Book-212 analysis by Herb Zinser translates books and their possible messages.
List of topics covered
* atomic pills
* Pier Oddone secret codes
* Logical units
* Pier Oddone born on March 26, 1944 ...
atomic number 26 of iron-56 isotope ROUTES his life to Illinois Route 56 FermiLAB
* year 1944 code 44 of his LUNG CO2 output data molecules
* Sarasota High school, Sarah Ferguson, and Sarajevo year 1914 pointers
to the Sarawak Forest organic chemistry ...... molecular wars zone in Borneo
* Orangutans explain Nature's organic chemistry system ... social LAWS
* Nick Crater music and his alias
* eye rods and cones
* Carl Jung
* Michael Sisk trial in Portage Wisconsin
* book Atlas Shrugged
* Who is John Galt?
* amino acids
* Andrew Carnegie and Maggie Daley explain EARTH magnetic field LIFE
* blood / brain barrier SOFTWARE and the American Bar association
* Ferengi at FermiLAB
* EM fileds
* Kitchen cabinets war VIA the Boston bombing
* Kitchen assassination of Robert Kennedy
* the Maria database
* human bio-computer Maria callas DATABASE
* Nikola Tesla sin wave and signal systems
* Z-axis
* Dirac matrices
* Maxwell street in Chicago
* Blood heme
* Julian DATE agent Julian Bashir
* blood calendar equations
* IBM time code... 143 years
* music heads
* Grand Unified theory Battle at Grand 16 theater
* CO2 AX codes
* murder of Boy Scout Sam Hengel
* Host parasite battle at Marinette High school Wisconsin
* Patty Hearst and the Symbol / Language army
* Irish people
* RIO Instruction
* SIO instruction explained by Mayor BlaSIO
* Earth orbital and atomic orbital .... the orbital continuum
* COMPUTER EARTH and human walking / podiatry data entry systems
* entire math functions
* the turbans explains word ... dis.TRUBAN.ce
* Paul Dirac DATABASE coffin in Tallahassee
* swallows
* Predient Obama
* Harry Quadracci math class explains his murder/cover-up
* Paul Dirac and the Diet of Worms ...wormholes
* Pulse nightclub shooting
* Deep Space Nine TV show and Wisconsin sin waves WAR
* Paul; Dirac and the Edict of Worms
* Busy Bee restaurant in Chicago LINK to Lake Okeechobee
* Schrodinger's cat
* Paul; Dirac and black hole regions
* Far Horizons resort and Event Horizons
* Plano Texas
* Coors beer
* carbon 12 tribes of Israel
* Heme blood codes of FermiLAB
* Marshal Fields Chicago
* Barns physics
* Peru and its Program Event Recording
* brain axon
* DR. Martin Luther King and his Diet of Worms DATABASE
* Nikola Tesla signals
* Alsace-Loraine MOTEL in Europe parallels to Memphis
* Paul Dirac and the Netherworld of Benjamin Nettanyahu
* the Sinai Peninsula ... sin wave expression region
* Rodney Dangerfield and eye rods war
* Port Richmond train derailment in Philadelphia
* acetylcholine
* Gulliver's LIVER software travels
* the EARTH casino and the Sino-japanese wars
* Wisconsin DATCP approval of the destruction of Pabst farms
* Deep Space NINE pregnancy codes
* Boston ran 26 miles to attack the 26 letters of the alphabet
List of topics covered
* atomic pills
* Pier Oddone secret codes
* Logical units
* Pier Oddone born on March 26, 1944 ...
atomic number 26 of iron-56 isotope ROUTES his life to Illinois Route 56 FermiLAB
* year 1944 code 44 of his LUNG CO2 output data molecules
* Sarasota High school, Sarah Ferguson, and Sarajevo year 1914 pointers
to the Sarawak Forest organic chemistry ...... molecular wars zone in Borneo
* Orangutans explain Nature's organic chemistry system ... social LAWS
* Nick Crater music and his alias
* eye rods and cones
* Carl Jung
* Michael Sisk trial in Portage Wisconsin
* book Atlas Shrugged
* Who is John Galt?
* amino acids
* Andrew Carnegie and Maggie Daley explain EARTH magnetic field LIFE
* blood / brain barrier SOFTWARE and the American Bar association
* Ferengi at FermiLAB
* EM fileds
* Kitchen cabinets war VIA the Boston bombing
* Kitchen assassination of Robert Kennedy
* the Maria database
* human bio-computer Maria callas DATABASE
* Nikola Tesla sin wave and signal systems
* Z-axis
* Dirac matrices
* Maxwell street in Chicago
* Blood heme
* Julian DATE agent Julian Bashir
* blood calendar equations
* IBM time code... 143 years
* music heads
* Grand Unified theory Battle at Grand 16 theater
* CO2 AX codes
* murder of Boy Scout Sam Hengel
* Host parasite battle at Marinette High school Wisconsin
* Patty Hearst and the Symbol / Language army
* Irish people
* RIO Instruction
* SIO instruction explained by Mayor BlaSIO
* Earth orbital and atomic orbital .... the orbital continuum
* COMPUTER EARTH and human walking / podiatry data entry systems
* entire math functions
* the turbans explains word ... dis.TRUBAN.ce
* Paul Dirac DATABASE coffin in Tallahassee
* swallows
* Predient Obama
* Harry Quadracci math class explains his murder/cover-up
* Paul Dirac and the Diet of Worms ...wormholes
* Pulse nightclub shooting
* Deep Space Nine TV show and Wisconsin sin waves WAR
* Paul; Dirac and the Edict of Worms
* Busy Bee restaurant in Chicago LINK to Lake Okeechobee
* Schrodinger's cat
* Paul; Dirac and black hole regions
* Far Horizons resort and Event Horizons
* Plano Texas
* Coors beer
* carbon 12 tribes of Israel
* Heme blood codes of FermiLAB
* Marshal Fields Chicago
* Barns physics
* Peru and its Program Event Recording
* brain axon
* DR. Martin Luther King and his Diet of Worms DATABASE
* Nikola Tesla signals
* Alsace-Loraine MOTEL in Europe parallels to Memphis
* Paul Dirac and the Netherworld of Benjamin Nettanyahu
* the Sinai Peninsula ... sin wave expression region
* Rodney Dangerfield and eye rods war
* Port Richmond train derailment in Philadelphia
* acetylcholine
* Gulliver's LIVER software travels
* the EARTH casino and the Sino-japanese wars
* Wisconsin DATCP approval of the destruction of Pabst farms
* Deep Space NINE pregnancy codes
* Boston ran 26 miles to attack the 26 letters of the alphabet
Newspapers and books use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper / book reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message.
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities on the geography surface of EARTH.
Atomic particle as year 2017 particle pills -->
pill code --> pi .....ill --> pier illinois
Aug 2, 2012 - The Fermi Research Alliance (FRA) Board of Directors, which manages and operates Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, announced today ...
