dirac in Tallahassee explains the EARTH geology/ soil ....
as a printed circuit board and
with geological communication layers
* the Peru INCA SUN and Pier Oddone
* The Shining Path of Pier Oddone
* Herbert Spencer sequences
* Catch 22 Book --> 44 , 66 , 88
--> catch year 1944 Peruvian anchovy at FermiLAB in humanoid format
* IBM access methods
* year 1944 ...CO2 44 data carrier molecule and the nose of the ODDONE
* photon mapping
* Lima Peru map
* Wisconsin DATCP
* vowels
* union of SETS
* Bose-Einstein Condensate
* Star Trek BONES explains penis BONES trick
* atomic amplifier GAIN at Gainsville Florida
* watts Riots
* copper 65
* 29 escape Mexico prison VIA 120 foot tunnel
* eye cones /optics and eye software
* Nixon White House tapes
* N X N square matrices
* N --> Avogadro number PRESIDENT N
* Underwriter Labs and their undertaking TASK to study undertakers and the Underground COFFIN language of the Nether World of ether physics
* Peru .. Culture Institute
* Earth iron core
* Fermat's Last Theorem
* Atlas Shrugged
* feline --> ferrous oxide iron ... magnetic field line
* Andrew Carnegie ...... Pittsburg and Dunfermline Scotland
* address space
* Sandro Botticello
* Sandy Hook shooting
* 3 little pigs
* Mad Cow disease of Madison Wisconsin and death of Matt Anderson
* Heme blood software
* Ron Reagan
* Secretary of State Rice
* Umpqua college shooting
* Genetic sequencing
* Fort Hood genetics battle
* atomic tomato codes
* GET macro
* brain temple
* Sleep number theory
* Boy Scout trance methods and brain burn-out
* Saul Bellow
* blood vessels
* the BIG MAC macro for human bio-computers
* Morocco --> molecule ROC
* sodium atom Na
* radical
* electron flow
* Ann Clayton explains the Sam Hengel murder / cover-up
* Tacoma .. comatose codes
* carbon organic THOUGHT molecules and their of consciousness
* the Austin Powers war in Austin Texas and the murder of Joe Stack
* DNA direction 3---> 5
* Turkey physics and the FermiLAB cover-up
* puppet string theory
* PLO of employee organizations
* code word--> Client services
* Cairo and the CO molecule of death
* Sarah Ferguson secret codes for Sarasota High School
* I/O ports
* Einstein's equation extended
This news analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a news article
about atomic chemistry --> atom and molecule social chemistry expressions and the Carl Jung subconsciousness GROUP MIND secrets of the farmer/agriculture collective or university collective of students, professors, administrators, and electromagnetic(em ...employee) life forms
with EARTH LAB identifier em ( employees), gravity field life, and molecule human life forms.
Carl Jung - The Archetypes and the atomic / molecular Collective Unconscious of a community or society (GROUP MIND) that elects a President or Congressman
- .
The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1968) Carl Jung
Why did primitive man go to such lengths to describe and interpret the happenings in the ...
Why did primitive man go to such lengths to describe and interpret the happenings in the ...
Carl Jung summary - Sonoma State University
Sonoma State University
We review Nature’s EARTH geography regions and the people DEMO messages at those locations. For example, Nature's EARTH LAB in year 1957 ....
blood Heme group IRON-57 isotope and the year 1957 .... math integration by parts became a major project of Nature’s brain engineering projects for the advancement of the Central Nervous System 370 abstract brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR.
This INTERNAL brain ROCKET SCIENCE project was announced to the world VIA the EXTERNAL display events in LITTLE ROCK(ET) , Arkansas at Central High School
… a geography location with Central Nervous System education facilities.
Nature is interested in the existence of integrated human beings ( that are using the calculus integration by parts … philosophical extension –> integration parts of concepts, ideas and facts to understand and explain Sartre existentialism and its applications).
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines - Collins Dictionaries › English DictionaryExample Sentences Including 'read between the lines'.Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford ...
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" ..... about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
A language world?
A certain view or perception of events?
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology
with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface
using 3-dimensional, vertical, standing humans and their behavior and daily activities.

Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings
... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Let’s look at an example of the SECRET codes embedded within a newspaper article about society and the atomic collective group mind.
Multiplication and division | 3rd grade | Math | Khan Academy
code --> Chavez --> ez .. earth z-axis vertical vector
code --> Chavez --> ez
code --> Chavez --> ez
Alphanumeric - Wikipedia
Alphanumeric is a combination of alphabetic and numeric characters, and is used to describe the collection of Latin letters and Arabic digits or a text constructed from this collection.
What is alphanumeric (alphameric)? - Definition from › Topics › AppDev › Programming
What is alphanumeric base 16 used by COMPUTER companies
--> 36 of the 120 seats ...translated
--> 36 o.......e 120
--> 360 round circle of copper wire 120 volts
code --> at 43--> atom 43 --> TC ..Thought Control
Junior Seau murder in the atomic THOUGHT CONTROL wars - Wikipedia
at the age of 43.
Junior Seau, Famed NFL Linebacker, Dies at 43; brain bio-computer programming is suspected
the Oceanside police,
the Oceanside police,
the Oceanside police,
the Oceanside police explain the
Oceania wars
Oceania wars
1984 - Why is Oceania at war with Oceanside California ....
BS language community? - Science ...
May 11, 2014 - Especially since there WOULD be times when Oceania would be at war with both Eurasia and eastasia. Since they'd eventually be allied with each other at some point. Also per the past tense of the appendix, I think George was writing from the point of view of George Orwell. Using the past tense as writers ...
About 1984 - Cliffs Notes
In fact, it is Winston's position in the media that gives the reader the most insight into the duplicity of the society in which he lives and therefore, the society that Orwell most condemns. The Setting. The setting of 1984 is Oceania, a giant country comprised of the Americas; the Atlantic Islands, including the British Isles; ...
Oceania was at war with Eurasia; therefore Oceania had always been ...
1984 - Why is Oceania at war with the Ocean class
in Dekalb, Illi.nois(e)
The Northern Illinois University THOUGHT CONTROL shooting
was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101), where an oceanography class was in session with approximately 120 students present.[7] Kazmierczak was wearing dark brown boots with laces; jeans; a black T-shirt with the word "Terrorist" imposed over an image of an assault rifle; a coat; a black knit hat; and a black utility belt with two magazine holsters, a holster for a handgun, three handguns (a 9×19mm Glock 19, a .380 ACP SIG Sauer P232, and a .380 ACP Hi-Point CF380),[2]
eight loaded magazines (representing publishing industry magazines with serious BS explanation ERRORS)
eight loaded magazines (representing publishing industry magazines with serious BS explanation ERRORS)
He also carried in a 12 gauge Remington Sportsman 48 shotgun ..... code
He also carried in a 12 language REM ..... (Rapid Eye Movement with gauge)
He also carried in a 12 language REM ..... (Rapid Eye Movement with gauge)
What is REM sleep? - Medical News Today
He also carried in a 12 gauge ....
Gauge theory - Wikipedia
Gauge theory - Wikipedia
in which the Lag Lagrangian is invariant under
certain Lie/ BS groups of local university /community transformations.
The term gauge refers to any specific mathematical formalism to regulate redundant degrees of freedom in the Lagrangian.
to regulate redundant degrees of freedom
to regulate redundant degrees of freedom
to regulate redundant degrees of freedom ..
OPEN statement - IBM
The successful execution of an OPEN statement determines the availability of the file and results in that file being in open mode. A file is available if it is physically present and recognized by the input-output control system. For more information regarding file availability, see the COBOL for AIX Programming Guide .
OPEN statement - IBM
Chlorophyll | Causes of Color - Webexhibits
Green plants are green because they contain a pigment called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll absorbs certain wavelengths of light within the visible light spectrum. ... Green light is not absorbed but reflected, making the plant appear green. Chlorophyll is found in the chloroplasts of plants.
Green plants are green because they contain a pigment
Green plants are green because they contain a pigment
Green plan are green because they contain a pigment
Green plan
Green plan
Green plan
Green Bay Packers - Wikipedia
The Green Bay Packers are a professional American football team based in Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Packers compete in the National Football League ( NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) North division. It is the third-oldest franchise in the NFL, dating back to 1919, and is the only ...
Green Bay Packers Football - Packers News, Scores, Stats, Rumors ...
