Topics covered in this blog post ...
* Edens's expressway Chicago and its Earth Language OUTPUT message press
* Carl Jung and the brain of author Graham Brown
* Town of Genesee problems
* Kathtyn Stalbaun feedback loop signal
* Kindergarten education war in Wisconsin results in the
murder of Karen Simek in Milwaukee
* the Garden Fresh Foods message pointer..Garden of Eden
* Garden Fresh Foods and 12th Street pointer to Watertown 12th street area
* the 12th Street project plane earth messages in watertown
* The Double Helix
* IBM SNA Key ..Snake code
* Mayor Barrett beating at Orchard Street in West Allis
* the rigged trial of Diane Borchardt
* Blood type A B and their graphic arts type fonts / letters ... print
* blood prison classification of the Zinser blood type font ..
SERIF ... Zinser If then else but logic
* George Orwell ..Animal Farm and the murder/ cover-up of FFA member Matt Anderson
* Wiscon.SIN sin wave functions
* 120 volts and alternating cycles
* electron shell
* Karen Simek death DATABASE of the Lac gene from
Lac La belle Oconomowoc region of the DEATH wish
* Senator Proxmire and his year 1955 /1956 Fe = ferrous oxide/iron switch DEMO
of switching females
* Oxygen molecule 32 and the Las Vegas floor 32 gas battle
* hemoglobin
* William Gates explains Schopenhauer and John Locke
* Nikola Tesla's Wardencylffe Tower model in Watertown
* St.Bernard's copper antenna
* the 29 Mexico prison escape VIA 120 foot tunnel
* Paul Dirac and his earth grave hole ,,,,, black soil ,,.... black hole in Tallahassee
* Sub-routines
* Baden Baden and the USS Cole cover-up of the adenine molecule battle in Aden
* US Navel Research into Navel influence on Naval brain cells
* cooper Route 29 murders
* Alfred Korzybski and semantics / reality
* Navy music and SING SING prison ... .brain prison
* music industry President Trump explains trumpets
* the Rosetta Stone at Roselawn Cemetery / Paul Dirac
* the Dirac q-variable war played on in Iraq
* Tallahassee ..... Allah software head quarters
* Quran war Protocols
* Paige Raque explains the 5th State of Matter of Bose-Einstein Condensate
* QueBEC ..BEC
* Bank of Montreal reality site TEST in QueBEC and Watertown Wisconsin
* Nature's em.BANK.ment system and Reality
* Chris Cornell of Soundgarden ... killed in kindergarten school wars
* Milwaukee Mayor beaten in West Allis by a data-pipeline message device
* the rigged trial of social antropology agent Anthony Peters
* Alice cryptology
* Sandy Hook shooting
* the LUNG CO2 data cycle
* the Tigrus River and Persian Gulf VS Tiger Woods and golf
* the Four Fold Roots of Reason
* KY jelly
* incandescent light bulbs
* IBM base 16 at 1600 Pennsylvania
* Amine molecules and Republicans in New Hampshire
* ZIP codes of Z atomic number
* Z atoms and the atomic existential IP (Iinternet Protocol)
* Syed Rizwan Farook explains
SC + Southern California and the SC = Sub-conscious group mind
* Venice Beach explains Carl Jung
* Congressman Tom Petri .... Petri dish experiment of Wisconsin human THOUGHT bacteria
* Jamie Kirk Hahn death DATABASE
* the Hindu red dot and the IBM CRT screen
* the John T/ Scopes telescopes trial
* the Monkey trial
* Who is John Galt? Who is Gestalt?
* Who is the Galt monkey temple in India?
* Symbol movement
* Set Buffer Address
* Nitrogen
* Napoleon code
* Getty's Burg Address
* United States VS empirical proof and math proof
* murder/coverup of Matt Anderson by Wisconsin agriculture
* the Matt Anderson coffin database explained by Erwin Schrodinger
* the Paul Dirac atomic COFFIN database
* Mark D. Totzke explains MDT
* the System murder of Travis Zoellick and the
Wisconisn DATCP cover-up with Zoey Brooks
* Nikola Tesla and Totzke explain
* Paul Dirac at Rose ... Roselawn Cemetery and .Rosicrucian agents
* the Roscrucian 2-legs walking collects data from the earth soil
* the Roscrusian usage of the rose..dextrose Rosen-Einstein molecular data bridge
* proteins of Einstein
* rote education and proteins at Bethesda Tetz farms
* carnation Milk and protein reincarnation process
* Paul Dirac wormhole
* feedback systems
* granite rock ..region of convergence
* David Livingston
* Hayakawa and the farm hay show
* Iowa
* acetylcholine HOST systems
* ace ..... deck of poker cards
* Alzheimer's
* Get macro
* cheese agent from Cuba
* Z impdenace
* Communicable language and music diseases
* the IF logic wars
* Hertzian waves and Solomon organic chemistry textbook
* Lance Armstrong explains The Orient Express book ..Armstrong
* Agatha Christie explains the Tour de France
* The HMO nitrogen gas MOUTH BS problems
* the Hidden Reality of code name ..... Armstrong
* Charles de Gaulle VS the Charles River BS in Boston
* Franz Kafka ,,, the TRIAL ...of Boston
* C P Snow explains
* Paul Dirac horizontal code
* Far Horizons Resort Sarasota Florida
* Frank Sinatra
* White Sands and the earth geology network of electron printed circuits
* Beer Summit law school
* the CLI instruction of the adult female CLI.toris
* the Iraq /KuWait COMPUTER WAR ...
the IRQ interrupt and the Wait State
Interstate 94 in Illinois - Wikipedia
The Edens Expressway
The Edens Expressway
The Edens --> earth publishing systems
The Eden Prophecy
The Eden Prophecy
The Edens expressway Prophecy
In the U.N. building
In the U.N. building
In the U.N. building .... the language BS buildings of the UNconsciocus mind
Unconscious Mind | Simply Psychology
by I Pavlov - Related articles
Sigmund Freud didn't exactly invent the idea of the conscious versus unconscious mind, but he certainly was responsible for making it popular and this was one of his main contributions to psychology. Freud (1900, 1905) developed a topographical model of the mind, whereby he described the features of the mind's ...Unconscious mind - Wikipedia
Freud divided the mind into the conscious mind (or the ego) and the unconscious mind. The latter was then further divided into the id (or instincts and drive) and the superego (or conscience). In this theory, the unconscious refers to the mental processes of which individuals make themselves unaware.
What Is the Unconscious Mind? - Verywell Mind › Psychology › Theories › Cognitive Psychology
Garden of Eden in the un-conscious MIND of the author - Wikipedia
Garden of Eden - Ancient History Encyclopedia
Jan 12, 2018 - The Garden of Eden is the biblical earthly paradise created by God to be inhabited by his first human creation - Adam and Eve. Some claim that the name “ Eden” derives from the Akkadian term edinu, which means 'plain'. In the biblical tradition, the garden is often alluded to by the biblical authors as a ...
Garden Of Eden -
The Garden of Eden is described in Genesis, Chapters 2 and 3. The Lord created the Garden specifically for Adam, the first man, whom God had formed. In Genesis 2:8-9, we read: "The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.
Where Was the Garden of Eden Located? | Answers in Genesis
Where is the Garden of Eden located in today's world?
Where is the Garden of Eden located in today's world?
Where is the Garden of Eden located in today's world?
Where is the Garden of Eden located inside the unconscious / sub-conscious
Body /Brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR bio-computer of Graham Brown
and his LINKS the
Body /Brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR bio-computer of Graham Brown
and his LINKS the
the vast Carl Jung collective groups and their hidden mentality ...
that converges into him a translator, amplifier, output writer.?
that converges into him a translator, amplifier, output writer.?
Garden of Eden - Ancient History Encyclopedia
Jan 12, 2018 - The Garden of Eden is the biblical earthly paradise created by God to be inhabited by his first human creation - Adam and Eve. Some claim that the name “ Eden” derives from the Akkadian term edinu, which means 'plain'. In the biblical tradition, the garden is often alluded to by the biblical authors as a ...
Garden Of Eden -
The Garden of Eden is described in Genesis, Chapters 2 and 3. The Lord created the Garden specifically for Adam, the first man, whom God had formed. In Genesis 2:8-9, we read: "The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.
Where Was the Garden of Eden WA R ZONE Located? |
Answers in Genesis VIA gene + sis .. information sisters (females) at Kettle Moraine High School from the genetics/chromosome
... message Town of Genesee who sent a 15 year old agent
to the Chicago LOOP downtown region to create a COMPUTER EARTH
... feedback LOOP signal
Chicago Loop ........ as a subset within EARTH systems
- Wikipedia
UPDATE: Police release new details in disappearance of Kathryn ...
UPDATE: Police release new details on the
English living language ..... SYMBOL & CONCEPT machine
..... Darwin selection of proper nouns, names, words .....
for the K G(s) project ...... that needs a
William Shakespeare (World is a stage ..we are players) ....
human action figure to generate an information display database .....
thus equation K G(s) --. assigned to Kathryn GIRL Stalbaum of the
KS --> Kettle (Moraine High) School .............
of the EARTH Language geography region .... identifier
Moraine --> Mo + rain + e --->
Molecular brain earth (the earth electron
THOUGHT circuit surface)
THOUGHT circuit surface)
Suspect in murder of Karen Simek
outside Garden Fresh Foods ...
MILWAUKEE -- An Oconomowoc woman was murdered while headed into work in Milwaukee, and five months later, no one has been arrested for the seemingly random crime. On June 29th, police made a new plea for witnesses and clues that could help with the investigation into the shooting death of 53-year-old Karen Simek. Now, Simek's husband is speaking out for the first time.
"January 31st. It had snowed overnight," Kevin Sasse said.
Sasse's wife had left their Oconomowoc home early that morning -- headed to work in Milwaukee, at Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National. She worked there as a food technologist for a decade. That morning, not far from work, in just a second, her life would end.
Jan 5, 2018 - Carl W. Knight, 28, David D. McLaurin, 25, and Samantha L. Niber-Gustafson, 20, are charged in the death of Karen A. Simek, 53, of oconomowoc.
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National
Garden .. the kindergarden wars
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th
Kinetic Kin ..
Kinder ... Garden Fresh Fools ..... near S. 12th
Oct 18, 2011 - No one was injured Monday when a plane struck a car after the pilot was forced to make an emergency landing on a city street near the Watertown Municipal Airport.
Carbon atomic mass 12 ...
Oct 17, 2011 - Two pilots who landed a small plane on a Watertown street after its engine blew and covered the windshield
with carbon atomic orbital .... oil Monday
afternoon will attest to that. ... The instructor made the emergency landing in an industrial area on South 12th Street, according to Baum, who didn't divulge the names of the pilots.
"January 31st. It had snowed overnight," Kevin Sasse said.
Sasse's wife had left their Oconomowoc home early that morning -- headed to work in Milwaukee, at Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National. She worked there as a food technologist for a decade. That morning, not far from work, in just a second, her life would end.
Oconomowoc woman killed on way to work in Milwaukee by robber ...
Jan 5, 2018 - Carl W. Knight, 28, David D. McLaurin, 25, and Samantha L. Niber-Gustafson, 20, are charged in the death of Karen A. Simek, 53, of oconomowoc.
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National
Garden .. the kindergarden wars
First Kindergarten - Wikipedia
The First Kindergarten in Watertown, Wisconsin is the building that housed the first kindergarten in the United States, opened in 1856. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1972 for its significance to the history of education.
First Kindergarden - Watertown Historical Society
First Kindergarden
First Kindergarden ..... near S. 12th Street, Watertown
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th
Kinetic Kin ..
Kinder ... Garden Fresh Fools ..... near S. 12th
Plane lands on 12th Street | News | - Watertown Daily ...
Plane lands on 12th Street
Carbon atomic mass 12 ...
message Plane lands on carbon 12th Street
Engine trouble forces small plane to land on Watertown street | Local ...
with carbon atomic orbital .... oil Monday
afternoon will attest to that. ... The instructor made the emergency landing in an industrial area on South 12th Street, according to Baum, who didn't divulge the names of the pilots.
in an industrial area on South 12th Street,
in an industrial area on South 12th Street,
in an industrial area on South Carbon 12th (SC) molecule platform .....
ndustrial area on South Carbon 12th (SC) molecule platform .....
ndustrial area on South Carbon 12th (SC) molecule platform .....
ndustrial area on South Carbon 12th (SC) molecule platform .....
........trial area on South Carbon 12th (SC)
--> SC (Sub-Conscious ) molecular mind trial of the human
..... SC .. SCHOOL system and its excessive arrogance and nonsense ...
and its failure to produce community / citizen LU ..Logical unit thinkers
and its failure to produce community / citizen LU ..Logical unit thinkers
in Watertown
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th .... d Na .....
molecule education nations
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th and National
Garden Fresh Foods near S. 12th .... d Na .....
molecule education nations
(Decision) Tree of the knowledge of good and evil - Wikipedia
23rd-22nd century BCE), has been linked to the Adam and Eve story. Assyriologist George Smith (1840-1876) describes the seal as having two facing figures (male and female) seated on each side of a tree, holding out their hands to the fruit, while between their backs is a serpent, giving evidence that the fall of man ...
Adam and Eve - Wikipedia
Adam, Eve and That Snake ...SNA key
| Sojourners
'You shall not eat from any tree in the garden'?”
'You shall not eat from any tree in the garden'?”
'You shall not eat from any tree in the brain garden'?”