Logical units (Lu)
This chapter describes the logical unit (LU) types that WSim currently supports. It also gives an example of the hardware or software products that typically use ...
code --> stardate 44 --> pointer to year 1944 agent -->
Pier Oddone was born on
...... agent for atomic number 26 of the
March 26 ...... agent for .......... code -->
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON isotope-56 TO
code --> stardate 44 --> pointer
to year 1944 LUNG agent and his CO2 output data carrier molecules of mass 44 LINK
to alphabet address location 4 and 4 -> dd
Data Definition (DD) statement for Pier ODDONE
A data definition (DD) statement is a job control statement that defines a data set to the operating system, and is a request to the operating system for the ...
code word --> Saratoga --> Sara
--> Sarasota High School Florida
code word --> Saratoga --> Sara
--> Sarasota High School Florida --> pointer
--> Sara
--> Sarah Ferguson --> string theory pointer -->
... Sarah and Andrew, who share daughters Princess Beatrice, 28, and Princess Eugenie, 27, together, seemed in high spirits during their evening out.
Sarah, the Duchess of York spoke about her family in an exclusive interview with HELLO! ... In the interview Sarah, 57, also talked of the close relationship she has with her ex-husband, Prince ...
code word --> Saratoga --> Sara
--> Sarasota High School Florida --> pointer
--> Sara
--> Sarah Ferguson --> string theory pointer -->
--> Sara
--> Sarajevo & Arch Duke Ferdinand
code word --> Saratoga --> Sara
--> Sarasota High School Florida --> pointer
--> Sara
--> Sarah Ferguson --> string theory pointer -->
--> Sara
--> Sarajevo & Arch Duke Ferdinand
--> Sara
--> Sarawak forest wars
... The Semenggoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, just 12 miles from Kuching, is the best place to find orangutans in Sarawak. ... Perhaps the most famous place to see orangutans in Borneo, the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation Centre is ...
Rating: 5 - Review by Sue Morley
Click here to volunteer with Orangutans in Borneo at Matang Wildlife Centre with the Great Projects, who send volunteers to work with orangutans.
Learn about the Bornean orangutan, as well as the threats this species faces, what WWF is doing to ... Orangutans live in the forests of Sumatra and Borneo.

Nickolas Gene Carter (born January 28, 1980) is an American musician and actor. He is best ..... 2013, This Is the End, Nick Carter, With the Backstreet Boys, performing "Everybody (Backstreet's Back)". 2014, I (Heart) Nick Carter, Himself, Main ...
May 8, 2010 - Uploaded by Natalie WuThis is Jennifer Paige and Nick Carter's "Beautiful Lie", released in November 2009. This is the Radio ...
Feb 10, 2014 - Uploaded by RENFLYJennifer Paige ft. Nick Carter 'Beautiful Lie' + Lyrics.wmv. RENFLY. Loading... Unsubscribe from RENFLY ...
Rods and Cones and theri optical software languages
The retina contains two types of photoreceptors, rods and cones. The rods ... The 6 to 7 million cones provide the eye's color sensitivity and they are much more
The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure that examines the weighted average of prices of a basket of consumer goods and services, such as transportation, food and medical care. It is calculated by taking price changes for each item in the predetermined basket of goods and averaging them.
Jul 27, 2017 - The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.
Concept of Collective Unconscious at Jung. Jung concept of collective unconscious is based on his experiences with schizophrenic persons since he worked in ...
code wold --> Wolf 359 -->
wo lf 35 9 -->
Two if 35 9 ....................
Two if ..... implies Double-helix ... if logic
35 implies DNA direction
9 implies DNA nine code

One part contains the members.
The other part is a directory of all the members and where they are located.
Dec 14, 2007 - Prosecutors say Sisk helped his gang murder Tammie Garlin in June ... Twenty- seven-year-old
Michael Sisk faces up to 136 years in prison ...
Rating: 4.4/10 - 2,215 votes
Drama · Approaching collapse, the nation's economy is quickly eroding. As crime and fear take over the countryside, the government continues to exert its brutal ...
John Galt (/ɡɔːlt/) is a character in Ayn Rand's novel Atlas Shrugged (1957). Although he is not identified by name until the last third of the novel,
he is the object of its often-repeated question "Who is John Galt?"
and of the quest to discover the answer.
Galta Ji is a large Hindu temple complex that lies 10km to the east of Jaipur. These temples are a popular tourist attraction as they are home to a large colony of
Feb 28, 2014 - The Galtaji Temple known as Monkey temple is among the coveted tourist attractions of Jaipur. Find location, best time to visit and how to reach ...
Andrew Carnegie was a Scottish-American industrialist in Pittsburg,
data bus .... business mag / magnetic field magnate, and philanthropist.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Let's look at some books /news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
Atomic particle as year 2017 particle pills -->
pill code --> pi .....ill --> pier illinois
Piermaria Oddone - Wikipedia
Fermilab · Doctoral advisor, Maurice Bazin, Alfred T. Goshaw. Piermaria J Oddone is a Peruvian-American particle physicist. Born in Peru in 1944, Oddone ...
Pier Oddone to step down as Fermilab director | News - Newsroom
Logical units (Lu)
A logical unit is a device or application program by which an end user (an application program, a terminal user, or an input/output mechanism) gains access to a ...
Summary of logical unit (LU) types - IBM
code --> stardate 44 --> pointer to year 1944 agent -->
Pier Oddone was born on
March 26, 1944
...... agent for atomic number 26 of the
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON atom
March 26 ...... agent for .......... code -->
M ... arch --> M-theory architecture
March 26, 1944 .... his atoms, and bio-physics Galapagos Islands / Peru molecules .....
military MARCH to the United States ....
......Nature's agent for atomic number 26 of the
Fe = Ferrous oxide IRON isotope-56 TO
Fe = FermiLAB atomic social science PROBLEM site by Illinois Route 56
code --> stardate 44 --> pointer
to year 1944 LUNG agent and his CO2 output data carrier molecules of mass 44 LINK
to alphabet address location 4 and 4 -> dd
Data Definition (DD) statement for Pier ODDONE
and his bio-computer CO2 data output nose
code word --> Saratoga --> Sara
--> Sarasota High School Florida
code word --> Saratoga --> Sara
--> Sarasota High School Florida --> pointer
--> Sara
--> Sarah Ferguson --> string theory pointer -->
Sarah Ferguson & Prince Andrew dine out following Beckham scandal
Jul 18, 2017 - More than a decade after they were officially divorced, Sarah Ferguson and Prince Andrew remain on the very best of terms.Sarah Ferguson opens up about daughters and Prince Andrew
Sep 26, 2017 - Exclusive: Sarah Ferguson talks life in the public eye and her bond with Prince Andrew.code word --> Saratoga --> Sara
--> Sarasota High School Florida --> pointer
--> Sara
--> Sarah Ferguson --> string theory pointer -->
--> Sara
--> Sarajevo & Arch Duke Ferdinand
Assassination at Sarajevo - History Learning Site
The murder of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo is accepted by historians as the immediate cause of World War One though serious trouble – long term causes – had ...Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated - Jun 28, 1914 -
On June 28, 1914, then, Franz Ferdinand and Sophie were touring Sarajevo in an ... The assassination of Franz-Ferdinand and Sophie set off a rapid chain of ...The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, 100 Years Ago ...