Green plants are green because they contain a pigment
Green plants are green because they contain a pigment
Green plan are green because they contain a pig ment
Green plan
Green plan
Green Bay Packers are green because
they contain a pig men
(large sized .. human football players)
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Batavia) -
All You Need to know about
Federal approved ......
Margaret Mead atomic social science schemes ... › ... › Illinois (IL) › Batavia › Things to Do in Batavia
Fermilab Open House in Batavia Will Feature a Physics Carnival - Patch
Jan 31, 2017 - The Fermi National Accelerator Lab in Batavia will be hosting an open house on Sunday, Feb. 12. The event will include a physics carnival featuring displays by local schools. Fermilab scientists will put on a show called "Dynamic Forces", which will explore everyday forces and electromagnetism in an ...Fermilab Open House in Batavia Will Feature a Physics Carnival
Fermilab Open House in Batavia Will Feature
a Physical biology secret CODE messages ....
Carnival ..
Carnivorous | Definition of atomic, bio-physics carnivorous
in English by
Ox = Oxygen atom language ..
Ox = Oxford Dictionaries
code--> U2 lead singer .......
..............U2..........sin --> wiscon.SIN continuum
..............U2..........sin --> wiscon.SIN continuum
code--> U2 lead singer .......
..............U2..........sin --> wiscon.SIN continuum
..............U2..........sin --> wiscon.SIN continuum
..............U2..........sin --> wiscon.SIN continuum
..............U2..........sin --> .............ZIN continuum
godzin : Polish » English | time words
Translations for godzin in the PONS Online Polish » English Dictionary: osiem godzin dziennie, od dwóch do trzech godzin, pracować w pełnym/niepełnym wymiarze godzin, it takes five hours, time sheet, it takes a few hours
Tenzin Gyatso communications faailure ....
Nitrogen 14 ... 14th Dalai Lama violates
the square root of 200 of Sartre existential awareness laws
--> 14.14
- Wikiquote,_14th_Dalai_Lama
His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama (born 6 July 1935). Head of state and spiritual leader of the people of Tibet; Awarded the 1989 Nobel Peace Prize; born Lhamo Dhondrub, renamed Jetsun Jamphel Ngawang Lobsang Yeshe Tenzin Gyatso (Holy Lord, Gentle Glory, Compassionate, Defender of the Faith,
Leakeys Discover Zinjan
... Nature's systems .....
living molecular software .. alive in Wisconsin ......
Zinjanthropus Boisei Skull and its software evolution
| History Channel on Foxtel
His theory was informed by a number of discoveries during early expeditions, such as various bones, tools, and artifacts, in both Olduvai Gorge and Rusinga Island. ... The Leakeys called the find Zinjanthropus boisei, a name derived from the East African region of Zinj, “-anthropus ...
Missing: zinjan
code--> U2 lead singer .......
..............U2.......... Louis De Broglie continuum
..............U2.......... Louis De Broglie continuum
..............U2..........(double-helix / duality code)
..............U235 and U238 message systems
code words --> Eco-evan
---> Nikola Tesla echo signature VIA
Dr. Evans
Nikola Tesla's Earth vibration / sin wave ... quake
...signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil. A vibration sent through
the earth returns an "echo signature" using
the same principle as sonar.
This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
---> National Association of Evangelicals ---> National Association of Ev (electron volts)
code words
---> National Association of Evangelicals ---> Na...........Association of Ev (electron volts)
of atoms and molecules
Lord Byron (EXTERNAL world ...proper noun)
Lord Byr ... B year ,,,, Base year poetry
Lord Bry
Lord Bryon ...... (INTERNAL brain mirror / permutation word)
George Gordon Byron, 6th Baron Byron FRS (22 January 1788 – 19 April 1824), known as Lord Byron, was an English nobleman, poet, peer, politician, and leading figure in the Romantic movement. He is regarded as one of the greatest British poets and remains widely read and influential. Among his best-known works are ...
Lord Byron (George Gordon) | Poetry Foundation
The most flamboyant and notorious of the major Romantics, George Gordon, Lord Byron, was likewise the most fashionable poet of the day. He created an immensely popular Romantic hero—defiant, melancholy, haunted by secret guilt —for which, to many, he seemed the model. He is also a Romantic paradox: a leader of ...
What are embryonic stem cells? - NIH Stem Cell ... rigged Information
Most embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos that develop from eggs that have been fertilized in vitro—in an in vitro fertilization clinic—and then donated for research purposes with informed consent of the donors. They are not derived from eggs fertilized in a woman's body.
Most embryonic stem cells are derived
Most embryonic stem cells are derived
Most em ..... brain st..em cells are derived from Federal Communication Commission of
television and radio EM waves of commands and instructions that attack
Nature's natural sunlight ... Solar System EM field languages
that created brain circuits ....
that are thousands of year old and are NOT filled with
modern art, music. and
Hollywood and New York advertising BS schemes.
Hollywood and New York advertising BS schemes.
Embryonic stem cell ... incomplete explanations
- Wikipedia
stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blast ......,
stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, stem cells derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst, stem cells derived from the inner cell .... mass of a blast ,
stem cells derived from the inner cell .... massachusetts blast
Boston Marathon blastocyst WAR ..... the bombing blast
- Wikipedia
On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs detonated 12 seconds and 210 yards ( 190 m) apart at 2:49 p.m., near the finish line of the annual Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring several hundred others, including 16 who lost limbs. On April 18, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) released images of two ...
Boston Marathon Bombing - incomplete Facts &
Summary of information VOIDS
- HISTORY of biased and manipulated news reports
--> Evangelical Environmental Network
--> Evangelical Environmental Network
--> Evan .................iron mental Net -->
Earth magnetic field flow lines THAT
flow into the human body and interact
blood iron and protein iron ...........
secret bio-computer INTERNET communication systems
code words
--> Christian duty --> C duty --> Carbon and hydrocarbon social chemistry duties
Code--> Moral (big mouth lacking bit )
--> M ....
with accurate and tested data bits
of social science REALITY information
bull-stories and bragging nonsense
Nikola Tesla's Earth underground ......
geological atomic electron LEVELS
... atomic energy .... message Machine of Nature
- The Excluded Middle
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil. A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature" --> CZ.echo
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature"
--> Language echo of EARTH geology solid ground /clay
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature"
--> Language echo of EARTH geology solid ground /clay
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature"
the earth returns an "echo signature" L echo
the earth returns an "echo signature" L echo
Land language .... echo agentłęsa
Solid EARTH and the human Solidarity message forłęsa
Jump to Solidarity movement - Lech Wałęsa (Polish: [ˈlɛɣ vaˈwɛ̃sa] ( listen); born 29 September 1943) is a retired Polish politician and labour activist. He co-founded and headed Solidarity (Solidarność), the Soviet bloc's first independent trade union, won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1983, and served as President of Poland from 1990 to 1995.
Political party: Civic Platform (2001–present)
Occupation: Electrician
Solid EARTH and the human Solidarity message for
science about the existence of EARTH systems, geology, Nikola Tesla
(Polish trade union)
- Wikipedia
Solidarity is a Polish labour union that was founded on 17 September 1980 at the Lenin Shipyard under the leadership of Lech Wałęsa. It was the first trade ...
Key people: Anna Walentynowicz, Lech Wałęsa, ...
Founded: 17 September 1980; 37 years ago
Country: Poland
Members: Almost 10 million at the end of the first ...
Lech Walesa | Biography, Solidarity, Nobel Prize, & Facts | Britannica ...
Lech Wałęsa: Lech Walesa, labor activist
Lech Wałęsa: Lech Walesa, labor activist
Lech Wałęsa: Lech Walesa, labor activist
Lech Wałęsa: Lech Walesa, laboratory ac .., Dirac LAB
Lech Wałęsa: Lech Walesa, labor activist
Lech Wałęsa: Lech Walesa, labor activist
Lech Wałęsa: Lech Walesa, laboratory ac .., Dirac LAB
Dirac LAB
Dirac LAB
Dirac Earth LAB
Dirac LAB
Dirac LAB
Dir ac Earth LAB
Dir ac Earth LAB
Dirt/soil/clay ac = alternating cycles ... Earth LAB
Dir ac Earth LAB
Dir ac Earth LAB
Dir ac Earth LAB
Schrödinger's Cat / Box : Explained
--> IBM SYS1.Catalog for the COMPUTER EARTH ....