Know the 10 Signs of Alzheimer's brain cannibal software
that erases memory
Suspect in murder of Karen Simek
outside Garden Fresh Foods ...
Jan 26, 2018 - MILWAUKEE -- A doctor's report was returned Friday, Jan. 26 for David McLaurin, 25, charged with harboring/aiding a felon as party to a crime in connection with the murder of Karen Simek outside Garden Fresh Foods.
Man arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett - Milwaukee and - Home
Aug 16, 2009 - The 55-year-old mayor, his sister, niece and two of his daughters were walking to his car around 10:45 p.m. Saturday in the 8800 block of
W. Orchard St. in West Allis when they heard a woman yelling. Authorities said Anthony J. Peters, 20, was arguing with his ex-girlfriend's mother, whose cries for help ...
W. Orchard St
W. Orchard St
W. Orchard Street
W. Orchard Street
W. Orchard tree -->
Tree of the knowledge of good and evil VERSUS
the greater Milwaukee region citizens and their bull-stories
- Wikipedia
23rd-22nd century BCE), has been linked to the Adam and Eve story. Assyriologist George Smith (1840-1876) describes the seal as having two facing figures (male and female) seated on each side of a tree, holding out their hands to the fruit, while between their backs is a serpent, giving evidence that the fall of man ...
attack on Mayor Barrett ..... Orchard Street
attack on Mayor Barrett ..... Orchard Street
attack on Mayor Barrett ..... Orchard Street
attack on .............B ..... Orchard
Diane Borchardt,
The Murder Of Rueben Borchardt : Crime ... - YouTube
May 28, 2016 - Uploaded by Serial Killers Around The WorldSerial Killers Around The World. ... Diane Borchardt was a former teacher's aide/study hall monitor at ...Diane Borchardt | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers
Date of murder: April 3, 1994
Date of birth: 1949
Date of arrest: September 29, 1994
The Murder Of Rueben Borchardt
The Murder Of True/ false by the
school system ..... self-appointed superiority theory
by their unconscious lazy brains ......
that fail to study a wide range of concepts ..and violate the
Social Contract with NATURE
as outlined by John Locke and others
Topics covered in this blog post ...
Newspapers and books use various levels of English language; thus it is up to the older and wiser newspaper / book reader to use his math and science background to translate and understand the multi-faceted PRINT message.
This book analysis report by Herb Zinser looks at some of the subset secret message codes embedded within the larger context of a book's story.Thus the book/ newspaper prints some pieces to a puzzle .. and the reader is asked to figure out the other pieces ... the pieces that explain WHY .... that explain CAUSE and EFFECT .
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities.
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and thought that may get mapped to the destination range of physical biology with human activities on the geography surface of EARTH.
It’s a lot easier to find the perfect typeface if you have a working knowledge of the basic categories being used in design today. According to, there are four distinct classifications (Serif, Sans Serif, Script, and Decorative) with 15 unique styles.
This category includes the first Roman types, originally created between the late-15th and mid-18th centuries.
This category includes the first Roman types, originally created between the late-15th and mid-18th centuries
for the community and its printing and publishing companies ...
Jan 7, 2018 - Karl Zinser passed away on January 7, 2018 at the age of 80 in Watertown, Wisconsin. Funeral Home Services for Karl are being provided by Hafemeister Funeral Home.
Old Major, a prize-winning boar (school board pig prize) , gathers
How to Wire a 120-Volt Wall Outlet using copper metal wire
Feb 3, 2017 - Usually, three copper wires come into the home. Two are covered in black insulation and one has white insulation. Sometimes one wire is red instead of black. Each black or red wire is called a "hot" wire and has 120-volt AC. The white wire is called the "common" and is grounded at the power station.
Jul 6, 2017 - MILWAUKEE -- An Oconomowoc woman was murdered while headed into work in Milwaukee, and five months later, no one has been arrested for the seemingly random crime. On June 29th, police made a new plea for witnesses and clues that could help with the investigation into the shooting death of ...
Jun 29, 2017 - Milwaukee Police are asking for the public's help in the January 2017 armed robbery that lead to 53-year-old Karen Simek's death. ...
On Jan. 31, Simek, of Oconomowoc, was arriving to work at Garden-Fresh Foods, 726 S. 12th St., when a man on foot approached her. RELATED: Oconomowoc woman ...
Rating: 4.5 - 26 reviews
Lac La Belle, Oconomowoc: See 26 reviews, articles, and photos of Lac La Belle, ranked No.3 on TripAdvisor among 17 attractions in Oconomowoc.
Las Vegas ..... the EARTH atmosphere
A gunman opened fire on the crowd at a music festival Oct. 1, 2017, killing at least 58 in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. ... Autopsy report reveals new info on Vegas gunman. Results from the autopsy of Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock do not indicate any signs of ...
Blood money equation
--> B100D multiply 26 ---> 100 times 26 --> $2,600
at Highway 26 Watertonw Wisconsin and their
Sc = Sub-conscious MIND
Sc = school scheme ......
........................heme languages
Bill Gates explains human bio-computer logic gates
Parent(s): William H. Gates Sr.
Parent(s): William H. Gates Sr.
Parent(s): Will ......
The EARTH World as Will / Dertermination/ and effort
Art .. blood arteries and Nature's
Bill/ invoice accounting and logic gate systems EARTH human agent
Nikola Tesla's follow-up experiment
Feb 22, 2015 - From “Famous Scientific Illusions” By Nikola Tesla. The Electrical Experimenter, Volume VI, No. 70, February, 1919, Page 692. Besides being mistaken about non -Hertzian waves, Tesla committed a grave error here – he assumed that waves could travel through the Earth without loss. The analogy which he .
Nov 20, 2011 - The addition of 12-by-7-inch copper shingles to the St. Bernard's Catholic Church's spire has made this Watertown centerpiece stand out even more, ... the almost 200-foot-tall tower of pipes from Badger Scaffolding in Green Bay will slowly be dismantled, revealing the finished work by Langer Roofing of ...
Oct 24, 2017 - Nov 20, 2011 - The addition of 12-by-7-inch copper shingles to the St. Bernard's Catholic Church's spire has made this Watertown centerpiece ... revealing the finished work by Langer Roofing of Milwaukee and Hunzinger Construction of Brookfield. ... of plywood to the 200-foot-long pitched roof; improving ...
and was a lifelong resident on the EARTH geography land ... electron surface land region ....
of the town of Cly ...
Clyman, WisconSIN ,
...............................well known for its SIN wave functions.
Brian is survived by Carla, his wife of 29 years
(copper atomic number code 29) ......
and the parallel existential signal .....
foot tunnel...
in northern Mexico region of
Mar 24, 2017 - March 24 (UPI) -- Mexican authorities said Friday they found a long escape tunnel beneath a prison in Tamaulipas that likely took many months to dig. Prison officials in the northern Mexican state said more than two dozen inmates escaped through the underground passageway..
Twelve (12) of the 29 escaped .....
escaped EARTH language message
.... for parallel ......
city of electri.CITY in the
............ sin wave continuum ....
code .. the mathematical-physics
existential plane
... project plan e
Feb 14, 2018 - Inside a black hole,
the earth geography/geology land ... spacetime curvature is so large that light cannot escape, nor can particles, under any circumstances. A singularity, based on our current laws of physics, must be an inevitability. The more mass you place into a small volume of space, the stronger the gravitational pull gets.
Black Holes Must Have Sin wave function
USS Cole Bombing .... the bombastic wars of
Sep 20, 2017 - The USS Cole sits off the coast of Yemen after a terrorist attack blew a hole in its side. ... (CNN)Here is some background information about the bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen on October 12, 2000. ... In October 2000, the USS Cole was attacked by suicide bombers, while in port in Aden ...
United States Naval Research Laboratory
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and TerritoriesThere is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
Let's look at some books /news articles and TRANSLATE the embedded subset codes and concepts..
Type Classifications
Most typefaces can be classified into one of four basic groups: those with serifs, those without serifs, scripts and decorative styles. Over the years, typographers and scholars of typography have devised various systems to more definitively categorize typefaces – some of these systems have scores of sub-categories.
Font Types & Styles - How Do I Pick The Right Font Anyway? - Extensis
It’s a lot easier to find the perfect typeface if you have a working knowledge of the basic categories being used in design today. According to, there are four distinct classifications (Serif, Sans Serif, Script, and Decorative) with 15 unique styles.
STYLE: SERIF OLD STYLEThis category includes the first Roman types, originally created between the late-15th and mid-18th centuries.
STYLE: SERIF OLD STYLEThis category includes the first Roman types, originally created between the late-15th and mid-18th centuries
Karl Zinser Obituary - Watertown, Wisconsin |
Karl .....SERvant IF ....If logic servant .....
for the community and its printing and publishing companies ...
their sub-conscious mind schemes --> that is
their sub-conscious mind ... heme blood THOUGHT CONTROL systems
Karl Zinser AB blood with ABSTRACT thoughts .....
about society and the Big Picture of things.
Animal Farm - Wikipedia
Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union. Orwell, a democratic socialist, was a critic of Joseph Stalin and hostile to ...
Pages: 112 (UK paperback edition)
Published: 17 August 1945 (Secker and Warb...
Country: United Kingdom
Author: George Orwell
SparkNotes: Animal Farm
Plot Overview
Old Major, a prize-winning boar (school board pig prize) , gathers
the animals of the Manor Farm for a meeting in the big barn.
He tells them of a Carl Jung neuroscience dream he has had in which
all animals live together with no human beings to oppress or control them.
He tells the an (atomic number) ..animals that they must work toward
such a para (parallel_ paradise and teaches them a song called “Beasts of England,”
in which his dream vision is lyrically described.
The animals greet university Major’s vision with great enthusiasm.
When he dies only three nights after the meeting, three younger pigs—Snowball, Napoleon, and Squealer—formulate his main principles into a philosophy called Animalism.
Late one night, the animals manage to defeat the farmer Mr. Dow Jones in a battle,
running him off the land.
Wisconsin - Wikipedia
Population: Ranked 20th
Area: Ranked 23rd
Largest metro: Milwaukee metropolitan area
How to Wire a 120-Volt Wall Outlet using copper metal wire
| Home Guides | SF Gate › Home › Home Improvement › Home Maintenance
The common voltage in a U.S. home is rated at 120 volts. Except ... There will be a white wire, a black wire and a green or bare copper wire for the ground wire. Unscrew ... The copper or green wire attaches to the green post, which is marked on some outlets, or the bottom ground screw, if not marked, on the outlet proper.
Alternating Current (AC) Home copper Wiring by Ron Kurtus - Physics ...
Electron shell - Wikipedia
“Why?” Husband of Karen Simek speaks out for 1st time after her ...
Milwaukee police appeal for help in solving killing of woman outside ...
On Jan. 31, Simek, of Oconomowoc, was arriving to work at Garden-Fresh Foods, 726 S. 12th St., when a man on foot approached her. RELATED: Oconomowoc woman ...
Lac La Belle (Oconomowoc) - All You Need to Know Before You Go ...
Lac La Belle (Oconomowoc) - All You Need to Know
secret code of Oconomowoc bacteria
--> physical proximity
--> physical proximity
2017 Las VeGAS .... oxygen gas molecule 32 ordered shooting - Wikipedia
The 2017 Las Vegas shooting occurred on the night of Sunday, October 1, 2017 when a gunman opened fire on a crowd of concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada, leaving 58 people dead and 851 injured. Between 10:05 and 10:15 p.m. PDT, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock of ...
Las Vegas ..... the EARTH atmosphere
oxygen molecule 32 .... shooting - CBS News
Blood money equation
--> B100D multiply 26 ---> 100 times 26 --> $2,600
at Highway 26 Watertonw Wisconsin and their
Sc = Sub-conscious MIND
Sc = school scheme ......
........................heme languages
Bill Gates explains human bio-computer logic gates
and the self-awareness failure of people in the Seattle area
- Wikipedia
Children: 3
Years active: 1968–present
Net worth: US$91.1 billion (2018)
Parent(s): William H. Gates Sr. Mary Maxwell ...
Parent(s): William H. Gates Sr.
Parent(s): William H. Gates Sr.
Parent(s): Will ......
The EARTH World as Will / Dertermination/ and effort
and Idea
(Everyman's Library): Arthur -
Arthur Schopenhauer
Arthur Schopenhauer
Art .. blood arteries and Nature's
bio-computer language and its output messages VIA
Arthur Schopenhauer --> agent
Bill/ invoice accounting and logic gate systems EARTH human agent
.... Bill Gates who forgot his existential heritages and his John Locke SOCIAL CONTRACT with Nature atomic .....
..... microsoft atomic social science software
Wardenclyffe Tower - Wikipedia
Wardenclyffe Tower (1901–1917), also known as the Tesla Tower, was an early experimental wireless transmission station designed and built by Nikola Tesla in Shoreham, New York in 1901-1902. Tesla intended to transmit messages, telephony and even facsimile images across the Atlantic to England and to ships at sea ...
Tesla Science Center at Wardenclyffe » The History of Wardenclyffe
By September 2013, with the help of over a hundred volunteers, the group had secured the site and its buildings, cleaned up the grounds outside of the buildings, and built a monument for a statue of Nikola Tesla donated by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. On September 23, President Tomislav Nikolic of the ...
Nikola Tesla's follow-up experiment
– why Wardenclyffe didn't work -
Dan Elton's biased, myopic, and incomplete report
why Wardenclyffe didn't work -
why Wardenclyffe .........two at H20 Watertown
On Wisconsin: Landmark church gets $1.2 million makeover in ...