Jun 26, 2014 - On the eve of the assassination's centennial, find out how a teenage Serbian ... as their motorcade maneuvered through the streets of Sarajevo.code word --> Saratoga --> Sara
--> Sarasota High School Florida --> pointer
--> Sara
--> Sarah Ferguson --> string theory pointer -->
--> Sara
--> Sarajevo & Arch Duke Ferdinand
--> Sara
--> Sarawak forest wars
Sarawak, Borneo Malaysia | Wonderful ...
Jump to It is all about orangutans; » - Currently, there are 26 semi-wild orangutans at Semenggoh in total; roaming free within a 740 hectare forest reserve.Five Places to See Orangutans in Borneo - TripSavvy › Destinations › Asia › Borneo
May 17, 2017 - Great Places to Find Orangutans in Malaysian Borneo.Best place to see orangutans. Travel guide on where to see orangutans
Borneo and Sumatra are not only the best place to see orangutans - they are the only places you can see them in the wild. Both Sumatra and the Indonesian ...Assassination at Sarajevo - History Learning Site
The murder of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo is accepted by historians as the immediate cause of World War One though serious trouble – long term causes – had ...
Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated - Jun 28, 1914 -
On June 28, 1914, then, Franz Ferdinand and Sophie were touring Sarajevo in an ... The assassination of Franz-Ferdinand and Sophie set off a rapid chain of ...
Bornean orangutan - Wikipedia
The Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is a species of orangutan native to the island of Borneo. Together with the Sumatran orangutan and Tapanuli ...
Borneo Orangutan Sanctuary Volunteering Project - 15% Off | The ...
Bornean Orangutan | Species | WWF
Nick Carter (musician) - Wikipedia
Nick Carter (musician) in the audio nerve world
Nick Carter & Jennifer Paige - Beautiful Lie (Radio Edit) - YouTube
▶ 3:20
May 8, 2010 - Uploaded by Natalie WuThis is Jennifer Paige and Nick Carter's "Beautiful Lie", released in November 2009. This is the Radio ...
Jennifer Paige ft. Nick Carter 'Beautiful Lie' + Lyrics.wmv - YouTube
▶ 3:32
Feb 10, 2014 - Uploaded by RENFLYJennifer Paige ft. Nick Carter 'Beautiful Lie' + Lyrics.wmv. RENFLY. Loading... Unsubscribe from RENFLY ...
Rods and Cones and theri optical software languages
- Ask a Biologist - Arizona State University
They are located in the retina (a layer at the back of the eye). There are two types, rods and cones. Pupil: is the hole that allow light to enter the eye. In humans it ...
The Rods and Cones of the Human Eye - HyperPhysics Concepts
Consumer Price Index (CPI) - Investopedia
Consumer Price Index Frequently Asked Questions : U.S. Bureau of ...
Collective unconscious - Wikipedia
However, above and in addition to the primordial collective unconscious, people within a certain culture may share additional bodies of primal collective ideas. Jung called the UFO phenomenon a "living myth", a legend in the process of consolidation.
Carl Jung - Collective Unconscious -
code wold --> Wolf 359 -->
wo lf 35 9 -->
Two if 35 9 ....................
Two if ..... implies Double-helix ... if logic
35 implies DNA direction
9 implies DNA nine code
Creating a partitioned data set - IBM
A PDS requires a different arrangement of space than a sequential data set. The PDS consists of two parts.
One part contains the members.
The other part is a directory of all the members and where they are located.
Garlin case - Wikipedia
The Garlin case refers to the three adults and one juvenile charged in the June 4, 2007, murder ... Allegedly providing an alias, she denied that Michael Sisk resided there. The officers consulted photographs and, since the woman resembled ...
Wisconsin House of Horrors: Scene of Scams, Sex and Murder | Fox ...
Jun 21, 2007 - Prosecutors say Michael Sisk, 25; his girlfriend, Candace Clark, 23; ... The boy's sister, Felicia Garlin, and mother, Tammie Garlin, took part in ... David Geier, Clark's lawyer, said he was not yet familiar enough with the case to ...
UPDATE: Wisconsin Court Upholds Conviction in Torture Case -
Michael Sisk faces up to 136 years in prison ...
Wisconsin Court Upholds Conviction in Torture Case
Who Is John Galt? - Forbes
Feb 15, 2012 - John Galt is the fictional hero of “Atlas Shrugged,” Ayn Rand's epic novel published in 1957. I first read Atlas Shrugged in high school, and have ...
Atlas Shrugged: Who Is John Galt? (2014) - IMDb
John Galt - Wikipedia
he is the object of its often-repeated question "Who is John Galt?"
and of the quest to discover the answer.
"Who is John Galt?"
"Who is John Galt?"
"Who is John Galt?"
Galta Ji Jaipur Monkey Temple
Galtaji Monkey Temple, Jaipur - Maps of India
Galtaji and Nature's molecule software
Galtaji (Khole Ke Hanuman JI) is an ancient Hindu pilgrimage site in the town of Khania-Balaji, about 10 km away from Jaipur, in the Indian state of Rajasthan. The site consists of a series of temples built into a narrow crevice in the ring of hills that surrounds Jaipur. A natural spring emerges high on the hill and flows downward, filling a series of sacred kunds (water tanks) in which pilgrims bathe. The visitor or pilgrim ascends the crevasse, continuing past the highest water pool to a hilltop temple from which a magnificent view of Jaipur and its fortifications spreads out across the valley floor. It is believed that a Saint named Galav lived here, practiced meditation, and did penance (tpasya).[1]
"Who is John Galt?"
"Who is John Galt?"
"Who is hn Galt?" --> amino acid SOFTWARE route
into the human system
into the human system
Andrew Carnegie - Wikipedia Carnegie was a Scottish-American industrialist in Pittsburg,
data bus .... business mag / magnetic field magnate, and philanthropist.
Carnegie led the expansion of the American steel industry in the ...
EARTH Andrew Carnegie ...
Nov 25, 2011 - "Maggie Daley was a woman for all seasons who treated Chicago
... Born Margaret Corbett in Pittsburgh, Penn., she was the youngest of seven .
The American Bar Association (ABA), founded August 21, 1878, is a voluntary bar association of lawyers and law students, which is not specific to any ...
American Bar Association problems in their
With nearly 400000 members, the American Bar Association is the one of the largest voluntary professional membership organizations in the world. As the ...
code word --> Ferengi __> Fer + engi
--> FermiLAB atomic social engineers -
Pier Oddone (code name Odo) to retire as
Aug 2, 2012 - 2 that Fermilab Director Pier Oddone has decided to retire after eight ... Oddone will continue to serve as Fermilab director until July 1, 2013, ...
Choose from over 150 kitchen cabinet door styles and view the prices for each ( standard 10' x 10' kitchen prices). Free shipping over $2500 in the US.
Apr 19, 2013 -Two Chechen brothers,
Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, had become suspects in Monday's Boston Marathon bombings, gunned down an ...