Base 16 Hexadecimal
.... coffin computer BOX
IFLScienceödinger’s-cat-explained/Erwin Schrödinger was born in Vienna on August 12, 1887 and was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1933. He is best known for his work regarding quantum theory, particularly about his thought experiment involving a cat in order to explain the flawed interpretation of quantum superposition. The Copenhagen ...
Dir ac Earth LAB
Dirt atoms ..... ac of electron orbits Earth LAB
Dirt (Word Press style ... blog site ..COFFIN hosting)
directory ac (Dirac quantum DATABASE)
directory ac (Dirac quantum DATABASE)
Roselawn cemetery .... Tallahassee Earth LAB
What is Schrodinger's cat? - Definition from › Topics › Computer Science › Computing fundamentals
atomic English ....
Jive Talkin': The Origins of Cool Dudes, Groovy Chicks and Hip Cats ...’-origins-cool-dudes-groovy-chicks-and-hip-cats
Jan 19, 2012 - In 1732, the phrase “cool as a cucumber” appeared in a poem describing a man's unflappable demeanor. A dictionary from 1825 lists “calmly audacious” as a definition of cool. By 1918, a Random House slang dictionary was defining cool as “urbane” or “sophisticated.” But cool really blossomed in the ...
Urban Dictionary: Cool Cat
Hip Cats ...
the cat will be both dead and alive
the cat will be both dead and alive
the cat .. C at --> carbon atom ...human LIFE Form
will be both dead and alive
Paul Dirac ..... physical biology ALIVE ........ atoms and electrons alive
.......................................................................... and receive knowledge from
...........................................................................Dirac consciousness and Physics RD
the Schrodinger PHASE
of Paul Dirac change in year 1984
Paul Dirac ..... physical biology DEAD ........ atoms and electrons continue alive
.......................................................................... with their accumulated DATABASE from
.......................................................................... Dirac consciousness ..math / physics RD
of Paul Dirac change in year 1984
Paul Dirac ..... physical biology DEAD ........ atoms and electrons continue alive
.......................................................................... with their accumulated DATABASE from
.......................................................................... Dirac consciousness ..math / physics RD
Who was Muhammad Ali aka Cassius Clay? Get the lowdown on the ...
21 hours ago - Muhammed Ali was a professional boxer who was born in Louisville, Kentucky. 'Cassius Clay?
Cassius Clay ALIVE energy/ data ... on EARTH underground ....
CLAY geology level of atoms/bits of orbitals
C Lay --> coffin DATABASE .... communications layer
Atomic orbital - Wikipedia
.................... tal --> Tallahassee FSU science student graduates
and Paul Dirac atomic BASE 16 coffin --> co + FF + in .....
code Hex'FF' = 255 interface human agents ...
Wisconsin Highway 16 .... Hex'fa' = 250 farm agents
In quantum mechanics,
In quantum mechanics,
In quantum me ....... human ... behavior
The Strangest Man - Wikipedia
Graham Farmelo, and published by Faber and Faber. The book won the Biography Award at the 2009 Costa Book Awards, and the 2009 Los Angeles Times Book ...
Atomic orbital and Darwin language selection codes
.................... tal --> Tallahassee FSU science student graduates
and Paul Dirac atomic BASE 16 coffin --> co + FF + in .....
code Hex'FF' = 255 interface human agents ...
Wisconsin Highway 16 .... Hex'fa' = 250 farm agents
The Strangest Man - Wikipedia
Graham Farm /agriculture .....
farmelo code , and published by Faber and Faber. The book won the Biography Award at the 2009 Costa Book Awards, and the 2009 Los Angeles Times Book ...
farmelo code , and published by Faber and Faber. The book won the Biography Award at the 2009 Costa Book Awards, and the 2009 Los Angeles Times Book ...
The Strangest Man
The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life
The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life
The Strangest Man: The Hidden Life --> fe --> ferrous oxide iron atom and its 26 atomic alphabet letters at Highway 26 Watertown .......
......... bet letters
......... bet letters
.........Bet -->Bethesda Lutheran home
fe = feeble minded farm/agriculture agents at TETZ farms for
Nature's probability systems
code --> dug a 23 foot shaft --> dug a grave hole shaft
for the murder of Boy Scout .... Sam Hengel
for the murder of Boy Scout .... Sam Hengel
..23 chromosome war casualty
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student murdered ... - NY Daily News
hostage and a teacher hostage at Marinette High School died on Tuesday morning as authorities try to piece together what made the teen snap. Fifteen-year-old Samuel Hengel burst into the school
at around 2:30 p.m. EST Monday and held the hostages
for about five hours.
at around 2:30 around 2:30 p.m.atom ... around 2:30 + five hours
--> 235 uranium ...
atomic social science WAR data
atomic EARTH war region of
Milwaukee to Upper Michigan
Wisconsin Department of neutron .... news message system
Transportation I-43 northbound a parallel existences
- Denmark ..Niels Bohr messages for Wisconsin ...
code words
--> Michigan .... tire ...bullet .... Plankinton
--> Michigan .... tire ...bullet .... Plankinton
..mic --> atomic language
code words
--> .... tire ...bullet .. Plankinton
--> .... tire ...bullet .. Plankinton
code words
--> Mic ...bullet ..
--> Mic ...bullet ..
code words
--> Plan ... plank --> planck .. plankinton
--> Plan ... plank --> planck .. plankinton
The Mystery of Ulluchu | Singing to the Plants
The Mystery of Ul (Underwriter Labs)
lu (Logical unit)
sin wave oscillations / alternating cycles
...electron earth PLAN
, the Sorceror,
, the Sorceror,
, the Sorce -- > source code library
Source code - Wikipedia
In computing, source code is any collection of computer instructions, possibly with comments, written using a human-readable programming language, usually as plain text. ... The source code is often transformed by an assembler or compiler into binary machine code understood by the computer.
Library (computing) - Wikipedia
In computer science, a library is a collection of non-volatile resources used by computer programs, often to develop software. These may include configuration data, documentation, help data, message templates, pre-written code and subroutines, classes, values or type specifications. In IBM's OS/360 and its successors they ...
What is source code? - Definition from
code --> Blood --> blood software languages
of blood arteries
..... internal arteries OUTPUT data -->
of blood arteries
..... internal arteries OUTPUT data -->
EXTERNAL art world of art, music, theater,
authors of scripts and books,
clothing fashions, graphic arts, etc
authors of scripts and books,
clothing fashions, graphic arts, etc
code--> Blood ONE theory
Piermaria Oddone - Wikipedia
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970. From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy's Lawrence ...
Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director | UChicago News
on EM life forms ,,,,,, known as electro-magnetic BIO-radio
EM = Employees of the FED radio head government _
Aug 2, 2012 - The Fermi Research Alliance Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced on Aug. 2 that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight years at the helm of America's leading particle physics laboratory. Oddone will continue to serve
Robert F. Kennedy (RFK)
- Facts & Summary -
Robert Kennedy (1925-1968) served as the U.S. attorney general from 1961 to 1964 and as a U.S. senator from New York from 1965 to 1968. A graduate of Harvard University and the University of Virginia School of Law, Kennedy was appointed attorney general after his brother John Kennedy (1917-1963) was elected ...
Robert F. Kennedy (RFK)
Radio Frequency K (RFK) - Facts & Summary
of Justices Department bio-radio experiments in awareness of REALITY using Potassium K-channel neurotransmitters
to acquire superior THOUGHTS using
the Carl Jung collective GROUP MIND
of husband bio-radio-head ..
,,,,,,hus + band --> hush/ shut up ...... bandwidth commands
of BEDROOM brains with
pregnant FETus (Field Effect transistor bio-circuits) with
...........ant --> antenna to control
the Pentagon .... Lieutenant .......
...................................ute,,ant --> uterus anntenna ....
THOUGHT CONTROL of the USA military mental perceptions
Piermaria Odd Oddone explains
the oddities of society and existence - Wikipedia
Ripley's Believe It or Not! Odditorium at FermiLAB
from the Galapagos Islands/ Peru region
Piermaria Oddone - Wikipedia
Born in Peru in 1944 ..... ,
Oddone --> ne --> neo-cortex
Born in Peru in 1944 ..... ,
Oddone --> ne --> neo-cortex
Born ..a neo-cortex in Galapagos evolutionary
extension region of Peru in 1944 ..... ODD ONE ,
Born ..a neo-cortex
Born ..a neo-cortex
Bornneo cortex
Borneo cortex named Oddone
Borneo Indonesia : How To Get There?