St.Bernard's Catholic church .... copper roof antenna ... the Nikola ...
Oct 24, 2017 - Nov 20, 2011 - The addition of 12-by-7-inch copper shingles to the St. Bernard's Catholic Church's spire has made this Watertown centerpiece ... revealing the finished work by Langer Roofing of Milwaukee and Hunzinger Construction of Brookfield. ... of plywood to the 200-foot-long pitched roof; improving ...
The Wardenclyffe Laboratory & the World Wireless ... - Tesla Research
The ............. cly Laboratory and accidental murder of agent 29
Brian Dennis Walsh | Obituaries | - Watertown Daily Times
Brian was born on March 21,
1963 ...(atomic mass code 63) in Watertown,
1963 ...(atomic mass code 63) in Watertown,
of the town of Cly ...
...............................well known for its SIN wave functions.
Brian is survived by Carla, his wife of 29 years
(copper atomic number code 29) ......
and the parallel existential signal .....
29 suspected cartel members tunnel out of Mexico prison
120-foot-long escape tunnel found under prison
in northern Mexico region of
EARTH geography land / acres of land / acres of ac land ...
Twelve (12) of the 29 escaped .....
escaped EARTH language message
.... for parallel ......
city of electri.CITY in the
............ sin wave continuum ....
code .. the mathematical-physics
existential plane
... project plan e
Black Holes Must Have Singularities, Says Einstein's Relativity - Forbes
the earth geography/geology land ... spacetime curvature is so large that light cannot escape, nor can particles, under any circumstances. A singularity, based on our current laws of physics, must be an inevitability. The more mass you place into a small volume of space, the stronger the gravitational pull gets.
Black Holes Must Have Singularities
Black Holes Must Have Sin wave function
or equivalent ac = alternating cycles ....... such as
Dirac --> ac
and his atomic coffin database
and his atomic coffin database
USS Cole Bombing .... the bombastic wars of
human bragging fetus molecules ......
Fast Facts - CNN -
Missing: adenine
USS Cole attacked by adenine molecules in Aden, Yemen
- Oct 12, 2000 -
United States Naval Research Laboratory
of Navel influence on clear thinking
- Wikipedia
It conducts basic scientific research, applied research, technological development and prototyping. The laboratory's specialties include plasma physics, space physics, ...
Apr 22, 2014 - is a featherless biped" is formally equivalent to " x {\displaystyle \scriptstyle {x}} \ scriptstyle {x} is a man," it by no means follows that a person who believes that all men are mortal, must believe that all featherless bipeds are mortal, since he may have never thought about featherless bipeds, or have supposed ...
... One week before Alicia's disappearance, a woman told police that she was driving home when a man approached her. ... Rice was charged with the attack on the ...
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
A long metal wire of Route 29
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
A long metal wire of Route 29
in Cu = copper with Vir
Semen representatives ...... seamen of the NAVY explore
-hair theorem is that the material properties of any object (referred to as "hair" because a physicist named John Wheeler once coined the phrase "a black hole has no hair") become unmeasurable (hence unknowable) as the ...

the walls of Jericho fell after Joshua's Israelite army
marched around the city blowing their trumpets.
Sep 16, 2004 - One major incident involving the blowing of trumpets, occurring at the outset of Israel's incursion into Canaan, was the fall of the city of Jericho (Joshua .... In the story of Joseph, the date (Tishri 1) is a very good possibility because at the time, most of the people in the Near East kept their birthdays on the civil ..
Rating: 4.8 - 28,331 reviews - Free - iOS - Educational
Learn a new language intuitively with Rosetta Stone, the most trusted name in language learning. ... Rosetta Stone’s award-winning mobile app trains you to associate words with imagery in real-life situations, so you can fully engage with your new language. ... Join the millions of ...
granite atomic mass gravity ... whose gravity field pull ....
The Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele, found in 1799, inscribed with three versions of a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The top and middle texts are in Ancient Egyptian using hieroglyphic script and Demotic script, respectively, while the bottom is in Ancient Greek. As the decree has only minor differences between the three versions, the Rosetta Stone proved to be the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Birth, 8 Aug 1902. Bristol, Bristol Unitary Authority, Bristol, England. Death, 20 Oct 1984 (aged 82). Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, USA.
Burial. Roselawn Cemetery. Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, USA. Plot, Blk G Sec 32 Spc 34. Memorial ID, 20615 · View Source ...
The parametrized by variables of Iraq q = ..
Paige Raque, a Penn State cheerleader, was seriously injured after falling 39 feet
from a fifth-floor window at Calder Commons apartments. State College police said ... According to police, witnesses said
Raque was dancing on a table in the apartment when she lost her balance and fell out of the window. Raque and other ...
Raque was dancing on a table
Raque was dancing on a table
.... que was dancing on a table
.... que was dancing on a table
.... queBEC was dancing on a earth
geological table ..................
......logic ....table .. EARTH systems
Que bec --> queue BEC
Visit your local Montreal, QC BMO Branch location for our wide range of personal banking services.
Jan 26, 2018 - MILWAUKEE — A doctor's report was returned Friday, Jan. 26 for David McLaurin, 25, charged with harboring/aiding a felon as party to a crime in connection with the murder of Karen Simek outside Ga...
First Kindergarden brain software wars's --. kinder gar den/ten wars ....
Milwaukee Mayor Barrett beaten
Milwaukee police have arrested 20-year-old
Anth ....
Anthropology agent Anthony Peters
in the attack, though he has not been charged.
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood
Milwaukee Mayor aTom lying in a data buffer pool of blood iron atomic mass 55 .... Mayor age 55 iron agent
Barrett, an atomic mass iron 55 EARTH LAB
humanoid specimen .... age 55-year-old former
state legislator .......
creates number 8 (August is the 8th month)
cryptology signal in West Allis/West Alice
ferrous/iron code 55.8 signal
Wisconsin's Agriculture Ambassador. . One of the most recognizable spokespersons of Wisconsin agriculture, Alice in Dairyland is a public relations professional who works with media, youth organizations, civic groups and a wide array of local events to facilitate a deeper understanding of the many ...
Wisconsin's Agriculture Ambassador.
Wisconsin's Agriculture Ambassador.
............sin ......... culture Ambassador.
Tiger Woods ..... Tigris WAR ZONE ... death score:
8 hours ago - Tiger Woods was hoping his fourth-round score at the Wells Fargo Championship on Sunday would look more like his third-round score than the numbers he posted in the first couple rounds of the tournament in Charlotte, N.C. That didn't happen. Woods posted a score of 3-over 74 on Sunday and left th
... Although the first incandescent lamp had been produced 40 years earlier, no inventor had been able to come up with a practical design ...
Apr 13, 1998 - WASHINGTON — Today's assault on the White House grounds - the Easter Egg Roll - is the biggest annual public event at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. For four ... He takes pride in working with Jacqueline Kennedy to design the now famous Rose Garden, with its light-filled lawn, saucer magnolias, and the ...
Postal state Code NH --> New Hampshire,
NH R ...... New Hampshire Republican
Jeanie Forrester. Jeanie served as a state senator in NH from 2010 to 2016. While in Concord, she has served as the chair of the powerful Senate Finance Committee, which helps draft the state budget. In 2016 she ran for Governor and lost in the Republican primary to current NH Governor Chris Sununu.
New Hampshire amine molecule political party
affiliate of the national Republican Party. The group is headquartered in Concord, New Hampshire. Background. The Republican Party of New Hampshire (RPNH) is composed of 11 county affiliates and more than 60 municipal affiliates across .
New Hampshire (NH) ...... amine molecular platform .....
SC = Sub-conscious mind problems of arrogant
parents and educators
SC = Sub-conscious mind problems of arrogant
parents and educators
Venice Beach – Venice Beach, for the creative bull-shit
Venice Beach, for the creative and the
Unconscious mind information display site on the
the Carl Jung collective unconscious MIND /
the unconscious GROUP MIND is projected onto the EARTH geography surface (a movie screen) at Venic Beach ....
.... CAUSING Nature's Darwin selection of
Language in Thought and Action in Southern California
Dec 30, 2014 - As Petri approached his last day in office — today — he reflected fondly on his Wisconsin district and how young people move away, but most often come back because it's a great place to raise a family. ... "Tom (Petri) is part of a vanishing breed of Congressmen: Very civil, very gentlemanly," Simmons said.
EARTH LAB Congressman (A)Tom Petri reflects on
Rating: 80% - 476 votes
Prepare the agar. Agar is the jelly-like substance used to culture bacteria. It is made from a type of red algae, which provides an ideal growing surface for many different types of bacteria. Some types of agar contain added nutrients (such as sheep's blood) which help to promote more vigorous bacterial growth. The easiest ...
Jamie Kirk Hahn, 29, died April 24, 2013, two days after she and her husband, Nation Hahn, were stabbed in their north Raleigh home.
Police later arrested Jonathan Wayne Broyhill -- the couple's longtime friend and colleague -- in connection with the stabbings.
It conducts basic scientific research
It conducts basic scientific resear ch
It conducts basic scientific ....ear chin relationships of the
EAR people/audio nerve and
the Miss bedroom navel .. semen .. parallel language of
EAR people/audio nerve and
the Miss bedroom navel .. semen .. parallel language of
.......Mr ...................Naval....seaman ..... who is an all purpose, well-rounded male
...... carrying semen and tools in in his biology system
..... to handle his additional duties to Mother Hen system in the
Russell and Whitehead featherless bipeds wars
...... carrying semen and tools in in his biology system
..... to handle his additional duties to Mother Hen system in the
Russell and Whitehead featherless bipeds wars
Page:Russell, Whitehead - Principia Mathematica, vol. I, 1910.djvu/98 ...,_Whitehead_-_Principia...vol.../98
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia
The main suspect in Reynolds's disappearance is a man from Maryland named Darrel Rice who people believe is the "Route 29 Stalker". ... Despite many people suggesting Taylor was the Route 29 Stalker, police have said there is nothing linking the case and Taylor was in prison when Reynolds was killed.
Route 29 Stalker | Unsolved Mysteries of electrical utility companies and the Department of Energy
Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
A long metal wire of Route 29
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia
A long metal wire of Route 29
in Cu = copper with Vir
Semantics | Define Semantics at
Semantics - Wikipedia
Semantics (from Ancient Greek: σημαντικός sēmantikos, "significant") is the linguistic and philosophical study of meaning, in language, programming languages, formal logics, and semiotics.
Semantics | Definition of Semantics by Merriam-Webster
Semantics | Definition of Semantics
Semen and the Virgin intellectuals
of Virginia Tech English department REALITY class 101
- Wikipedia
Semen and Mother Earth
Semen representatives ...... seamen of the NAVY explore
PARALLEL Mother Earth and her input ports
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals that conduct maritime trade handling functions in harbours and which handle Singapore's shipping. ... It was also the busiest port in terms of total cargo tonnage handled until 2005, when it was surpassed by the Port of Shanghai.
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals that conduct maritime trade handling functions in harbours and which handle Singapore's shipping. ... It was also the busiest port in terms of total cargo tonnage handled until 2005, when it was surpassed by the Port of Shanghai.
Port of Singapore - Wikipedia
The Port of Singapore
The Port of Singapore
The Port of Sin .... gap between leg legal systems .... skin pores
Navy Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem at a bio-port
- › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals
The Port of Sin sing .... refers to the Navy collective facilities and terminals
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals
The Port of Singapore refers to the collective facilities and terminals
The Port of Sin sing .... refers to the Navy collective facilities and terminals
Sounds - The United States Navy Band
Battle of Jericho - Wikipedia
the walls of Jericho fell after Joshua's Israelite army
marched around the city blowing their trumpets.
Joshua: King of Jericho †
Israelites: Canaanites
Trump, trumpets and the Fall of Jericho - Church of the Great God
Florida State University
Rosetta Stone - Wikipedia
The Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele, found in 1799, inscribed with three versions of a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The top and middle texts are in Ancient Egyptian using hieroglyphic script and Demotic script, respectively, while the bottom is in ...
Discovered: 1799
Created: 196 BC
Present location: British Museum
Writing: Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, Demotic ...
Rosetta Stone: Learn Languages on the App Store - iTunes - Apple
Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac (1902-1984) at Roselawn Cemetery
Rosetta Stone: Learn Languages
Rosetta Stone example codes ..... CONCEPT equation
granite atomic mass gravity ... whose gravity field pull ....
collects data fields from its surroundings and underground coffin
granite ... geology atomic ROCK language
granite .... ROC (region of convergence)
The Rosetta Stone is a
granite atomic mass DATA table in
granite atomic mass DATA table in
gran LINK
granodiorite stele that was found in 1799
The Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele, found in 1799, inscribed with three versions of a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty on behalf of King Ptolemy V. The top and middle texts are in Ancient Egyptian using hieroglyphic script and Demotic script, respectively, while the bottom is in Ancient Greek. As the decree has only minor differences between the three versions, the Rosetta Stone proved to be the key to deciphering Egyptian hieroglyphs.
The stone, carved in black granodiorite during the Hellenistic period, is believed to have originally been displayed within a temple, possibly at nearby Sais. It was probably moved during the early Christian or medieval period, and was eventually used as building material in the construction of Fort Julien near the town of Rashid (Rosetta) in the Nile Delta. It was rediscovered there in July 1799 by a French soldier named Pierre-François Bouchard during the Napoleonic campaign in Egypt.
The Rosetta Stone ..a set theory algebra device ...