Kitchen Assassination LIES / incomplete explanations
On June 5, 1968, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was fatally shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, shortly after winning the California presidential primaries in the 1968 election, and died the next day while hospitalized.
After winning the California and South Dakota primary elections for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, Kennedy
was fatally shot while
exiting through the hotel kitchen.
MariaDB Server is one of the most popular database servers in the world. It's made by the original developers of MySQL and guaranteed to stay open source.
MariaDB is the MySQL alternative and fastest growing open source database brought to you by the leading pioneers in the history of open source.
Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations / echo signature
Apr 27, 2017 - Maria Callas was an internationally renowned opera singer known for her celestial vocal range. Learn more about her life and career at ...
In the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ...
A vibration sent through the earth
returns an "echo signature" using the same ...
The EARTH rotation creates an alternating cycle every 24 hours .....
Day night Day night Day night .... DATA processing day with sunlight
City of Chicago :: Maxwell Street Market -
Remembering Maxwell Street --
Aug 29, 2014 - Joe Kaplan sells dishes to Mrs. Freida Sawyer at Maxwell and Peoria Streets, circa April 1927. — Chicago Tribune historical photo. ◁ Previous ...
Julian day is the continuous count of days since the beginning of the Julian Period and is used ... The Julian date (JD) of any instant is the Julian day number plus the fraction of a day ... the ordinal date) in the Gregorian calendar, especially in computer programming, ..... "CEEDATE—convert Lilian date to character format".
Julian Subatoi Bashir MD is a main character
from the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, portrayed by Alexander Siddig. Bashir is the Chief ...
Brain cell ...... THOUGHTS and software offices
The Bornean orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is a species of orangutan native to the island of Borneo. Together with the Sumatran orangutan and Tapanuli ...
Surgut GUT war message
Attacker 'used .......... axe molecule .....
Sep 1, 2013 - 1) Determine the correct Lewis structure for the molecule. If it is a diatomic (has only two atoms) it is linear and falls into the AX category. If it has ...
Nov 29, 2010 - A 15-year-old boy took 23 of his classmates and a teacher hostage in a ... Skorik identified the hostage taker as 15-year-old Samuel Hengel, ...
EARTH Andrew Carnegie ...
Magnetic field agent from the
Pittsburg iron LANGUAGE region .......
Maggie Daley Dies at 68 - NBC Chicago
... Born Margaret Corbett in Pittsburgh, Penn., she was the youngest of seven .
Born Margaret Corbett in Pittsburgh, Penn., she was the youngest of seven children. She was a graduate of the University of Dayton with a degree in history. In 1970 while working in Chicago, she met a young Richard M. Daley at a Christmas party. Their first date was on New Years Eve.
At the time she was working for the Xerox Learning Systems, part of Xerox Education Group as an account executive. They were married in 1972, the same year Daley was elected to the Illinois Senate.
Together the Daleys had four children.
Together the Daleys had four children.
American Bar Association - Wikipedia
American Bar Association problems in their
blood/brain bar / barrier SOFTWARE languages
code word --> Ferengi __> Fer + engi
--> FermiLAB atomic social engineers -
Pier Oddone - Wikipedia
Pier Oddone (code name Odo) to retire as
Fermilab Ferengi director | UChicago News
Kitchen Cabinets at The Home Depot
Nobody does kitchen cabinets better. Let us help you update your kitchen with new custom, semi-custom, or ready-to-assemble kitchen cabinetry.
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Ready To Assemble & Pre-Assembled Kitchen Cabinets - The RTA Store
Browse our selection of kitchen cabinets and find great deals on ready to assemble cabinets and pre-assembled kitchen cabinets. Shop online at ...
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Kitchen Cabinets
Kitchen Cabinets ..Darwin selection of representatives
The Brothers Who Became the Boston Marathon Bombers - Newsweek
Apr 6, 2015 - The Brothers Who Became the Boston Marathon Bombers ...
The Tsarnaevs are Muslim Chechens, and Gessen sketches a brief history of the ...
The Tsarnaevs are Muslim Chechens, and Gessen sketches a brief history of the ...
Boston Marathon bombers: Brothers from Chechen ...
Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, had become suspects in Monday's Boston Marathon bombings, gunned down an ...
Kitchen Assassination LIES / incomplete explanations
in Boston newspapers
.......... Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia
On June 5, 1968, presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy was fatally shot at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, shortly after winning the California presidential primaries in the 1968 election, and died the next day while hospitalized.
After winning the California and South Dakota primary elections for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States, Kennedy
was fatally shot while
exiting through the hotel kitchen.
He died in the Good Samaritan Hospital twenty-six hours later ....
message regarding the
Boston Marathon (marathon BS city)
26 mile atomic number race ERRORS .....
..... later. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian/Jordanian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy's murder and sentenced to death in 1969, although his sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972. On November 22, 2013, Sirhan was transferred from Corcoran to the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego County.[2
Boston Marathon (marathon BS city)
26 mile atomic number race ERRORS .....
..... later. Sirhan Sirhan, a 24-year-old Palestinian/Jordanian immigrant, was convicted of Kennedy's murder and sentenced to death in 1969, although his sentence was commuted to life in prison in 1972. On November 22, 2013, Sirhan was transferred from Corcoran to the Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility in San Diego County.[2
About MariaDB -
MariaDB: A MySQL Alternative | MariaDB
Maria Callas human bio-computer DATABASE entity
- Wikipedia
Maria Callas, Commendatore OMRI was a Greek-American soprano, and one of the most renowned and influential opera singers of the 20th century.
and influential opera singer
and influential opera singer
and influential opera singer
and influential opera sin ge er r
and influential
operations sin wave functions .... geology earth research
Maria Callas ... call subroutines explain the -
Nikola Tesla EARTH vibrations / echo signature
.... sin wave/ alternating cycles .....
Nature's communications continuum .....
with human interceptors of input sin wave functions .....
whose human body/audio nerve brain is a signal converter
.... output FORMAT ..... Sin --> Singer -
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
A vibration sent through the earth
returns an "echo signature" using the same ...
The EARTH rotation creates an alternating cycle every 24 hours .....
Day night Day night Day night .... DATA processing day with sunlight
City of Chicago :: Maxwell Street Market -
History of James Clerk Maxwell and
EARTH LAB human social science experiments
Maxwell Street Market - History. For about 100 years, Maxwell Street was one of Chicago's most unconventional business—and residential—districts. About a mile long and located in the shadow of downtown skyscrapers, it was a place where businesses grew selling anything from shoestrings to expensive clothes.
Remembering Maxwell Street --
Chicago Tribune incomplete descriptions
Julian day - Wikipedia
What is Julian date asks Julian Bashir? - Definition from › Topics › Computer Science › IT standards and organizations
The starting point for the first Julian cycle began on January 1, 4713 B.C. (Gregorian calendar - expressed in the ISO date format as "-4713-01-01 G") and will end on January 22, 3268 (3268-01-22
Julian Bashir | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | FANDOM ...