Borneo Indonesia .... atomic / molecular software
......... gut ans --> GUT answers
Borneo Orangutan Indonesia ..... .
How To Get There ...... Chicago to Batavia?
Orangutans in Indonesia are live in Sumatra
Orangutans in Indonesia are live in Sum atra
..........gut in ....done ... are vein Sum math trap
(bio-math and bio-physics social SOFTWARE)
Pier Oddone to retire as Fermilab director of the
human agents ... who
study GUT theory ...
but have no GUTS/courage to speak out
UChic .... Chicken brain school ...
UChicago self-awareness NEWS report on
Alan Sokal science WAR whimps and
Bertrand Russell featherless bipeds
The Fermi Research Alliance Board of Directors, which manages
The Fermi Research Alliance Board of Directors, which manages
The Fermi .....ear chin .... Alliance Board of audio nerve / MOUTH Directors,
which nags and bit .. data bit bitches at Energy Department
which nags and bit .. data bit bitches at Energy Department
The Clay --> Communications layer
with the Paul Dirac quantum database
with the Paul Dirac quantum database
with the ... ul ac
Ul (underground language of ETHER physics of the
Netherworld )
ac (alternating cycle message signals) quantum database
Inti, Sun God of the Inca, Spawned the First Rulers of An Unforgettable ...
Jan 6, 2017 - In the mythology / religious belief system of the Incas, Inti was the god of the Sun, and one of the most important deities in the Inca pantheon. As a solar deity, Inti is closely associated with agriculture, as this heavenly body provides the warmth and light needed for crops to grow. Hence, Inti was quite a ...
Sun God of the Inca, Spawned
Sun God of the Incandescent light for the optical nerve
and math/ physics book studies and LAB experiment ROOMS
Sun God of the Inca, Spawned
Sun God of the Incandescent light .... that spawned
Son God of the Inca .. Peru and his
optical nerve EDUCATION career
Pier Oddone
Pier Oddone secret clothing/ dress signals
Pier OddonePier Oddone ......... ad.dress space signal
Pier Oddone
Pier Oddone wears the SUSPENDERS code
Pier Oddone
Suspenders ...... the mystery suspense of
Suspenders language codes .....
SU + spen --> spencer
- Wikipedia
Pier Oddone wear the SUSPENDERS secret code
Pier Oddone ....SU language
Representation theory of SU(2) - Wikipedia
Representation theory of SU(2)
Representation theory of SU(2) spen cer --> cer -->
Experiments | CERN
The biggest of these experiments,
ATLAS and CMS, use general-purpose detectors to investigate the largest range of .
Philosophical Connections: Spencer
... a general-purpose (human) detector
to investigate the largest range of modern BS in society
SPENCER. (1820 — 1903). EVOLUTIONISM/ UTILITARIANISM. Herbert Spencer was born in Derby. His father was a schoolmaster and a Quaker. He was educated ... And he gives two kinds:
relations of sequence,
and relations of coexistence,
each of which produces in our minds an abstract relative idea, of, respectively, ...
SPENCER. (1820 — 1903). EVOLUTIONISM/ UTILITARIANISM. Herbert Spencer was born in Derby. His father was a schoolmaster and a Quaker. He was educated ... And he gives two kinds:
relations of sequence,
and relations of coexistence,
each of which produces in our minds an abstract relative idea, of, respectively, ...
Epitome of the Synthetic Philosophy of Herbert Spencer
F. Howard Collins, Frederick Howard Collins - 1897 - Philosophy, Modern
Concerning compound relations of Sequence, as concerning compound relations of Coexistence, it must be said that probably they are not qualitatively like the connexions to which they answer. And that compound relations of Sequence as we conceive them, cannot be quantitatively like the connexions beyond ...
relations of sequence,
relations of sequence,
relations of sequence,
Pier Oddone
Fermilab is located in Batavia, Illinois, about 45 miles west of Chicago.
It has a staff of about 2,200 and an annual budget in excess of $300 million. The research there is almost exclusively high-energy physics performed on the mighty Tevatron, a four miles in circumference particle accelerator that is the world’s reigning champion for producing high-energy collisions between protons and their anti-matter counterparts. Founded in 1967,
and relations of coexistence,
and relations of coexistence,
and relations of coexistence,
It has a staff of about 2,200
It has a staff of about 2,200
It has a staff of about 2,200 .. 2200 block of West Charleston Street
Chicago Illinois
F. Howard Collins, Frederick Howard Collins - 1897 - Philosophy, Modern
Concerning compound relations of Sequence, as concerning compound relations of Coexistence, it must be said that probably they are not qualitatively like the connexions to which they answer. And that compound relations of Sequence as we conceive them, cannot be quantitatively like the connexions beyond ...
relations of sequence,
relations of sequence,
relations of sequence,
Pier Oddone
Fermilab is located in Batavia, Illinois, about 45 miles west of Chicago.
It has a staff of about 2,200 and an annual budget in excess of $300 million. The research there is almost exclusively high-energy physics performed on the mighty Tevatron, a four miles in circumference particle accelerator that is the world’s reigning champion for producing high-energy collisions between protons and their anti-matter counterparts. Founded in 1967,
and relations of coexistence,
and relations of coexistence,
and relations of coexistence,
It has a staff of about 2,200
It has a staff of about 2,200
It has a staff of about 2,200 .. 2200 block of West Charleston Street
Chicago Illinois
Chicago Illinois
Catch-22 - Wikipedia
Catch-22 is a satirical novel by American author Joseph Heller. He began writing it in 1953; the novel was first published in 1961. Often cited as one of the most significant novels of the twentieth century, it uses a distinctive non-chronological third-person omniscient narration, describing events from the points of view of ...
Logic · Catch-22 · Catch-22 (film) · Catch-22 (miniseries)
by American
by Am eric an
by Am (atomic mass) numeric an (atomic number)
by Am (atomic mass) numeric an (atomic number)
by Am (atomic mass) numeric an (atomic number)
by American
by Am eric an
by Am (access method) numeric an (alpha/numeric base 16 hexadecimal)
by Am (access method) numeric an (alpha/numeric base 16 hexadecimal)
by Am (access method) numeric an (alpha/numeric base 16 hexadecimal)
Logic · Catch-22 · Catch-22 (film) · Catch-22 (miniseries)
by American
by Am eric an
by Am (atomic mass) numeric an (atomic number)
by Am (atomic mass) numeric an (atomic number)
by Am (atomic mass) numeric an (atomic number)
by American
by Am eric an
by Am (access method) numeric an (alpha/numeric base 16 hexadecimal)
by Am (access method) numeric an (alpha/numeric base 16 hexadecimal)
by Am (access method) numeric an (alpha/numeric base 16 hexadecimal)
Catch-22 (logic) - Wikipedia
A catch-22 is a paradoxical situation from which an individual cannot escape because of contradictory rules. The term was coined by Joseph Heller, who used it in his 1961 novel Catch-22. An example is: "How am I supposed to gain experience [to find a good job] if I'm constantly turned down for not having any?" Catch-22s ...
Catch-22 ,,,, mission for 2244 West Charleston Chicago BASEMENT
Catch-44 ...year 1944 ...carbon dioxide CO2 mass 44
Catch-88... Oldsmobile automobile with the Rocket engine
Cat ...-22
Catch-44 ...year 1944 ...carbon dioxide CO2 mass 44
Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone
Born in Peru in 1944, Odd One nose
Born in Peru in 1944, O ....O ....
Darwin evolution of nose output
COO data molecules ...
COO data molecules ...
carbon mass 14 +
oxygen 16 + oxygen 16 = 44 .....
OUTPUT nose data ....
data carrier molecule CO2 ......
carriers data INPUT FIELD to the
Botany cellulose tree ...
for Nature's TREE of Knowledge project
OUTPUT nose data ....
data carrier molecule CO2 ......
carriers data INPUT FIELD to the
Botany cellulose tree ...
for Nature's TREE of Knowledge project
Catch-66 ...Route 66 gravity highway from Chicago to California
Catch-88... Oldsmobile automobile with the Rocket engine
Oldsmobile 88 - Wikipedia
The Oldsmobile 88 is a full-size car that was sold and produced by Oldsmobile from 1949 until 1999. From 1950 to 1974 the 88 was the division's top-selling line , particularly the entry-level models such as the 88 and Dynamic 88. The 88 series was also an image leader for Oldsmobile, particularly in the early years ...