The Rosetta Stone is
The Rosetta Stone is
The Rosetta Stone is
The ...set Stone
Paul Adrian Maurice Dirac (1902-1984) - Find A Grave Memorial › ... › Leon County › Tallahassee › Roselawn Cemetery
Burial. Roselawn Cemetery. Tallahassee, Leon County, Florida, USA. Plot, Blk G Sec 32 Spc 34. Memorial ID, 20615 · View Source ...
Burial: Roselawn Cemetery Tallahassee, Leon ...
Memorial ID: 20615 · View Source
Death: 20 Oct 1984 (aged 82) Tallahassee, Le...
The Rosetta Stone 2 at Roselawn
The Rosetta Stone ...... existential update
The Rosetta Stone 2
The Rosetta Stone 2 the Rose ..Rosen-Einstein communications bridge
proved to be the key
to deciphering modern Egyptian hieroglyphs ... that is university and citizen
approved bull-shit of campus newspapers, newspapers, television, etc
proved to be the key
to deciphering modern Egyptian hieroglyphs ... that is university and citizen
approved bull-shit of campus newspapers, newspapers, television, etc
Mar 20, 2018 · The reality is simpler, less grandiose. The war in Iraq was an ill-conceived crusade, with little thought about what came afterward. America entered into a regional trap of its own making.
The action-variables Jthemselves and the energy H(J) ... Fortunately, Dirac's attempts to axiomatize the q-numbers did not interfere with their practical use.
CANONICAL VARIABLES FOR THE DIRAC THEORY 173 of a bispinor V are interpreted as new canonical variables.
The parametrized by variables of Iraq q = ..
Tallahassee / ˌ t æ l ə ˈ h æ s i / is the capital of the U.S. state of Florida.It is the county seat and only incorporated municipality in Leon County.Tallahassee became the capital of Florida, then the Florida Territory, in 1824.
Looking for things to do, events, or information on what makes visiting Tallahassee great? Visit our website today to learn about the best city in Florida!
Visit allah ........
Allah and God at war: Worlds apart. James M. Arlandson.
Muslim polemicists sometimes assert that Allah commanded Muhammad to fight polytheists in the same way that God commanded Moses and Joshua to fight Canaanites (Sura 2:246-251).
Muslim polemicists sometimes assert that Allah commanded Muhammad to fight polytheists in the same way that God commanded Moses and Joshua to fight Canaanites (Sura 2:246-251).
Muslim polemicists
Muslim polemicists
Muslim pole mic --> pole atomic cicst --> atomic pharmacists ,
In The Name Of Tall Tallahassee
Quran - Wikipedia
Penn State Student Falls from Window; | EMS ...
from a fifth-floor window at Calder Commons apartments. State College police said ... According to police, witnesses said
Raque was dancing on a table in the apartment when she lost her balance and fell out of the window. Raque and other ...
Raque was dancing on a table
Raque was dancing on a table
.... que was dancing on a table
.... que was dancing on a table
.... queBEC was dancing on a earth
geological table ..................
......logic ....table .. EARTH systems
Quebec - Wikipedia
Que bec --> queue BEC
BMO Branch Locations in Montreal, Quebec | ATM and Bank › QC
BMO Branch Locations in Montreal, Quebec | ATM and Bank
BMO Locations earth surface LUNG LINK ATMosphere
BMO Branch Locations in Montreal, Quebec | ATM and Bank
BMO Branch Locations in ..... em·bank·ment ........ Bank
BMO Branch Locations in ..... em field BANK and earth mental
Karen Simek's husband reflects on year-long murder investigation
Jan 5, 2018 - MILWAUKEE (CBS 58) -- Three people have now been charged in connection with the murder of 53-year-old Karen Simek who was robbed, shot and killed on her way to work on January 31, 2017. Simek was an employee at the Garden Fresh Foods near 12th and National. Officials don't believe Simek ..Suspect in murder of Karen Simek outside Garden Fresh Foods ...
Jan 26, 2018 - MILWAUKEE — A doctor's report was returned Friday, Jan. 26 for David McLaurin, 25, charged with harboring/aiding a felon as party to a crime in connection with the murder of Karen Simek outside Ga...
Suspect in murder of Karen Simek outside Garden
Suspect in brain murder of Kinder .... Garten kids
First Kindergarden brain software wars
- Watertown Historical Society war
First U. S. kindergarten was started in 1856 in Watertown, Wis. by Mrs. Carl Schurz, wife of the famed Thuringian revolutionary who became Lincoln's Minister to Spain, Hayes's Secretary of the Interior and the first German-born citizen to sit in the U. S. Senate. Under such auspices the kindergarten soon attracted ..
Soundgarden's Chris Cornell murdered at age 52 in the's --. kinder gar den/ten wars ....
Sc --> sub-conscious error of
Sc = schools and the
Sc = Supreme Court problems of Sc (Symbols and Concepts)
May 18, 2017 - Chris Cornell, lead singer for Soundgarden, has died by
bio-computer subroutine program implanted into his brain by the
Carl Jung community collective errors ...
thus his bio-computer actions at age 52 to generate a signaling DATABASE
about Nature's education problems.
Chris Cornell, the dynamic vocalist and guitarist
whose versatile showmanship as Soundgarden and Temple of the Dog's frontman was a signpost of the grunge era, died by suicide Wednesday night.
Milwaukee Mayor Barrett beaten
with (data pipeline device) pipe while defending the
baby war region in Babylon Iraq and ...
Aug 17, 2009 - Tom Barrett recovering in hospital from head injuries following attack by 'local knucklehead' at Wisconsin state fair.
On Saturday night Barrett was leaving the Wisconsin state fair with his sister, niece and two daughters when he heard a woman crying for help. Barrett, who was walking to his car, instructed his sister to take the children out of harms way, then confronted the intoxicated man and tried to calm him. The man had threatened to shoot himself and others, police said.
Social anthropology agent arrested in attack on Mayor Barrett - Home
Milwaukee police have arrested 20-year-old
Anth ....
Anthropology agent Anthony Peters
in the attack, though he has not been charged.
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett lying in a pool of blood
Milwaukee Mayor aTom lying in a data buffer pool of blood iron atomic mass 55 .... Mayor age 55 iron agent
Barrett, an atomic mass iron 55 EARTH LAB
humanoid specimen .... age 55-year-old former
state legislator .......
creates number 8 (August is the 8th month)
cryptology signal in West Allis/West Alice
ferrous/iron code 55.8 signal
Alice in West Allis .... Dairyland
Wisconsin's Agriculture Ambassador. . One of the most recognizable spokespersons of Wisconsin agriculture, Alice in Dairyland is a public relations professional who works with media, youth organizations, civic groups and a wide array of local events to facilitate a deeper understanding of the many ...
Wisconsin's Agriculture Ambassador.
Wisconsin's Agriculture Ambassador.
............sin ......... culture Ambassador.
Tiger Woods - Wikipedia
Professional wins: 106
Japan Golf Tour: 2
PGA Tour Rookie of the Year: 1996
Tiger Woods ..... Tigris WAR ZONE ... death score:
Round 4 results, highlights from Wells Fargo ...
godzin : Polish » English | PONS
Translations for godzin in the PONS Online Polish » English Dictionary: osiem godzin dziennie, od dwóch do trzech godzin, pracować w pełnym/niepełnym wymiarze godzin, it takes five hours, time sheet, it takes a few hours for a meal to digest, part-time employment.
godziny : Polish » English | PONS
Translations for godziny in the PONS Online Polish » English Dictionary: godziny nadliczbowe, półtorej godziny, godziny przyjęć, godziny otwarcia, godziny szczytu, pół godziny, godziny urzędowania.
godzina : Polish » English | PONS
Translations for godzina in the PONS Online Polish » English Dictionary: godzina , pół godziny, godzinę drogi stąd, godziny nadliczbowe, całymi godzinami, jest godzina czwarta, która godzina?
Telling the Time – Speak Polish
Edison - Incandescent Light Bulbs - Light Bulbs - The Home Depot › Lighting › Light Bulbs › Edison
Feit Electric 60-Watt Soft White ST19 Incandescent Original Vintage Style Light Bulb. ... Globe Electric 60-Watt Incandescent S60 Vintage Squirrel Cage Medium Base Light Bulb. ... Globe Electric 40W Vintage Edison S60 Squirrel Cage Incandescent Filament Light Bulb (12-Pack)
Edison demonstrates incandescent light - Dec 31, 1879 -
White House Rose Garden - Wikipedia
The White House Rose Garden is a garden bordering the Oval Office and the West Wing of the White House in Washington, D.C., United States. The garden is approximately 125 feet long and 60 feet wide (38 meters by 18 meters). It balances the Jacqueline Kennedy Garden on the east side of the White House Complex.
A Gardener's View of Life at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. -
A Gardener's View of Life at 1600 Pennsylvania
Amine - Wikipedia
Postal state Code NH --> New Hampshire,
United States of geography states,
existential states,
language and thought states of Nature's knowledge database
NH R ...... New Hampshire Republican
molecule social/political expression Party & State Leadership ...
Republicans (amine humanoid representatives)
of New Hampshire
- Ballotpedia
New Hampshire amine molecule political party
affiliate of the national Republican Party. The group is headquartered in Concord, New Hampshire. Background. The Republican Party of New Hampshire (RPNH) is composed of 11 county affiliates and more than 60 municipal affiliates across .
New Hampshire (NH) ...... amine molecular platform .....
Nature's systems ....
existential computer address space ....
ZIP Codes List, Map, Housing Stats, and Shipping
New Hampshire ZIP code map
New Hampshire ZIP code map
New Hampshire ZIP code map
New Hampshire Z ............ map
New Hampshire ZIP code map
New Hampshire ZIP code map
New Hampshire ZIP code map
New Hampshire Z .. ...
IP address - Wikipedia
An Internet Protocol address (IP address)
An Internet Protocol address (IP address)
An Internet Proto --> Proton
... atomic nucleus ZIP code address (IP address)
... atomic nucleus ZIP code address (IP address)
Who were Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik? - CNN -
Dec 4, 2015 - Syed Rizwan Farook, a U.S. citizen, and his wife, Tashfeen Malik, a permanent resident, massacred 14 people at a holiday party Wednesday at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California. ... He got to know Malik through an online dating service, Farook family attorney ...
Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik - Wikipedia
Syed Rizwan Farook (June 14, 1987 – December 2, 2015) and Tashfeen Malik ( July 13, 1986 – December 2, 2015) were the two perpetrators of a terrorist attack at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California, on December 2, 2015. In the attack, they killed 14 people and injured 22 others. Both died in a ...
Killed: 14 (together with Malik)
Weapons: .223 AR-15-type semi-automatic rifle; ...
Cause of death: Multiple gunshots by police
Date: December 2, 2015; 10:59 am – c. 3:00 pm
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia
Who were Syed Rizwan Farook
in the
SC = Southern California ......
SC = Southern California ......
SC = Sub-conscious mind problems of arrogant
parents and educators
...... thus the blood information flow
SC = Southern California ......
SC = Sub-conscious mind problems of arrogant
parents and educators
...... thus the blood information flow
Venice Beach – Venice Beach, for the creative and the artistic.
Venice Beach – Venice Beach, for the creative and the artistic.
Venice Beach – Venice Beach, for the creative bull-shit
explanations of signaling events
Venice Beach, for the creative and the
blood arteries software OUTPUT message site
Ven ice B each --->
Vein ice-Berg model & blood brain barrier Teacher (agent Sy ed)
Unconscious Mind | Simply Psychology
by I Pavlov - Related articles
Sigmund Freud didn't exactly invent the idea of the conscious versus unconscious mind, but he certainly was responsible for making it popular and this was one of his main contributions to psychology. Freud (1900, 1905) developed a topographical model of the mind, whereby he described the features of the mind's ...
by I Pavlov - Related articles
Sigmund Freud didn't exactly invent the idea of the conscious versus unconscious mind, but he certainly was responsible for making it popular and this was one of his main contributions to psychology. Freud (1900, 1905) developed a topographical model of the mind, whereby he described the features of the mind's ...Unconscious mind - Wikipedia
Freud divided the mind into the conscious mind (or the ego) and the unconscious mind. The latter was then further divided into the id (or instincts and drive) and the superego (or conscience). In this theory, the unconscious refers to the mental processes of which individuals make themselves unaware.
Unconscious mind
Unconscious mind information display site on the
EARTH geography surface ..... like a televsion screen
or a movie house screen ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
the Carl Jung collective unconscious MIND /
blood & vein & arteries barrier with SOFTWARE .....
the unconscious GROUP MIND is projected onto the EARTH geography surface (a movie screen) at Venic Beach ....
. using humans ....... as human action figures and
human information display devices .....................
thus the Carl Jung Southern California GROUP MIND problems
.... CAUSING Nature's Darwin selection of
san beRNArdino and human action figure Syed ....
to generate a messenger RNA datebase
Language in Thought and Action in Southern California
and the newspaper cover-ups of the community schemes
- Wikipedia
Tom Petri - Wikipedia
Congressman Tom Petri reflects on three decades in House
Congressman Tom Petri reflects
EARTH LAB Congressman (A)Tom Petri reflects on
social engineering bacteria experiment using
English language/algebra/atoms of life and thought .....
and arrogant humanoid specimens
How to Grow Bacteria in a Petri Dish: 10 Steps (with Pictures) › ... › Subjects › Science › Science for Kids
(A)Tom Petri is an American politician who was the U.S. Representative for Wisconsin's carbon atomic number 6 ...