Julian Bashir and his blood arteries SOFTWARE questions - Wikipedia Subatoi Bashir MD is a main character
from the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, portrayed by Alexander Siddig. Bashir is the Chief ...
B100D equation
--> B ... number 100 ....D
--> Base ....100 Decimal .... Data for 4 DNA nucleotide ....
biological clock time wave tides
--> Base ....100 Decimal .... Data for 4 DNA nucleotide ....
biological clock time wave tides
Thus 100 multiply 4 DNA = 400 years
and 3 dna codes gives 3 leap years
However ....
IBM bio-computer code number 143 ....
blood number 100 + DNA equation 43
(base 4 DNA exponent 3 = 64 codons and their molecular SYMBOL ENGINE double-word .... information integrity TEST abilities)
blood number 100 + DNA equation 43
(base 4 DNA exponent 3 = 64 codons and their molecular SYMBOL ENGINE double-word .... information integrity TEST abilities)
Brain cell ...... THOUGHTS and software offices
Best place to see orangutans. Travel guide on where to see orangutans
Borneo and Sumatra are not only the best place to see orangutans - they are the only places you can see them in the wild. Both Sumatra and the Indonesian ...
Bornean Orangutan | Species | WWF
Learn about the Bornean orangutan, as well as the threats this species faces, what WWF is doing to ... Orangutans live in the forests of Sumatra and Borneo.
5 best places to see orangutans in the wild | Wanderlust
Aug 18, 2017 - Lighter in colour, the Sumatran orangutan also has with a narrower face and longer beard than their cousins in Borneo. They are also critically ...
Bornean orangutan - Wikipedia
Best place to see orangutans.
Best place to see orangutan based INTELLECTUALS
Best place to see .........gut based INTELLECTUALS
Best place to see orangutan GUT WAR news
Surgut GUT war message
... Stab (System tables) ---> stabbing: Attacker 'used knife, axe and explosive device ... › News › World
Aug 20, 2017 - AN ATTACKER who injured seven people when he went on the rampage in the Russian city of Surgut was armed with an axe and an explosive ... › News › World
Attacker 'used knife, axe
Attacker 'used .......... axe molecule .....
Nature's systems ..... molecule MILITARY commands
Molecule AXE Notation Lewis Structure Electron Geo... | › study › science › chemistry › chemistry questions and answers
Answer to Molecule AXE Notation Lewis Structure Electron Geometry Geometry...
Molecular Models & VSEPR Theory
Jul 9, 2013 - Molecules with single bonds, Molecules with multiple bonds, Molecules with 2 central atoms. AXE,. AX4E0, AX3E1, AX2E2, AX1E3,.
Shapes of Molecules -
Click on a picture to link to a page with the GIF file and a short discussion of the molecule. Steric Number (# bonded atoms + # lone pairs). 6, 5, 4, 3, 2. AX6
The VSEPR Model - UW Oshkosh
Wisconsin hostage taker who shot self dies - Reuters 29, 2010 - A 15-year-old boy took 23 of his classmates and a teacher hostage in a ... Skorik identified the hostage taker as 15-year-old Samuel Hengel, ...
PICTURES: Marinette High School Hostage Situation
According to CBS affiliate WFRV, the suspect, 15-year-old Samuel Hengel, was pronounced dead at 10:44 a.m. He was a student at Marinette High School.
The chief says the boy gave no reason for holding the 23 students and teacher in a classroom at the school for about five hours. None of the hostages were hurt.
Police say the boy shot himself as they burst into the classroom Monday night.
Skorik says the teen had two handguns and fired several shots inside the classroom during the standoff. He says additional ammunition was found in a duffel bag at the school.
Wisconsin hostage taker
What is host (in computing)? - Definition from › Network Design › Internet technologies
A host (also known as "network host") is a computer or other device that ... be considered both infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service ( PaaS).
What's the Difference Between a Domain, a Host and a Platform?
Jun 6, 2016 - Once you select your domain and host, you can select a web platform or content management system (CMS). A platform contains all of the ...
What is Host Platform | IGI Global
Definition of Host Platform: A web site or network-based portal which enables interaction among virtual community members, including both technological ...
Host-parasite Relationships in the English living language
of SYMBOL and CONCEPT life
by GC Ainsworth - 1955 - Cited by 12 - Related articles
pathogenic micro-organisms and it is to aspects of this relationship that I wish to draw attention. The host-parasite relationship could be discussed compre-.Host-Parasite Relationship (With Diagram) - Biology Discussion › Parasitology › Parasites › Host-Parasite
Host-Parasite Relationship (With Diagram). Article Shared by. ADVERTISEMENTS: Parasitism is an association or a situation in which two organisms of different ...
The Nature of Host Parasite Interactions
The Nature of Host Parasite Interactions
Patty Hearst — FBI
Symbionese Liberation Army Symbol Emblem Patty Hearst - Signs ...
"Symbionese Liberation Army Symbol Emblem Patty Hearst". ← this is media from an original article - click to return · Symbionese Liberation Army Symbol ...
The Symbionese Liberation Army abducts Patty Hearst - Feb 04, 1974 ...
Soon, a ransom demand came from the Symbionese Liberation Army (SLA), a radical activist group led by Donald DeFreeze. DeFreeze had formed the SLA in 1973 after he escaped from prison. ... Afterwards, the SLA demanded an additional $6 million giveaway. Hearst refused and they did not release Patty.
What is the Symbionese Liberation Army? - Slate Magazine
What is the Symbionese Liberation Army?
Irish people - Wikipedia
The Irish people are a nation and ethnic group native to the island of Ireland, who share a common Irish ancestry, identity and culture. Ireland has been ...
Irish language - Wikipedia
The Irish language (Gaeilge), also referred to as the Gaelic or the Irish Gaelic language, is a Goidelic language (Gaelic) of the Indo-European language family ...
Native to: Ireland
Language family: Indo-European: Celtic > Insu...
Standard forms: An Caighdeán Oifigiúil
Region: Ireland, mainly Gaeltacht regions
Ireland - Wikipedia
Irish people
code words
--> ops to Rio Grande -->
operations ..... atom ..... Resume I/O .....
Grand (Unified Theory) earth
operations ..... atom ..... Resume I/O .....
Grand (Unified Theory) earth
I/O Instructions - IBM
As mentioned earlier, ESA/XC and 370-XA architectures and System/370 architecture support different sets of I/O instructions. When you use I/O instructions in ...
Use TRACE SIO, SIOF, SSCH, RIO, or RSCH to trace the SIO (START I/O), SIOF ... RIO (RESUME I/O), or RSCH (RESUME SUBCHANNEL) instructions for all ...
z/VM V5R2.0 Virtual Machine Operation SC24-6128-02 | |
to trace the SIO (START I/O), SIOF (START I/O FAST RELEASE), SSCH (START SUBCHANNEL), RIO (RESUME I/O), or RSCH (RESUME SUBCHANNEL) instructions for all input/output (I/O) devices or for a range of devices. Tracing is limited to instructions that do not produce an operation or privileged operation exception. to trace the SIO (START I/O) ---> to trace the SIO ---> Bill code sio -Using TRACE SIO,Using TRACE SIO,Using TRACE SIO,Bill de Blasio - Wikipedia
New York Mayor de Blasio wins re-election in widely expected result
Nov 7, 2017 - Democratic New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio scored a decisive victory on Tuesday in his bid to secure a second four-year term.