The Oldsmobile 88 is a full-size car that was sold and produced by Oldsmobile from 1949 until 1999. From 1950 to 1974 the 88 was the division's top-selling line , particularly the entry-level models such as the 88 and Dynamic 88. The 88 series was also an image leader for Oldsmobile, particularly in the early years ...
Oldsmobile 88 .. oxygen breathing life form
.................... with 8 data bit ... engine computer cycles
Oldsmobile 88
Was The 1949 Oldsmobile Rocket 88 America's First Muscle Car ...
Apr 11, 2014 - Its top speed was just 97 mph, and it took a full 13 seconds to accelerate to 60 mph from a standing start. Still, it was arguably America's first muscle car. The 1949 Oldsmobile 88 combined a new overhead valve Rocket V8 engine with a lighter, more streamlined design to offer a truly exhilarating ride.
Sun God of the Inca, Spawned
Sun God of the Incandescent light for the optical nerve
and math/ physics book studies and LAB experiment ROOMS
Sun God of the Inca, Spawned
Sun God of the Incandescent light .... that spawned
Son God of the Inca .. Peru and his
optical nerve EDUCATION career
Pier Oddone
Pier Oddone of the ancient INCA optics system
An Introduction to the Inca Sun God
.. information son Pier O
- ThoughtCo › ... › Latin American History › South America
bright idea definition | English definition dictionary | Reverso
bright idea definition, meaning, English dictionary, synonym, see also 'Bright',
Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist.
Born in Peru in 1944,[1] Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.
From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab, and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs.
He was appointed director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) and took up office on 1 July 2005.[2][3]
Oddone received the 2005 Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics for the invention of the Asymmetric B-Factory to carry out precision measurements of CP violation in B-meson decays.[4]
Born in Peru in 1944,[1] Oddone earned his bachelor's degree in Physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1965 and a PhD in Physics from Princeton University in 1970.
From 1972, Oddone worked at the US Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 1987 he was appointed Director of the Physics Division at Berkeley Lab, and later became the Laboratory Deputy Director for scientific programs.
He was appointed director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) and took up office on 1 July 2005.[2][3]
Oddone received the 2005 Panofsky Prize in Experimental Particle Physics for the invention of the Asymmetric B-Factory to carry out precision measurements of CP violation in B-meson decays.[4]
Shining Path ... Solar System EM field thoughts - Wikipedia
The Communist Party of Peru more commonly known as the Shining Path ( Spanish: Sendero Luminoso), is a communist militant group in Peru. When it first launched the internal conflict in Peru in 1980, its stated goal was to replace the bourgeois democracy with "New Democracy". The Shining Path believed that by ...
Profile of Shining Path | Peru ... SUNSHINE language Reports
Sunlight Photon Mapping -->
into a Darwinian PHOTON selected humanoid
for photon education
Mar 19, 2009 - model. MLT defines a distribution of ray samples which are proportional to the radiance in the image. It starts out similar to bidirectional path tracing, but when taking paths, will modify or mutate paths that it considers “invalid”. Page 11. ▣ The biggest problem that these Monte Carlo ray tracing algorithm
but when taking paths, will
but when taking paths, will
but when taking paths, ......
the Shining path to MIT and Chicago area
Shining Path | Peruvian revolutionary organization |
Shining Path of EARTH every 365 days ...
in its revolution around the sun in 1 year ..... ....
revolutionary theories of astronomy in year 2018
Shining Path - The New York Times
LIMA, Peru -- During a scorched earth military campaign that threatened to topple the government here, the Maoist guerrilla group known as the Shining Path terrorized Peru with assassinations, bombings, beheadings and massacres. So Peruvians were rattled last year when a group of former guerrillas began collecting ...
LIMA, Peru
LIMA, Peru
.... MA P
S. I. Hayakawa - Maps and territories ,,,,,
language maps VS geography maps
Jump to Maps and Territories - If, however,
he grows up with a false map in
his social science, humanities, literature head [. ... The analogy of verbal words to maps is an important one [...]. It should be noticed at this point, however, that there are two ways of getting false maps of the world into our heads: first, by having them given to us; second, ...
his social science, humanities, literature head [. ... The analogy of verbal words to maps is an important one [...]. It should be noticed at this point, however, that there are two ways of getting false maps of the world into our heads: first, by having them given to us; second, ...
Algemene semantiek, Hayakawa: Ch. 2 - Maps and territories
Born in Peru ......
Shining Path signals of the ODDONE
Physics from Princeton University
Physics Division at Berkeley Lab,
director of Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
Oddone received the 2005 Panofsky Prize
in Experimental Particle Physics for the invention
O ... received the 2005 sky Prize
in .... mental Part Physics for the invention
of the Asymmetric B-Factory to carry out precision measurements of CP violation in B-meson decays.[4]
B-F Skin Skinner factory at
B F site --> Batavia FermiLAB ...
Human social psychology conditioning
measurements of CP violation in B-meson decays.[4]
measurements of CP violation
measurements of CP violation
measurements of CP violation by DATCP
DATCP Online Services - Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade ...
DATCP Online Licensing Services Welcome to the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection's (DATCP) Online Licensing Services Website! Looking for the new MyDATCP website? The new MyDATCP site is available at Online License and Certification Renewals The following licenses ...
Online License Renewal
Online Lice
....for human brain Removal
· Pesticide Certification Exam Results · Buy Vet Supplies Online · Something ...
· Pesticide Certification Exam Results · Buy Vet Supplies Online · Something ...
measurements of CP violation in B-meson decays.
measurements of CP violation in B-meson decays.
measurements of CP violation
in B-m ....... decays --> Code
in B-m ....... decays --> Code
I BM .
International Business Machines Corporation |
Am(atomic mass)
American corporation ...
code .... part owl --> part vowel
A E I O U and sometimes Y: How many English vowels and what is a ...
A E Input Output
Union of information sets
Marie Curie - Wikipedia
Marie Skłodowska Curie was a Polish and naturalized-French physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize, the first person and only woman to win twice, the only person to win a Nobel Prize in two different sciences, and was part of the Curie family ...
She was the first woman to
She was the first woman to
She was the .....two ........
OUTLINED BY Louis-Victor-Pierre-Raymond de Broglie
Marie Curie - Biographical
She became involved in a students' revolutionary organization and found it prudent to leave Warsaw, ...
She became involved in a students' revolutionary organization
She became involved in a students' revolutionary organization
Shell (electron shell agent) became involved in a .....
revolutionary organization .........
of atomic electron orbital revolution around the nucleus
She became involved in a students' revolutionary organization
She became involved in a students' revolutionary organization
She became involved in a students' revolutionary organization
She bec ............................ student
Leonard McCoy - Wikipedia
Dr. Leonard H. "Bones"
Dr. Leonard H. "Bones"
Dr. Leonard H. "Bones"
Dr. Leonard H. "Bones"
Dr. Leonard H. "Bones"
Dr. Leonard H. "Bones" ......
STAR TREK star / hero
code words-->
Michael Moseley .. Gainsville
Mic ......Mos sele Gain
AtoMIC MOS selection Gain
code words-->
Michael Moseley .. Gainsville
Mic ......Mos sele Gain
AtoMIC MOS selection Gain
Amplifier Gain | Amplifiers and Active Devices | Electronics Textbook › ... › Amplifiers and Active Devices
For example, if an amplifier takes in an AC voltage signal measuring 2 volts RMS and outputs an AC voltage of 30 volts RMS, it has an AC voltage gain of 30 divided by 2, or 15: Correspondingly, if we know the gain of an amplifier and the magnitude of the input signal, we can calculate the magnitude of the output.
Gain (atomic information amplifiers and bio-elctronics) - Wikipedia
In electronics, gain is a measure
In electronics, gain is a measure
In EARTH soil electronics, gain at Gainsville
Florida is a measure
code --> 65 graves ......
the year 1965 copper WAR graves ......
the year 1965 copper WAR graves ......
Watts riots
which resulted in 34 deaths
The Watts energy riots,
sometimes referred to as the Department of Energy ...
Watts Rebellion, took place in the Watts neighborhood of Los Angeles from August 11 to 16, 1965. On August 11, 1965, an African-American motorist was pulled over on suspicion of reckless driving. A minor roadside argument broke out, and then escalated into a fight between ...