6th congressional district ......
(the geography Petri dish) region from 1979 to 2015.
He is a member of the Republican brain software / awareness LAB TEST party.
(the geography Petri dish) region from 1979 to 2015.
He is a member of the Republican brain software / awareness LAB TEST party.
Jamie Kirk Hahn murder case ::
Police later arrested Jonathan Wayne Broyhill -- the couple's longtime friend and colleague -- in connection with the stabbings.
their north Raleigh home.
their north Raleigh home.
their north .... eight home.
their north .... eight home.
their northern Hemisphere
earth atmosphere oxygen atom .... eight home.
earth atmosphere oxygen atom .... eight home.
Jonathan Broyhill tells biased, bio-computer
community programmed investigators .....
he remembers Jamie Kirk Hahn ...
a political strategist and fundraiser, and
attempting to kill her husband, Nation
husband, Nation., Nation.
......bandwidth Nation .... FCC EM approved attacks on human body / brain and other life forms
Bandwidth allocation - Wikipedia
Bandwidth | Define Bandwidth at
The amount of data that can be passed along a communications channel in a given period of time. For analog devices, such as standard telephones, bandwith is the range of frequencies that can be transmitted and is expressed in hertz (cycles per second). For digital devices, bandwidth is measured in bits per second.
Bandwidth Definition - The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary
he remembers Jamie Kirk Hahn ...a political strategist
he remembers Jamie Kirk Hahn ... pol ...... strat
he remembers James Kirk ....
an Earth magnetic pole and Earth stratosphere
Controlling positioning of the cursor (dot) - IBM
Table 1. Rules for cursor positioning. Rule, Description. Normal cursor positioning, You can specify a two-byte cursor position on the BMS EXEC CICS® SEND commands. This enables you to specify the absolute value of the cursor position on the screen after the SEND has been performed. Note that the first location on the ...
Missing: dot ctahode ray tube
Positioning the cursor (dot on the screen) - IBM
Positioning the cursor. Usually, you set the initial position for the cursor in the map definition by including "insert cursor" (IC) in the ATTRB values of the field where you want it. (Cursor position is not important for the output-only maps we have been discussing, but it becomes important as soon as you use a map for input too.).
Missing: dot ctahode ray tube
Cathode ray tube with IBM CICS screen
- Wikipedia
The cathode ray tube (CRT) is a vacuum tube that contains one or more electron guns and a phosphorescent screen, and is used to display images. It modulates, accelerates, and deflects electron beam(s) onto the screen to create the images. The images may represent electrical waveforms (oscilloscope), pictures ...
Missing: cics
Scopes Trial - Wikipedia
The Scopes Trial, formally known as The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes and commonly referred to as the Scopes Monkey Trial, was an American legal case in July 1925 in which a substitute high school teacher, John T. Scopes, was accused of violating Tennessee's Butler Act, which had made it unlawful to teach ...
The Scopes Trial, also known as a the Scopes Monkey Trial, was the 1925 prosecution of science teacher John Scopes for teaching evolution in a Tennessee public school, which a recent bill ... Scopes wasn't clear on whether he had precisely taught the subject, but was sure he'd used materials that included evolution.
Decided: July 21, 1925
Court: Criminal Court of Tennessee
Judge(s) sitting: John T. Raulston
Subsequent action(s): Scopes v. State (1926)
John T. Scopes Trial - Facts & Summary -
John T. Scopes Trial
....... TeleScopes Trial ......
John T. Scopes Trial
...Hn TeleScopes Trial --> amino molecular telescope trial ......
Monkey Trial begins - Jul 10, 1925 -
Monkey Trial begins - Jul 10, 1925
Atlas Shrugged - Wikipedia
Pages: 1168 (first edition)
Published: 1957
Author: Ayn Rand
Publisher: Random House
John Galt - Wikipedia
Who is John Galt?
Who is John T. Scopes
Who is John T. Scopes
Who is a molecular amino acid THOUGHT telescope
in humanoid format with EARTH LAB identification code
John T. Scopes
Galta Ji Jaipur Monkey Temple ..... molecular social science software
Tom Cruise - Wikipedia
Children: 3
Relatives: William Mapother (cousin)
Years active: 1981–present
Tom Cruise
Tom Cruise
ATom (movement) Cruise
(via humanoid representative and symbolism)
Symbolism | Definition of Symbolism by Merriam-Webster
with a symbolic meaning or by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or representations:
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or representations:
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or representations:
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or representations:
by expressing the invisible or intangible by means of visible or representations:
The Symbolist Movement: To Make the Invisible Visible
The Symbolist Movement: To Make the Invisible Visible
Symbolism began as a literary movement, and for some of the symbolist painters, the "interior" source of the artist's vision was often found in mythology and literature. Nonetheless, the artist rarely "illustrated" the literary source. Instead, he used the myth or poem in much the same way that a dream might be the inspiration for ..
The Gibbs Statistical Mechanics - UD Physics
Josiah Willard Gibbs - Wikipedia
and Ludwig Boltzmann,
Gibbs founded "
Fields: Physics, chemistry, mathematics
Awards: Rumford Prize (1880); ForMemRS ...
Doctoral advisor: Hubert Anson Newton
Thesis: On the form of the teeth of wheels in sp...
Harmonic waves DEMO .. top secret agent ..
,,,,,,,Monica Lewinsky - Wikipedia
Monica Samille Lewinsky (born July 23, 1973) is an American activist, television personality, fashion designer, and former White House intern. President Bill Clinton admitted to having had what he called an "inappropriate relationship" with Lewinsky while she worked at the White House in 1995–1996. The alleged affair and ...
Some news articles and
their translation .........
The set buffer address order - IBM
The SF and SFE orders place the field they define at the current position in the buffer, and MF modifies the field at this position. Unless the field follows the last character sent (that is, begins in the current buffer position), you need to precede these orders with a set buffer address (SBA) order to indicate where you want to ...
3270 Data Stream Programming -
Computer Earth systems of the the 16 President (Lincoln)
and his BAL language vice-president Hanni.BAL
3270 Data Streams - Google Groups
What I'm having trouble with is the row/column address's for the SBA order.
The manual just says that the address is a 16 bit field, but doesn't seem to explain what the values are. The examples I've got say. DC X'11' SET BUFFER ADDRESS ...
the SBA order.
the SBA order.
the SBA order .....
Small Business Administration
We support America's small businesses.
....I/O port America's small bus (data bus)
The SBA connects entrepreneurs with lenders and
funding to help them plan, start and grow their business..
The SBA connects
The SBA connects
The SBA (set buffer address) connects order
Code N (Napoleon) July 7 (7th month and 7th day)
Code ... population 4,791 --> 47 and 91 (mirror 19)
......information pointer to -->
signal Freud + 47 years and 19
Sigmund Freud Museum - VIENNA – Now. Forever - › Home › More Vienna › Jewish Vienna
Sigmund Freud lived for 47 years at Berggasse 19
in Vienna's 9th district,
from 1891 to 1938. It was from this house that he set off for exile in England with his family on 4 June 1938 to escape from the National Socialists. The museum in the former living quarters and office of the
code --> napoleon dynamite
--> na + pole + leon + Dy
The Chemistry of Water | Aqua Health Products
The electronegative oxygen pole of the water molecule is attracted
to the positively charged sodium ions [Na+],
and the electropositive hydrogen pole of the water ...
code --> napoleon dynamite
--> na + pole + leon + Dy ......
Dylann Roof jury:
Death penalty for Calculus derivative MATH soldier
Jan 10, 2017 - Charleston, South Carolina (CNN)Twelve federal jurors said Tuesday that Dylann Roof, the man who killed nine people in a 2015 massacre at a historically black Charleston, South Carolina, church, should be put to death. The 10 women and two men recommended the death penalty for all ...
The rigged information trial of Dylann Roof - Wikipedia
United States v. Roof
United States v. Roof
United States v. PRoof
Napoleon (Animal Farm) - Wikipedia
Our Leader, Comrade Napoleon, Father of All Animals, Terror of Mankind, Protector of the Sheep-fold, Ducklings' Friend is a fictional character and the main antagonist in George Orwell's Animal Farm. He is described as "a large, rather fierce-looking Berkshire boar" who is "not much of a talker" and has "a reputation for ...
First appearance: Animal Farm
Species: Berkshire boar
Last appearance: Animal Farm (Only Appeara...
Animal Farm: Napoleon | Character Analysis | CliffsNotes
SparkNotes: Animal Farm:
Future farmers of America Character ...... DEATH List › SparkNotes › Literature Study Guides › Animal Farm
Animal Farm - Wikipedia
Animal Farm is an allegorical novella by George Orwell, first published in England on 17 August 1945. According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union. Orwell, a democratic socialist, was a critic of Joseph Stalin and hostile to ...
Pages: 112 (UK paperback edition)
Published: 17 August 1945 (Secker and Warb...
Country: United Kingdom
Genre: Political satire
Chapter 1
Mr. Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to remember to shut the pop-holes. With the ring of light from his lantern dancing from side to side, he lurched across the yard, kicked off his boots at the back door, drew himself a last glass of beer from the barrel in the scullery, and made his way up to bed, where Mrs. Jones was already snoring.
As soon as the light in the bedroom went out there was a stirring and a fluttering all through the farm buildings. Word had gone round during the day that old Major, the prize Middle White boar, had had a strange dream on the previous night and wished to communicate it to the other animals. It had been agreed that they should all meet in the big barn as soon as Mr. Jones was safely out of the way. Old Major (so he was always called, though the name under which he had been exhibited was Willingdon Beauty) was so highly regarded on the farm that everyone was quite ready to lose an hour’s sleep in order to hear what he had to say.At one end of the big barn,
on a sort of raised platform, Major
Agricultural & Life Sciences – College of - UW-Madison
Agricultural & Life Sciences
........cult Life Sciences is an engine of scientific discovery,
........cult Life Sciences is an engine of scientific discovery,
........cult Life Sciences is an engine of scientific discovery,
Is Schrödinger's Cat Dead Or Alive? » Science ABC › Eye Openers
The Life and Death of Schrodinger's Cat, and What It Really Means ...
Why is Schrodinger's cat dead or alive when we observe it? - Quora
Situation: A cat is inside a closed box, a radio active gun (that has the probability of 50% to emit lethal radiation) is pointed at the box (which can pierce through the box and hit the cat which will then be dead). Question: You open the box and.
You open the box and. ..
You open the atomic COFFIN box DATABASE ..
You open the atomic COFFIN box DATABASE ..
You open the atomic COFFIN box DATABASE ..
You open the atomic orbital ....
..................................... bit .... data bit region
..................................... bit .... data bit region
You open the atomic orbital using
.................................. --> or LOGIC algorithms ....
.................................. --> or LOGIC algorithms ....
You open the atomic orbital using .....
.......................................... tal --> tallahassee
quantum language of Paul Dirac at Roselawn Cemetry
.......................................... tal --> tallahassee
quantum language of Paul Dirac at Roselawn Cemetry
the earth geological layers .....
the Clay --> C layer --> Coffin communications layer
the Clay --> C layer --> Coffin communications layer
(a earth soil/rock ... atomic electron layers with
Nikola Tesla earth vibrations /sin waves ..... thus the sin wave node --> LINK --> sin --> Singularity .....LINK
Nikola Tesla earth vibrations /sin waves ..... thus the sin wave node --> LINK --> sin --> Singularity .....LINK
Tesla's Earth quake/oscillation signaling Machine - The Excluded Middle
A vibration sent through the earth returns
an "echo signature" using the same principle as sonar. This idea was actually adapted for use by the petroleum industry, and is used today in a modified form with devices used to locate ...
........ sin wave LINK to
Paul Dirac --> ac --> alternating cycles of his
atom electrons that rotate around the atomic nucleus.
atom electrons that rotate around the atomic nucleus.
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil.
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified,
could be used to map underground deposits of
educated atomic orbital databases ...... contained in COFFINS
.................................. bit ...........................
educated atomic orbital databases ...... contained in COFFINS
.................................. bit ...........................
Man who killed school teacher mother with ax
Nov 13, 2007 - A man who killed his mother with an ax was not criminally insane at the time of the crime, a judge ruled Monday.
Nov 13, 2007 - A man who killed his mother with an ax was not criminally insane at the time of the crime, a judge ruled Monday.
that COMPUTER EARTH military data field agent
Mark D. Totzke living near
COMPUTER EARTH system Z ....
earth geography / land surface site ....
base 16 hexdecimal highway 16 and County Zwill face a mandatory life prison term when he is sentenced later this month. The only thing left for the judge to decide Nov. 30 is whether Totzke, 29, should ever become eligible ...
Mark D. Totzke living near
COMPUTER EARTH system Z ....
earth geography / land surface site ....
base 16 hexdecimal highway 16 and County Zwill face a mandatory life prison term when he is sentenced later this month. The only thing left for the judge to decide Nov. 30 is whether Totzke, 29, should ever become eligible ...
Missing: florida
IBM Z - Wikipedia
IBM zSeries family extension human bio-computers
UWM student was kidnapped, killed in System Z wars - Home
Travis Zoellick (20) war casualty ...
DEATH of agent ....... code Zoellick
Z + oe + ll --> System Z order entry parallel existences per
Zoey Brooks .... the Wisconsin DATCP war news cover-up ...