NYC mayoral race: Bill de Blasio, 'Bo' Dietl, Nicole Malliotakis | am ...
NYC mayoral race: |
code words --> escape pod --> escape Key (keyboard) podiatry (walking)
COMPUTER EARTH geography land surface ..... an atomic/ electron platform
that humans walk upon.
Above, the 2-legged humans (like 2 fingers on a computer keyboard) .......
their 2-legs and human body weight ...... apply pressure/ data transfer
to the EARTH ground ...keyboard data entry surface
their 2-legs and human body weight ...... apply pressure/ data transfer
to the EARTH ground ...keyboard data entry surface
equation --> three-five-zero --> 3 minus 5 minus zero = -2
Above words .... bottom line 4 --> sensors are picking up
--> human bio-sensors
code word --> . echoes-->
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
A vibration sent through the earth returns
an "echo signature" using the same .
code words
--> center of disturbance
...... the earth returns an "echo " --> example
Wojciech Braszczok
Wojciech Braszczok
Wojciech Braszczok........ echo Braszczok
code words
--> center of disturbance
--> center of disturbance
--> center of turban
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia
On August 5, 2012, a mass shooting took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six ...
Gunman Kills 6 at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin - The New York Times
Aug 5, 2012 - Family members waited for information outside the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, Wis ., where a shooting took place on Sunday. Credit Mike De ...
Sikh temple shooting in Wisconsin -
Remembering the temple shooting victims · Shooting victims: Putting others first ... Shocking details on Sikh temple rampage · Temple member reacts to shooting.Paul Dirac - Wikipedia Adrien Maurice Dirac OM FRS was an English theoretical physicist who made ..... In 1984, Dirac died in Tallahassee, Florida, and was buried at Tallahassee's Roselawn Cemetery. Dirac's childhood home in Bristol is commemorated with a ...
Paul Dirac and his atomic DATABASE coffin with
atomic electron orbital ....
.............................. bit ..... data bits
Jim Sensenbrenner ... a human bio-computer and bio-sensor - Wikipedia
bottom line ..code words--> Swallowed alive
Swallows on a Mission: San Juan Capistrano, California
The swallows of San Juan Capistrano made the Mission and the city world famous. The Capistrano birds are Cliff Swallows, which have probably been returning to the area for centuries. They transferred their nests to the eaves of the Mission when it was built near two rivers.
M-theory - Wikipedia
M-theory is a theory in physics that unifies all consistent versions of superstring theory. The existence of such a theory was first conjectured by Edward Witten at ...
Missing: physicshttps
M-Theory: The Mother of all SuperStrings : Explorations in Science ...
Missing: physicshttps
Quad/Graphics: Commercial Printing - Print Services Business Report visited Quad/Graphics' Sussex, Wis., plant ....
As our company’s headquarters, Sussex divides its footprint between production operations and our corporate offices. The plant’s pressroom is a showcase for 2x8 web offset technology, housing several of the high-speed, highly productive presses. The headquarters of QuadTech, our research and development subsidiary, is across the street.
Harry Quadracci quadratic equation murder ....
an `accidental drowning' - Milwaukee - Milwaukee ...
Investigation concludes Harry Quadra .......
death in 4 feet of water .....
was the ---> 4ac solution ....... his math accident | State and ...
The Harry Quadracci ....... algebra PINE LAKE water solution
---> 4ac death ...... an '4 feet water accidental drowning'
- Milwaukee murder cover-up report -
Milwaukee ....... the source for incomplete explanations
about the deeper levels of REALITY ...
discovered Monday afternoon
in 4-1/2 feet of water in Pine Lake,
near his home in Chenequa. He was 66 years ...
his home in Chenequa
his home in Chenequa
his home in .........equa
his home in .........equation existential continuum
Below, the EARTH ground soil with earth worms ...
hence, the Paul Dirac grave hole .......... as an EARTH soil wormhole
The Paul Dirac grave hole ......
as an EARTH geology wormhole to the underground soil
... geological communication layers ......
the mathematical-physics MODEL of graveholes and their atomic DATABASE coffins ...
that interact with Nature's ...
Nikola Tesla EARTH wireless ..... energy/english & math signaling system
Diet of Worms - Wikipedia
Jump to Martin Luther - An imperial diet was a formal deliberative assembly of the whole Empire. This one is most memorable for the Edict of Worms (Wormser Edikt), which addressed Martin Luther and the effects of the Protestant Reformation. It was conducted from 28 January to 26 May 1521, with the Emperor Charles V presiding.
Missing: holes
Diet of Worms | Germany [1521] |
Diet of Worms. Diet of Worms, meeting of the Diet (assembly) of the Holy Roman Empire held at Worms, Germany, in 1521, made famous by Martin Luther's appearance before it to respond to charges of heresy. ... In June 1520 Pope Leo X condemned 41 of Luther's Ninety-five Theses, but he also gave Luther time to recant.
Missing: holes
Luther defiant at Diet of Worms - Apr 18, 1521 -
Missing: holes
Diet of Worms
Diet of Worms ..... thought evolution
The EARTH underground ..... geological data pipeline of Nature's systems
Bethesda Lu(Logical Unit) Lu --> Lutheran Home
- Watertown Historical Society
Missing: hole
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia
On August 5, 2012, a mass shooting took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six ...
Gunman Kills 6 at Sikh Temple in Wisconsin - The New York Times
command words--> reduce impulse power
command words--> reduce impulse power
at PULSE nightclub
Benjamin Sisko | Memory Alpha | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Benjamin Lafayette Sisko was a famous Starfleet officer best remembered for his seven-year...
Children: Jake Sisko (son) Unborn child
Marital Status: Married
Father: Joseph Sisko
Status: Missing ( 2375 )
Benjamin Sisko | Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki | FANDOM ...
Children: Jake Sisko, Rebecca Jae Sisko
Parents: Rebecca Sisko (stepmother)
Born: 2332
Marital Status: married
Garlin case - Wikipedia
The Garlin case refers to the three adults and one juvenile charged in the June 4, 2007, murder ... Allegedly providing an alias, she denied that Michael Sisk resided there. The officers consulted photographs and, since the woman resembled ...
Wisconsin House of Horrors: Scene of Scams, Sex and Murder | Fox ...
UPDATE: Wis. Court Upholds Conviction in
television EM field waves and instructions .....
Torture of brain st.EM -
Below, the EARTH ground soil with earth worms ...
hence, the Paul Dirac grave hole .......... as an EARTH soil wormhole
The Paul Dirac grave hole ......
as an EARTH geology wormhole to the underground soil
... geological communication layers ......
the mathematical-physics MODEL of graveholes and their atomic DATABASE coffins ...
that interact with Nature's ...