Missing: 1965https
Watts Riots - Facts & Summary -
Find out more about the history of Watts Riots, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. Get all the facts on
Missing: 1965https
Watts Riot begins - Aug 11, 1965 - 65 atomic mass ...
HISTORY of copper wire war ...
city of electri,CITY
Missing: 1965https
29 copper electron agents .... physics inmates tunneled out of a Mexican prison - San Antonio Express ...
Mar 27, 2017 - According to CNN, Sixteen of 29 inmates are still on the run after they made an audacious escape
by tunneling underneath a Mexican prison wall. Tamaulipas state secretariat of security said Saturday that the inmates escaped Thursday from a prison in Ciudad Victoria. Following the escape, security ...
Atomic Mass ... message code 29 escape:
29 suspected cartel members break out of Mexico ...
29 suspected drug cartel members used a 120-foot tunnel to escape from a state prison in the northern Mexico border state of Tamaulipas, authorities said. One of the inmates, ...
Quantum tunnelling
,,,,,, MEXICO Prison .... data generating event
- Wikipedia
Quantum tunnelling or tunneling (see spelling differences) is the quantum mechanical phenomenon where a particle tunnels through a barrier that it classically could not surmount.
Quantum Tunnelling and the Uncertainty Principle - Quantum Theory ...
Watts riots
McCone Commission
McCone Commission
Cone ........mission
Police release info on teen's four day disappearance, not why she left
National Institute of Culture - Wikipedia
National Institute of Culture -
UL - Underwriters Laboratories
and Underground labs (earth geology .....
soil electron circuits)
- Standards Portal
The 'National Institute of Culture of Peru
The 'National Institute of Culture of Peru
The 'National Institute of Culture of Per ---> Periodic
atomic table government
atomic table government
code roof --> proof -->
Mathematical proof or
LAB empirical data as proof - Wikipedia
In mathematics, a proof is an inferential argument for a mathematical statement. In the argument, other previously established statements, such as theorems, can be used. In principle, a proof can be traced back to self-evident or assumed statements, known as axioms, along with accepted rules of inference.code word--> bedrock ...
the vertical column ......
column information continuum between
the coffin bed (underground ..clay layer several feet)
and the
EARTH geography surface
ROCK (atomic Marble/granite gravestone ...
as an information display
site for the coffin DATABASE .....
the ROCK mass / gravity field pull .... pulls
up data fields
from the buried coffin DATA container)
code four -->
On the Fourfold Root of the Dirac Matrices of
Principle Quantum levels K, L, M, N of Sufficient Reason
- Wikipedia
It [the principle of sufficient reason] explains things in reference to one another, but it always leaves unexplained something that it presupposes,” and the two things that are absolutely inexplicable are theprinciple itself and the “thing in itself”, which Schopenhauer connects with the will to live..
codes --> last feline ...... EARTH iron core and EARTH magnetic field .....
Fe --> ferrous oxide iron atom + magnetic flow line -->
fe + line --> Feline biology ..... magnetic field
interceptors with iron blood
(4-legs or 2-legs human female)
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand ---> yn LINK to
Fermat magnetic fabric
that surrounds EARTH geography surface and people
- Google Books › Fiction › Classics
Ayn Rand’s magnum opus: a philosophical revolution told in the form of an action thriller. ... Why does he have to fight his battles not against his enemies but ...
Ayn Rand’s magnum opus:
Ayn Rand’s magnum opus:
yn Rand’s magn --> magnetic message opus:
Feline | Definition of Feline ..... Maggie Daley
Andrew Carnegie was born to Margaret Morrison Carnegie and William Carnegie in Dunfermline, Scotland in 1835, in a typical weaver's cottage with only one main room, consisting of half the ground floor which was shared with
the neighboring weaver's family.
the magnetic field ... the NORTH POLE subroutine .....
Andrew Carnegie was born to Margaret Morrison Carnegie and William Carnegie in Dunfermline, Scotland in 1835, in a typical weaver's cottage with only one main room, consisting of half the ground floor which was shared with
the neighboring weaver's family.
in a typical weaver's cottage with only one main room,
in a typical weaver's cottage with only one main room,
in a typical EARTH weaver's cottage with only one main room (EARTH
Dun fer m line .....
ferrous iron ...... magnetic line
code--> art market --> blood arteries SOFTWARE and DATA market
code --> headdresses --> head addresses ..... head/brain address space
10 Things to Know About Renaissance
Savings and loan association (SLA) and the
BSE diseases of universities
Pursue your own unique career pathway in engineering, or enter an emerging field. The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) program allows you to turn your innovative ideas into a reality with an engineering degree customized to fit your interests.
Mad Cow Disease:
) Crisis Report section of the electronic magazine. The article discusses the possible discovery of prion disease in sheep in Great Britain. Researchers believe that the sheep carry two strains of prions, one that causes scrapie and the other, ...
Why was Ronald Reagan elected president?
year-old enrolled at the school, fatally shot an assistant professor and eight students in a classroom. Eight others were injured. Roseburg police detectives ...
the language code LINK between quantum physics and
Principia Mathematica (PM) book of year 1910
During the Vietnam War—also referred to as the Second Indochina War—the Delta region saw savage fighting between Viet Cong (NLF) guerrillas and units of the United States Navy's swift boats and hovercrafts (PACVs). Following independence from France, the Mekong Delta was part of the Republic of Vietnam and ...
Country: Vietnam
Sandy Hook Elementary School ....
codes --> Carrano + Hood
--> information pointer to a iron car .. metal hood
Aug 22, 2017 - Last Updated Aug 22, 2017 9:18 PM EDT. NEW YORK -- The Village Voice, the famed alternative weekly that's been in print for decades, is going online only. Owner Peter Barbey announced the change on Tuesday. He said in a statement that the paper, founded more than 60 years ago, "has been a ...
a fruit or a vegetable
How to Plan the Best Scout Camp fire
Sep 20, 2017 - Cub Scouts have many requirements that require them to show off their talents during a campfire program. Planning the coolest campfire program that includes everyone will help advance the young boys from rank to rank. It's easy to hold a campfire program that has people talking for weeks. All you have to ...
Apr 17, 2015 - Zachary Leader, Bellow's biographer, selects five must-reads by the great American author.
IBM Basic assembly language(BAL) and
BAL (Basic Assembly Language) is a low level language used on IBM mainframes from the earliest 360 series, through systems 370, 390 and z/Series. The earliest version was provided with the System/360 in 1964; the latest version is known as the…

Introduction to macro language and
code words--> Morocco
--> Mo + roc
... Molecule ROC signal processing
Nov 29, 2010 - A year ago 15-year-old freshman Sam Hengel held students and a teacher hostage at gunpoint for six hours before a SWAT team stormed in and Hengel ..... (AP) -- The teacher held hostage with 23 students in a Wisconsin high school classroom is being praised for keeping the teenage suspect calm and ...
51 km) southwest of Seattle, 31 miles (50 km) northeast of the state capital, Olympia, and 58 miles (93 km) northwest of Mount Rainier National Park. The population ...
List of wars involving Turkey and the
Noun[edit]. mother hen (plural mother hens). (literally) A female chicken who bears eggs or chicks. (idiomatic) An outspoken and overprotective woman or person dealing with others' affairs.
Teen gunman in the Marionette puppet theather perfomanace ....
Fermilab | Visit
Hours, brain language Maps and
Sep 26, 2017 - Hours. Fermilab's site is open to the public every day of the week from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. from November through March and from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. the rest of the year. A map of Fermilab's public areas is available online.
Fermilab visitors are allowed to visit two buildings on their own: Wilson Hall and the Leon ...
Fermilab visitors are allowed to visit two buildings
Fermilab visitors are allowed to visit two buildings
Fe = ferrous oxide IRON ... blood iron life forms / visitors to the military Manhattan Project
are allowed to visit two IRON buildings
filled with human language BS buildings .......
on Sept 11
Financial secret words ......
Client --> clitoris entrance
code word --> Cairo ---> parallel city to Egypt
code DEATH equation .... word ..
words can kill your brain SOFTWARE .
--> Cairo ---> C + air + O --> air CO
IRON MAIDEN representative
Jan 24, 2018 - Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew: a closer look at their unusual relationship. ... We take a closer look inside Sarah and Andrew's unbreakable bond…. Sarah and the Prince – the second son of the Queen and Prince Philip – were introduced by the late Princess Diana.
Sarah Ferguson's relationship with Prince An = Atomic Number ......