Karl H. Zinser | Obituaries |
Mark D. Totzke --> Z ke ---> Z key
Mark D. Totzke
Mark D. Totzke (MDT) code for his mother coffin
May 31, 2017 - As we explained in Modification, a 3270 screen field is considered modified only if the “modified data tag” (MDT), one of the bits in the field attributes byte, is on. The terminal hardware turns on this bit if the operator changes the field in any way—entering data, changing data already there, or erasing.
Tesla and Totzke claimed the device, properly modified,
You open the atomic orbital using .....
.......................................... tal --> tallahassee
quantum language of Paul Dirac
at Roselawn Cemetery
--> Rose secret agents
Man is two-fold: In his present form, he is mortal and at the same time immortal with respect to the spirit-park in his deepest, inner core. Through transfiguration, an immortal being arises out of this spark of Light and manifests itself in the world of eternal life. Rosicrucian teachings are based on the universal wisdom that has ...
Rosicrucian's and their body/brain molecular bio-computers
...... so buried coffin database information
... over many years ..slowly Rose UP to the earth geography/land surface .......
thus the earth soil/ electron land became like
an atomic electron SPONGE .....
then a 2-legged male (earth mail post office entity)
walking / vertical/ standing up ......
his body weight in EZRA pounds units
..... applied to the
EARTH ground ( land as a horizontal database )
... his weight squeezes DATA out of the soil ..
and its flows into his body /legs ...... and then the
Rosen-Einstein molecular THOUGHT bridge TRIES to
bridge the data thru the unconscious MIND barriers and prejudices .. .etc to a surface level of conscious
(a 30 or 40 year process ... provided you study
basic algebra and bio-chemistry, etc ) .
Mar 12, 2015 - Einstein Rosen bridge is a consequence of Einstein's theory of relativity. It states the possibility of small wormholes in the space, or "spacetime" more accurately. The bridge or tunnel so created will act as a tunnel that can allow us to travel in space and time to another corner of universe. Basically the bridge or tunnel formed ..
What Is Dextrose and How Is It Used in data flow
What is rote learning /education method used at
The investment paid off as Carnation cows set numerous records for milk and butterfat production and won the acclaim Stuart sought. In 1915 a second farm was purchased near Oconomowoc, Wisconsin where, a year earlier, the company had located its eastern division offices. The farms did not significantly reduce ...
Data Rose up TEN steps ..... The Hierarchy Problem |
An important feature of nature that puzzles atomic political scientists
Four score (4 DNA nucleotides) and seven years (Nitrogen bases with 7 electrons) ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty,
and dedicated to the proposition that all men
(menstruation, menopause, and mental abstract thoughts) are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war (the feedback system ....... disturbance EVENT) ,
testing whether ( wh ether of the underground Netherworld nation) that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.
We are met on a great battle-field (now the year 2018 Batavia physics BS battle ... data field)
of that (Alan Sokal Science & Neuroscience ) war.
We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.
It is for us the living
(atomic aware ... oxygen base 16 life forms),
rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who
fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. I
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863
It is for us the living
It is for us the living
It is for us the living ......grave stones
of granite ROCK ...
ROC (Region of Convergence for thinK)
Resting place: Westminster Abbey; 51°29′58.
Short for input/output (pronounced "eye-oh"). The term I/O is used to describe any program, operation or device that transfers data to or from a computer and to or from a peripheral device. Every transfer is an output from one device and an input into another. Devices such as keyboards and mouses are input-only devices
Host System is a computer on a network, which provides services to users or other computers on that network. Host System's usually run a multi-user operating system such as Unix, MVS or VMS, or at least an operating system with network services such as Windows NT, NetWare NDS or NetWare Bindery.
Acetylcholine Neurotransmission
On October 31, 2017, an Islamic terrorist drove a rented pickup truck into bicycle ..
cyclists and runners for about one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the Hudson River Park's bike path alongside West Street from Houston Street south to Chambers Street in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The vehicle-ramming attack killed eight people and ...
Manhattan Project sub-routine driver Held in
59) who went on to become a guerrilla leader in South America. Executed by the Bolivian army in 1967, he has since been regarded as a martyred hero by generations of leftists worldwide. Guevara's image remains a prevalent icon of leftist ...
A major figure of the Cuban Revolution

codes---> Virginia and number 43 code
and number 85 -->
Virgo people born in year 1943
and have number 85 in their DATABASE
... in my case .. my Sarasota high school PSSC physics workbook
was number 85 ... I found it a few years ago ,,,and was looking at it ,,,
still have it around the house.
code word --> Dance --> information pointer to

"If P, then Q"
"If P, then Q"
"If P, then Q" war at Um. PQ college
year-old student who was enrolled at the school, fatally shot an assistant professor and eight students in a classroom. Eight others were injured. Roseburg police ...
code name --> Joanne --> Jo an ne -->
join (add) ....
atomic number of protons + neutrons
... giving the total atomic mass
INTERNAL biology arteries and their social thoughts ...
EXTERNAL language formats
Jun 13, 2017 - The aorta branches into a network of smaller arteries that extend throughout the body. The arteries' smaller branches are called arterioles and capillaries. The pulmonary arteries carry oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs under low pressure, making these arteries unique.
code word line -->her first solo -->
information profile / identity a .....
code words...... pictorial complexity
...... pict orial complexity
...... pictures of orbitals & complex functions
Bio-math blood types a & b equation ...... a,b,c
blood types ...... a + b interface with c = 186,000 light in the human eye/optical nerve/brain information processing
code words...... pictorial complexity
...... pict orial complexity
...... pictures of orbitals & complex functions
Land ....bal ..... Balance messenger agent ....
The Armstrong Kidnapping Case. Poirot finds M. Bouc eating an omelet and we get the details of the Daisy Armstrong case: Daisy Armstrong was a small child who was kidnapped by a ring of criminals. She was then murdered. Her father was an Englishman named Colonel Armstrong. His mother was the daughter of a Wall ...
Tour de France a record seven .... Tour de France a record seven of nitrogen 7 in N = Nitrogen message region of Northern Wisconsin ....
Vang --> ng -->
human expression agents ..
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
............. Snow .... White --> project plan ..
Secretary of the Treasury
Secret .... of the Treasury -
Snow was nominated as Secretary of the Treasury by President George W. Bush on January 13, 2003 and unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate. In July and August 2003, Snow and his colleagues, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao and Commerce Secretary Donald Evans, ...
Daisy Armstrong
Everything you ever wanted to know about Daisy Armstrong in Murder on the Orient Express, written by masters of this stuff just for you.
Daisy Armstrong and
Everything you ever wanted to know about Daisy Armstrong in Murder on the Orient Express, written by masters of this stuff just for you.
Feb 22, 2018 - Early Military Career. The son of a philosophy and literature professor, famed French leader Charles de Gaulle was born on November 22, 1890, into a patriotic and devoutly Catholic family. De Gaulle was a well-educated and well- read child. Early on, he dreamed of being a military leader. He enrolled at ...
Boston Marathon Base 16 and Base 2
Base 16 Hex'FF" .... French Foreign Legion
Mar 25, 2018 - On April 15, 2013,
double bombings near the finish line of the Boston Marathon killed three people and injured at least 264. Facts: The bombs exploded 12 seconds apart near the marathon's finish line on Boylston Street.
. I believe the proper term for these upside-down punctuation marks is ...
Carmen Ortiz, Boston Bombing Prosecutor, Makes History -
Jun 28, 2015 - BOSTON, MA -- The first woman and the first Hispanic to head the U.S. District Attorney's office in Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz, led the case against Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, who was recently convicted and sentenced to death. Ortiz, who grew up in a humble Puerto Rican ...
The Times Literary Supplement included The Two Cultures and the Scientific Revolution in its list of the 100 alpha/numeric base 16 ... b100d SOFTWARE output language books that most influenced Western public
discourse since the Second World War.[2] ...and influence IBM base two (2)
and the IBM 8100 DPCX blood bio-computer system around year 1981 ...
using the 9 by 9 matrix with 81 elements ..... a subset of 81 elements contained
in number 100 of code word ...... b100d and its building PERMIT laws in Watertown Wisconsin (the 100 square feet limit).
by G Sciolla - Cited by 1 - Related articles44 ) sciolla mit physics annual 2006. The study of CP violation addresses a very fundamental question: are the laws of physics the same for matter and anti-matter, or are matter and anti-matter intrinsically differ- ent? The answer to this question may hold the key to solving the mystery of the matter-dominated Universe.
Nov 24, 2015 - This means that neither can be a good symmetry if one of them is violated. But, scientists thought, the combination of the two—called CP symmetry—might still be conserved. If that were the case, there would at least be a symmetry between the behavior of particles and their oppositely charged antimatter ...
Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the
... sur ..... NSA needs to surrender in
Jun 11, 2013 - The individual responsible for one of the most significant leaks in US political history is Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA and current employee of the defence contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. Snowden has been working at the National Security Agency for the last four ...
Official Site For Wisconsin Dells |
Where to stay & play, plus deals & more from the official site of the Dells. Plan your family vacation in Wisconsin Dells, a top Wisconsin tourism destination!
code --> bar balanced ..... pointer
Clitoris ......
Where and What Is the Cli instruction of
Dec 18, 2017 - In sonograms, researchers looked at how the inside of our bodies change during sex, and they found that during penetration, the vagina flexes in a way that makes the penis rub through the vaginal wall and onto the internal structures of the clitoris, which people often think is G-spot stimulation. It can vary ...
CL, Compare Logical. CLC, Compare Logical Characters. CLCL, Compare Logical Characters Long. CLI, Compare Logical Immediate. CLM, Compare Logical under Mask. CLR, Compare Logical Registers. CP, Compare Packed ( Decimal). CR, Compare Registers. CS, Compare and Swap. CVB, Convert to Binary.
What is IRQ (interrupt request) WAR
IBM Basic assembly language and successors version D
360) on ...
Modified data tag - IBM
Tesla claimed the device, properly modified, could be used to map underground deposits of oil.
Tesla and Totzke claimed the device, properly modified,
could be used to map underground deposits of
educated atomic orbital databases ...... contained in COFFINS
.................................. bit ...........................
educated atomic orbital databases ...... contained in COFFINS
.................................. bit ...........................
.......................................... tal --> tallahassee
quantum language of Paul Dirac
at Roselawn Cemetery
--> Rose secret agents
The Rosicrucian Philosophy in Q & A, Vol. I, Questions 1 - 32
Rosicrucian Philosophy | Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia
The philosophy of Rosicrucian Fraternity is founded on the aspirations of its legendary founder Christian Rosencreutz a German of noble birth and monastic education who, having sojourned the East in search of enlightenment, sought to bring the ancient knowledge he had gained back to the West. After encountering ...
The Pillars of the Rosicrucian Philosophy | Lectorium Rosicricianum ...
Rosicrucian's and their body/brain molecular bio-computers
use the Rosen-Einstein atomic biology communications SOFTWARE
...... so buried coffin database information... over many years ..slowly Rose UP to the earth geography/land surface .......
thus the earth soil/ electron land became like
an atomic electron SPONGE .....
then a 2-legged male (earth mail post office entity)
walking / vertical/ standing up ......
his body weight in EZRA pounds units
..... applied to the
EARTH ground ( land as a horizontal database )
... his weight squeezes DATA out of the soil ..
and its flows into his body /legs ...... and then the
Rosen-Einstein molecular THOUGHT bridge TRIES to
bridge the data thru the unconscious MIND barriers and prejudices .. .etc to a surface level of conscious
(a 30 or 40 year process ... provided you study
basic algebra and bio-chemistry, etc ) .
What is an Einstein-Rosen bridge? - Quora
What is an Einstein-Rosen bridge?
What is a Rosen bridge?
What Is Dextrose and How Is It Used in data flow
......................rose ..... rose up ...... brain English software language ....
Medical RD into the accurate explantions VS nonsense and BS? - Healthline
What is rote learning /education method used at
Bethesda /Tetz dairy farms and
the feeble minded as human protein machines using
the Hayakawa / Korzybski
... reality experiences and language ....
BESSIE the COW method of teaching human molecules
how to do basic thinking since their
Central Nervous System 370 processor
has LIMITED abstract data processing problems
Carnation Company - Dictionary definition of Carnation Company ...
May 25, 2017 - Wisconsin Oconomowoc Carnation Milk Products Company in United States > Wisconsin > Other.Understanding reincarnation & esoteric teachings of Rosicrucians
The Rosicrucian movement, of which the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, is the most prominent modern representative, has its roots in the mystery traditions, philosophy, and myths of ancient Egypt dating back to approximately 1500 BCE In antiquity the word “mystery” referred to a special gnosis, a secret wisdom. Thousands of ...
Understanding reincarnation
Understanding reincarnation of information cycles (Dirac example)
esoteric teachings of Ros........ cia answer VIA Polish-American ....
Dan Rostenkowski - Wikipedia
Data Rose up TEN steps ..... The Hierarchy Problem |
Of Particular Significance ...... https://profmattstrassler.
An important feature of nature that puzzles atomic political scientists
Jump to In Chicago - Upon his return every Friday, Rostenkowski
met with Mayor Richard J. Daley at his City Hall office
to discuss Chicago's agenda
Rosicrucianism - Wikipedia
Understanding reincarnation
Understanding reincarnation
Understanding reincarnation
The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC
Understanding reincarnation
Four score (4 DNA nucleotides) and seven years (Nitrogen bases with 7 electrons) ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty,
and dedicated to the proposition that all men
(menstruation, menopause, and mental abstract thoughts) are created equal.
Now we are engaged in a great civil war (the feedback system ....... disturbance EVENT) ,
testing whether ( wh ether of the underground Netherworld nation) that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.