Nikola Tesla EARTH wireless ..... energy/english & math signaling system
Edict -->
E ..... dict -->
Earth language ..dictionary
E ..... dict -->
Earth language ..dictionary
Former location of Sophie's Busy Bee – Chicago, Illinois - Atlas Obscura
Discover Former location of Sophie's Busy Bee in Chicago, Illinois: Site of a once ... and just south of the quaintly anachronistic Damen station hut, sits The Blue Line ... while being served food in the domestic tranquility of the beloved eatery.
Best Busy bee restaurant in Chicago, IL - Yelp
Reviews on Busy bee restaurant in Chicago, IL - Busy Bee Imported Foods, ... A few more to add; Jumbo John's at Grand nr Damen Busy Bee on N.Damen ...
Busy Bee To Buzz No More - Chicago Tribune
Busy Bee
Buffers system ..... Bee organization theory and examples
Lake Okeechobee - Wikipedia
Lake Okeechobee, also known as Florida's Inland Sea, is the largest freshwater lake in the state of Florida. It is the eighth largest natural freshwater lake in the ...
A Guide to the Lake Okeechobee Area | VISIT FLORIDA
In Lake Okeechobee, things to do include fishing, boating and trails. Its town of Clewiston on the southern shore has the most to offer vacationers. Sometimes ...
Lake Okeechobee | Location & Facts |
The Plague - Wikipedia
city of Oran --> Bajoran disease code
It asks a
Schrödinger's cat - Wikipediaödinger%27s_cat
Schrödinger's cat is a thought experiment, sometimes described as a paradox, devised by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. It illustrates what he saw as the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics applied to everyday objects.
Schrödinger's Cat / coffin box of Paul Dirac: Explained | IFLScienceödinger’s-cat-explained/
superposition zombie state
superposition zombie state
super position zombie state
super position zombie state
su per position zombie state
su per position zombie state
Fsu person .. horizontal position zombie state
Fsu person ..
horizontal position zombie state
horizontal position zombie state
horizontal position zombie state
horizon tal position zombie state
horizon tal position zombie state
Event horizon tallahassee position zombie state
Event horizon - Wikipedia
the Paul Dirac coffin embedded in the EARTH sin waves ....
..................... ac (alternating cycle) link to sin cycle
... thus his coffin atoms ..... communication properties described by his proper noun with AC code
AC = Atomic Continuum links using
AC = Alternating cycles/ sine waves/ oscillations outlined by Nikola Tesla and others
Electronic Data Systems (EDS) was an American multinational information technology equipment and services company headquartered in Plano, Texas. ... Electronic Data Systems was founded in 1962 by H. Ross Perot. In its early years, ...
Headquarters: Plano, Texas, USA
Revenue: US$22.1 billion (2007)
Number of employees: 136,000
Founder: H. Ross Perot
Ross Perot - Wikipedia
Political party: Republican (2000–present)
Children: Ross; Nancy; Suzanne; Carolyn; Kat...
in Plano, Texas.
in Plano, Texas.
in Plan O
in Plano, Texas.
in Plano, Texas.
in --> string theory node
Coors Brewing Company and theri secret cordinates systen- Wikipedia
Headquarters: Golden, Colorado, United States
Founded: 1873, 144 years ago
Fe ....Fermilab blood iron RD site - Wikipedia
Field of research: Accelerator physics
Director: Nigel S. Lockyer
Location: Winfield Township, DuPage County, ...
Nobel laureates: Leon Max Lederman
Fermilab - YouTube
An excerpt from Fermilab: Science at work, available on Fermilab's channel. We continue to upload videos of interest to those who are interested in science and ...
Fermilab scientists discover new four-flavor particle | symmetry ...
Fermilab scientists discover
Fermilab scientists discover
Fermilab scientists discover
Fermilab scientists discover the existence of code
--> Ferengi --> FermiLab engineering
Fermilab scientists discover
Fermilab scientists discover agent Odo --> Oddone
Marshall Field and Company Building - Wikipedia
Marshall Field and Company Building which now houses, Macy's at State Street, in Chicago, Illinois, was built in 1891-1892, and was the flagship location of the ...
Marshall Fields sold to Macy's - Portland History 23, 2016 - Marshall Field and Company at the intersection of Randolph, State and Washington Streets and Wabash Avenue in Chicago. Construction on ...
Chicago Wants the
COMPUTER EARTH data fields of Marshall Field's!
and the associated color/geometry social science
language patterns
Fermilab International Folk Dancing
Folk and Barn Dancing at Fermilab - Fermilab Organizations
Barn (unit) - Wikipedia
A barn (symbol: b) is a unit of area equal to 10−28 m2 (100 fm2). Originally used in nuclear physics for expressing the cross sectional area of nuclei and nuclear ...
Understanding luminosity through 'barn', a unit that helps physicists ...
what is an inverse femto barn? -
large hadron collider - what is an Peru SYMBOL MACHINE ....
inverse femto barn? - Physics Stack ...
Peru --> Per + U --> Program EVENT recording
... Uranium (Margaret Mead atomic social sciences)
above words .....
Successful execution of a branch instruction
the human bio-computer citizen / newspaper editors and Federal government .......
at their COMPUTER JOB Execution DEMO
death / execution --> using the branch instruction
to execute Branch Davidians ....
In total, 76 people died,] including David Koresh.
Branch Davidians - Wikipedia
Jump to Waco siege - The Branch Davidians are a religious group that originated in 1955 from a schism in the Davidian Seventh-day Adventists ...
Waco siege | American history |
What Really Happened At Waco - CBS bull-shit explanations
..incomplete News › 60 Minutes › 60 Minutes II
Jan 25, 2000 - That evidence may provide some new answers to what actually happened at the Branch Davidian compound outside Waco. Dan Rather ...
Branch Davidian Massacre Site, Waco, Texas - Roadside America
large hadron collider - ....
inverse femto barn cover-up? - Physics Stack ...
Jul 8, 2011 - A barn is a unit of area, equal to 10−28 m2. The prefix femto- signifies 10−15, so a femtobarn is equal to 10−43 m2. When high-energy ...
a femtobarn is equal to 10−43 m2.
a femtobarn is equal to 10−43 m2.
a femtobarn is equal to 10−43 m2 battle played out at .....
Diet of Worms - Wikipedia
An imperial diet was a formal deliberative assembly of the whole Empire. This one is most memorable for the Edict of Worms (Wormser Edikt), which addressed Martin Luther and the effects of the Protestant Reformation. It was conducted from 28 January to 26 May 1521, with the Emperor Charles V presiding.
Diet of Worms | Germany [1521] |
Diet of Worms
Diet of Worms .... information for Dr. Martin Luther King (alive)
Dr. King is assassinated - Apr 04, 1968 -
Just after 6 p.m. on April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King Jr. is fatally shot while standing on the balcony outside his second-story room at the Lorraine Motel in ...
Martin Luther King Assassination - Mary Ferrell Foundation
Diet of Worms
Diet of Worms phase change of 4 DNA nucleotides on April 4
Diet of Wormholes
Martin Luther King Jr. Assassination -
EARTH geology ground ..... black soil .....