2 days ago - SARAH FERGUSON, 58, the Duchess of York, is the mother of Princess Beatrice, 29, and Princess Eugenie, 27. The former wife of Prince Andrew, the Queen's second son, has lost a large amount of weight in recent years. How did she do it? What diet did she follow?
Feb 10, 2017 - Input/output port. Updated: 10/02/2017 by Computer Hope. Alternatively referred to as I/O address, I/O ports, and I/O port address, the input/output port is what allows the software drivers to communicate with hardware devices on your computer.
code ---> Moham --> Mo + ham
-> molecules of H = Hydrogen atomic mass 1
equation ..... code words
--> Egypt Orascom --> E gy pt Or -->
Einstein's english equation .....
gravity grammar pointer .....
OR logic battle in Oregon -->
Ayn Rand’s magnum opus:
Ayn Rand’s magnum opus:
yn Rand’s magn --> magnetic message opus:
Feline ...... ferrous iron line ... interceptors - Wikipedia
Feline may refer to: Contents. [hide]. 1 Zoology; 2 Music; 3 Comics; 4 Video games. Zoology[edit]. Loosely, Felidae, a member of the cat family, which includes the subfamilies Pantherinae and Felinae (conventionally designated a felid). Following the taxonomic convention, Felinae, the subfamily of Felidae that includes ...
Feline | Definition of Feline by Merriam-Webster
Feline | Definition of Feline
Feline | Definition of Feline ..... Maggie Daley
..... magnetic field agent from .....
Andrew Carnegie ... iron industry ... Pittsburg and
Dumfermline Scotland
Andrew Carnegie - Wikipedia
the neighboring weaver's family.
String theory ..... weaving magnetic field information fabrics .....
the magnetic field ... the NORTH POLE subroutine .....
magnetic expression life of Santa Claus
- Wikipedia
the neighboring weaver's family.
in a typical weaver's cottage with only one main room,
in a typical weaver's cottage with only one main room,
in a typical EARTH weaver's cottage with only one main room (EARTH
Dun fer m line .....
ferrous iron ...... magnetic line
cut shell -->
code--> art market --> blood arteries SOFTWARE and DATA market
code --> headdresses --> head addresses ..... head/brain address space
code --> 23-->
..words.... bottle look like a man
10 Things to Know About Renaissance
Great Sandro Botticelli | artnet ...
Jan 27, 2017 - In light of the planned show of work by Botticelli at the Muscarelle Museum, here are some things to know about the Renaissance artist.
Sandro Botticelli |
Sandro Botticelli was an Italian painter and draughtsman. During his lifetime he was one of the most acclaimed painters in Italy, being summoned to take part in the decoration of the Sistine Chapel in Rome and earning the patronage of the leading families of Florence, including the Medici. By the time of his death, however, ...
People also ask
Biography of Sandro Botticelli - History Link 101
Alessandro Filipepi, known as Sandro Botticelli, (1444-1510) began his career during the Italian Renaissance period. Botticelli was born in Florence around 1445 where he would live out the rest of his life. As the youngest of five children, Botticelli's father, a tanner, allowed him to become an apprentice to a goldsmith.
Savings and loan association (SLA) and the
Slaughter equation - Wikipedia
Missing: sla
code--> readdress
--> read address space
BSE diseases of universities
Bachelor of Science in Engineering (BSE) | Duke Pratt School of ...
Bachelor of Science in Engineering, B.S.E. < University of Iowa
The Bachelor of Science in Engineering (B.S.E.) requires a minimum of 128 s.h. Students must be enrolled in the UI College of Engineering for the last 30 s.h. of work toward the degree, or 45 of the last 60 s.h., or a total of 90 s.h. They must have a g.p.a. of at least 2.00 on all college work used to satisfy degree requirements ...
Bachelor of Science in Engineering—BSE | Engineering ...
Mad Cow Disease:
Madison Wisconsin Symptoms,
University of Wisconsin .... Causes and Treatments for vCJD
Jun 12, 2016 - Mad cow disease, or bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), is a transmissible, slowly progressive, degenerative, and fatal disease affecting the central nervous system of adult cattle. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has tested hundreds of thousands of cattle for BSE. Researchers believe ...
Missing: diseasehttps
Mad cow disease,
Mad cow disease,
Mad coward .... intellectual disease,
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Crisis ... - Google Books
written by Andy Coghlan, as part of the Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE
the possible discovery of prion disease in sheep in Great Britain
the possible discovery of prion disease in sheep in Great Britain
the possible discovery of prion disease in sheepskin diplomas in Great Britain
Anderson Cloud chamber - Wikipedia
A Cloud Chamber, also known as a Wilson Cloud Chamber, is a particle detector used for visualizing the passage of ionizing radiation. track of subatomic particle moving upward through cloud chamber and bending left (an electron would. Fig. 1: Cloud chamber photograph of the first positron ever observed by C. Anderson.
Cloud Chamber of Carl Anderson (ca. 1935)
Nov 18, 2011 - Cloud Chamber of Carl Anderson (ca. 1935). This wonderful item is a cloud chamber that was used by Carl Anderson and Seth Neddermeyer between 1935 and 1941 at Caltech. It served as the prototype for a larger ( 3 foot diameter) chamber that was carried in a B-29 aircraft from 1948 to 1950 to study ...
Anderson Cloud chamber
Anderson Cloud chamber
Anderson BRAIN Cloud chamber
Spect ..... Eye --> suggests optical codes
Spectrum Eye Care - Eye Doctors - Eye Exams - Optometrists Charlotte
Comprehensive Eye Exams, Experienced Eye Doctors, Family Optometrist with 3 convenient locations in Charlotte and Mooresville NC.
Why was Ronald Reagan elected president?
Electron political science expressions ..
....... ron
elect Ron Reagan
United States presidential election, 1980 - Wikipedia,_1980
Umpqua Community College shooting - Wikipedia
the language code LINK between quantum physics and
Principia Mathematica (PM) book of year 1910
Mekong Delta WARS - Wikipedia
During the Vietnam War—also referred to as the Second Indochina War—the Delta region saw savage fighting between Viet Cong (NLF) guerrillas and units of the United States Navy's swift boats and hovercrafts (PACVs). Following independence from France, the Mekong Delta was part of the Republic of Vietnam and ...
Country: Vietnam
Elevation: 0 m (0 ft)
Amphibious operations conducted in the Mekong Delta - Jan 05, 1967 ...
Sandy Hook Elementary School ....
Connecti.CUT ......
Connect or CUT / shoot - Wikipedia
DNA sequencing - Wikipedia
DNA sequencing is the process of determining the precise order of nucleotides within a DNA molecule. It includes any method or technology that is used to determine the order of the four bases—adenine, guanine, cytosine, and thymine—in a strand of DNA.
Genetic sequencing - Wikipedia
Genetic sequencing -
2009 Fort Hood ... HOOD genetics war .... shooting - Wikipedia
On November 5, 2009, a mass shooting took place at Fort Hood, near Killeen, Texas. Nidal Hasan, a U.S. Army major and psychiatrist, fatally shot 13 people and injured more than 30 others. It was the deadliest mass shooting on an American military base. Hasan was shot and as a result paralyzed from the waist down.
codes --> Carrano + Hood
--> information pointer to a iron car .. metal hood
The Village Voice newspaper shutters its print edition - CBS News › MoneyWatch › MoneyWatch Tech
Is a atom atom ..... expression ... a fruit or a vegetable? | Oxford Dictionaries
Is a atom atom ..... expression ... a fruit or a vegetable?
Is a tomato ..... expression ...
a fruit or a vegetable + get + table ....... vector get table?
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Number theory - Wikipedia
Number theory, or in older usage arithmetic, is a branch of pure mathematics devoted primarily to the study of the integers. ... One may also study real numbers in relation to rational numbers, e.g., as approximated by the latter (Diophantine approximation). The older term for number theory is arithmetic.
Number Theory -- from Wolfram MathWorld › Number Theory › General Number Theory
jerk (slang, mainly US, Canadian) He'd tricked her into walking into the garbage, to make her look like a total jerk! dummy (slang) He's no dummy, this guy. clot (British, informal)
numbskull - The Online Slang Dictionary
COBOL Computational Fields - IBM Data Conversion Services
How to Plan the Best Scout Camp fire
... group TRANCE Program
- The Spruce › Family › Kids Activities & Play › Scouting
May 22, 2017 - The campfire comatose program also gives all boys an opportunity to participate if they want to. Even if they don't want to perform, offer them a behind-the-scenes role. A Scout can be the props person and give the needed prop to the actor when appropriate. He can also hold the microphone for the boys with ...