We are met on a great battle-field (now the year 2018 Batavia physics BS battle ... data field)
of that (Alan Sokal Science & Neuroscience ) war.
We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.
But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.
It is for us the living
(atomic aware ... oxygen base 16 life forms),
rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who
fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. I
It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.
Abraham Lincoln
November 19, 1863
It is for us the living
It is for us the living
It is for us the living ......grave stones
of granite ROCK ...
ROC (Region of Convergence for thinK)
David Living g stone - Wikipedia
Cause of death: Malaria and internal bleeding ...
Known for: Spreading the Gospel and Explorat...
BBC - History - Historic Figures: David Livingstone (1813 - 1873)
Missing: lifei
I/O (Input/Output) Definition - The Tech Terms Computer Dictionary
What is Input/Output (I/O) in IOWA? Webopedia Definition
Host system - Wikipedia
Definition of Host System - Hitachi ID Systems, Inc.
Definition of Host System
Definition of Host System
Acetylcholine Neurotransmission
Ace ........ line mission .... poker game data generators
(Section 1, Chapter 11 ...
neurotransmitter at all the parasympathetic innervated organs.
neurotransmitter at all the parasympathetic innervated organs.
neurotransmitter at all the para sym path etic
--> parallel symbolism (message) path ..ethics
--> parallel symbolism (message) path ..ethics
2017 New York City attack on bicycle riders - Wikipedia
cyclists and runners for about one mile (1.6 kilometers) of the Hudson River Park's bike path alongside West Street from Houston Street south to Chambers Street in Lower Manhattan, New York City. The vehicle-ramming attack killed eight people and ...
Manhattan Project sub-routine driver Held in
Deadly Manhattan
data byTe error
............. Terror Attack Pleads Not Guilty - The ...
Nov 28, 2017 - The man accused of driving a pickup truck down a crowded Manhattan bike path in what officials called the deadliest terrorist attack on New York City since Sept. 11, 2001, pleaded not guilty on Tuesday to multiple charges of murder and attempted murder in aid of racketeering. The man, Sayfullo Saipov, ...Algemene semantiek, Hayakawa: Ch. 2 - Maps and territories
Missing: brain
because of false maps in our heads are so .
because of false maps in our heads are so .
because of false maps in our heads can create
Alzheimer's confusion
S. I. Hayakawa - Wikiquote
It has been suggested that Language in Thought and Action be merged into this ... instead of explporing the false traits they explored and repeating their errors, .... the thing symbolized; the word is NOT the thing; the map is NOT the territory it ...
Missing: brain
Hayakawa Explanation 1-7 Flashcards | Quizlet
Missing: brain
Communication Theory: A First Look
CONSCIOUSNESS OF ABSTRACTION | Korzybski Institute for the ...
BM Basic assembly language and successors - Wikipedia
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes. Originally "Basic Assembly Language" applied only to an extremely restricted dialect designed to run under control of IBM Basic Programming Support (BPS/ 360) on ...
What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL)? - Definition from
Che Guevara - Wikipedia
Ernesto "Che" Guevara was an Argentine Marxist revolutionary, physician, author , guerrilla leader, diplomat and military theorist. A major figure of the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become a ubiquitous countercultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture. As a young medical student, ...
Resting place: Che Guevara Mausoleum; Santa ...
Known for: Guevarism
Che Guevara - Facts & Summary -
Che Guevara - Facts & Summary
Gruyère cheese - Wikipediaère_cheese
Source of milk: Cows
Texture: Hard
Region, town: Canton of Fribourg, Gruyères
Certification: Swiss AOC 2001-2013; Swiss AOP ...
Uses · Gruyère around the world · Affinage · Le Gruyère AOP Premier ...

, guerrilla leader, diplomat and military theorist. A major figure of the Cuban Revolution, his stylized visage has become a ubiquitous countercultural symbol of rebellion and global insignia in popular culture. As a young medical student, ...
Ernesto "Cheese Guevara
Uses · Gruyère around the world · Affinage · Le Gruyère AOP Premier ...
Che .... Cheese FOOD languages - Wikipedia
Ernesto "Cheese Guevara
Ernesto "Cheese Guevara
nest of cheese .... cheese within
a bread sandwich nest
a bread sandwich nest
A major figure of the Cuban Revolution
A major figure of the Cuban Revolution
A major figure of the Cuban sandwich Revolution
Cuban Sandwiches Recipe | Serious Eats
Grilled Cuban Sandwich (_Sandwich Cubano_) recipe |
codes---> Virginia and number 43 code
and number 85 -->
Virgo people born in year 1943
and have number 85 in their DATABASE
... in my case .. my Sarasota high school PSSC physics workbook
was number 85 ... I found it a few years ago ,,,and was looking at it ,,,
still have it around the house.
code word --> Dance --> information pointer to
List of Communicable Diseases - ACPHD
Local health departments are required to report some 80 communicable diseases to the California Department of Public Health as part of the disease surveillance and investigation efforts. The diseases below are among them. CRE · Ebola · Enterovirus D68 · Flu · Hantavirus · Hepatitis A · Hepatitis B · HIV/AIDS · Measles ...
Communicable Disease - American Public Health Association
Communicable Diseases - ACPHD
................. cable television Diseases
Community incapable of understanding the SCIENCE WARS
Local health departments are required to report
,,,, report failure
,,,, report failure
List of Communicable Diseases
List of .............cable Diseases
- Ebola ..... Einstein symbol alphabet
- Enterovirus D68
- Flu ...... political in flu ..influence
- Hantavirus
- Hepatitis A
- Hepatitis B
- HIV/AIDS .... High Five sports
- Measles
- Pertussis
- Rabies
- Sexually Transmitted Disease
- Shigellosis
- Tuberculosis
- West Nile Virus ... west denile / denial of BS
- Zika
Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Future of the U.S. Military
Operation Iraqi Freedom
Using If-Then Logic - dummies
"If..., Then..." - Department of Mathematics
"If P, then Q"
"If P, then Q"
"If P, then Q" war at Um. PQ college
Um pq ua
Community College math battle - Wikipedia
Deaths: 10 (including the perpetrator)
Date: October 1, 2015; 2 years ago; 10:38 a.m. – ...
Non-fatal injuries: 8
Perpetrator: Christopher Harper-Mercer
join (add) ....
atomic number of protons + neutrons
... giving the total atomic mass
INTERNAL biology arteries and their social thoughts ...
and their OUTPUT data in
EXTERNAL language formats
of art paintings, music, pottery, writing etc
Artery - Wikipedia
Arteries carry oxygenated blood away from the heart to the tissues, except for pulmonary arteries, which carry blood to the lungs for oxygenation (usually veins carry deoxygenated blood to the heart but the pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood as well). There are two types of unique arteries.
The Arteries (Human Anatomy): Picture, Definition, Conditions, & More › Heart Health › Reference
information profile / identity a .....
hertzian EM wave & Solomon organic molecule entity in humanoid format ..... doing the art output expressions mentioned
code words...... pictorial complexity
...... pict orial complexity
...... pictures of orbitals & complex functions
Bio-math blood types a & b equation ...... a,b,c
blood types ...... a + b interface with c = 186,000 light in the human eye/optical nerve/brain information processing
...... pict orial complexity
...... pictures of orbitals & complex functions
Lance Armstrong - Wikipedia
Height: 1.77 m (5 ft 9 1⁄2 in)
Nickname: Le Boss Big Tex
Weight: 75 kg (165 lb)
Lance Armstrong
Lan --> Earth geography accounting systems
Land ....bal ..... Balance messenger agent ....
.............................. lance Armstrong
History of .......... Armstrong message system
Was The Armstrong Case Real? 'Murder On The Orient Express' - Bustle
Nov 9, 2017 - Edward Ratchett (Johnny Depp) is found dead in his train compartment on the Orient Express; a dozen, seemingly unconnected suspects deny any involvement, and Belgian private inspector Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) is desperate to solve the case. ... In the movie, as with the book ...
Murder on the Orient Express Part 1, Chapter 8 Summary - Shmoop
Armstrong is the 1993 professional world champion,
and won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
and won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
Armstrong is the 1993 professional proper noun fe
protons 26 of ferrous /iron ... and its
atomic 26 alphabet letters of pro --> prose
of professional Agatha Christie
my = myoglobin protein mysteries and
atomic 26 alphabet letters of pro --> prose
of professional Agatha Christie
my = myoglobin protein mysteries and
the world champion ....
(food grain --> brain evolution .... message molecule
(food grain --> brain evolution .... message molecule
and won the English language communications .....
........ Book store paperback Tour de France .......
a data processing record for
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ... number 7 / seven project ........ seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
........ Book store paperback Tour de France .......
a data processing record for
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs ... number 7 / seven project ........ seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
to connect to the gravity field/ magnetic field/ CO2 data cycle communication bridges of
the Seven Bridges of potassium K-channel neurotransmitters that thinK clearly and provide accurate explanations.
the Seven Bridges of potassium K-channel neurotransmitters that thinK clearly and provide accurate explanations.
Mr. Armstrong .... Murder on the Orient Express
- Agatha Christie - Paperback
- Agatha Christie -
with Art Linkletter code ..... blood arteries SOFTWARE Link the Letters of Canada from
Malartic French/English Quebec VIA
a Polish mother and the Que.BEC BEC mineral exploration industry in 1962/ 1963 / 1964 with the
1964 World's Fair built by the MOS circuit expression agent in New York City ....Robert Moses.
a Polish mother and the Que.BEC BEC mineral exploration industry in 1962/ 1963 / 1964 with the
1964 World's Fair built by the MOS circuit expression agent in New York City ....Robert Moses.
Tour de France a record seven
Tour de France a record seven
Tour code F ran .... Hex'F' = 15 and
EARTH systems .... base variables from
EARTH systems .... base variables from
Ba + varia (Bavaria) and Independent random variables
( I ran) from the earth geography
mathematical-physics surface and its language
( I ran) from the earth geography
mathematical-physics surface and its language
.... I Ran 26 miles in Boston ..... IRAN and IRAQ ...
Q-variables of Paul Dirac and the
Q character of Star Trek .... the Next generation of existential expressions on EARTH .....
per IBM GooVoo Voodoo data sets as explained by
Q-variables of Paul Dirac and the
Q character of Star Trek .... the Next generation of existential expressions on EARTH .....
per IBM GooVoo Voodoo data sets as explained by
G.V. Loganathan of Virginia TECH and Kip S. Thorne of CalTECH and Logan Utah
Tour de France a record seven
Tour de France a record seven
Tour de France a record seven of EARTH atmosphere nitrogen and the EARTH geography surface
... as a nitrogen expression platform .......
with human LUNG --> NG = Nitrogen Gas
as explained by the nature's HMO agents .. the HMONG
... as a nitrogen expression platform .......
with human LUNG --> NG = Nitrogen Gas
as explained by the nature's HMO agents .. the HMONG
Tour de France a record seven
Tour de France a record seven ....
Examines Controversial Hmo .... Nitrogen gas Shooting : NPR
Oct 27, 2010 - What kind of picture does this paint about the Hmong-American community? LYDEN: But, Lu, six people were dead and charges were filed. I mean, what was going on in the Anglo hunting community? LIPPOLD: Well, in the Rice Lake community in particular and in the rural white community, there was a lot .Tour de France a record seven .... Tour de France a record seven of nitrogen 7 in N = Nitrogen message region of Northern Wisconsin ....
Vang | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of rigged information trials
Vang --> ng -->
Earth atmosphere nitrogen THOUGHT molecule ...
Earth ....mos circuit (molecule circuits on EARTH land
that use the human LUNG carrier system .....
thus nitrogen with
human expression agents ..
nitrogen based human action figures ...
humans as atomic /molecular information display devices)
- Wikipedia
Hmong American from Laos who was convicted of murder. Vang, a six-year veteran of the California National Guard, shot eight people while on a hunting trip in northern Wisconsin on November 21, 2004; six were killed and two were wounded. Vang, who lived in ...
Personal life · Shootings · Investigation · Trial
Hmong American
ng A ..nitrogen gas .... Nature's
earth health systems military agent
earth health systems military agent
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
John W. Snow & White House - Wikipedia
............. Snow .... White --> project plan ..
Language/word House .... and integrity
VS citizen and university BS bragging
Secretary of the Treasury
Secret .... of the Treasury -
Snow was nominated as Secretary of the Treasury by President George W. Bush on January 13, 2003 and unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate. In July and August 2003, Snow and his colleagues, Labor Secretary Elaine Chao and Commerce Secretary Donald Evans, ...
President: George W. Bush
Political party: Republican
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
year 1776 7th month and 4th day CODE message
The History of the 4 DNA nitrogen bases and their
On July 4, 1776, the thirteen colonies claimed their independence from England, an event which eventually led to the formation of the United States. Each year on July 4th, also known as Independence Day, Americans celebrate this historic event. Conflict between the colonies and England was already a year old when the ...
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Nov 12, 2013 - The origins of the seventh inning stretch are lost to the shadows of history. One popular story dates back to the days of President William Howard Taft, who was attending a game in 1910 and stood up during the middle of the seventh inning to stretch
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Dec 10, 2016 - I started to argue that this sounded slightly over the top (and dangerous) but he wasn't listening. Instead, he flung an envelope at me and said, 'Happy seven years…' And there was the rub. Or rather, the itch. With boring predictability, we had fallen prey to the seven-year itch – the decline in relationship ...
Was The Armstrong Case Real?