Black Soil History via human information display agents
- Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968, an event that sent shock waves reverberating around the world. A Baptist ...
Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968, an event that sent shock waves reverberating around the world.
... in other words
a Nikola Tesla signaling event
that sent shock waves reverberating around the world.
that sent shock waves reverberating around the world.
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle
A vibration sent through the earth returns
an "echo signature" using the same ...
Assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. - Wikipedia
at the Lorraine Motel in ..
an "echo signature" using the same ...
an "echo signature" using the same ...
an "echo signature" using the same ...
Alsace-Lorraine EARTH Motel site
- Wikipedia
Jump to From annexation to World War I - The Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine (German: Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen or Elsass-Lothringen, French: Terre d'Empire d'Alsace-Lorraine or Alsace-Moselle) was a territory created by the German Empire in 1871 after it annexed most of Alsace and the Moselle department of Lorraine following its victory in the Franco ...
Geography · History · Background · World War II
Alsace-Lorraine | territory, France |
Alsace-Lorraine was returned to France in 1919 after World War I. The French government's attempts to rapidly assimilate Alsace-Lorraine met with problems, ...
Alsace France in World War One: 1914 to 1918 - Get Alsaced!
Paul Dirac explains the EARTH underground Netherworld
,,..... secret language world
- Wikipedia
Benjamin Netanyahu - Wikipedia
Benjamin Netanyahu -
Benjamin Net ...... the secrets of the DEAD and
their sin wave language of the Sinai peninsula
Egyptian Book of the Dead - Ancient History Encyclopedia
The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells which enable the soul of the deceased to navigate the afterlife. The famous title was given the work by ...
The Egyptian Book of the Dead is a collection of spells which enable the soul of the deceased to navigate the afterlife. The famous title was given the work by ...
Ancient History Encyclopedia
The Egyptian Book of the Dead Index - Sacred Texts
Sacred Texts Egypt. THE BOOK OF THE DEAD. The Papyrus of Ani. by. E. A. WALLIS BUDGE. [1895]. Introduction Translation. Because of the substantial ...
Rods & Cones optical WAR
explained by Rod agent Rodney
There are two types of photoreceptors in the human retina, rods and cones. ... In the top figure, you can relate visual angle to the position on the retina in the eye.
Photoreceptor cell - Wikipedia
A photoreceptor cell is a specialized type of cell found in the retina that is capable of visual ... The two classic photoreceptor cells are rods and cones, each contributing information used by the visual system to form a .... The steps, or signal transduction pathway, in the vertebrate eye's rod and cone photoreceptors are then:.
The Rods and Cones of the Human Eye - HyperPhysics Concepts
Rodney Dangerfield - Wikipedia
Rodney Dangerfield was an American stand-up comedian, actor, producer and screenwriter known for the catchphrase "I don't get no respect!" and his ...
Rodney Dangerfield
Anyone can repeat a Rodney Dangerfield joke, but no one can tell one quite like the man himself. In his autobiography, It's Not Easy Bein' Me , we get a rare ...
Rodney Dangerfield - IMDb
Rodney Dangerfield, Actor: Back to School. Rodney Dangerfield was born Jacob Cohen on November 22, 1921 in Deer Park, Suffolk County, Long Island, New ...
2015 Philadelphia train derailment - Wikipedia
Cause, Loss of situational awareness by train engineer.
Statistics. Trains, 1 ( locomotive plus seven cars). Passengers, 238. Crew, 5. Deaths, 8. Injuries, 200+. On May 12, 2015, an Amtrak Northeast Regional train from Washington, D.C. bound for New .... Bostian's lawyer said that his client does not recall much about the accident ...
Statistics. Trains, 1 (
Cause: Loss of situational awareness by train ...
Deaths: 8
Location: Port Richmond, Philadelphia, Penns...
Rail line: Northeast Corridor
Amtrak Engineer Won't Be Charged in Deadly Philadelphia Crash - WSJ
May 9, 2017 - PHILADELPHIA—The speeding Amtrak engineer involved in a derailment ... or “Amtrak Engineer
Acetylcholine Neurotransmission (Section 1, Chapter 11 ...
In the autonomic nervous system, acetylcholine (ACh) is the neurotransmitter in the preganglionic sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons. ... ACh is also the neurotransmitter at the adrenal medulla and serves as the neurotransmitter at all the parasympathetic innervated organs.
U.S ...... Nature's 4 DNA molecules declare independence
from citizen/ community bull-shit and nonsense families
- Jul 04, 1776 -
Urban Dictionary: battle axe
battle axe. A fierce, unpleasant older woman with strong opinions. Ms. Henry is a real battle axe! Just ignore that old bird, she's a battle axe. #bitch #old maid ...
Urban Dictionary: battleaxe
Ms. Henry is a real battle axe! Just ignore that old bird, she's a battle axe. #bitch# old maid#haughty#foul#shrewd#stick in the mud. by MustangGT September 25, ...
Urban Dictionary: battle ax
continuum / communications platform per Nikola Tesla
Rod Nilsestuen, state DATCP head, drowns in Lake Superior | Politics ...
Jul 22, 2010 - He said Nilsestuen was on vacation, working for Habitat for Humanity in northern ... Rod Nilsestuen, the state's DATCP secretary who drowned ...
Nilsestuen is remembered as helping to
transform state's ag industries ...
transform state's ag industries ... VIA the
destruction of Pabst farm Holsteins and horses ......|
and the destruction of Tetz dairy farms of
Bethesda Lutheran homes in Watertown Wisconsin
History - Pabst Farms -
Experience the Wisconsin DATCP FARM destruction system
to build real estate BEDROOMS for
human female protein machines
their social science song and dance SCHEME systems
100-Year Legacy of Farming & Land Conservation ... was the stomping ground for prize-winning Holstein as well as champion Percheron and Hackney horses.
Pabst Farms: The History of a Model Farm - Historic Milwaukee, Inc
Hackney and Percheron horses were the mainstay of Pabst Farms until the ... development and breeding of award-winning, high-production Holstein dairy cattle.
UW Press: Pabst Farms: The History of a Model Farm
9 Months Pregnant ...... code DS Nine
- Symptoms, Belly & Lifestyle - Mother How
9 Months Pregnant: The last month of pregnancy - how to sleep, what to eat and what to pay attention to days before giving birth?
What to (Really) Expect When You're Nine Months Pregnant – Scary ... nine months pregnant, you can't sleep comfortably, you can't eat without heartburn and your cankles are like a science experiment gone bad. The end is in ...
Code word .... Bajoran woman
--> ran women of Boston
Boston Marathon
ran 26 miles in their attack on
the 26 letter English alphabet .....
consequently the living language .....
bombing - Wikipedia
On April 15, 2013, two homemade bombs detonated 12 seconds and 210 yards ( 190 m) apart at 2:49 p.m., near the finish line of the annual Boston Marathon, ...
Boston Marathon Bombing - Facts & Summary -
Find out more about the history of Boston Marathon Bombing, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. Get all the facts on ..
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