How to Plan the Coolest Cub Scout Camp fire Program | Voice of ... › Cub Scouting
Scout Camp fire Program
Saul Bellow ... otherworldly agent Wikipedia
Saul Bellow was a Jewish Canadian-American writer. For his literary work, Bellow was awarded the Pulitzer Prize, the Nobel Prize for Literature, and the National Medal of Arts. He is the only writer to win the National Book Award for Fiction three times and he received the National Book Foundation's lifetime Medal for ...
The five essential Saul Bellow novels | Books | The Guardian
Saul Bellow ... otherworldly agent
aul Bellow ... otherworldly agent / underground Netherworld
IBM Basic assembly language(BAL) and
the Balkan war successors - Wikipedia
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes. ... The latest derived language is known as the IBM High-Level Assembler (HLASM).
blood vessels .....
and their military LANGUAGE software cargo
and their military LANGUAGE software cargo
IBM Basic assembly language
Introduction to macro language and
the human bio-computer.... BIG MAC
- IBM digestive systems
code words--> Morocco
--> Mo + roc
... Molecule ROC signal processing
code city Fez --> Fe + Z --->
Ferrous oxide iron ........Z atomic number 26
math code word Fez --> Function ez
Farm - Wikipedia
A farm is an area of land that is devoted primarily to agricultural processes with the primary objective of producing food and other crops; it is the basic facility in food production. The name is used for specialised units such as arable farms, vegetable farms, fruit farms, dairy, pig and poultry farms, and land used for the ...
Farm - Wikipedia
Far M --> M-theory component of farms
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia
Nevertheless, it is the leading contender for a universal "Theory of Everything" that unifies gravity with other forces such as electromagnetism: M-theory is the only theory known to elegantly unify quantum mechanics with general relativity's gravitational force in an mathematically consistent way.
Background · Status · References
Samuel O. Hengel murder - EH Extra
Missing: claytonhttps google
UPDATE: Student Took Class Hostage 1 Year Ago in Marinette
Tacoma, Washington - Wikipedia,_Washington
code --> Orting --> Ort --> Orbital
2010 Austin Powers ......... math attack - Wikipedia
Deaths: 2 (including the attacker)
Location: 9430 Research Boulevard; Austin, T...
Target: Internal Revenue Service field office in ...
Motive: Anger towards IRS policies
Remember When Andrew Joseph Stack Flew a Plane Into a Texas ...
the 53-year-old software engineer who crashed his small plane into a seven-story office building in Austin, Texas, was part of a growing, violent anti-tax and anti-government movement that has become increasingly alarming to law enforcement agencies.
software engineer
software engineer
software engineer in Austin Texas
Austin Powers | Austin Powers | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Sir Austin Danger Powers is a British secret agent and the main protagonist in the Austin Powers series. He was presumably born around 1940 or 1941 cryogenically frozen in the late 1960s and resurrected in the late 1990s. He was portrayed by Mike Myers in a series of three ...
Sir Austin Danger Powers is a British secret
Sir Austin Danger Powers is a British secret
Sir Austin Danger Powers is a British secret
...... assigned ... to be played ....
by human action figure ...
Joe Stack of Austin Texas
by human action figure ...
Joe Stack of Austin Texas
List of wars involving Turkey and the
Fermi LAB Turkney communications problems
- Wikipedia
Kurdish–Turkish conflict (2015–present) - Wikipedia–Turkish_conflict_(2015–present)
Status: Ongoing
Date: 24 July 2015 – present; (2 years, 6 mont...
Mother Hen | Definition of Mother Hen by Merriam-Webster
Oct 31, 2017 - Define mother hen: a person who assumes an overly protective maternal attitude — mother hen in a sentence.
mother hen - Wiktionary[edit]. mother hen (plural mother hens). (literally) A female chicken who bears eggs or chicks. (idiomatic) An outspoken and overprotective woman or person dealing with others' affairs.
Mother hen and featherless bipeds
- definition of mother hen by The Free Dictionary
Define mother hen. mother hen synonyms, mother hen pronunciation, mother hen translation, English dictionary definition of mother hen. n. A person who fusses over others in an overprotective manner. n. a person who attends to the welfare of others, esp. one who is fussily protective.
Missing: slang
String Theory Group
at the University of Wisconsin-Madison whimps and chicken brains › String Theory
Missing: wisconsinhttps google
Understanding the Sam Hengel murder,
the Marionette theather of WAR .... Gunman at
Marinette High School
Teen gunman in the Marionette puppet theather perfomanace ....
school hostage drama
Turkey vulture on a window ledge - Fermilab news
May 23, 2016 - A turkey vulture appears to welcome Wilson Hall's 12th-floor denizens with open wings, but it's probably really warming itself in the sun. Photo: Anne Heavey, LBNF. Turkey vulture welcomes LBNF team to work on sunny morning. Tagged: animal, bird, nature, turkey vulture, wildlife. Fermilab news. Search ...
Fermilab | Visit
Fe = Females of arrogance of
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON 26 alphabet letters of
Fe = FermiLAB ... Margaret Mead atomic social sciences
Hours, brain language Maps and
Directions to the WORLD of atomic English language BS
and BEDROOM breeder technology
using atomic pussy and
FET (Field effect Transistor)
bio-electron Fetus circuits TO
control Einstein's FIELD theory thoughts in males
using atomic pussy and
FET (Field effect Transistor)
bio-electron Fetus circuits TO
control Einstein's FIELD theory thoughts in males
Fermilab visitors are allowed to visit two buildings on their own: Wilson Hall and the Leon ...
Fermilab visitors are allowed to visit two buildings
Fermilab visitors are allowed to visit two buildings
Fe = ferrous oxide IRON ... blood iron life forms / visitors to the military Manhattan Project
are allowed to visit two IRON buildings
filled with human language BS buildings .......
on Sept 11
What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL)? - Definition from › Mainframes › Database
Palestine Liberation Organization ( PLO)
of EM field em.PLO.yees
- Wikipedia
Employee Organization Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.
Employee Organization
Employee Organization Law
...... plo Organization Law
What It Means to be in a Client Service Business - SHIFT ...
Financial secret words ......
Client --> clitoris entrance
Client Service Business
Clitoris entrance vice sin wave ... bedroom action
Exceptional client service - BDO
Our vision is to be the leader for exceptional client service and this means a laser focus on quality in all of BDO's 1,400+ offices in 158 countries and territories, in order to ensure the consistent delivery of exceptional service worldwide. For us, exceptional client service is based on five key components that define BDO today : ...
code word --> Cairo ---> parallel city to Egypt
code DEATH equation .... word ..
words can kill your brain SOFTWARE .
--> Cairo ---> C + air + O --> air CO
code words--> sawiris
--> Sa + Wi + iris (eye /optics iris / retina and pupil)
--> sarasota Florida LINK to Wisconsin VIA
--> Sarah Ferguson
...... Ferrous oxide IRON female agent for the
...... Ferrous oxide IRON female agent for the
Margaret Thatcher and the
.... IRON LADY communication projects to
LINK to the
IRON MAIDEN representative
for metabolism in Wisconsin/Florida
Sarah Ferguson's relationship with Prince Andrew: a closer look
Sarah Ferguson's relationship
Sarah Ferguson's relationship with Prince Andrew:
Sarah Ferguson's relationship with Prince An = Atomic Number ......
who refuses to acknowledge the existence of Mr. Z per orders of
biased and manipulative British universities
Weight loss: Sarah Ferguson on how she lost four stone with this › Life & Style › Diets
Sarah Ferguson on how she lost four .....
On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason - Wikipedia
I/O Ports and Devices | Understanding I/O Ports | Pearson IT Certification
Apr 12, 2011 - This chapter provides basic understanding for all types of ports and devices including I/O ports, input devices, display types, video connector types, printing, and multimedia devices. ... Input/output (I/O) devices enable us to control the computer and display information in a ...
What is an Input/output Port? - Computer Hope › Dictionary › I - Definitions
Understanding I/O Ports
-> molecules of H = Hydrogen atomic mass 1
--> Egypt Orascom --> E gy pt Or -->
Einstein's english equation .....
gravity grammar pointer .....
OR logic battle in Oregon -->
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