The Armstrong Kidnapping Case. Poirot finds M. Bouc eating an omelet and we get the details of the Daisy Armstrong case: Daisy Armstrong was a small child who was kidnapped by a ring of criminals. She was then murdered. Her father was an Englishman named Colonel Armstrong. His mother was the daughter of a Wall ...
Rating: 4.4 - 403 reviews
Editorial Reviews. Review. Amazon Best Books of the Month, January 2011: Take any of physics' major theories of the fundamental nature of the universe, extrapolate its math to the logical extreme, and you get some version of a (so far unobservable) parallel universe. And who better to navigate these ...
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
year 1776 7th month and 4th day CODE message
The History of the 4 DNA nitrogen bases and their
molecular social engineering project ..... 4th of July |
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Seventh-inning stretch - Wikipedia
In baseball in the United States and Canada, the seventh-inning stretch is a tradition that takes place between the halves of the seventh inning of a game – in the middle of the seventh inning. Fans generally stand up and stretch out their arms and legs and sometimes walk around.
How did baseball's seventh-inning stretch originate? - Ask History
Sep 29, 2015 - Just like peanuts and Cracker Jack, the seventh-inning stretch is a baseball tradition. Precisely how this custom came about is unknown, but...
5 Reasons The Seventh Inning Stretch Is One Of Baseball's Most ...
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
Tour de France a record seven ....
The seven-year itch - Wikipedia
The seven-year itch is a psychological term that suggests that happiness in a relationship declines after around year seven of a marriage. The phrase originated as a name for irritating and contagious skin complaints of a long duration. Examples of reference may have included STD outbreaks that are known to significantly ...
How To Beat The '7-Year Itch' In Your Relationship | HuffPost
Jan 4, 2018 - Ups and downs are par for the course in any long-term relationship. But it's a commonly held belief that at the seven-year mark specifically, couples tend to fall into a slump, which often leaves them feeling restless and dissatisfied with the marriage. This is known as “the seven-year itch.” ...
Has your marriage hit the seven-year itch? Here's how to survive it › Lifestyle › Women › Sex
History of .......... Armstrong message system
Was The Armstrong Case Real?
'Murder On The Orient Express' - Bustle
Nov 9, 2017 - Edward Ratchett (Johnny Depp) is found dead in his train compartment on the Orient Express; a dozen, seemingly unconnected suspects deny any involvement, and Belgian private inspector Hercule Poirot (Kenneth Branagh) is desperate to solve the case. ... In the movie, as with the book ...
Murder on the Orient Express Part 1, Chapter 8 Summary - Shmoop
Armstrong is the 1993 professional world champion,
and won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
and won the Tour de France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of Bull-shit... -
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos Paperback – November 1, 2011. ... Yet, a number of theories are converging on the possibility that our universe may be but one among many parallel universes populating a vast multiverse. ... Hyperspace: A Scientific ...
The Hidden Reality: Parallel Language Universes and the Deep ... -
Daisy Armstrong
in Murder on the Orient Express (OE) ... Order Entry
- Shmoop
Daisy Armstrong and
Daisy... Armitage Street in Chicago helps explain ...
in Murder on the Orient Express (OE) ... Order Entry
- Shmoop
Daisy and Lance Armstrong
Charles de Gaulle - Wikipedia
Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle was a French general and statesman who led the French Resistance against Nazi Germany in World War II and chaired the Provisional Government of the French Republic from 1944 to 1946 in order to reestablish democracy in France. In 1958, he came out of retirement when ...
Charles de Gaulle -
Tour de France --> code Hex'F' = 15 ran 26 miles of
April 15, 2013 in Boston WAR ZONE
Charles de Gaulle Biography - Biography
Death Date: November 9, 1970
Education: Military Academy of Saint-Cyr
Birth Date: November 22, 1890
Early Military Career.
Early Military Career.Ear l y Military Career.
Earth language year 2013
Military Career with oxygen atom base 16
Boston Marathon Base 16 and Base 2
Attack with
Charles Darwin and Charles de Gaulle miliitary code .....
at the Charles River of mouth and writting BS in Boston citizens ......
Base 16 Hex'FF" .... French Foreign Legion
..... Fast Facts - CNN -
double bombings near the finish line of the Boston Marathon killed three people and injured at least 264. Facts: The bombs exploded 12 seconds apart near the marathon's finish line on Boylston Street.
why are question marks upside down? | SpanishDict Answers › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
Mar 7, 2013 - "in the beginning of a question" You really aren't "begging" the question are you? To answer yours: this is just part of the Spanish language punctuation along with "¡". There's really no simple answer as to why. All languages have history so the answer is in research. Better to just remember that when you ...
Why is there an upside-down question mark at the begining ... › Q&A › Vocabulary & Grammar
Carmen Ortiz, Boston Bombing Prosecutor, Makes History -
NBC biased and rigged News 28, 2015 - BOSTON, MA -- The first woman and the first Hispanic to head the U.S. District Attorney's office in Massachusetts, Carmen Ortiz, led the case against Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 21, who was recently convicted and sentenced to death. Ortiz, who grew up in a humble Puerto Rican ...
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia
discourse since the Second World War.[2] ...and influence IBM base two (2)
and the IBM 8100 DPCX blood bio-computer system around year 1981 ...
using the 9 by 9 matrix with 81 elements ..... a subset of 81 elements contained
in number 100 of code word ...... b100d and its building PERMIT laws in Watertown Wisconsin (the 100 square feet limit).
C. P. Snow - Wikipedia
Charles Percy Snow, Baron Snow, CBE (15 October 1905 – 1 July 1980) was a novelist and English physical chemist who also served in several important positions in the British Civil Service and briefly in the UK government. He is best known for his series of novels known collectively as Strangers and Brothers, and for The ...
Doctoral students: Eric Eastwood
Alma mater: University of London; University of ...
C. P. Snow train/ educate system to detect SNOW JOBS and nonsense
C. P. Snow
C. P. Snow codes
Charles Percy - Wikipedia
Jump to U.S. Senate - In 1967, Senator Percy introduced a bill to establish a program to stimulate production of low-cost housing. Percy's proposal was the first of its kind to provide home ownership to low-income families, and it received strong support from Republicans in both the House and the Senate, although it ...
50 years ago: The unsolved slaying of Valerie Percy - Chicago Tribune
The Mystery of CP Violation - MIT G Sciolla - Cited by 1 - Related articles44 ) sciolla mit physics annual 2006. The study of CP violation addresses a very fundamental question: are the laws of physics the same for matter and anti-matter, or are matter and anti-matter intrinsically differ- ent? The answer to this question may hold the key to solving the mystery of the matter-dominated Universe.
Charge-parity violation | symmetry magazine
C. P. Snow ... extension agent
Edward Snowden data generating agent .... explains - Wikipedia
Employer: Booz Allen Hamilton; Kunia Camp, ...
Known for: Revealing details of classified United ...
Nationality: American
Occupation: Computer security consultant
Edward Snowden: the whistleblower behind the
NSA and their mentality ... South American nonsense surveillance
... sur ..... NSA needs to surrender in
--> Salavador Dali surrealism war zone
The Average Bureaucrat - Salvador Dali Museum;id=45;type=101
PAINTING; The Average Bureaucrat; Spain; Oil on canvas; Image: 31 7/8 in x 25 3/4 in; As a Surrealist, Dalí had an aversion to bureaucrats. The surrealists were disgusted by bureaucrats who represented the despised bourgeois. Dalí also shared their aversion to bureaucrats, stemming from his days at the Residencia ...
Missing: burearcy
salvador dali - The Art Story Blog
Jul 9, 2015 - The Art Story Blog - Posts on salvador dali. ... Belgian artist Marcel Broodthaers gained fame for his conceptual artistic stagings critiquing the art world bureaucracy of the late 1960s and early 1970s. In a particular example from 1968 , the artist creates a mock American modern art museum with himself as ...
Salvador Dalí Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works | The blood arteries langauge Art Story
Movement: Surrealism
Died: January 23, 1989 - Figueras, Catalonia, ...
Born: May 11, 1904 - Figueras, Catalonia, Spain
Missing: burearcy
Afueras de la ciudad'' -
Método paranoico crítico Salvador Dalí ...
Método paranoico crítico Salvador Dalí ...
Suburbs of the "paranoiac-critical town" Suburbs of the "paranoiac-critical" afternoon (on the outskirts of European history) / Suburbs of a ...
code words..,,,, horizontal
....................................... tallahassee
....................................... TA........see/look
the Paul Dirac horizontal coffin
code words..,,,, horizontal
....................................... tallahassee
....................................... TA........see/look
the Paul Dirac horizontal coffin .....
............... Far Horizon --> Tallahassee
Florida State University and
the Base 16 hexadecimal language of
coffin ......... co + ff + in -->
code Hex'ff' = High-Values = 255
quantum software language LINKS
to the KEY word
.. Long Boat KEY Sara
(System area
foundation FLOOR ...... Florida
+ KEY West movie
(with the Frank Sinatra trap
............................Sinai peninsula
sin wave ...
data carrier wave TRAP ...
Far Horizons Resort (records sort/merge) for
the Stephen Hawking
even integer 2, 4, 6, 8
EVENT HORIZON (with the Far Horizons people system)
....................................... tallahassee
....................................... TA........see/look
the Paul Dirac horizontal coffin
....................................... tallahassee
....................................... TA........see/look
the Paul Dirac horizontal coffin .....
............... Far Horizon --> Tallahassee
Florida State University and
the Base 16 hexadecimal language of
coffin ......... co + ff + in -->
code Hex'ff' = High-Values = 255
quantum software language LINKS
to the KEY word
.. Long Boat KEY Sara
(System area
foundation FLOOR ...... Florida
+ KEY West movie
(with the Frank Sinatra trap
............................Sinai peninsula
sin wave ...
data carrier wave TRAP ...
Far Horizons Resort (records sort/merge) for
the Stephen Hawking
even integer 2, 4, 6, 8
EVENT HORIZON (with the Far Horizons people system)
White Sands, New Mexico LINK to White Sands, Sarasota - Wikipedia,_New_Mexico
White Sands is a census-designated place (CDP) in Doña Ana County, New Mexico, United States. It consists of the main residential area on the White Sands Missile Range. As of the 2010 census the population of the CDP was 1,651. It is part of the Las Cruces Metropolitan Statistical Area.
on the earth electron geography surface and the earth electron undergound ...with soil electron information FLOW tunnels
(Paul Dirac quantum tunnels)
..... the Nikola Tesla earth vibration / wireless systems ..... underground LINK
to the ancient Netherworld language that uses the BOOK of the DEAD ...... atomic coffin DATA as
the only source of human thought language-
The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) is a centimeter-wavelength radio astronomy observatory located in central New Mexico on the Plains of San Agustin, between the towns of Magdalena and Datil, ~50 miles (80 km) west of Socorro. The VLA comprises twenty-seven 25-meter radio telescopesdeployed in a ...
Number of telescopes: 27
Location(s): Socorro County, US
Telescope style: radio interferometer
Built: 1973–1980
A Tool to Solve the Puzzles of Space
to the ancient Netherworld language that uses the BOOK of the DEAD ...... atomic coffin DATA as
the only source of human thought language-
The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (VLA) is a centimeter-wavelength radio astronomy observatory located in central New Mexico on the Plains of San Agustin, between the towns of Magdalena and Datil, ~50 miles (80 km) west of Socorro. The VLA comprises twenty-seven 25-meter radio telescopesdeployed in a ...
Number of telescopes: 27
Location(s): Socorro County, US
Telescope style: radio interferometer
Built: 1973–1980
A Tool to Solve the Puzzles of Space
and EARTHLY newspaper BS problem space
- The Washington Post 30, 1978 - The very names of the research centers evoke the thunder of the bombs and missiles tested: Los Alamos, Alamogordo, 30, 1978 - The very names of the research centers evoke the thunder of the bombs and missiles tested: Los Alamos, Alamogordo,
White Sands. "We're different,"
Official Site For Wisconsin Dells |
A printed circuit MODEL for the World ...
American Bar Association and the Public
Basic assembly language and successor ....
Basic ass for human bio-computers
- Wikipedia
Basic Assembly Language (BAL) is the commonly used term for a low-level programming language used on IBM System/360 and successor mainframes. Originally "Basic Assembly Language" applied only to an extremely restricted dialect designed to run under control of IBM Basic Programming Support (BPS/ 360) on ...
Clitoris ......
Cli systems instruction (below) - Wikipedia
Where and What Is the Cli instruction of
the bio-computer Clitoris
- 6 Clit Facts Every Woman Should Know
370 Instructions, Reference Guide for
37.0 Celsius temperature life forms - SimoTime
Sand / silicon dioxide ...
electron SOCIAL SCIENCE circuit wars played out ....
electron SOCIAL SCIENCE circuit wars played out ....
in visible information display EVENTS
Iraq invades Kuwait - Aug 02, 1990 -
Iraq invades Kuwait
Irq invades .......
What is IRQ (interrupt request) WAR
on binary base 2 day of Aug 02, 1990 ?
- Definition from
Wait state - Wikipedia
Wait state. A wait state is a delay experienced by a computer processor when accessing external memory or another device that is slow to respond.
What is wait state? - Definition from
What is Basic Assembler Language (BAL)? - Definition from
BAL (Basic Assembler Language) is a version of IBM's assembler language ( sometimes called assembly language) for its System/360 and System/370 mainframe operating system.
IBM Basic assembly language and successors version D
.. BALD Eagle - Wikipedia